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             Chapter One

Welcome to the ACU Swimcenter!

Due to government rules and regulations in response to the outbreak of COVID-19, we have to enforce new rules to ensure the safety of everyone. To eliminate the possibility of spread while allowing our customers to have fun we require everyone to isolate their air, there are two methods you can pick from.

Method 1) Rebreathing

You will have a full face gas mask which is modified to be airtight to a small bag with a valve that can be connected to the building’s oxygen supply and waterproof applied to your face which also doubles as goggles to protect your eyes as well. The gas mask has straps that lock behind the head making it impossible to remove without the key. Keys are held at the administration office, once you have registered your exit from the building a staff member will unlock the mask and remove it. This offers complete and total protection over the lightweight method.

Every customer has a limited daily quota of oxygen which takes from the limited building’s supply. If we are having high capacity, your quota will be limited or you may be denied oxygen entirely depending.

If you feel as if you are out of air and would like to breathe you may go up to a lifeguard and point at the mask. If the lifeguard deems it safe and you are under the limit, they will connect you to one of the oxygen supplies. You are allowed up to a maximum of 10 breaths, this maximum may be less depending on capacity.

Some of our customers prefer this method due to it’s complete and total protection.

Method 2) Breath Holding

You will have your mouth taped securely shut with waterproof semi permeable ultra adhesive PVC duct tape which is shiny white in color with our logo which will center on your lips. This tape cannot be removed without a special solvent that we hold. Once you have registered your exit from the building a staff member will apply the solvent to remove the tape.

Then you will have a swimming nose clip placed tightly on your nose pinching your nostrils shut. This is our brand nose clips and have a mechanism for locking which can only be unlocked by our life guards.

If you would like to have a breath you will need to go up to a lifeguard and point at your nose clip to them, they will then decide if it is safe for you to take a breath at that moment. They may require you to wait and come back later or move to a different location if they deem it unsafe.

This method is popular due to how lightweight it is compared to method 1.

            Chapter Two

You have chosen Method 1. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. During this time it can be difficult but at least we can still have fun and swim! Hold your breath now and head over to the front desk and hold up the number 1 with your hand, a staff member will apply the appropriate gear.

You walk into the building with your breath held, as you walk through the front door you notice a long queue. You will have to keep your breath held for a while as you wait in line for your turn. Roughly 48 seconds pass before you’re up next.

“Hello and welcome to ACU Swimcenter, which method did you choose?” a staff member says behind her mask, you hold up the number 1 as you were instructed to do so. “Sure thing, one second please, wait here and keep your breath held.” she replies.

Doing as you are told, you keep your breath held as you watch her walk around the desk picking up one of the many masks that are on the shelves, she comes over to you.

“Alright just a little longer holding your breath, once this is on and I say so you can breathe.” she says firmly in a commanding tone, she places the mask over your face as you find your vision through the window. Your face is secured inside the mask now the staff member secures the straps behind your head pulling them tight as you feel your face slightly squeeze from the pressure. *Click* you hear as she locks it on. “Okay, try and breathe” she states watching the bag connected to the mask.

You breathe and the bag inflates and deflates to your inhale and exhale. “Perfect, just need to check for leaks now.” she says as she pinches the bag making it impossible for you to breathe. “Breathe now please”, you try but you get nothing, it’s airtight. “Try harder” she says, you try again but nothing. “Very well, airtight indeed.” she states but she keeps her grip on the bag for 45 seconds as she explains: “before I let you go, I should let you know that we are at high capacity today which means your quota is going to be heavily reduced. Save as much air as you can, I recommend holding your breath throughout the day. You are actually lucky you came in now because we are locking the doors right now as we are no longer accepting new customers for today due to capacity. So you will not be able to register for exit until we close tonight.” she explains to you, when finishing her last sentence she lets go of her grip of the bag allowing you to finally gasp for air which starts to become stale quick. “Alright now go have fun!” she says happily as she returns to the desk.

As you are rebreathing your own air in your mask head to the change rooms, you try to breathe as slowly as possible as it will be 3 minutes and 30 seconds before you get to breathe again once you head out into the pools. During this 3 minute 30 second period, you in the change room change your clothes into your swimsuit, you wear a full body swimsuit which is tight on your skin. As you are changing you see the other customers in their gas masks and Matthew with his mouth taped and nose clipped.

Finishing changing you head out into the main section of the building where the dive pool is, now hungry for air as the time runs up, you head over to a lifeguard who is a girl, her name tag says “Sarah”, she has long black hair that is put up in a ponytail, she is tall and thin.

As you get up to her you look at her and point to your mask, she looks back and smiles, she isn’t wearing a mask or any protection as she doesn’t need it because everyone else’s air is isolated thanks to the protection methods put in place.

Sarah walks you over to a wall which houses yellow pipes, she grabs a hose and attaches it to the valve on your mask. She opens the valve and begins counting the breaths you take. As you can breathe now, you take sharp deep breaths. “10.. 9..” as she counts your breaths. “3.. 2.. 1.. And stop.” She cuts off the supply and seals the valve. “There you go, you can go back to swimming now!” she smiles and waves you off.

Now you finally get to swim, you make haste towards the pool as you will be without resupply for 4 minutes this time. Normally your mask would fog up but thankfully ACU Swim center has applied advanced anti-fog solutions to your window so you can see as clear as day always.

You make your way onto the edge of the pool where you sit down and feel your legs in the water, a nice warm temperature. You feel a little strange due to not being able to smell the signature striking chlorine smell like you are used to but nonetheless you drop into the water.

Now underwater, you allow yourself to sink all the way to the bottom of the 32 feet deep pool. You instinctively held your breath for a second as you are used to when going underwater but you realize you can still breathe thanks to the mask.

You sit at the bottom of the pool and enjoy in bliss the perfect calm, however after some time passes as you are drifting away in thoughts, you begin to struggle and feel the urge to breathe grow on you more and more. You fight this as much as you can before you decide it’s too much and kick off the bottom of the pool to fly upwards racing to the surface so that you can get out and ask Sarah for air again.

You swim and swim upwards kicking your feet to go as quick as possible before finally surfacing, you’re used to the relief of fresh oxygen at this point once you get your head above the water but the mask removes that.

You climb up out of the pool and look around but Sarah isn’t to be found, you get a little panicky searching for a lifeguard until you lay your eyes on one, a man up by the kid pool across the building, it’s a long walk.

You make your way over towards him being careful not to slip while walking at such a fast pace, you lock eyes with each other and the lifeguard quickly realizes what you are going to ask him. He puts his hand up and orders you to stop. “Hey, I don’t do that, that is Sarah’s job, she is on break, wait until she comes back.”

Now your hopes of breathing fresh air are shattered, you turn around and head back to where you were to sit on the edge of the pool to await Sarah’s return so that you may ask her for some breaths again. Thankfully Sarah returned in 30 seconds. As she walks back to her post you wave at her with your left hand and point to your mask with your right hand. Sarah giggles and says “Sure come here”.

Just like before she connects you to the pipe and allows you a total of 10 breaths before sealing you up again. “Next time try to go longer, you are running low on your quota and I am not always here.” she finishes as she pulls her food out from her back that she got on break. You nod your head and head back to the pool.

This time you will be just 2 minutes before getting another set of fresh breaths because on the announcement speakers you hear “Hey everyone, due to reaching total capacity we have locked our doors and closed registration. You will be able to leave and enter when we close tonight at 9 PM, thank you for understanding. We are allowing an extra set of breaths for everyone due to being closed in for another 8 hours.”

You head back over to Sarah to obtain your free set of breaths that don’t equate to your daily quota, now replenished with oxygen you decide to dive deep into the water once again.

As you dive deep to return to your place of meditative bliss at the bottom of the pool you think about how crazy the world has gotten since the pandemic and laugh a little at the ridiculousness of the situation you are in currently.

You reach the bottom to lay and float calmly in the water contemplating the various tasks you did today and plans for the next day, enjoying the slight waves you feel that slowly move you around.

You forget about the need for air for a long while until you notice how long it’s been since you went underwater. It’s been a whole 3 minutes since your last refreshment of air. To not make the same mistake as last time, you make your way up to the surface and get out of the pool. Looking through your mask for Sarah again you find her not at her post again! You think to yourself “oh what is it this time”, again you sit aside the wall of the pool. Now worried as you struggle for the chance to breathe fresh air again.

Another minute passes and she doesn’t arrive.. You worry that you won’t be able to breathe fresh air for a long time.

           Chapter Three

You have chosen Method 2. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. During this time it can be difficult but at least we can still have fun and swim! Hold your breath now and head over to the front desk and hold up the number 2 with your hand, a staff member will apply the appropriate gear.

You walk into the building with your breath held, as you walk through the front door you notice a long queue. You will have to keep your breath held for a while as you wait in line for your turn. Roughly 48 seconds pass before you’re up next.

“Hello and welcome to ACU Swimcenter, which method did you choose?” a staff member says behind her mask, you hold up the number 2 as you were instructed to do so. “Sure thing, one second please, wait here and keep your breath held.” she replies.

Doing as you are told, you keep your breath held as you watch her walk around the desk picking up a large thick roll of tape and one of the many nose clips from the shelves as she comes over to you.

“Rolls your lips inwards.” the staff member whose name tag says “Miranda” as you can clearly read now that she is up close as she stands directly in front of you holding her tape in hand and a nose clip on her finger like a ring. You doing as your told, roll your lips inward, still holding your breath you begin to feel the urge to breathe grow in your chest and you struggle on the spot slightly. “Hey! Don’t breathe, keep your breath held.” Miranda commanded as she saw you struggle, now ripping off a section of the tape that was pre-cut perfectly for sealing ones mouth with. Miranda plastered it the piece over your mouth, pressing it down firmly. You feel the warmth and tightness of the tape and feel the grip on your face as it pulls in your cheeks with it’s ultra harsh strength. You immediately knew that this tape was not coming off. “Almost done” Miranda stated as she positioned the nose clip in her hand. The nose clip was made out of metal entirely apart from the soft rubber pads that would sit on your nose as it pinched your nose tightly shut. The nose clip had a vice grip style mechanism with a miniature lock with it’s own miniature keyhole. Miranda put the nose clip on your nose and began turning the vice grip, slowly pinching your nose shut. After a few turns your nose was pinched shut, now you had no choice but to hold your breath, still though Miranda kept winding until it was very tight. Then she pressed in the button that locked the nose clip in place.

“Done. Try and take the nose clip off please.” Miranda commanded. You instantly move your hands up and try to pull the nose clip away but it does not budge, it’s so tight pinching your nose that it’s like it is apart of your nose. “Very good. Now try and take the tape off please.” Miranda commanded another instruction. Now that the urge to breathe grows stronger and you feel the burn in your lungs, you try to grab the corner of the tape with your hand however the tape is so thin that it slides over the corner like it’s your own skin, you try and open your mouth with all the strength in your jaw but the seal does not loosen even the tiniest bit. It’s as if someone had welded your mouth shut permanently. “Perfect! Alright you go have fun now!” Miranda finished as she returned to her desk.

You now make your way to the change room with haste as now the urge to breathe has grown so strong that you can’t keep any part of your body still, you are struggling hard. You get into the change rooms and quickly find an empty corner, ripping your bag open, changing into your swimsuit and putting on your pair of swim goggles. Not even worrying about closing your bag up again, you head out into the pools to look for a lifeguard.

Walking out into the giant indoors open space you see multiple different pools, one that’s circular in shape and goes so deep that you can’t see the bottom, one that’s long and made for racing, one that’s just a casual pool but is deep and then a kids pool that all of the slides lead into. But what you came for is the spas and maybe a little fun on the slides to end the day. However at this moment you aren’t caring for that, you’re trying to find a lifeguard. You walk around and look for one, darting your eyes across the building until you lay your eyes on a female lifeguard who's standing by a bunch of pipes and immediately begin approaching her. She watches you as you walk towards her.

“How can I help you?” She says with a smile her name tag reading “Sarah”, you point at your nose clip in response. “Sorry I’m in charge of masks, you need to head to someone else.” Sarah replying to your gesture. You stomp your feet on the ground in front of her looking at her in the eyes trying to beg her to let you breathe. “Rules are rules, sorry.” Sarah finished.

With no choice you dart your eyes around again before laying your eyes on a different life guard, this one was a male and was quite tall. You without hesitation walk towards him as fast as you can without breaking the “No Running” rule.

“Hey, what’s up?” He asked as you got within talking range, having a straight face showing no emotion, his name tag reading “Marcus”. You point at your nose clip in response like you did to Sarah. “I haven’t seen you yet, you must have just got here. Since you just got here, you are at the highest risk for transmission as you have been outside just before, so, no. I will not take your nose clip off. You need to cleanse yourself first, go complete 2 laps in the race pool underwater then come back to me.” You almost begin to cry as you are horrified at the response, now absolutely desperate for air, your face is red, there is no way you can withstand the struggling much longer, if it weren’t for the tape or nose clip you would have exploded into breathing long ago. You jump on the spot trying to beg the man but he just shakes his head no and points at the race pool. Screaming internally with frustration while battling your body’s struggle for oxygen you jump straight into the pool.

You make a large splash as you sink underwater by the wall, you then kick off the wall and begin swimming as fast as you can to the other side which was a whole 25 meters away. Filled with adrenaline you make it to the end very fast, which leaves you surprised at your own swimming capabilities as you’ve never really tried competitively swimming before. Hitting the end you instantly rebound and kick off swimming back to the other side. As you swim back to the other side you see your vision pulsate and the spazms from your diaphragm kick in harder and harder, you want to rise to the surface but you wouldn’t even be able to breathe anyway so you continue to fight it and stay focused. You reach the wall you started at but that is just lap one of two. Without almost any thought you kick off the wall again and begin your second lap, as you’re racing underwater you see a lot of people walk by you in the top right of your vision through your goggles above the water heading to where Sarah was positioned at but due to your lack of oxygen you do not give any thought to it. You reach the wall again finally and rebound off it like you did last time but at a slower pace, you begin to feel the strength in your body go from extremely increased due to the panic and adrenaline of not being able to breathe to slowed down and fatigued because it’s been too long.now. You try and scream but no sound is made with all airways cut off as you make your way back to the first wall. In a combination of floating momentum and kicking you make it back to the start and with all the last bit of strength you have pull yourself out of the water in front of Marcus.

You point at the nose clip again this time with slower movements and fall to your knees infront of him. “Actually they’ve just announced on the speaker while you were underwater that we have hit maximum capacity for today so they’ve locked the doors. They’re letting the people in masks have an extra free breath, people with the tape and clip method are now not allowed to breathe until they’re done claiming their free breath. So you need to wait now.. Shouldn’t be long.” Marcus states. Without being able to even process the words correctly you begin to claw at the tape, scratching at your face, you pull on the clip on your nose, none of it budges in the slightest. You’re trembling, your vision is going dark around the edges, you see sharp fractals in your eyes.. That is until you hear “Alright they’re done.” from Marcus. A moment of hope, even though you haven’t breathed your vision slightly recovers from being more mentally acute. However Marcus spends some time fundling with his lanyard looking for the key to the nose clips. He finally finds the right one and inserts the tiny sized key into the hole that locks the twisting mechanism, the button pops out as its unlocked and he begins unwinding it. The nose clip slowly opens loosening the grip on your nose, he keeps unwinding it until the passing of air is finally allowed, he stops as your nose is 3/4ths pinched shut, you gasp for air through your mostly pinched nostrils. You 1/10th exhale then 1/10th inhale needing both you struggle to do one at a time, your nose mostly pinched your breathing is restricted, you struggle as you recover and replenish your oxygen until you finally calm down after a minute. “Alright that’s enough.” Marcus states as he winds the nose clip back shut before pressing in the button to lock it. “Now don’t come back to me until after my break. If you come to me before my break I will make you do 4 laps next time as punishment. Go on now” Marcus finishes.

You walk away now replenished with oxygen finally and head to what you originally planned to do, the spas. You have no idea when Marcus will be on break and how long he would be on break for, so you figure it’s best to try and relax and keep as calm as possible to wait it out and the best place for that would be the spa.

You reach the spa area and come across a female lifeguard whose name tag states “Prim” standing by the door to the enclosed spa section. “Hi, would you like to visit the spa? We’re allowing one more person before locking the spa for isolation.” she said happily, you nod your head yes in response as you just want to relax in peace. “No problem, enjoy!” Prim said, smiling as she opened the door. Unable to say thanks you walk in, the ceiling is low and everything is made of wood, the only source of light is through the opaque window of the door you just walked through which is now being closed behind you. The door shuts and you hear it lock. “I’ll be back later!” you heard Prim say muffled through the locked door. Curious, you try and open the door but it is indeed locked. You turn around and continue. There’s 4 different spas of different sizes, all embedded in the flooring which explains the low ceiling. You count 9 people in this section with you, all of which are using the mask method. You’re happy to see a lifeguard in there with you but you notice she is standing by the same piping Sarah was, and this lifeguard is the only lifeguard in here with you...

        Chapter Four

You have chosen Method 2. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. During this time it can be difficult but at least we can still have fun and swim! Hold your breath now and head over to the front desk and hold up the number 2 with your hand, a staff member will apply the appropriate gear.

You walk into the building with your breath held, as you walk through the front door the doors immediately close and lock behind you. You  keep your breath held making sure to obey and not breathe. “We just reached maximum capacity, you are our last customer for today. Doors are locked until 9pm. Hold your breath!” said the lady who locked the doors behind you. Still holding your breath you make your way over to the front desk and hold up the number 2 as you were instructed to do so. “Sure thing, one second please, wait here and keep your breath held.” she replies.

Doing as you are told, you keep your breath held as you watch her walk around the desk picking up a large thick roll of tape before heading to an empty shelf “Huh, there is no nose clips left.” she says before pausing, “No matter” she mutters before walking over to you.

“Hey we’re out of nose clips actually so we are going to have to use the tape instead.” the staff member whose name tag says “Miranda” states. She promptly tapes your mouth shut with the special tape, you feel it fuse to your skin and lips instantly, there is no way for this tape to come off without the solution which is only provided at exit registration which just closed until 9pm. “Haven’t done this before but first time for everything!” she says as she uses a second piece of the tape to place it on your nose with the top half going over the bridge of your nose and the second half covering both of your nostrils entirely. Your nose now sealed with tape as well as your mouth, you are unable to breathe. “Okay try to remove the tape please.” Miranda instructed, you try and move your mouth around to no success, you try and take the tape off your nose to no success. “Very well. Now go have fun!” Miranda finished before walking back behind the desk.

:”Hmh!” You scream as loud as you can, barely making an audible sound. Miranda doesn’t even notice. So you walk up to the desk again and point at the tape on your nose signalling your want to breathe. “Sorry i’m not in charge of the breathing part, that’s up to the lifeguards.”

You storm off and walk through the change rooms straight into the pool section, you spot a lifeguard to your right and walk to him. As you approach him looking at him he puts his hand up and says “Sorry mate going on my break now, i’ll be back yea?” before walking off, you were unable to read his name tag from the distance. Annoyed and now struggling for air, you try and breathe out of your nose into the tape but nothing gets out. You turn around and see another lifeguard, this time she’s a woman. You walk to the opposite end over to her.

“Hi how can I help you?” Sarah said as you can see her name on the name tag. You point at the tape and try to say a word that just comes out as “Mhf?”, Sarah replies with “I only do the masks sorry and you’re not even wearing a nose clip to take off anyways, that tape only comes off with a solution, you can get it when you register to exit at the registration office.”.

“Hmph” you frustratingly let out a sound. You storm off looking around and don’t see this registration office anywhere, but you do see a staircase entrance. Beginning to run out of air completely now and annoyed you start running towards it. “Hey! No running!” Sarah shouts from a distance but you don’t care, you need air. You walk up the staircase into a secluded office section which have signs pointing in a direction saying “Registration Office”, finally you will be able to breathe once you reach it. You follow along into a corridor where all the lights are off and come face to face with a sign on a locked door that simply says closed until 9pm...


Ponny Boy

hello, there is no continuation of this story?


Soon maybe, I have been extremely busy recently, unable to work on this stuff right now.