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This movie is so delightful!!! Can't wiat to watch more!!! Watch aling with your own copy and enjoy!

We watched this one on Disney Plus


Night at the Museum full length

Watch "Night at the Museum full length" on Streamable.



Oh man, absolute classic. Haven’t seen it in ages, but i looooved this movie as a kid. Fantastic family movie.


The third movie you guys will LOVE it has a fabulous actor in it and I was shrieking when I heard the person’s voice and then the star did something that had me rolling on my seat. You guys may have a similar reaction because it is so well done and hilarious. And if you thought Paul Rudd was a great surprise this actor will get jaws dropping. Gus and Reggie are huge actors that have been in so much, it wasn’t until I had looked up Mickey Rooney that I’d actually had seen him in films before this film. And speaking of famous actors Dexter is played by a very famous capuchin who has been in George of the Jungle, Dr. Dolittle, The Big Bang Theory, and even appeared in a Hangover movie. For me she will forever be the monkey that George of the Jungle taught to stand up to a lion. Speaking of lions, the reason the lions probably look so good is because Narnia came out a year before, so it is possible the animators got the CGI to be similar, because the male lion does look a tiny bit like Aslan. My favorite thing about this movie and the series is the authenticity. You have characters being protraryed by people of ethnicity that is true to that character, Rami is actually Egyptian, you have a Native American played by an actual Native American I am unsure if the actress is of a tribe close or same as Sacagawea. Even the clothing is authentic from Attila to even Columbus. It was like a crew member was like we are going to bring history to life and be true to it. The Neanderthals could be argued not accurate as we are still learning about them and they could have had more to them, but they are a group of hominids still being studied. But nevertheless they were still in a way respected and given authenticity. And the sequels keep to it as well yet still having the comedy and action mixed in very well. Cant wait to see your guys reactions to the sequels.


Some great fun facts: Owen Wilson's part was only meant to be a cameo but he tested so well that they expanded his scenes. He is completely uncredited for this movie because of that. He and Ben Stiller only filmed that one scene that was intended to be his cameo, the rest of the time Stiller is acting with a toothpick, Wilson filmed all of his scenes 3 months later. The woman to worked at the unemployment office was played by Ben Stiller's mother. His father was also a famous actor. This was Rami Malek's film debut.