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Hey everyone, here's the final Patreon Exclusive for October!

I hope you're all enjoying your weekends and doing something fun for Halloween. I went to a spooky drag show with some friends last night and the tequila was flowing, so I'm taking things slowly today 🥂🤪

I'll be back in a couple of days with the monthly update, then I'll be moving forward with the next series, based on yesterday's poll. Hopefully episode one will uploaded on Tuesday!





Have a fun Halloween weekend, but not too much fun 😉


So we're dating a "Dom"? lol You're really good at seeming unassuming and harmless and then slowly becoming more intense and domineering. The shift in your voice always rings my bell. Amazingly sexy every time 💋


I was just gonna say! He’s SO good at seeming benign & disarming at first then progressively getting more sinister. The tension is just perfect 👌🏼


I STG every time I say “oh this is my new favorite” BF comes back with “bet”🤣. Once again I adore these characters that start out seemingly friendly or benign only for the slow reveal that they’re anything but. Like I’m getting to experience the finale of a thriller as the MC 😍 I definitely got the vibes that he also had feelings for Dom & he was essentially punishing listener out of spite & jealousy. Which adds a whole new level of spice IMO 🤌🏼 love it!❤️ Hope you have a fun spooky Halloween! Cheers 🍻

Trine Daely

Now I have "Tequila Makes Her Clothes Fall Off" and "Jose Cuervo" stuck in my head.


This man is the reason I bought a vibrator 🥰 Love from Chicago 😘

Cat Alexis

Me with a cock worship kink when he mentions it: 👀

Eric von Habsburg

Hey! Lol I didn’t get a notification for this one 😰


Oh yeah. The narrator in this one has some complicated issues going on 😄


Weird! My notifications are behaving strangely also, something may be wrong at Patreon HQ (moreso than usual)

Nothing Special

I don't know why but it turned me on more when thought of this as a revenge (?) Like "plot twist, I've never give a head to him so he was probably talking about someone else which means he cheated so yeah, I can give you blow-job, fuck it" kind of thing... I don't know what's wrong with me 😐 Anyway, the audio is great and hot as always 💕


I can't stop thinking he and Dom must be more than just best friends 🤔

Dee Dee

I'm behind and have some catching up to do because of Halloween festivities. It takes a little more than a day for me to recover these days. 🎃


I feel your pain. I try to be more selective about how & when I party these days.

foxy kitty

Why is this one of my favorites do I have issues lmao oh well lol

Trine Daely

Hmmm.... I kind of get the vibe that not only is he jealous of Dom's time (interesting choice of name there, Freudian slip or intentional?) but that maybe they've shared partners in the past, but this time Dom isn't sharing. And in my experience, women tell their close friends a LOT more detail than guys share. But maybe it's because I'm less filtered and tend to have less filtered friends as well. Not the best way to meet a BF's friend. Has Dom even told me about this friend? Or is this a jealous guy claiming to be Dom's friend but is more of an outlier in Dom's group? And why am I touching his dick after this approach instead of holding his balls hostage to make him stop? He sounds like a misogynistic asshole. And Dom isn't sounding much better TBH. Neither is (listener), unless she's just feeling coerced. I'm going to be interested to see if this storyline goes somewhere.

Dee Dee

I keep coming back to this story. Would it be possible to get continued episodes for this guy??? Please?? 😚


I could put it as a poll option? I can definitely imagine the places this might go

Jaded Jane

I wrote this as a reply to someone else, but thought it would answer your questions. My take on it. If Dom likes to give so many details and talk like that then I'm done and leaving him with a parting gift: I sucked his best friend's cock and he's always gonna wonder if I enjoyed it more since it was bigger and guys care about shit like this. And maybe that would make Dom not wanna be best friends with this guy any more. Double payback. It's what I would do and what would actually motivate me to suck his cock. They're both assholes. I feel like when women talk, even though they share a lot of details, they are respectful of their partner, present them in a good light. It sounded like Dom wanted to make himself look good since he had the cock worthy of being worshipped. 🙃