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Hey, so a lot of new people signed up to support us in the last month or two since the Public Electric Demo, and we're really happy to have you supporting us :D

However, I've gotten a few people who were unsure as to how the reward system worked, as well as to where you get your rewards at, and how to get to the Backer Discord, and how that works as well.

So to start;


For all the (TIER REWARDS) per tier in bold, as well as getting a copy of the game, you only need to pledge ONCE at that tier to get that reward; once you've paid one month for that, then you no longer need to pledge at that level to get those specific rewards, and you will be getting updates to that reward tier indefinitely.

So for instance, if you pledge to the $50 editor tier, you can literally leave the Patreon after doing so, and never pledge again, and 2 months from now when we release another editor build you'll get it, and the same 4 months down the road, 6, 8, 10, and on game completion too.

Same goes for the soundtrack and audio pack, you'll get updates to those, so on.

Now, granted, we would hope that you'd continue to pledge as this game is our full time job and 100% of our income, as well as us putting about 90% of what we make on this game (after paying bills/rent) back into the game, so your support is a large part as to why we can afford the quality of sound and content in the game.

All that said, getting access to game demos and the activity feed DOES require you to stay subscribed at a pledge level that has those two bonuses, so $5 or $1 minimum, respectively.

Next, any of the rewards that say (optional) alongside them are simply that; you don't *have* to get said optional reward, you can pledge just to support or just to get a copy of the game.

If you don't want the rewards, you'll be able to let us know in the email you'll get regarding the rewards. And speaking about that email;

All (TIER REWARD) rewards are sent to your email you signed up to Patreon with; this means you'll want to check your email if you move to a new tier or this is your first time pledging to the Patreon at that specific tier!

The email that I'll be using to send you your rewards is hentaiwriterpatreonrewards@gmail.com, so make sure you've got that unblocked on your spam filters. 

Finally, all the game demos are posted to the Activity Feed, and you can click the big "featured tag" button on the left that says Demo to see all of them currently released.



As the Discord is public, you won't be kicked from the Discord if you're not backing us anymore, of course.


Something we get asked about every so often is the old Fire Demos; while we'd love to post up a standalone version of that demo, we don't for a few reasons.

  • The biggest one is that it was done on an old engine, with the old programmer, and as such we'd not want it to be out there in the wild, representing what our game is, when it's changed so drastically internally and externally.
  • The other main reason is that we simply don't have a copy of the old version; the Newgrounds version was converted with Frouge's help, but only in HTML5, so there's no way to post a standalone version of it, and the HTML5 build needs to be uploaded to a server to run, so it's just not really practical to give it away and then all the troubleshooting and support we'd need to give for it, when the above comes into play also.

However, the game, when complete, will have another Public Fire Demo level, this time at 100% quality for the final game, and that'll be posted on all the websites and such of course.


As Frouge and Triangulate basically have no social media, most of the ways to contact the team outside of the Discord (where the full team is at) involve contacting me (HentaiWriter) initially.

You can do that by just leaving me a message at;


Or on email, at hentaiwriter@gmail.com, or leaving me a message or a comment here; I respond to practically all comments and messages.


Thanks as always for your support, we're pushing on to the next Earth Demo which should be out at the end of the month!



Just pledged after playing the Demo on NG. Congratulations on winning me over, :) Awesome game, deserves a backing!


Speedrunning Future Fragments levels would have its pros and cons in my opinion. Pros would be that it could serve as a walkthrough/guide for newcomers (I know I tried to look for one) and if a speedrun is done perfectly (No stunned sex scene animations) then videos of it can be spread for publicity without worries of adult content (then again, this is an adult game) Cons would be showcasing the length of the game, since people might be looking for a long and enjoyable game, but then again, I've only played the electric level so far and I'm satisfied with its game length. Questions though, will the team speedrun demos or actual levels? If the team speedruns demos or levels that backers haven't played yet, wouldn't it be a bit unfair for backers? There's also the case of spoilers for backers if the team plays an actual level that backers haven't seen yet. Those are my thoughts!


Oh, we would only speedrun "completed" levels, in this case the Electric Level Public Demo, so stuff that at the very least, backers had long since played and such.


On ULMF it says that if you donate a total of $10 (doesn't have to be in 1 go) you get a copy of the completed game. I don't see that mentioned on the Patreon page anywhere so I was wondering if that is still right or has it changed? And I also pledged because of the Electric Demo, you guys did a great job on it :)


If you check the side of the page, it lists getting a copy of the game under the $10 tier reward :D and yeah, it doesn't have to be in one shot, I'll list that somewhere on the front page, coulda swore it was up there but you're right. Thanks a lot!


Yeah, I saw it in the $10 tier, but I wasn't sure if it was just for people that pledged that in 1 go or if multiple smaller pledges was still ok. Thank you for clarifying.


I played the Public Demo and loved it so you got a new Patreon! :) Also could i get the Discord link please?


Yep! I've just messaged you it; happy to have you here, thanks for the support, and we're glad you liked the game! :D


This is good info to have in bold somewhere. I just found this game again. I think I looked at a really early demo and was like, "eh." However, you guys have made great progress. I couldn't decide if I was going to leave it at $5 for awhile or do one month at $20 until I saw this post


to start i absolutely love the game, but i haven't received a email yet. i pledged late may and any help would be greatly appreciated.


I send out reward emails around a week into the month, so expect your reward email soon for May!


Great game, I really look forward to the full game! Also, I have a question (a little bit specific but... yeah): Are you planning to change the H-Animations of the boss of the fire level (the big pink goo if i'm not mistaken)? I want to know because i kinda like them.


Hi, I pledged very recently and I'd like to request the Backer Discord link. Thank you.


Oh, okay. Sorry for missing that, and thanks for the quick response.


Hello! I've recently backed as I would like my name in the game. Is that going to be a form to fill out in the future via email?


We send out emails for that at the start of the month, so you should get one early next month :)


I was banned because of a discord virus link. I solved that problem shortly after but it looks like there is no way to join your server anymore. So i will not be able to see updates and everything beyond that on your discord anymore. If there is a way to put me back on i would be grateful for that :)


Sure thing, just PM me your Discord name and I'll get you back in; glad to hear you got the virus situation fixed!