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2001 A Space Odessey full length

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"Also Sprach Zarathrustra" is awesome to play on timpani. Those triple forte triplets and the rolls. This may be based off of Nietzsche's book of the same name or maybe Richard Strauss wrote the music first and Friedrich thought hmm, cool title. I don't know.


This has been the most awesome conversation I've ever listened to!

Martin Nicholls

Pan American was a now-defunct airline, Pan Am is it's more commonly known name - Delta bought most of its assets after bankruptcy. Presumably the implication that accessible commercial space flight would be the norm (if only). It's really interesting how some of these movies predict technologies that are decades away from existing, even in the first scene with speaking lines, things like voice ID, digital check-ins which are very recent in airlines and hotels etc, video calling, and a bunch more. This movie is what really kicked off people having fear of AI, and now it's just in the social consciousness. By the way, the reason the Earth looks weird in this movie is simply people didn't really know what it looked like - there wasn't a whole lot of imagery back then, it was only a few years since Gagarin went to space. If you want to make a movie these days about space you have a HUGE library of reference images, and a long list of people who have actually been and engineers, and if all that fails you can send up an IMAX camera just to be sure. In the couple of years before 1968 you'd have had almost none of that. Interstellar is absolutely rammed with references to this movie. I once saw one of the Ranger models they used to film Interstellar at Chris Nolan's favourite cinema, when I went to see Interstellar on release, they're huge and the detail on them is extraordinary, I imagine the ones from this were very similar. By the way, there's nothing quite like a sensitive remaster of an old movie, it looks amazing in UHD HDR - I'm looking at you Mr Lucas.

Martin Nicholls

https://www.spaceflightinsider.com/space-flight-history/spaceflight-heritage-ats-3-relays-first-color-images-earth/ https://www.space.com/15163-photos-imax-space-cameras-films.html


This was a fantastic video. Possibly one of your best reactions. Was not planning on watching this tonight but couldn’t resist. I look at this movie like a painting. It’s open to interpretation and there isn’t a right or wrong answer. It is still incredible that this was made before we had even landed on the moon, yet looks very plausible for what we know about space exploration now. This movie I think also had a huge effect on the evolution of filmmaking. It opened a new frontier of thoughtful art pieces and set a new bar that influenced especially the sci-fi after it. You touched on the Star Wars and Interstellar connections. This movie had a huge effect on Star Trek: The Motion Picture which came out 10 years later and director Robert Wise wanted to make a visual masterpiece that also was adapting a familiar franchise to the big screen. The latest 4K Directors Cut of that is even more visually captivating now that they were finally able to complete the effects planned in 79 but unable to be executed back then. Every time I watch 2001 it makes more sense to me. It is definitely a movie you all should rewatch down the road.


Nice reaction, interstellar with all 4 pls!!