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Chapter 81: Loyalty—Part Three

Lan WangJi painted on the ground for a while with his bleeding finger, then shook his head. The new blood had already completely covered and ruined the original array. It was impossible to mend. Wei WuXian took his hand and wiped off the dirt and blood on it with his own sleeve, “Stop trying if it’s useless.”
Wei WuXian tore off a part of his sleeve that was clean and treated the wound on Lan WangJi’s hand.

Such a caring waifu <3

At that precise moment, a blade severed the hand. Lan QiRen grabbed OuYang ZiZhen and threw him back into the pile of people. He himself, leading a group of sword cultivators from the GusuLan Sect, charged into battle. He’d been resting for quite a while, so his stamina had recovered. Many people were astonished by the force of his sword.


OuYang ZiZhen disappeared for a while after being caught by his father, but he rushed over nonetheless, “Wow, this is the first time I knew that Mr. Lan QiRen knows the sword and his swordsmanship is so good!”
Lan JingYi’s voice was as loud as always, “Of course, who did you think was HanGuang-Jun and ZeWu-Jun’s teacher of swordsmanship before they reached sixteen?!”

Let's go old man!!! Finally his moment to be a badass and not only an annoying teacher hehe

Also yeah totally, thinking of it, if Lan Wangji is so amazing in sword battles, it must be remembered that Lan Qiren taught him <3

Jiang Cheng was about to chase after him when he managed to slice a few corpses, staggering. He felt that Sandu was no lighter than hundreds of pounds. Two female corpses threw themselves at him from both directions.

The only females that will ever throw themselves on Jiang Cheng XD

Jiang Cheng, you have to work on your personality! How about finding a wife?? You're not getting any younger!

but Lan WangJi’s white robes had already been dyed into different shades of black and red, making them almost hideous. On his entire body, only his forehead ribbon could be considered clean, given how meaningful it was.

Later we also read that his face was covered in blood too, and I just ask myself - Does Lan Wangji have any special moves during battle that he does to keep his forehead ribbon unstained? Like, one hand on sword, other on the guqin, and then from time to time both of them fend off blood drops and dirt that fly directly to his ribbon, and it all happens so fast you don't even get the chance to catch it hahahaha

It was the first time that anyone had seen HanGuang-Jun with such an untidy look

Huh? But what about the Sunshot Campaign? What about the battle in Nightless city?

Lan WangJi immediately went forth to feel Lan QiRen’s pulse. Just as he was about to pass spiritual energy to him, Lan QiRen stopped him, “There is no need! Our spiritual powers have not recovered yet. Doing so is absolutely futile.”

I knew it. You can't pass spiritual energy if the other person don't have it. This is why I always thought that everytime Lan Wangji tried to pass spiritual energy to Yiling Laozu era Wei Wuxian, Wei Wuxian knew it would be useless but he couldn't tell him the reason as straightforwardly as Lann Qiren here did.

Suddenly, Wei WuXian spoke up, “HanGuang-Jun!” Lan WangJi turned around to look at him. Wei WuXian took in a breath, “I want to do something.”

The eyes of the others were led over by the conversation as well. Wei WuXian, “Will you do it with me?”

Lan WangJi gazed at him. He answered, firm and articulate, “I will.”

Wei WuXian grinned before he took off his black robe.

What a pair!

Wei WuXian didn’t pay him any attention. He continued to paint.

When he stopped, what he wore was no longer a white robe. It was a flag.

A flag able to attract all dark creatures onto one single person—a spirit-attraction flag!

Using his body again, sacrificing himself again for the sake of others ;___;

Wei Ying, after you marry Lan Wangji, you can no longer do that. Your body will be his as well.

Lan JingYi even began to take off his own clothes, “I am going to draw a flag on myself too!”

Best boy <3 No but really, the way the juniors want to help Wei Wuxian at this moment and do the things he does shows that he excelled in those few moments he spent as his mentor. He gained their respect and trust more by actually bringing them to the field and mentoring them in real time, caring for them and letting them do things themselves, and it made an impact far greater than sitting in a class or fighting in a training field.

Chapter 82: Loyalty—Part Four

Soon, the corpses had surrounded Wei WuXian and Lan WangJi, making it difficult for them to approach the blood pool. The mountains of corpses on the sides grew higher and higher, and the circle that surrounded them shrunk as well. The juniors were all burning with worry. They all returned, swords unsheathed.

Lan JingYi saw that someone was waving his sword as he rushed outside, “Could you please help? If you can still pick up your sword, could you please come help?! Just a little bit is enough!”

The person, “Get lost!!!”

Wow. Just shows hoe hypocrite those cultivators are. They came all bragging in Wei Wuxian't face how they're here to defeat him "simply for the sake of justice", yet in the end when things got like this, and Wei Wuxian was actually willing to sacrifice himself to save them all, they ran away. *spits* assholes!

Lan SiZhui, “Everyone… Everyone, do not move for now.”

The blood corpse called out in a faint voice. He steadied himself, and reached out toward the corpse as well.

Just as he was about to touch the corpse, a new wave of corpses had arrived. The blood corpse spun around and, with a long howl, leaped into the air, throwing itself into the pile of corpses before it bit and tore as if it was mad.

The weak, old, helpless grandmother going berserk to protect her a-yuan!!

Wei WuXian’s lips trembled. He seemed as if he wanted to say something, but still he couldn’t say it. He lowered his head and bestowed upon them a heavy salute. His voice was rasp, “… Thank you.”

Lan WangJi saluted as well.

This moment...so epic, so cinematic!

When they were fighting, the blood corpses seemed as fierce as could be, but right now, when facing them, they still appeared hideous, but their movements seemed somewhat clumsy. At varied times, they bent down and lifted their hands, returning the salute.

And then, as if something had sucked out the energy and life within them, they all collapsed at once.

Ohhh.....omg....they were waiting for one last time to have their revenge, or to help the one who helped them. They didn't pass on before they did that, and now that they did, they could finally move on ;_______________; the Wen remnants! Old and young, helpless, murdered in such a terrible way! Finally had their last fight. I'M NOT OK!

With all their fanfare, they came to throw a siege, yet they themselves were instead faced with a siege. They chanted that they were here to destroy evil, yet in the end they needed the ‘evil’ to save their own lives.

Amazing lines.

Finally, Wei WuXian spoke up. He said, “Then what do you want me to do?”

Fang MengChen paused in surprise. Wei WuXian, “Then what do you want? Nothing but my miserable death to soothe your own hatred?” He pointed at Yi WeiChun, who lay passed out among the crowd, “He’s missing a leg, while I was cut into pieces; you lost your parents, while my family had long since been gone. I’m a dog who was chased out of its home. I’ve never even seen the ashes of my parents.”

Wei WuXian, “Or do you hate the Wen Sect’s remnants? The Wen Sect remnants that you speak of already died once, thirteen years ago. And right now, just then, for my sake, for your sake, they died once again. This time, they’ve all become ashes.” He continued, “Let me ask you—just what else do you want me to do?”

Fang MengChen glared at him. A moment later, he replied through clenched teeth, “There’s no use. Let me tell you, Wei WuXian, no matter what you do, don’t ever expect me to forgive you or forget about my parents deaths.” He raised his voice, “It’ll never happen!”

Wei WuXian, “Nobody told you to forgive me. The things I did, not only do you remember them, I remember them too. You won’t forget them, and they’ll stay even longer in my mind!”

He is right. What he says here is a good point made on how revenge won't really cure one's grief.

But then again I don't agree with Wei Wuxian here.  Counting all the miserable things that Wei Wuxian went through or that happened to him to imply that he had a same experience or even had it worse, had nothing to do with the man whose parents he killed. It's not as if that man was the one who did all those things to Wei Wuxian. Therefore I don't see the point of using the examples of his harsh life in this conversation as helping his point.

Chapter 83: Loyalty—Part Five

The sect leaders looked at one another. In all honesty, what Wei WuXian said wasn’t wrong. If he was willing to join in, it’d be of great assistance. But people had slandered the YiLing Patriarch’s name for so many years. It’d be a bit embarrassing to have him cooperate with them all at once.

This is so true. Once somebody is already shamed and cancelled, suddenly associating with them is something not many people would want.

Chapter 84: Loyalty—Part Six

Wei WuXian, “Jin Ling, just put down the sword first!”

Jin Ling, “I won’t!”

Wei WuXian was just about to speak again when Jin Ling suddenly broke into tears.

As he cried, all of the people had frozen solid. In confusion, Wei WuXian walked a step toward him, “What’s… What’s wrong?”

Even as tears streaked down his face, Jin Ling still shouted, sobbing, “This is my dad’s sword. I won’t put it down!”

I feel him ;___;

Among the boys at Jin Ling’s age, some had married already, and the older ones had already become fathers.

WHATTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT????????? Isn't he 14 or something!?!??!

It's not like I don't take the period into consideration, but I had no idea they were already married at such an age, especially when throughout the novel you see them, and even the older juniors, being treated as children.

Seeing this, Wei WuXian let out a long sigh of relief. As soon as he relaxed, heavy exhaustion suddenly passed over his face. He fell to one side.

It seemed that he didn’t waver because he couldn’t balance himself on the boat, but rather because he really was so tired that he couldn’t stand steadily.

The boys didn’t care about the blood and grime on him either. In a flurry, they all went up to him, wanting to help him up like they did with Lan SiZhui. However, without requiring their help at all, Lan WangJi bent down slightly. With one hand at his arm and another behind his knees, Lan WangJi picked Wei WuXian up at once.

Yessss bride carry your fragile waifu in front of everyone, Lan Zhan!

Lan SiZhui suddenly realized that even though HanGuang-Jun was drenched in blood, the bandage that Wei WuXian tore from his sleeve and wrapped around that tiny wound of his was still knotted properly, tied around a finger of his left hand.


Before this, he didn’t have time care about his appearance. Right now, Lan WangJi finally took out his handkerchief, slowly wiping away the blood clots on Wei WuXian’s face. Soon, the snowy handkerchief had been dyed with red and black. Although he’d finished wiping Wei WuXian’s face, he hadn’t wiped his own yet.

So caring!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TT____________TT


Inside the cabin, Lan WangJi looked up at the door that the juniors closed as they barged out. He then looked down at Wei WuXian, whose head had tilted to the side again. Wrinkling his brows once more, Wei WuXian turned his head left and right, as though he was feeling really uncomfortable. Seeing this, Lan WangJi stood up, walked over to bolt the door, and sat back down beside Wei WuXian again. He held up his shoulders and gently let him lean in his arms.


This time, Wei WuXian’s head finally stopped moving. Shifting against his chest, he finally found the best position to sleep in. Watching him relax again, Lan WangJi looked down, gazing at the features of the person within his arms. His ink-colored hair fell from his shoulders. Suddenly, eyes still closed, Wei WuXian grabbed onto his lapel. His fingers just so happened to be around his forehead ribbon.

His grip was quite tight. Lan WangJi pinched one end of the ribbon and tugged. Not only did he fail to pull it out, he even made Wei WuXian’s eyelashes tremble. Soon later, he woke up.

When Wei WuXian finally opened his eyes, what he saw first was the wooden ceiling of the cabin. He sat up. Lan WangJi was standing before a wooden window, gazing at the glowing moon sitting atop the end of the river.

Wei WuXian, “Huh, HanGuang-Jun, did I pass out?”

Lan WangJi turned slightly to the side, answering calmly, “Yes.”

Wei WuXian asked again, “Where’s your forehead ribbon?”


After he asked, he looked down, exclaiming, “Huh, what happened? Why is it in my hand?”

Just like in Tulu Xuanwu cave, when Wei Wuxian is passed out, Lan Wangji takes the freedom to hold him close, but once Wei Wuxian wakes, he's so FAST at getting away and cleaning up the scene LMAO as if he was never there!

Lan SiZhui smiled, “Yeah. The seniors are going inside to discuss important matters anyways. There is not much need for me to be present. Let us keep chatting. Where were we again? Did Senior Wei really plant a two-year-old child in the soil like a radish before?”

Although his voice was small, the two walking in the front had acute hearing. Wei WuXian almost tripped on his own foot. Lan WangJi’s eyebrows curved, but immediately went back to normal.

When their silhouettes finally disappeared into the gates of Lotus Pier, Lan SiZhui finally continued, whispering, “Poor child. But, in reality, I remember that when I was young, HanGuang-Jun had also put me in a pile of rabbits before. They are actually quite similar in some ways…”


Chapter 85: Loyalty—Part Seven

He shifted toward Jiang Cheng’s ear and whispered a few words. Jiang Cheng frowned, “No. If there’s something important, tell them to come at a later date. Don’t you see the situation right now?”

The guest cultivator, “I told them already. The two ladies said… that they were here for none other than today’s matter.”

Jiang Cheng, “What’s their background? Which sect do they cultivate at?”

The guest cultivator, “None. They aren’t cultivators either. I am certain that that both are ordinary women without any spiritual powers. They brought with them some expensive medicinal herbs as well, but they didn’t say which sect leader sent them

Nie Huaisang chose the perfect moment to send them in, giving them the most practical gifts to give to the Jiang sect huh...

A man lay within the brocade sheets on a large bed. He seemed to be thirty or fourty years old, probably sickened to the verge of death.
Sisi, “The middle-aged man wanted to shout and struggle, but his body was weak.

A 30/40 year old is considered middle aged???? *cries in 31 years-old*

Jin GuangShan’s death had always been a public secret within the world of cultivation. Jin GuangShan had been so amorous his whole life that he was almost obscene. He left his love everywhere; he left his seeds everywhere.

The seed that became Jin Ling's uncles.

Sisi, “When I saw that the man was dead, I knew that we were done. We wouldn’t be able to escape either. As expected, when we finished, those old sisters of mine were all killed. Not a single one of them was left…”

How cruel!!! T___T

Sisi, “I don’t know! Back then, I begged again and again. I said that I didn’t want the money, that I definitely wouldn’t say anything. Who knew that they really didn’t kill me. They took me to a place and locked me inside. I was there for eleven years. Only recently did someone save me by accident, and I could finally escape.”

Wei WuXian, “Who was the one that saved you?”

Sisi, “I don’t know. I’ve never seen the one who saved me. But after my savior heard about what happened to me, he decided not to let that pretentious, immoral man continue to fool the world. Now matter how powerful he is right now, my savior said that he was going to expose all of the things he did and deliver justice to all those he hurt, letting those poor sisters of mine rest in peace in the Underworld.”

Ahhhh....Nie Huaisang....

Chapter 86: Loyalty—Part Eight

Lan QiRen’s eyebrows were tight-knit. He turned to the other woman, “I think I have seen you before.”

The woman’s face was full of panic, “I think… I think you have.”

Everyone paused in surprise. Sisi was a prostitute—could this woman be one too? Then why would Lan QiRen say he’d seen her before?

LOLLLL he clearly didn't think this one through hahaha

Bicao, “My madam really was too unfortunate… Old Sect Leader Jin was a bastard. He lusted after my madam’s looks, and once forced her when he was drunk outside… How could Madam resist? She didn’t dare say anything afterwards either. My master was of utmost loyalty to Jin GuangShan, so she was more than scared. Jin GuangShan might not remember whose daughter Maiden Qin was, but my madam could never forget.


The sounds of the crowd’s discussion rose louder and louder. “For how long has Old Sect Leader Qin followed Jin GuangShan? So he even dared touch the wife of his old subordinate. Damn that Jin GuangShan!”


A few of the older female cultivators chimed in, “Qin Su was so pitiful.”

“Back then I even envied her. I thought that she really had a good life. She had a good birth and a good marriage, the only mistress of Koi Tower with how devoted her husband was. But who knew? Tsk, tsk.”

One of the madams commented in an aloof way, “That’s why these seemingly beautiful things are often full of holes beneath the surface. There’s nothing to envy at all.”

Wei WuXian, Perhaps it’s precisely because of these people who comment in joy masked as pity that Qin Su decided to take her own life.

Sharp eye, Wei Wuxian. This is indeed how people are.

Nie HuaiSang still seemed confused, “But… But who exactly is… the person who sent these two here?”

Sect Leader Yao, “Why worry over these?! No matter who it is, there’s one thing we can be certain of—he’s a man of justice who’s definitely standing on our side.”

Asked the question to see if anybody suspects or is interested. Got his answer from the hot headed stupid crowd LOL

“Not only his sworn brothers, his brothers by blood had it even worse. The couple of years before Jin GuangShan’s death, he busied himself everywhere getting rid of his dad’s illegitimate children, scared that someone would suddenly appear and fight for his spot with him. It wasn’t even that bad for Mo XuanYu. If not because he lost his mind and was forced back, maybe he’d end up the same way the others did and disappear for some reason or another.”

The elimination of Jin Ling's uncles.

Sect Leader Yao sneered, “Since this is the case, let’s make what he fears the most a reality.” He slammed his table, “Attack on Koi Tower!”

The sentence that ended all the bad things everybody started saying about Jin Guangyao. We are meant to understand that this happened to Wei Wuxian in his past life too, and how the Siege on Burial Mounds began.

Wei WuXian, “But this one’s different! This was the first one I climbed after I came to Lotus Pier. I climbed it in the middle of the night. My shijie came out to search for me, holding a lantern. She was scared I’d fall down the tree, so she prepared to catch me on the ground. But what could she catch with her thin little arms? And so I still broke one of my legs.”

Looking at his legs, Lan WangJi asked, “Why did you climb the tree at night?”

Wei WuXian bent down in laughter, “There’s no why. You know. I love fooling around outside at night. Haha.”

Wei Wuxian doesn't say the truth about him being expelled of Jiang Cheng's room and being afraid of dogs ;___;

Chapter 87: Loyalty—Part Nine

The instant he wrapped his arms around the tree, Wei WuXian’s eyes had warmed. When he looked down, his sight was already blurred.

How did I miss the part that he was crying at this moment??? (when he climbed the tree, before jumping into Lan Wangji's arms)

But, after all, it was a grown man who jumped from the tree, so although he caught Wei WuXian, he staggered slightly, walking a step backward. Immediately, however, he steadied himself. Just as he was about to let go of Wei WuXian, he realized that Wei WuXian’s arms were tightly wrapped around his neck, preventing him from moving in the slightest.

He couldn’t see Wei WuXian’s face. Wei WuXian couldn’t see his face either, but he didn’t need to. When he closed his eyes, all he breathed in was the cold sandalwood on Lan WangJi’s body.

His voice was hoarse, “Thank you.”

I feel butterflies all over my body :')

Wei WuXian shook his head, “Nothing. The place I lived in used to be here. Now it’s gone. It really was torn down. All of these are new.”

Nooooo his room, his study, his bed with the kissing figures!

In the end. Wei WuXian glanced at Lan WangJi, who’s kneeling as properly as ever beside him. He put his hands together and uttered in his heart, ‘Uncle Jiang, Madam Yu, it’s me again. I’m here to disturb you two again. But I really did want to bring him here and show him to you. Let the two prostrates we just did count as prostrating* to the Heavens and the Earth, and to the Father and the Mother. Please help me reserve the person beside me for now. I’ll owe you the last prostrate for now, and find some chance to make up for it in the future…’

*In traditional Chinese marriages, one has to prostrate three times: once to the Heavens and the Earth, once to the Father and the Mother, and once to the Husband and the Wife (each other).


Jiang Cheng mocked, “Look how forgetful you are. What does unwelcome people mean? Then let me remind you. It was because you played the hero and saved Second Young Master Lan, who’s standing beside you right now, that the entire Lotus Pier and my parents went down with you. And that wasn’t enough.

Shut up, my god, we know that you don't really think it's related you just need to blame SOMEBODY!

Chapter 88: Loyalty—Part Ten

His guess was not wrong. Jiang Cheng did indeed go out to find Wei WuXian and Lan WangJi. He chased after them in the direction that the street vendors pointed at. A voice in his heart seemed to tell him to which places Wei WuXian would definitely go. He caught up to them in just a while. Yet, he just so happened to see Wei WuXian and Lan WangJi enveloped in a tight embrace under a tree, unwilling to let go of each other even after so long.

I really wonder why he wanted to find them. Back in the hall of his sect, he was told that the two of them missing and he said that he will invite them again a bit later. I wonder if he went out to look for them, wishing to invite them or maybe to talk about other things too?


Wei WuXian raged, “HanGuang-Jun is only my friend—what do you think we are?! I warn you. Apologize right now—don’t make me beat you up!”

Hearing this, Lan WangJi’s expression froze for an instant.

Friendzoned so cruelly...

Seeing the change in Lan WangJi’s expression, Wei WuXian thought he felt insulted by Jiang Cheng’s words. He was so angry that his entire body was shaking. He didn’t dare think about what Lan WangJi would think after being shamed like this. The rage from his heart rushed to his head as he threw out a talisman, “Have you had enough yet?”


He’d completely lost all intention to continue the fight with Jiang Cheng. Without saying anything, he picked Wei WuXian up and turned to leave. Jiang Cheng was full of both shock and doubt. He was shocked that Wei WuXian was suddenly in such a terrible condition, yet doubtful that this might be a pretense Wei WuXian came up with to escape. After all, Wei WuXian had often used this to pull pranks on him in the past.

Seeing that the two were about to leave, he shouted, “Stop!”

Lan WangJi seethed, “Leave!”

What came as well was Bichen, the force of which immediately flung out. Zidian also lashed, and the two struck, sending out an ear-piercing clash.

This moment was so awesome in the audio drama, I really loved the disgusted anger in Lan Wangji's tone.

Because of the two lives and many other reasons, Wen Ning had always felt guilty, and so he’d always been somewhat scared of Jiang Cheng, consciously avoiding him all the time. Right now, however, he blocked Wei WuXian and Lan WangJi as he faced him, taking the hard lash. A gruesome scorch climbed across his chest, but still he didn’t flinch.

Let's goooooo

The object was Wei WuXian’s sword, Suibian. On the way, Wei WuXian tossed it everywhere due to it being too much of a hassle. In the end, he left it in Wen Ning’s care. Wen Ning held it as he spoke, “Pull it out.”

His tone was firm, and his eyes determined. He had nothing of his previously blank look left.

Jiang Cheng, “I warn you. If you don’t want to be turned to ashes once more, then immediately move your feet off of Lotus Pier’s soil. Leave!”

Wen Ning was almost thrusting the sword hilt into his chest. His voice soared, “Do it. Pull it out!”

FINALLY THE SPOTLIGHT THIS BOY DESERVED!!! You have no idea how much I love this scene! I adore every part of it, I'm so happy that Wen Ning speaks with such assertion!

Wen Ning’s voice was even harsher, “Because the golden core that is revolving inside you right now is his!”

This sentence always makes me tear up. T______T It's such an epic reveal, I wish I was reading it for the first time again, not knowing what happened. I remember how SHOCKED I was, because it all finally made sense, everything that happened to Wei Wuxian. AND I WAS LIKE FUCKKKKKKK YOU POOR POOR BOY THE SACRIFICE YOU MADE, THE WAY YOU THREW YOUR FUTURE AWAY, EVERYTHING YOU BUILT AND WAS KNOWN FOR, THE WAY YOU HAD NO OTHER CHOICE BUT TO CULTIVATE THE OTHER PATH FOR YOU TO TAKE REVENGE, PROTECT JIANG CHENG, AND YOURSELF.

Chapter 89: Loyalty—Part Eleven

Jiang Cheng’s entire body started to tremble as Wen Ning raised his voice, “You immediately stopped in your tracks, looking extremely nervous, almost a bit excited. The woman’s voice was very low. She asked you whom you were and how you found this place. You answered…”

Jiang Cheng roared, “Shut up!”

Wen Ning roared as well, “… You answered, you were Wei Ying, son of CangSe SanRen!


Wen Ning, “Haven’t I told you already? I was right there, but not only that, Young Master Wei was there as well. Apart from us, there was also my sister, Wen Qing. In other words, on the entire mountain, we three were the only ones waiting for you.”

“Sect Leader Jiang, did you really think that it was the secluded residence of some… some BaoShan SanRen? Young Master Wei himself didn’t know where on Earth to find such a place either. His mother CangSe SanRen never revealed anything about where her teacher was to that young of a child! The mountain was nothing more than one of Yiling’s barren peaks!”


Wen Ning, “That’s right! Why do you think he never used Suibian again and never carried it with him when he went out? Was it really because of some youthful arrogance? Could he have really enjoyed it when others said that he was impolite and lacked discipline, whether behind his back or not? It was because even if he carried it, there’d be no use! It was only because… if he carried his sword to those banquets and night-hunts, there’d definitely be people asking to duel him for whatever reasons. And he, without his golden core, was deprived of spiritual energy. If he used his sword, he wouldn’t be able to last long at all…”

WEI YING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TT______________________________TT

I really imagine the SHOCK in Lan Wangji's expression as he hears all that as well, I really wanted to draw that from the first time I read the novel!! :<

Jiang Cheng stood blankly. His eyes glowed green. His lips quivered. He even forgot to use Zidian. Suddenly, he threw Suibian down and struck hard against Wen Ning’s chest with his hand, shouting, “Liar!”

Wen Ning staggered a few steps back from the force. He picked up Suibian, put it back inside its sheath, and shoved it into Jiang Cheng’s arms again, “Take it!”


Wen Ning, “Take this sword and go to the banquet hall, to the training field, to anywhere you want and ask every single person you see to pull the sword out. See if any one of them can pull it out! And then you’ll know if I’m lying or not! Sect Leader Jiang—you, so driven of a person, have been comparing yourself to others your whole life, but you have to know that you never should’ve been able to equal him!”

King just slaughtered with words, OUCHHHHH! WHO'S THE SHY STUTTERER?!!?!?

Such an epic moment for this character, thank you so much MXTX!!!!

Lan WangJi, “… And so?”

Wen Ning’s rowing paused for an instant, “And so, the person whose core is being cut out has to be awake.”

He had to be awake. He had to watch the golden core connected to his spiritual pathways be peeled from his body. He had to feel the gradual suppression, sedation, settlement of his originally surging spiritual powers, all until they became a pool of dead water, unable to rise ever again.

Only after a long while did Lan WangJi’s voice sound again, somewhat hoarse. The first word seemed to tremble, “Constantly awake?”

Wen Ning, “Two nights and one day. Constantly awake.”

This is so so horrible!!!!!! ;________________________;

I wish I understood more of Chinese culture to fully understand what "He had to feel the gradual suppression, sedation, settlement of his originally surging spiritual powers, all until they became a pool of dead water, unable to rise ever again." means. If anybody knows, please share!

Also with what Wen Ning says, does it mean that the operation lasted for 2 and a half days?!? Wen Qing actually had to remove his core for 2 and a half days?! Or am I not getting something?

Wen Ning, “After all, in the past, nobody had ever actually tried transferring golden cores before. Although my sister had written an essay on core transfer, she’d only made some conjectures. Nobody at all would let her experiment on them, so the conjectures stayed conjectures. All of the seniors said that she was letting her imagination run wild. On top of that, it was unrealistic. Everyone knew that nobody would willingly give their golden core to someone else, for if this really happened, they themselves would become absolutely useless, never able to reach the pinnacle or go anywhere in life at all. And so, when Young Master Wei first came back for us, my sister refused to do it. She warned him that the article and actually conducting the experiment were two different things. She was not even half confident.

Get this.

Wen Qing attempted to imagine the impossible, just the same as Wei Wuxian did with his inventions. They were really very much alike. When it says here that nobody wanted to let Wen Qing experiment on them, it's so understandable, because why would one give up their core, not even mentioning that this theory was not even proved to work? I think that apart from Wei Wuxian feeling the absolute need to do that for Jiang cheng, he also had faith in Wen Qing to succeed exactly because he is like her. He believes that fantasy can become real, just like he later did with his own creations. It's the faith one genius has in another. And it's beautiful <3

Wen Ning turned around. He couldn’t help but ask, “Young Master Lan, you don’t seem too surprised about this. Did you… Did you know about this as well?”

“…” Lan WangJi managed, “I only knew that his spiritual powers were somehow impaired.”

But to think this was the truth.

Wen Ning, “If not because of this…”

If not because there really wasn’t a second path to walk on.


Look back at all the times you scolded him, Lan Wangji. All the fights you had, all the patience Wei Wuxian had with you, all the times he tried to change the subject and hit you to drop the matter. NOW YOU UNDERSTAND?!

Chapter 90: Longing—Part One

He spoke as he secretly paid attention to Lan WangJi’s expression. Slowly, his heart sunk.

Wei WuXian originally thought—or hoped—that Lan WangJi wouldn’t take those words to heart. But unexpectedly, Lan WangJi didn’t look too well. He didn’t even reply with a ‘mn.’

It looked like Lan WangJi was even more displeased at Jiang Cheng’s insults than he had thought.

Wei Wuxian, can't you understand that Lan Wangji actually AGREED with Jiang Cheng's words?!?!?! HE WANTS TO BE GAY WITH YOU GODDAMMIT!!!

He used to think that Lan WangJi was too easy of a person to understand, but things were different now. He feared that he was the only one who thought of them that way, that it was all his own wishful thinking, that he was too confident for his own good.

Yeah, you thought you had him figured out in your past life, huh! Well work harder to get him now, boy!

Lan WangJi’s voice seemed lukewarm, “I heard the lotus lakes around here all have owners.”

“…” Wei WuXian, “Hahahahahaha really? That’s too bad. You’ve really heard of a lot of things, haven’t you? I haven’t even heard of this. Let’s go then.”

Having been exposed, of course he wasn’t so shameless as to make Lan WangJi join him in doing such foolish things. That the renowned HanGuang-Jun would steal lotus seed pods in someone else’s lake really didn’t seem appropriate. Just as he was about to pick up the oar in embarrassment, Lan WangJi reached out and plucked off one of the seed pods.

He handed the seed pod to Wei WuXian, “There is no next time.”


"There is no next time!" LMAO, such dad vibes, Lan Zhan! SPOIL HIM!

MDZS rereading commentary || Chapters 91-100 

MDZS rereading commentary || Chapters 71-80




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