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Transformers 2 full length reaction

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Sorry guys, this is basically the formula for the rest of the franchise. Somewhere around the 3rd one I just started going to the theater for them because I had nothing else to do lol tbh the only things I remembered about this one was the old decepticon that became an autobot, prime dying, and megan fox's ass haha


(Might need to re-edit/reup this one, the movie's sound isn't muted, and the timer got messed up at one point, possibly when Nobu went to get a tissue or something, and the video didn't cut.) I loved the first Transformers when I was a kid, in no small part due to the music. The first one's score is amazing, legitimately still one of my favorites. And I was so hyped for this one, because at the time, Linkin Park was my number 1 favorite band (let's be real, they're still an all-time fav), and the song New Divide was made as a tie-in for this movie (as far as I can remember). It wasn't on an album, the music video had footage from the movie (possibly even footage that wasn't in trailers, but I could be wrong.) and the movie's composer even used the song as a leitmotif in the NEST theme, and maybe other tracks, too. I'm not gonna pretend like the film was cohesive enough for any really deep musical themes to even be possible, but they definitely used the track and the melodies like, 10 times in this movie. But yeah, even when I went into the film as predisposed to love it as someone could possibly be, it felt messy and confusing and directionless, even as a kid. I heard that Bay literally planned out the action scenes and set pieces and CG shots before writing the actual movie. They probably even started filming those before figuring out how to fit it into a narrative. Weird, bad jokes, abysmal writing, a suffocating amount of CG. Those weird twin characters and the mini decepticon that Tom Kenny voiced, where the accent/dialect/mannerisms made you go "Is this okay? I feel like this isn't cool." It's really like they took every criticism that anyone could have had about the first film, and then amped them all up, losing all the redeeming qualities in the process. I feel like I remember liking Transformers 3, but I only saw it once in theaters, so it may be just as bad as this one. If you guys stick with the franchise, apparently 2018's Bumblebee was actually good. I never saw it, but it's the highest Rotten Tomatoes score of the entire franchise, by far. I look forward to finally watching it, if you guys get there.


Same, I really like the first one but the following films are just awful and repetitive. It lost me at 2, lol. And yeah the amount of sexualizing women in these also gets worse and worse. Michael Bay in general does this all the time in his movies, he always has to include these pointless and intrusive shots!


Yeah I was totally over the whole love/relationship thing too. I think this is the last Transformers movie I actually saw in theaters, and really the whole "I Love you" thing killed me too. I really hope that they don't focus on those kinds of things in the rest of the series.