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Hey everyone, welcome to November! I closed out October with a poll, asking your help to determine what my next series should be, and here's the result - Yandere Best Friend Reveals His Obsession. This first part is a mere prologue to set the scene... things will warm up two days from now, when PART TWO gets posted. 

For anyone not into the whole jealousy thing, I'm thinking up some sweeter pleasures to follow this up. First however, I'll be back tomorrow with my monthly update. See you then!





Glee. Oh uh yes I'm actually wearing a new shirt... where are the cameras! Can't wait to hear more.

Agent Paper

Yessss! So ready! I love it when they're crazy and jealous 🤭 That annoyed little moan at the end, was soo hot. Todd's in danger🤣

Eric von Habsburg

I am doing something different with my skincare regimen thank y it for noticing daddy, uh I mean, bestie! (Todd? doesn’t stand a chance)


Hey guys we better get used to the basement!!! 😝

Z (Disgraced Discord Dutchess)

hmmm “Todd the dude from the party last week” 🧐🧐🧐🧐 what happened last week? the party where the werewolf pack showed up… TODD IS A WEREWOLF! Yandere Daddy was at the party… guess who else could have been there… The Incubus… JINKEEZ! and the listener that hosted the party has a house… who was caught masterbating by their Housemate the other day?💀💀💀💀OMGGGGG 🕵🏾‍♂️🕵🏾‍♂️🕵🏾‍♂️Just Another Day Of Solving The BF Cinematic Universe…

Z (Disgraced Discord Dutchess)

wait a minute im not done… so the other day the bad intention boyfriend bestie showed up at the couples house the couple in question… could be the No Fap Boyfriend… OMG DOM IS THE NO FAP BOYFRIEND!😭😭😭😭 Y’all im onto something!


Por (de) formación conceptual latina (Italia)... me son muy atractivos los yanderes 🤦‍♀️... lo cual reconozco que es un comportamiento muy tóxico 🤷‍♀️... en fin... adoro tus audios. Tu voz ya me es muy familiar, como la de un buen amigo que me cuenta historias antes de dormir 🌻🌻🌻


We can't help what we find attractive. If we're aware of it, at least we can try to be sensible about it 🙂

Dee Dee

I am a 🍭 (in the States we call them Suckers) for a healthy dose of jealousy. Like I said, I can get a bit territorial, so drawing Hard (hehe) lines and being claimed are major 🔥 starters for me. I'm excited for this series. 🎧🍿🍷


I love that his characters are not subtle, ever

Trine Daely

*checks which shirt I'm wearing* Yesn't. *perks up at the word "threeway" only to be let down* TBH, whether this guy hits my red flags or not (at this point) would depend on a lot of factors. In thinking back on friendships, there are some I would have welcomed this from, and some I would have distanced myself from.


So much depends on how pretty they are, and the vibe they carry... I'll let an attractive person get away with some truly insane bullshit.