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Hi all.

Another new location. Night Club.

Some dancers, some special hostesses. 

VIP area included. Eventually you'll be able to meet more special characters here.

It's a location like any other now, but I've been thinking on making it so you could buy it.

What do you think about buying properties in general? It's been proposed before but didnt have any good locations that you could actually own.

It opens up a question what to do with all the owned properties.

Do you want some gameplay behind it? Just cosmetics/achievements?

For example income from night club depends on quality of girls you put there to work. Some marketing and you have a side income.

You could potentially buy a private beach and use it as a location for shooting porn.

Or forget about all the management and maybe just do a passive bonus, for example owning a gym gives +10 fitness to all your models.

Maybe i'll make a poll about this, but for now i'd like to hear what do you think about all this.

Thanks for the support. Really appreciate it.

Dev version will be out soon with those 2 locations(and whole pool), fixes, some new random events and few more fffm animations with the ability to actually shoot fffm scenes in studios.




Buying property will definitely add to the gameplay experience rather than just having everything handed to us


Buying property should be added :)


edit: sorry for the long post, yes i am stupid and cannot express myself in short sentences i guess one option is to be able to buy the already existing locations, if nothing else there is the benefit that as, as the owner, you can use those locations for free and you can train your girls there for free, what i dont like about this option is that it does not make me excited or anything, it feels like just "accumulate x amount of money, choose a perk" and, although i dont have experience in trading properties, it does not feel completely logical to me that just everyone in the city would be willing to sell their property just like that (even if it is made overpriced), still simple solutions are often the best, so just putting prices on locations might be the best option another option is to ease into owning a property, lets say you will always have an option to rent the location, to shoot a movie ,to throw parties, to celebrate occasions, or for example in hospital to donate to a cause or something (promote health, decrease chance of std ^^) and after investing x amount of money, the owners will approach you with something along the lines of having been business partners for a while, so you have some relationship with them, and they are considering of retiring and willing to sell the property to you (they want to get a final boost of money for retirement vacation) another option is an ability to build/purchase a resort of sorts, that you can expand with services similar to the ones existing in the city, the resort will have maintenance/upkeep since the city may not be big enough to support several of the same entertainment industry, so you will be sort of business rival to the existing establishments, and if you upgrade your facilities enough you will start pulling customers from your opposition and they will slowly run out of business, giving you an option to buy them out, i like this option the best, since i think this opens up for the most back and forth interaction with the owners of the other establishments, where you might get an option to employ them in the end (or dominate them, or crush them and employ their wives and daughters ^^) other than that i dont like the idea of creating duplicate locations, where you own one of them and dont own the other. The third idea i proposed where you get a resort and upgrade it, you can use the resort for all sorts of purposes, but i dont think it should have the same functionality as the existing locations as i mentioned as the first option, simple solutions might be the best since more sophisticated approaches might need custom individual attention in various locations, a rather unique ones in my opinion are the hospital and streets, you probably cannot just buy a hospital (my idea is you somehow indirectly cut their funding, or you encourage them to turn the hospital into a private hospital under you, or you reach a point where you pull their staff to your side and leverage it that way or something (give better wages and pull the good/all doctors to you and work from there)), and owning streets speaks gangs to me where you get to a point where you can directly regulate prostitution and drugs trade on the streets, take prostitutes off the street and some people will respond favourably while others will not like that, because you are doing it just to boost income from your other services, also girls might come directly to you when they need desperate money since trying to prostitute themselves would earn them some punishment since your guys are instructed to keep the prostitutes off the street, also the drugs give me an idea of 3 effects where people will like you more for keeping the streets clean, you will get some penalty in income since sensible people without drugs will spent slightly less on sex industry and employing drug addicts will be easier since they cannot really get the stuff in other places (especially if you drug them first and then coerce them into working for you, but i guess that will make you the bad guy)


would it be too much to ask for a non dev version again?


I think its a great idea to add multiple properties to buy and own. Maybe have it unlock after a certain level of progress/story.


i'm in favor for the management gameplay option. adds something more to the overall experience, rather than a passive that will be forgotten about quickly. just imo.

Christian Zach

The whorldpool was already promised at least 3 months ago and Nr 2 comes when, again in 3 or 6 months, at Christmas "or not at all. Talk and promise for 1.5 years. I have not shortened the support for free for 1 year.

Christian Zach

As always, there are always errors in the update. Girls do not use drugs (discontinued), but they still have to go to the rehab website. Despite 40 identical (10+) videos, they can not be opened, etc.

laughing pig

I'd suggest buy properties, offer xxx service, and able to invite ppl to do MMF, Gangbang, FFM and FFFM?


whole thing around drugs arent done yet. i want them to be more impactful on the gameplay, but it would introduce yet another thing you'd need to micro manage. what do you mean by videos cannot be opened? you mean after you shoot them, so you could watch it later?


i shouldnt say that much in advance what will come yea. sometimes just other things take priority. it's not like i've been sleeping this whole time.


i know it's a long wait, but i dont think you'll be happy with the game in its current state. everything is just all over the place, no tests are done and so on. i'll make sure to bring it asap. this month for sure. it's only rage on both sides if i have to put out 13 bugfixes. porting the game to the new version of the game engine sure took its toll. a lot of compatibility breakages all over the place. especially the "hidden" stuff. things i dont normally test every time. like all cumshot animations not working, had to fix everyone of them. no sounds during animations. all the Z values mixed up (legs & clothes sprites behind body...). switching characters during sexscenes not working. whole UI theme messed up. you get the point. stuff that worked before but need to spend time on them fixing them. if i release it nobody would even believe it i've done anything. when i think i can finally go on and start working on something new, i find something and then spend days rewriting some stupid thing. i've also spend a lot of time creating groundwork for modding support. game needs it so people could write their own stories and create characters in this world. players generally like special characters and storylines but i dont have time nor talent to write them. i thinks it's better to take some bashing for the long wait and hopefully make everyone happy once i put it out. certainly better than releasing the same game, but now it runs 10% faster and girls dont blink at the same time or something.


Keep buying properties simple for now. Maybe just an added bonus like you mentioned.


I think the gym giving a fitness bonus is redundant, seeing as hiring Jenny does the same thing. However, it could still be done: Have the gym be a type of job assignment that adds a certain amount per day or week that models are assigned to it.


Real estate could give an easy vector for the Manager type of employee. Just assign them to a property and income would be based off their skill level. Very simple.


i wont put gym as a buyable property (for now). maybe if i later change the jenny's bonus.

Charles Hinkle

What if as female, you can do dances yourself?


How do I purchase property?? ie pool bar and club?