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Requested by CerebusKing
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Chapter One

AJ had earned enough points to redeem her favourite reward from her master after completing all of her required tasks and then some. Skating is one of her hobbies, so the reward she chose was skate time. However, master has a new rule in place. She has to be tape gagged, and AJ has never done any form of bondage before. When she was informed by her master about the new rule, she wasn't too fond of it and scared to try it, especially in public. Master informed her that she will be gagged whenever doing any hobbies from now on and that will soon be gagged all the time, always, and that this was just an introduction into her new life.

AJ asked master if she could go without the tape because she was scared about doing it in public. Master said “no, absolutely not, and in fact, now it will have the words ‘stupid slut’ written on the tape for asking such a stupid question.” before picking up the roll of tape that was sitting on the dresser and cutting of a piece. “Good girls don’t ask silly questions, they are gagged.” Master said, applying the piece of tape over AJ’s mouth sealing her lips shut. “Much better now. Eventually we will take care of that nose of yours too.” her master said invoking a bit of fear into her as she was unsure if he was kidding or not. He grabbed a sharpie from the desk draw and wrote the words “Stupid Slut” on the tape. “Okay Stupid Slut, get your stuff and let’s go.” master commanded.

“Mm mmmmm” she said trying to say ‘yes master’ before doing as she is told. AJ goes into the garage and gets her skateboard as her master gets in the car. Readying everything she needs into her backpack and putting the skateboard in the boot of the car before getting in the car herself. She gets in the back seats because she is not allowed to sit in the front seat by master, she has to earn that right. Now in her seat, they begin to drive towards the skatepark.

It’s towards the end of the day, AJ never knows what time it is because she isn’t allowed to have a sense of time. There are no clocks in the house, her computer time is hidden and her phone is jailbroken so that the time is disabled. However she can still see outside and that the sun is begging to set so she knows it must be late, she estimates it’s around 7PM.

Looking around outside through the tinted windows of the car she watches other cars as they pass them, she holds her hand over her mouth in case anyone would see the tape on her mouth or what it says on it. She sits silently as master drives her to their location.

They enter the first floor of a parking building, she gets excited because they’re practically there now. The skatepark is situated atop an abandoned commercial building adjacent to a multi level parking structure. To get there by car you must drive to the top of the parking building then walk across to the skatepark as the roofs are connected. Since it’s on top of a building even though there’s tall chain link fencing to prevent anyone from falling, she would be incredibly visible to everyone on the highway going past. All would see her gagged mouth. As she realizes this her excitement mixes with fear and she begins to feel butterflies in her stomach.

They arrive atop the building and park, and master notices that AJ is covering the tape with her hand. “Hey! Do not touch the tape. Do it again and your hands will be bound so you cannot.” he tells her off and AJ immediately drops her hand away as she looks down in guilt. “Come on, it’s time for you to skate.” master said as he got out of the car. AJ reluctantly got out avoiding direct eye contact with her master, as she got out she heard other people from the direction of the skate park. Her face went bright red and was already feeling the extreme embarrassment. “Mm mmm mmmm” she pleaded unintelligibly to her master. “Shh quiet, girl. Sounds like you need your nose plugged to stop you from humming sounds like that. Now go get your skateboard and let's go.” her master responded making AJ go instantly quiet and doing as she is told. She gets her skateboard from the boot of the car and begins to walk with her master towards the skatepark.

“Stand here.” her master commanded pointing at a bit of the ground as they’re about halfway towards the skatepark. “I’m going to snap a photo so you can look back on your best moment in life where you finally started being gagged.” he said as he took out his phone to take a picture. 

“Alright done. I will have this printed.” he said before leading her onwards to the skatepark. As they approach it, the voices and shouts get louder and AJ’s face gets more and more red with it. They walk right up to the point where the buildings connect and thankfully no one is looking at them yet as they’re distracted by their own skating. AJ stops walking and freezes on the spot for a second before her master pushed her along. The enter the skatepark and AJ is feeling so self conscious of herself right now and just as someone starts to turn the head and take notice of her, she rips the tape off her mouth in reflex so that she doesn’t get seen with it.

“That is the naughtiest thing you've ever done. Ever.” master said softly whispering into her ear before raising his voice and saying “We’re going home.”, he grabbed her by the arm and walked her back to the car aggressively. “Get the fuck in” he commanded her, holding the back door open then shoving her in. He closed the door behind her and got in the car himself, making sure to lock the doors as he did. He started the engine and started driving fast.

Chapter Two

“Wait here.” master strictly commands as he gets out of the car after arriving back home. AJ watches him from the car, waiting patiently. She doesn’t want to mess up any further, so she is doing everything she is told to the best of her ability because she knows she is about to be punished. She watches master walk back towards the car holding one of the dining chairs in his right arm and a large duffel bag in his left arm. AJ is confused why master has taken the dining chair but she cannot ask why, as she isn’t allowed to speak when in the car. Master puts the chair and bag in the boot and get’s back in the driver seat. Without saying a word, they begin driving again.

AJ still ashamed of herself for breaking master’s rules and getting in deep trouble tries to distract herself from the feeling of extreme guilt. She looks out the window at the pretty sunset and realises that master is driving out of town.

They continue driving after what seems like a long time, now far away from town, heading out into the middle of nowhere. They turn down a narrow road surrounded by trees situated in between two large fields. They keep driving for a while until suddenly master slams on the brakes and stops completely, putting on the handbrake and the car in park. This frightened AJ heavily, she’s completely unsure what master has in mind. She watches him walk around the car to the back as he opens the boot to take out the dining chair. He puts the dining chair directly in front of the car before walking back and opening AJ’s door.

“Out.” he commanded AJ, standing her by the car. He went to the back of the car and got out a dress from the duffel bag and threw it at AJ, “Change into this.” he commanded her. AJ took off her clothes in front of him and put on the white dress. He then harshly started leading her towards the chair, “Sit.” he then said. AJ does as she is told and sits in the chair, looking up at him innocently into his eyes before he walked off back to the car.

Master returns with the large duffel bag and opens it up, AJ sneaks a peek inside and spots all sorts of various items ranging from rope, duct tape, headphones, handcuffs, chains, belts to butt plugs, dildos, nipple clamps and more. Now AJ is starting to get an understanding of what is about to happen to her. Master pulls out the roll of duct tape and cuts off a piece exactly like he did earlier that day. “Please master I didn-mmm mmmmhmm mmmph” she tried pleading as he taped her mouth shut once again. “You have been a very naughty girl and clearly you don’t understand that you need to be gagged always yet. So we are going to skip the slow introduction and jump straight into the end.” master said to her as he began wrapping her body to the chair with the tape, wrapping it around her stomach multiple times to the chair, making sure that she cannot get up. “Mmmmm” AJ said in response as the tape was quite tight but master ignored her plea and began taping her wrists to the arms of the chair. Now AJ is unable to be a naughty girl and take the tape off her mouth like she did earlier. Master now moved on to her ankles, using the tape to bind them to the front legs separately of the chair tightly, again wrapping it around multiple times. “Mmmmmphh” AJ tries to speak again, “You need to learn that it is better for you to be gagged and that you need to be gagged. So I actually made an audio clip that I planned on making you listen before bed every night, but it looks like we are going to need it sooner.” Master said to her as he held up a pair of headphones before placing it on her ears. He pulled out his phone and connected the headphones via bluetooth and began playing the audio. AJ started hearing soft calming music and thought to herself “This is just relaxing, how is this punishing?”. Master placed his phone in her pocket before returning to the roll of tape. “Now you have been making a lot of mmming sounds, and that is absolutely not allowed. Along with learning to be gagged, you will learn that breathing is a privilege and must be earned.” he said as he applied a strip to her nose directly over both of her nostrils, sealing them. He cuts off another piece and places it over her nose again, this time over the bridge of her nose. Meanwhile AJ fights against her restraints, trying to free her hand so that she can remove the tape from her face to breathe. Master just continues adding more and more strips of tape to her face, over her mouth, over her nose, over her mouth, over her nose and so on. After placing a total of 15 pieces of tape to her face, he begins to press the tape down firmly, using both of his hands pushing the tape against her skin. “This is your punishment.” he said. AJ looked up at him, begging with her eyes for him to let her breathe, still fighting against the restraints. “I’ll be back when you have learned what it means to be a good girl.” he said before walking back to the car. “HHM” AJ uses all of her strength to make the slightest of a sound, shocked and horrified that master is walking away from her as she is struggling and helpless. Master ignores her, getting in the car and putting the car into reverse and taking off the handbrake. AJ shakes around in the chair she is strapped to, trying to get free but it’s to no avail. She watches master as he reverses away, leaving her. She watches the car until it turns out of sight. AJ cannot believe that this is happening to her and now regrets so heavily taking the tape off at the skatepark. She begins to panic now that she is alone, helpless and unable to breathe until she is startled by a soft male voice in her ear from the headphones that begins to say “You love to be tied up. You are a good girl. You want to be tied up always. Because you are a good girl. You love being gagged. You are not allowed to breathe. Good girls have to earn each breath. Bad girls don’t breathe…”

The voice continues, AJ returns to struggling after more and more time passes since her last breath. She wonders when master is going to return if he even is, AJ begins to think that she was so naughty that master might not even return. Worried, guilty, embarrassed and desperate for air, was the mix of feelings she was getting. Still the voice goes on.. “Breathing is a privilege. Breathing must be earned. Bad girls don’t breathe. Hold your breath. No breathing. You love not breathing because you are a good girl. You don’t want to breathe.”

A whole 3 minutes pass and the voice doesn’t stop. AJ puffing and sucking in her cheeks trying to breathe, using her shoulder to try and scrape the tape off her face but it doesn’t work, she violently shakes the chair around trying to break it. Her lungs on fire, her diaphragm spazzing harshly, she can’t take it anymore. That’s when she saw master’s car turn back into the road, driving towards her. She has never been more excited and relieved in her life to see master.

He drives right up to her, almost touching her with the car before putting it in park. He gets out and removes the headphones from her then grabbing her head with both hands by the chin and forehead, forcing her to look at him. “You will never disobey me again, understand?” he said letting go of her head when he finished his sentence, AJ nodded her head yes, and she truly meant it. “Good girl.” master affirmed as he began to peel the tape off her nose while using his left hand to hold the tape down on her mouth to make sure that he is only freeing her nose. AJ gasps for air through her nostrils as the last bit of tape that was covering them comes off. Master heads back to the car to get a pair of scissors before returning to begin cutting off the tape around her wrists and ankles. “Let’s go home, my gagged girl.” he said while picking up the chair. AJ got a little confused when master put the chair by the side of the road in the bush instead of in the car again but that confusion was ended when master said “Leaving that here for the next time you are naughty again.”

They then both got in the car and headed back home before going to sleep shortly after.

Chapter Three

The next morning, AJ wakes up first, she tries to yawn but is unable as she is still gagged. Master still asleep, she begins her first task of the day, making master breakfast. First she changes into new clothing, she decides to go with a simple casual outfit of jeans and a top. To make up for yesterday, she decides to put extra effort into today’s breakfast, making him all of his favorites, pancakes, omelettes and bacon & egg muffins.

While making food she is used to taste testing to see if it is good but her mouth is taped so she can’t, but at least she can use her nose to smell the food.

AJ is pouring onto the pan some pancake mix as master walks in the kitchen. “Good girl. Proud of you today.” he complimented her, AJ instantly feeling giddy inside and happy. She went on continuing making master his breakfast as he read through his emails on his phone, sitting in the stool at the kitchen bench awaiting his meal.

She had finished everything but the pancakes so she served master a large plate containing 2 bacon and egg muffins and an omelette. Master simply said “Good girl” before beginning to eat his food. AJ returns back to the pan as she flipped the pancakes and waited for them to finish.

“Hey gagged girl, come here.” master instructed after AJ finished making the pancakes. She walked over to master, “Remember, no talking.” he said as he took his hand and started slowly peeling the tape off of AJ’s mouth. “You are only allowed to use one at a time, your nose or your mouth and soon you will learn to use none.” he said after peeling the tape off her mouth. He took out a roll of tape which he had taken with him from the bedroom and cut off a piece. He placed the fresh piece of tape on AJ’s nose, sealing her nostrils. “While your mouth isn’t taped, your nose will be. And when your nose isn’t taped, your mouth will be. But eventually you will always have both taped. That is going to be our task today, training you to have both taped. Now go eat those pancakes you made and then we will begin the task.” he said patting and pressing down the tape on her nose the entire time.

AJ grabbed a plate and served herself the pancakes and sat by master. She took her first bite of the pancake but couldn’t taste it. With her nose sealed by tape, blocking her sense of smell, it also blocked her ability to taste anything. Still, she ate down all of the pancakes as she was quite hungry.

After both had finished their meals and master had finished reading through all the unread emails, master grabbed AJ by the arm and walked her outside through the backdoor out onto the deck. “Time for your training, wait here” he said before walking off.

AJ did so waiting patiently, breathing softly through her mouth. “Lay down on your stomach” he commanded as he returned, holding that duffel bag. AJ got down on the floor of the deck which was quite dirty and laid on her stomach. “Stay still.” he commanded, walking to the back of her. He placed down the duffel bag next to her legs and took out a roll of silver duct tape, black duct tape, transparent tape, microfoam tape and a cloth. She felt her legs get lifted as her master picked them up with one hand, using the other to wrap tape around them. He wraps tape around her legs more than 20 times before stopping, creating a mini cocoon around her legs. Next he got up and took the roll of silver duct tape to her arms, grabbing her wrists and pulling them together in front of her, he began wrapping her wrists in the duct tape. “Take a deep breath” he said after finishing binding her wrists. AJ took a large breath in, and master began to apply several strips of tape over her mouth, sealing her lips. With her nose already taped and now her mouth, she has to hold her breath now. The voice from the audioclip returns to her in her head even though there is nothing playing and she remembers “Breathing is a privilege. Breathing must be earned. Bad girls don’t breathe. Hold your breath. No breathing. You love not breathing because you are a good girl. You don’t want to breathe.”

“This is what you deserve. You want this. You will always crave this.” Master said to her, reaffirming what she is remembering from the audio clip. “I will not remove the tape from your mouth for 1 minute.” He said before pausing for a moment. “60. 59. 58. 57. 56. 55…” he began to slowly count down. AJ closes her eyes and tries to relax. “32. 31. 29. 28. 27..”, AJ begins to feel the first urge to breathe but it’s slight and she can take it, she thinks back to the audioclip, she wants this, she needs this. “4. 3. 2. 1. 0.” he finished counting. “Well done.” he congratulated her. “You are not done yet though. Not even close. I’m going to remove the tape from your mouth but you are not allowed to breathe, you must keep your breath held. You will do so otherwise you will be punished.” master said, AJ nodded her head in agreement in response. “Good girl.” he said as he took the tape off her mouth.

“Keep your lips shut, don’t breathe.” he commanded before starting another countdown, “60. 59. 58. 57. 56. 55…” AJ now realizing she will have to continue to hold her breath for another full minute begins to feel the panic settle in, but she fights it. “47. 46. 45. 44. 43…” now the urge to breathe grows strong, her back arches in response. “21. 20. 19. 18. 17. 16…”, she moves her legs around against the tape, trying to relieve some stress “5. 4. 3. 2. 1. 0.” he finally finishes counting then pauses and doesn’t say anything, AJ unsure if she is allowed to breathe now, keeps her breath held. “Good girl, I didn’t say breathe yet. Keep holding.” he commanded, AJ now beginning to struggle desperately still does as she is told. He takes the transparent tape out and cuts off a piece before taping her mouth shut with it. “Remember girl, you want this, you need this.” he said as he pressed the tape down.

“You are being such a good girl.” he affirmed to AJ before starting another countdown “60. 59. 58. 57. 56. 55….”, AJ slammed her hands against the deck in reaction to another countdown, looking at master in the eyes. “Behave like that and i’ll restart the counter.” he paused his counting to say. “34. 33. 32. 31. 29…” AJ’s face turning red now, her body convulsing, struggling in her bonds, she wants to put her hands up to her face to remove the tape but she knows that she will get punished if she does. “12. 11. 10. 9.” AJ shakes fastly as her lungs burn “3. 2. 1. 0.” he finally finishes his countdown. “Good girl. Next layer now.” he said now pulling out the black tape, cutting off a piece then applying it over her taped mouth.

“Remember gagged girl, you don’t want to breathe, you are a good girl.” he said after having added the new piece of tape to her face. “60. 59. 58. 57. 56. 55…” he started yet another 60 second countdown. AJ now puffing and sucking her cheeks, as her body begs her to breathe. “27. 26. 25. 24. 23…” AJ’s face getting passed red and starting to go purple, her vision beginning to fractal, her head feels like it’s going to explode, her lungs on fire, her body shaking. “9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. 0.” finally reaching zero. “Time for another layer.” master said, grabbing the cloth and microfoam tape. He cut off a piece of the microfoam tape and put it over her already taped nose, making sure to pinch her nose in the process. Then using the cloth, wrapped it around her head over her mouth and tied it as tight as it could go, making sure the tape cannot come off.

“Okay Gagged Girl, this is the last layer!” he said in a motivating tone, AJ not even processing what he’s saying. “60. 59. 58. 57. 56. 55…” the final countdown starts. AJ involuntarily moves her hands towards her face but master grabs them and holds them down. “ 39. 38. 37. 36. 35. 34…” AJ rolls around on the deck trying to escape but master gets on top of her and holds her tightly. “28. 27. 26. 25. 24. 23…” her body spazzing in sheer struggle, AJ trying to scream but no sound comes out. “13. 12. 11. 10. 9.” her movements begin to slow down “3. 2. 1. 0.” AJ comes to a still about to pass out. “If you want to breathe now, breathe. I permit you.” master says letting go of her. She uses the last bit of strength in her to move her hands up to her face and peel back the tape on her nose just enough to get one nostril the slightest bit free and she sucks in air gasping. After a breath replenishing oxygen, her strength starts to return and she rips the rest of the tape off her nose, gasping for air.

“Good girl. You will stay like that for the rest of the day now, legs, wrists and mouth taped.” master said, now packing everything back into the duffel bag then taking out a note with a list of rules. “Here is the new rules you go by now. Read them then come to me.” he said dropping the note in front of her as she lays on the ground recovering her breath before he walked inside.

Here’s what the note says:

- Your must be gagged all the time, always. The only time you will not be gagged is 15 minutes, 3 times everyday for meal times. You will brush your teeth during one of those meal times.

- Whenever home your ankles and wrists must be taped together.

- When spoken to by master you must hold your breath and keep your breath held until he is finished speaking.

- When starting any task or chore you must first tape your nose shut with 5 layers of tape. Your nose must remain taped shut until you have completed that task or chore.

- During the time you are not gagged your nose must be taped shut.

- You must spend a total of 30 minutes everyday with your nose taped shut, this does not include the time doing tasks or chores.



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