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Hey everyone, here's the latest news about what's going on with me, and Patreon, and all the rest of it. 

The updated Dropbox for November is 'halloween'.





Have a lovely visit home ❤ Safe travels


Aw I hope you have a fun safe trip & nice visit with your family! Is there any way your brother & nephew can meet you at your parents house so you can see each other ? Idk what the travel situation is for citizens but I imagine it’s a bit of a pain. I spent 10 days in Australia years ago thinking I’d get to go ALL over 🤣🙈 definitely underestimated how MASSIVE it is so I basically ended up just staying in Sydney for New Years & the duration which was a BLAST 😍. And you said Yandere correctly ❤️ don’t feel bad I used to say it like “wanderer” with a Y 😬

Red Star

Good luck with your trip home, I hope all goes well for you. Lots of love ❤


Thanks very much, my fingers and toes are all crossed that nothing goes wrong


Australia is about the same size as North America, so yes, it's HUGE. My home state is almost five times the size of Texas! Well my brother and SiL are having their second baby soon, so they can't travel. And even if they come to my state, they would also need to quarantine for two weeks. I might extend my trip and see if I can visit them, but I haven't decided yet.


Estás vacunado?... por favor!!!! Debes ser muy precavido con todo; alcohol gel a la mano, usa mascarilla en lugares públicos, toma sólo agua embotellada, cuidado con los insectos gigantes 😖... sé que será un viaje maravilloso 😍. Pórtate bien y hazle caso a tu mamá. Te he dicho que amo tu acento y tu dicción? 😍... gracias a eso puedo comprender tus audios tan educativos 😁.


Stay safe and enjoy your time with family 💜

Trine Daely

Many safe travels to you! Hope you have a great time and don't run into insurmountable problems or covid.


i finished christmas shopping in August💀 so get to it! And im thinking Santa’s Candy Cane as a Christmas Special💀💀💀 please and thank you❤️❤️❤️have a safe trip❤️❤️❤️


I wish you well and hope you get to see everyone. I live in America so on the other side of the world. Isn’t it great that you have international fans. I love technology for that. I have no idea how to pronounce yandere. 😀

Dee Dee

Raising a son as a single parent, I cannot fathom being apart from my son for that long! My heart would ache every year. Lol, don't mean to guilt trip, I just empathize with your mother. I'm sure she is counting down the days until you are in her arms. So here's to your family, for bringing into the 🌎 someone who grew into a brilliant talent. 💐💐🍻


I know, it's been really hard on them. They've hardly been able to see my brother or their grandson, either.


Hey in America! I've been there many times... I'm not sure I would like to live there, but I LOVE visiting. I've had a blast every time I've been over!


Thanks for the concern! I am FULLY vaccinated and still wear a mask in public indoor spaces (the UK still has extremely high Covid rates). I'll definitely have gel on hand when I'm flying. I try to strike a balance between life returning to normal, while also being as safe as possible. I love that you find my work educational, I never considered that! 😃


Omg, don't even get me started on dune, the books are so good, super dense in lore (Frank Herbert reminds me of Tolkien in that regard in a science fiction vs high fantasy kind of way) and the 1984 movie was a disgrace. It wasn't even one of those movies that are so bad its good. I'm so hopeful for this one. Let me know what you thought, I don't know anyone that's planning on seeing it. Anyways, I hope all your travel plans go smoothly and you get to see your family for the holidays, I haven't gotten to see a lot of my family in quite some time so I understand being eager for that time together. Honestly, getting shut into a room for 2 weeks to just sleep and work on creative projects doesn't sound too terrible either. Be safe and i hope you have a lovely November. But seriously, how was dune??


Sorry for geeking out, I get passionate about literature


Have a wonderful time and be safe traveling. Much love to you.


I’ve been gone for a hot min BUT YOU’RE AUSSIE ?! I’m guessing you weren’t here for long cause that accent does not sound Aussie at all 😂


I am indeed. I lived there for over 20 years but my Dad is English, and I think that gave me a softer accent than most. But I've been in the UK for a long time now.