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Terminator Genisys Full Edit

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Martin Nicholls

There is no one timeline, there are many, there could be millions of variations of different timelines or there could be 10, we don't know - and we probably shouldn't know - maybe all we get to see is the interesting ones where something important happens, like the thing the T-800 is talking about in this movie. Subsequent timelines that we see don't sully or retcon or change earlier timelines, though old timelines impact on later ones; they change how we view characters and our expectations of them, but that doesn't and shouldn't mean they live up to those expectations. It's one of the benefits of time travel movies, all that still happened, this is new. Time travel isn't real, there are good physics reasons why it can't be real and if it was you get into all sorts of complexities and paradoxes but basically anything would be possible at any time anywhere and that means you can do anything you like within the universe - you could make the humans the bad guy and the AI the poor defenceless victim/hero of the story if you wanted to and it'd still *technically* be perfectly cannonable and make absolutely no difference to earlier timelines. Some of the things people don't like about the later Terminator movies are perfectly viable in a way that might not be true for franchises that don't deal in time travel, I think is the point. This movie is generally fine *except* some of the dialogue is somewhat questionable and strays sometimes too far into fan service in a way that doesn't seem quite right but I think if you could actually go back in time and use the younger original actors with the same story I think people would have liked it much more; but you can't so you have to do things with new actors and then you have a problem and it's jarring. Linda Hamilton basically all but retired from acting and didn't want to do another Terminator movie regardless even if you did that one thing that movies do a lot these days, Edward Furlong's problems are infamous and many so you can't use him as older John etc. I still contend the fourth one is the big series mistake in that we shouldn't ever see too much of a future because that's where this stuff can actually lose consistency because it's the point that humans are trying to prevent and the AI is trying to bring about and that can really make no sense - this movie sails very close to that also at the start, but it's important to the plot that it does. You shouldn't see Jaws too much, you shouldn't see the Xenomorphs too much, and you shouldn't see the war and after it too much in Terminator movies - a certain amount has to be left to your imagination. One of the problems is like the Alien franchise, Star Trek, The Matrix and too many others to name is the intellectual property is too important to just leave alone and allow to die. The trick is getting it right, and I don't think that's an impossible ask, but I do think the studios could be better stewards.


That's an interesting scenario... Can you get attached to characters in a time travel movie where any character in the franchise can be the hero or villain at any time in any movie? That would be difficult for me to do.