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Hi all.

Poverty recording of pregnancy stages. There are 3 now. 


So girls wont start at 9 months bellies and stay there for the rest of their pregnancy. Everything for immersion.

Speaking of immersion, take a look of this work in progress, offcenter & *realistic* lactation particles shooting all around.


Some hentai material.

Not depicted in video, but not forgotten. Areolas need to be darker when woman is pregnant. I'll make sure to add that detail.

Sorry for the choppy recordings. Computer doesn't want to cooperate today it seems.

More soon.


Charles Hinkle

But what if I don't want any pregnant content an just want to keep things vanilla?


What about one stage larger for twins? Maybe increased likelihood when using fertility drugs? Increased cost at birth but earnings bonus while pregnant!

Adam Król

Not my favorite cobtent.


Aw yes ! Thank you very much as pregnancy is my fetish it is a real QoL improvement.


Bug: Just got a girl with both Picky and Equality traits. Should be mutually exclusive, right?


Bug: When raising personal staff's pay for happiness nothing happens


Bug: Sex scene with one of the special NPC appears messed up. The one that usually wears red and blackish clothes, forgot her name


Would it be hard to add a bit of dialogue between the male and female actor(s) before and after a scene? Maybe some dirty talk during? That would be a HUGE add (for me). Particularly if it changed during the pregnant state, and maybe the first scene / encounter after giving birth.


when can we expect release of new version?


what do you mean exactly? before "pro" shoot? like when you already in the sex scene, both naked, you'd have some options to talk?


Something tied to the way the actor/actress feels about the type of scene, or the actors, or MC, like "I'm really looking forward to this" or "let's get this over with, I have a lunch", etc. Just as the scene starts have an actor or actress come in and talk to the MC about the scene, then afterwards something to the effect of it being a great or fine or whatever. It would happen in that moment as the actors are being instantiated but before you've stripped them or picked a first position for example. Then even a word bubble here and there for some dirty talk during the scene.


I just had an idea for a new event kinda' thing! Well I know of at least one real life case of an MUA (make-up artist) for porn actually doing porn so going from porn MUA to pornstar, and actually there are other occurrences that I dimly recall. So, basically my idea is what if certain types of staff members, specifically MUAs and maybe PA's and helpers, can sometimes come to you requesting to be put into a scene, or to actually transition to being one of the pornstars (rather than just doing a scene), as they want to increase their income. And of course they can always go back to being staff later (which tends to happen with the real life MUA turned pornstars - they tend to just do a few scenes for some extra cash then go back to being an MUA).


eta on release?


Does the dev version work on mobile?


it should. maybe a little bit slow, depends on the phone. wait few hours for a new one if you decide to try it out.


Can we get this in the options menu? I kind of like them starting at 9 months.