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First Taylor is placed down on the bed and her arms are bound behind her with rope around her chest to ensure that she cannot free them. Taylor has now lost her right of touch.

Next her mouth was stuffed with a wad of cloth, this eliminates the right of taste and also prevents her from talking or complaining.

With taste gone next comes the sister sense, smell. Her nose was taped shut sealing her nostrils, removing the ability to smell. A medical nose clip used for pinching the nose shut to stop nose bleeds was also placed on her nose to be extra secure.

After blocking the nose, Taylor started to struggle and try to spit the wad of cloth out of her mouth. Her mouth was promptly taped tightly with a transparent tape so that she cannot spit the cloth out.

To be absolutely certain, a silk cloth was tightly wrapped around her head over the tape and tied as tight as possible. Now it is impossible for Taylor to free her mouth or nose.

Next her she was blindfolded with a leather blindfold, this perfectly contoured to her face and blocked all vision and left us with just her sense of hearing.

Lastly high grade studio quality noise isolating and cancelling headphones were placed over her ears, giving up her right of hearing. Now what she hears is under someone else's control. First she hears nothing but white noise and then...

Taylor started hearing calming music and in a soft male voice she hears the words "Good girls wear gags, all good girls wear gags, you want to be a good girl, you need to be a good girl and good girls wear gags..." repeating itself over and over indefinitely.

The voice continues and she begins to struggle against her confinement, her face starting to turn red as her lungs burn. Taylor can do nothing and has no a sense for anything but the voice in her head telling her she needs to be gagged.  

After 4 minutes and 22 seconds, Taylor's struggles increase dramatically, she tries to scream but is unable, she fights with all her strength against the bonds to no avail. Meanwhile all this is happening the voice in her head continues... 

Taylor doesn't know this but the audio clip is 5 minutes long and when it is done everything from her face will be removed but she will remain gagged. All of her sense apart from her hearing will be blocked again after a minute and she will be left for 5 minutes again. This will repeat for hours and new methods will be used to block her senses each time.



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