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Chapter 71: Departure—Part Three

Lan WangJi looked at him, as though he could tell at once that he didn’t take it seriously. He took in deep breath, “Wei Ying.”

He continued stubbornly, “The ghost path harms the body and the heart.”

Wei WuXian seemed as if his head began to hurt, “Lan Zhan, you… I’ve heard more than enough of these words that you say, and you still feel that you haven’t said them enough? You say that it harms the body, but I’m fine right now. You say that it harms the heart, but I haven’t become that frenzied, have I?”

Again, this reminds me of a talk I had with someone who said that Lan Wangji warned Wei Wuxian of the consequences of the path he used, thinking, like the others, that he was using the demon path (mo dao). But here it seems that Lan Wangji says the ghost path (gui dao) and says that it too harms the body and heart. Was he right about it? Or did he not know enough about such a cultivation method? Because it seems that Wei Wuxian knew what he was doing, and even did it in his second life too.

Without waiting for him to finish talking, Wei WuXian’s expression changed. He suddenly stood up, “Lan Zhan!”

Behind him, red light had begun to glow within the eyes of the girls. Wei WuXian, “Stop it.”

Thus, the girls lowered their heads and retreated, but still they stared unwaveringly at Lan WangJi.

Sexy Laozu and his groupies.

Jiang Cheng, “Your face looks terrible. Don’t tell me you ran into Jin ZiXuan?"

Wei WuXian, “Worse than Jin ZiXuan. Guess who.”

Jiang Cheng, “Give me a hint.”

Wei WuXian, “Wants to lock me up.”

"wants to lock me up" and he doesssss in HoG hahahah <333

Jiang Cheng, “It’s your fault for calling him over first.”

Wei WuXian, “How did you know that it was me who called him over first?”

Jiang Cheng, “Do you even have to ask? Which time has it not been you? You’re a strange one as well. Clearly every time you part with him on bad terms, so why do you keep on trying to get him annoyed?”

Wei WuXian thought about it, “I’m ridiculous?”

Even your shidi knows you're gay for him, Wei Wuxian.

Jiang Cheng smirked, “Don’t carry your sword, then. It doesn’t matter. But don’t provoke Jin ZiXuan from now on. He’s Jin GuangShan’s only son, after all. The future leader of the LanlingJin Sect will be him. If you beat him up, what should I, the sect leader, do? Beat him up with you? Or punish you?”

Wei WuXian, “Isn’t Jin GuangYao here now? Jin GuangYao seems so much better than him.”

Jiang Cheng has a valid point. If I was in his shoes, becoming a sect leader so suddenly, having to take a lot of responsibility and control at such a young age, I'd too change my behavior and act more cautiously.  Also what Wei Wuxian says about Jin Guangyao here. The irony!

Jiang YanLi was kneeling in the ancestral hall. She cleaned her parents’ memorial tablets as she whispered. Wei WuXian poked his head inside, “Shijie? Talking to Uncle Jiang and Madam Yu again?”

Jiang YanLi’s voice was soft, “Neither of you come, so of course I have to.”

What Jiang Yanli says really reminds me of today's world were the older generations grow old and their children and grandchildren barely come visit or even call, because of their busy life. It's so unfair. There's always that one son or daughter that will take the responsibility to take care of them more frequently, exactly because the others don't do it.

Jiang YanLi paused for a moment, musing, “Why are you asking me about this? Do you like someone? What kind of a maiden is she?”

Wei WuXian, “No. I won’t like anyone. At least not too much. Wouldn’t it be the same as putting a rein on my neck?”

I don't think I ever paid attention to what Wei WUxian says here, but it's interesting to note that such a romantic and flirtatious boy suddenly decided that he will not love anyone. Does it have to do with his current state? What did he see himself as? Did he think that he cannot love or be loved by anyone because of the path he chose? Did he know it would bring him and his love trouble? Did he think that loving someone will interfere with his work and goals?

Hearing this, he spat, “Fooling around again! Your sect leader, I, has already poured you a bowl and put it outside. Kneel for me to express your gratitude and go drink your soup outside.”

A quote by Jiang Cheng. I think it's really worth noting that even though Jiang Cheng became a sect leader, he still acts as before (the three of them do). Pouring soup for Wei Wuxian, what would his mother say of that? It's an interesting point of change for Jiang Cheng, the part in the middle of him being just a boy to him becoming the sect leader. He still lays around with Wei Wuxian, but at the same time urges him to change his attitude, just the same as he does, as the sect leader. With time I suppose, the playfulness will be completely replaced by the necessities of leading a sect.

In Jiang Cheng’s memory, the total number of times Jiang FengMian picked him up wouldn’t even add up to five. Every single instance was enough for him to be happy for months. A fire brewed inside of him, unable to be released. All that he asked himself was ‘why, why, why’.

(As compared to Jiang Fengmian picking Wei Wuxian up in his arms frequently.)

I don't care what everyone says about Jiang FengMian actually loving Jiang Cheng, and only treating him in a more strict way cause he's the future sect leader - he's a bad parent. A very bad parent. Even if you want to discipline you son, you do not go and show such more emotions and fatherly actions to other children. Because if you do, do the same with your son. ESPECIALLY if you claimed that you wanted the two of them to be friends. I'm also not impressed by the last interaction Jiang FengMian had with Jiang Cheng when they were on the boats. Seriously, I really don't like the way Jiang FengMian treated his son. I can see Yu Ziyuan's point.

Having thought for a while, he walked to a corner of the hallway where there was no wind, laid down his sheets, and lay down right there. But the longer he spent there, the louder Jiang Cheng’s ‘I’ll call a bunch of dogs to bite you’ echoed in his head. Wei WuXian grew more afraid the more he thought about it. He tossed and turned under the blanket, feeling that a bunch of dogs surrounded him whenever he heard a single sound. After a while of torment, he felt that he couldn’t stay there any longer. Leaping up, he rolled up the sheets, folded the blanket, and fled Lotus Pier.

I know him being afraid of dogs is often a comic relief in the novel, but this part really shows how severe it was! Poor baby!

In truth, they didn’t fit. They were quite a few sizes too large. But this was the first pair of shoes that Jiang FengMian bought him. Wei WuXian was too embarrassed to make him go out of his way to buy another pair, and so he said that they weren’t too big.

Precious boy!

Both of the two had injured their legs and couldn’t walk. It was still some distance away from Lotus Pier, so Jiang YanLi could only carry one on her back and the other in her arms. Both Wei WuXian and Jiang Cheng wrapped their arms around her neck. She had to stop and take a breath after just a few steps, “Just what am I supposed to do with you two?”

Best girl in the world, the strongest girl in the world, the most precious, sweetest girl!

Looking at Wei WuXian’s legs, Jiang Cheng’s face was full of nervousness. If any other disciple or servant learned about this and told Jiang FengMian, after Jiang FengMian knew how he threw Wei WuXian’s sheets out and made him hurt his leg, Jiang FengMian would definitely dislike him even more. This was also why he only dared chase after them alone and didn’t get anyone else.

To have a small child think this way means you fucked up as a parent, Jiang Feng Mian. And no, this is not me thinking in a modern parenting style, I'm aware of the time period, but still, you acted very unwisely in your education method, Jiang FengMian.

Chapter 72: Recklessness—Part One

Lan WangJi’s brows sunk low as he shook his head. A few moments later, he replied in a low voice, “Brother, I want to take someone back to the Cloud Recesses.”

Lan XiChen was surprised, “Take someone back to the Cloud Recesses?”

Lan WangJi nodded, his expression pensive. After a pause, he continued, “Take him back… and hide him somewhere.”

Lan XiChen’s eyes immediately widened.


Lan XiChen, “Hide him somewhere?”

Lan WangJi frowned softly. He began again, “But he is not willing.”


The corners of Jin GuangYao’s smile were starting to twitch. He glanced at Lan XiChen, eyes full of apology. He tried to speak gently, “After this, they’ll return on their swords. Drinking would probably affect their…”

HAHAHAHA the way "drinking and driving" works in their universe too!

A wave of cheers came from all around them. Lan WangJi was still sitting, staring coldly at the cup of liquor that Jin ZiXun forced into his sight. He looked as if he was about to speak when a hand suddenly took over the cup of liquor.

Lan WangJi paused in surprise, his knitted eyebrows unravelling at once. He looked up.

What first reflected against his pupils were black robes. A flute hung at the waist, tassels in the color of blood dangling off one end. The person who came stood with hands against his back. With a lift of his head, he drank all of the liquor and showed the empty bottom to Jin ZiXun, “I drank it for him. You satisfied yet?”

And the award for the sexiest entrance goes to Yiling Laozu!

Someone exclaimed in a hushed tone, “When did he come?!”

Wei WuXian put down the cup. With one hand, he fixed his lapel, “Just a moment ago.”

Just a moment ago? But, just a moment ago, clearly nobody notified the room, much less greeted him. Although surprising, it was true that not a single person noticed when he managed to slip into Glamor Hall. The crowd couldn’t help but shiver in disgust at the mere power of his abilities.

Jin GuangYao was quick to react, his enthusiasm still warm, “I wasn’t aware of Young Master Wei’s arrival at Koi Tower. The lack of a welcome was my fault. Would you like to be seated? Oh, right—do you have an invitation?”

Wei WuXian didn’t make small talk either, getting straight to the point, “No thanks. I don’t.”

This scene where Wei Wuxian barges into a banquet uninvited, with such a dark energy and tricks and threatens everybody really reminds me of the evil witch in Sleeping Beauty that wasn't invited so she got mad and cursed the girl hahaha there must be a fanfic like this somewhere

Before he even finished his words, Wei WuXian began to laugh.

After a few laughs, he continued, “Sect Leader Jin, let me ask you something else. Do you think that, because the QishanWen Sect is gone, the LanlingJin Sect has all right to replace it?”

All was silent within Glamor Hall.

Wei WuXian added, “Everything has to be given to you? Everyone has to listen to you? Looking at how the LanlingJin Sect does things, I almost thought that it was the QishanWen Sect’s empire all over again.”

Such a valid point and sharp eye, you smart smart boy!

Jin GuangShan stood up as well, his face a mixture of shock, anger, fear, and hatred, “Wei WuXian! Just because… Sect Leader Jiang isn’t here doesn’t mean you can be so reckless!”

Wei WuXian’s voice was harsh, “Do you think that I wouldn’t be reckless if he were here? If I wanted to kill someone, who could stop me, and who would dare stop me?!”

Lan WangJi spoke, one word at a time, “Wei Ying, put down Chenqing.”

Wei Wuxian's change of personality is such a wonder to me. Did he really come to act in such a manner because he was accused and questioned? It doesn't seem like him, and in all honesty it was not even that harsh in the beginning. The scene with Jin Zixun at the Phoenix Mountain hunt too. Yeah, he was facing some accusations, but it wasn't something so terrible that he had to get all defensive and threaten to kill everybody. In his normal self Wei Wuxian would totally find a way to make a sassy funny retort and make them all shut up and feel embarrassed. But ever since he Laozified, his tember really changed, and I still can't figure out if it's really because of the ghost path or because of his alienation by the other cultivators.

Wei WuXian, “Cut the nonsense. I’m sure everyone knows that my patience is limited. Where is he? With so much time wasted on you, I’ll give you three. Three!”

Jin ZiXun wanted to resist, but when he saw Jin GuangShan’s face, he felt his heart shiver. Wei WuXian began again, “Two!”

Ah yes, that sexy moment I also drew

Hmmm...Looking at it now I'd still fix some things. Maybe later :)

Jin ZiXun finally yelled, “… Fine! Fine! It’s just a few Wen-dogs. Take them if you want to. I’m not fooling around with you any longer! Go find them at Qiongqi Path on your own!”

Wei WuXian laughed coldly, “If only you said it sooner.”

He came like wind and went like wind.

Yup. That's totally the way the evil witch would depart from the banquet she was uninvited to after she got what she wanted. XDD

He was the only one left to clean up the mess. How could he leave the scene? He reassured the crowd as he ranted, completely exhausted, “Young Master Wei really is too impulsive. How could he speak in such a way in front of so many sects?”

Lan WangJi spoke coldly, “Was he wrong?”


Lan XiChen seemed as if he was deep in thought, “Young Master Wei’s heart really has changed.”

Hearing this, pain flashed across the light pair of eyes under Lan WangJi’s knitted brows.

He knows! He knows, and he told him so many times! T^T

When Wei WuXian, with Jiang Cheng on his back, said goodbye to Wen Qing, this was what she said, ‘No matter what the result of this campaign turns out to be, from now on, we owe each other no more. It’s all settled.’

Wei WuXian could still see in his mind’s eye her proud expression. Yet, last night, she refused to let go of his hand, almost kneeling in front of him as she begged, ‘Wei WuXian, Wei WuXian, Young Master Wei, please help me. I really can’t find anyone else to help me. You really have to help me find A-Ning! I have no other choice other than you!’

Ok this is going to sound really outrageous and maybe some of you will hate me, but I totally believe that the main reason Wei Wuxian helped the Wen Remnants was because THOSE SPECIFIC Wens helped him and the Jiang Sect. He feels that he must help them back. All those important words he said at Koi tower, did he really stand by them? When he said that not all Wens participated in the slaughter, if Wen Qing and Wen Ning didn't help him, would he stop to check for them? Also, isn't there a possibility that apart from Wen Qing and Wen Ning and those who were under their command, there were other Wens who didn't agree with the sect's actions, didn't participate or sabotage it? But from the text we see that Wei Wuxian killed them for being Wen just as much. He even dug up the graves of their ancestors who had nothing to do with the actions of the current Wens and turned them into corpse puppets to harm other Wens. He killed Wen Cultivators who fought him, turning them into corpse puppets to harm not only other Wen Cultivators, but their family as well. And what did he knew about their family? Did he stop to ask if maybe the wife of a certain Wen cultivator didn't agree with what was happening?

This is not me blaming Wei Wuxian at all! This is me making a point to the fandom who thinks that Wei Wuxian stood up for the helpless. Yes, he did. But those were the helpless ones he simply happened to know. Who came to him to ask for help, and he helped cause they helped him too. Would he go on his own to check for the helpless ones in the camps they made for the Wens if not for Wen Qing finding him? He said so to Jiang Cheng later himself, that he'd prefer that he hadn't need to do that and that he could stay by him in his sect. But he knows he owes them. And he also does it because Jiang Cheng owes them, but Jiang Cheng can't know exactly what.

It was only later, when Wen Qing and Wen Ning went to turn themselves over, when he thought of how they forced him to stay, he slapped himself feeling ashamed for thinking this way. But again, this was only about Wen Qing and Wen Ning and their people.

Now that the LanlingJin Sect had taken over, of course it couldn’t let the QishanWen Sect’s glorious past continue to exist. It was in the middle of reconstruction, meaning that all of the reliefs on both sides would be chiselled down and new ones would be carved. Naturally, in the end, it’d be given a new name that’d emphasize the LanlingJin Sect’s gallantry.

Such a large-scale undertaking would need many laborers for sure. And, as for these laborers, of course there were no better candidates than the Wen Sect’s prisoners of war, who had become homeless dogs after the Sunshot Campaign.

Using them as laborers for building stuff for your own sect....This really reminds me how my grandma said that when she was a toddler (she's Jewish), she saw how Nazi soldiers were brought to build roads in her country after the war. She was little, she didn't understand who they were, but she still went down to them to bring them some food and said that they really cherished her. This is so ironic.

Anyways, what the Jins wanted to do with the Wens, I need to remember that for next HoG arcs :)

The young man bore handsome features, but his eyes were rather cold. He couldn’t help but shiver under the gaze. Soon, he realized that the young man wasn’t staring at him, but instead the iron brand that he brandished.

The iron brand within the inspector’s hand was the same kind as what the QishanWen Sect’s servants used. It was only that the shape of the brand at the top was changed from the sun crest to the peony crest.

He was completely right about the Jins turning to be the Wens.

Chapter 73: Recklessness—Part Two

Lan XiChen responded a moment later, “I have heard of Wen Qing’s name a few of times. I do not remember her having participated in any of the Sunshot Campaign’s crimes.”

Nie MingJue, “But she’s never stopped them either.”

Lan XiChen, “Wen Qing was one of Wen RuoHan’s most trusted people. How could she have stopped them?”

Nie MingJue spoke coldly, “If she responded with only silence and not opposition when the Wen Sect was causing mayhem, it’s the same as indifference. She shouldn’t have been so disillusioned as to hope that she could be treated with respect when the Wen Sect was doing evil and be unwilling to suffer the consequences and pay the price when the Wen Sect was wiped out.”

Gotta be honest, this is one of the best exchanges in the novel, that really talks about the philosophy of justice and morality.

Hearing this, Jiang Cheng’s face was already quite dark. Jin GuangShan shook his head, “In an event as important as the Flower Banquet, he dared throw a fit right in front of you, leaving however he pleased. He even dared say something like ‘I don’t care about the sect leader Jiang WanYin at all!’ Everyone who was there heard it with their own ears…”

Suddenly, an indifferent voice spoke up, “No.”

Jin GuangShan was in the middle of his fabrication. Hearing this, he paused in surprise, turning along with the crowd to see who it was.

Lan WangJi sat with his back straight, speaking in a tone of absolute tranquility, “I did not hear Wei Ying say this. I did not hear him express the slightest disrespect towards Sect Leader Jiang either.”

Lan Wangji dropping the mic!

One of the sect leaders added, “To be honest, I’ve wanted to say this since a long time ago. Although Wei WuXian did a few things during the Sunshot Campaign, there are many guest cultivators who did more than him. I’ve never seen anyone as full of themselves as him. Excuse my bluntness, but he’s the son of a servant. How could the son of a servant be so arrogant?”

Amazing example of human nature. You admire him when everybody admires him, but when people start questioning his character, all the dirt and insults spill out and become more and more radical.

“In the beginning, Sect Leader Jin asked Wei Ying for the Tiger Seal with nothing but good intentions, worried that he wouldn’t be able to control it and lead to a disaster. He, however, used his own yardstick to measure another’s intents. Did he think that everyone is after his treasure? What a joke. In terms of treasures, is there any sect that doesn’t hold a few treasures?”

With nothing but good intentions!!! LOL!!!

The woman tried hard to protest, “The Sunshot Campaign is a battlefield. In the battlefield, would it mean that everyone is killing indiscriminately? Let’s consider this as it stands. I really don’t think it’s right to say that he killed indiscriminately. After all, there is a reason. If the inspectors really abused the prisoners and killed Wen Ning, it wouldn’t be called killing indiscriminately anymore, but rather revenge…”

One of them raged, “You’re almost laughable! Don’t tell me you think he’s right to have killed our people! Don’t tell me you’re going to praise that it was an act of justice!”

Another one of them mocked, “We still don’t know whether or not the inspectors really did those things. It’s not like anybody saw it with their own eyes.”

“That’s right. All of the inspectors who lived said that they definitely didn’t abuse the prisoners. Wen Ning died because he himself accidentally fell from a cliff. They even went so far as to take back his corpse and bury him, yet they received such revenge. How disappointing!”

The woman said, “The other inspectors are scared that they’d be responsible for abusing the prisoners and killing people. Of course they’d insist that he fell off on his own…”

MianMian stating FACTS! What a brave girl!

The woman’s face flushed. She raised her voice, “Explain things. What do you mean I have other motives?”

The person replied, “There’s no need for me to say anything. You know, deep down, and we know too. You fell for him back in the cave of the Xuanwu just because he flirted with you? You’re still arguing for him, calling white black no matter how irrational it is. Ha, women will always be women.”

The incident of Wei WuXian saving a damsel in distress in the cave of the Xuanwu was indeed once a topic of conversation. Thus, many people realized immediately that this young woman was ‘MianMian’.

At once, somebody murmured, “So that’s why. Explains how she’s so desperate as to speak up for Wei WuXian…”

MianMian fumed, “Irrational? Calling white black? I’m just being considerate it as it stands. What does it have to do with the fact that I’m a woman? You can’t be rational with me so you’re attacking me with other things?”

How disgusting. What MianMian says at the last quoted sentence is exactly calling out for the disgusting Ad Hominem the do on her. They can't counter her claims with rational claims so they start to attack her for who she is. MXTX really gave here a great example of how arguments usually go, especially on social media, where ganging up on someone and using ad hominem instead of countering their claims is usually the way to deal with the argument. Which also quickly leads to cancel culture.

Ignoring the rioting voices behind him, Lan WangJi stood up as well and exited.


Behind the sea of Sparks Amidst Snow, the Venerated Trio gathered. Lan XiChen spoke, “Brother, you have worked hard.”

Jin GuangYao grinned, “It wasn’t hard work. Who had to work hard was Sect Leader Jiang’s table. He clenched a few of its parts to crumbles. Looks like he really was angered.”

OMG did Jin Guangyao just throw a joke?!?! hahahahaha

Lan XiChen gestured to the front. Jin GuangYao and Nie MingJue turned to look. Amid the ocean of Sparks Amidst Snow, Lan WangJi and the woman who left her sect in Golden Pavilion stood facing each other. The woman’s eyes were still tearing up while Lan WangJi’s expression was solemn. The two seemed to be conversing.

A moment later, Lan WangJi bowed slightly, saluting her.

The salute held gravity amid respect. The woman returned him an even graver solute. Wearing the uncrested gauze coat, she drifted down Koi Tower.


Nie MingJue, “The woman has much more backbone than the mob of her sect.”

I really appreciate the fact that Nie Mingjue is the one who said it. With his adamant view on justice, he clearly held a sceptic position regarding that whole Wei Wuxian slandering conference. It's too bad that he didn't say it back there.

He was quite a fine, lovable child. Unfortunately, Jiang Cheng had no love in him at all. He turned to Wei WuXian, “Where did the kid come from? Get him away from me.”

WTF f*ck you Jiang Cheng for treating a-Yuan this way!

Wei WuXian pointed to the front. The two walked shoulder to shoulder. A chilling gust of air surged toward them as they saw the large mouth of a cave. After they entered, for a while they had been walking straight before Jiang Cheng knocked something over with his feet. He looked down to find half a compass.

Wei WuXian quickly stopped him, “Don’t kick it. I haven’t finished this one yet. It’s useful.”

Just as he picked it up, Jiang Cheng stepped on something else. It was a crumpled-up flag. Wei WuXian stopped him again, “Don’t break it! This one is useful as well. It’s almost finished.”

Jiang Cheng, “You’re the one who littered them on the ground. It’s not anyone’s fault if they break them.”

Ahhhh the den of the genius maestro.

Jiang Cheng, “Wasn’t he a shy stutterer when he was alive? How’s he so fierce after he died?”

His tone couldn’t be called friendly at all. Wei WuXian glanced at him, “Wen Ning was indeed quite a timid person. But precisely because of this, he hid all of his feelings within him. Hatred, anger, fear, anxiety, pain—these were pent-up for too long, which is why the exploded after he died. You can’t even imagine how powerful they are. It’s the same as how the more nice-tempered someone is, the scarier they are after they lose their temper. The more he was like this, the fiercer he’d be after death.”

This makes so much sense and again shows MXTX's deep understanding of human character and emotions.

Jiang Cheng, “All that is over? How could it be possible?! Don’t you know how many eyes are watching you right now? How many are watching your Seal? If this opportunity is in their hands, you wouldn’t be in the right even if you are!”

He's right. I love how Jiang Cheng at this point isn't just parroting what the sect leaders said, but understands the hidden motive, and tries to explain the danger to Wei Wuxian.

However, Wei WuXian clenched his wrist, “Are you joking?! If we return Wen Qing and the others to them, they’d meet nothing but a dead end!”

Jiang Cheng, “I doubt you’ll even return all of them. Why do you care what kind of end they meet? A dead end it is, then—what does it have to do with you?!”

Wei WuXian finally lost his temper, “Jiang Cheng! What- What do you think you’re talking about?! Take it back—don’t make me give you a thrashing! Don’t forget. Who was the one that helped us burn Uncle Jiang’s and Madam Yu’s corpses? Who returned to us the ashes that are in Lotus Pier right now? And who took us in when we were chased after by Wen Chao?!”

The way Jiang Cheng doesn't know shit about what Wen Ning, Wen Qing and Wei Wuxian did for him.

Jiang Cheng, “Wei WuXian! Don’t you understand? When you’re standing on their side, you’re the bizarre genius, the miraculous hero, the force of the rebellion, the flower that blooms alone. But the second your voice differs from theirs, you’ve lost your mind, you’ve ignored morality, you’ve walked the crooked path. You think you can be immune to all those condemnations as you stay outside of the world and do whatever you want? No such precedent has happened before!”
A while later, Jiang Cheng spoke, “Wei WuXian, have you still not realized what the situation at hand is like? Do you really need me to say it out loud? If you insist on protecting them, then I won’t be able to protect you.”

Yup. This again. At this moment he isn't under the manipulation of the sects, like they tried to do. He understood the things at play and came to warn Wei Wuxian.

Jiang Cheng’s face twisted.

Wei WuXian, “Just let go. Tell the world that I defected. From now on, no matter what Wei WuXian does, it’d have nothing to do with the YunmengJiang Sect.”

Jiang Cheng, “… All for the Wen Sect…? Wei WuXian, do you have a savior complex? Is it that you’ll die if you don’t stand up for someone and stir up some trouble?”

This is the moment Jiang Cheng realized that Wei Wuxian will not stand behind his words of them being the two prides of Yunmeng.

Chapter 74: Distance—Part One

Some scolded, “He doesn’t even know to pick the child up and make him feel better! So he’s just letting his son cry on the ground? What a dad!”

Some showed their understanding, “Look at how young he is. First time being a dad, huh? Back then I was like this too. I didn’t know anything. He’ll get it after his wife bears him a few more. We all had to take our time…”

The way this novel combines high politics of the elite world with the simply way of life of the common folk <3

He suddenly heard Lan WangJi speak up, “… The child?”

Wei WuXian’s mouth moved on its own as soon as his heart was settled, lying, “Mine.”

Lan WangJi’s brows twitched.


Wei WuXian, “Do you want one?”

Wen Yuan thought that he was going to buy one for him. He spoke embarrassedly, “Yeah.”

Yet, Wei WuXian walked in the opposite direction, “Haha, let’s go.”

Wen Yuan seemed to be shocked. Tears filled his eyes again. Having been watching the scene unfold, Lan WangJi finally couldn’t bear it any longer, “Why did you not buy one for him?”

Wei WuXian mused, “Why should I buy one for him?”

Lan WangJi, “You asked him whether he wanted one or not. Did it not mean that you would buy one for him?”

Wei WuXian answered purposely, “Asking and buying are two different things—why should I have to buy it for him if I asked?”

TELL HIM LAN ZHAN! Oh my god Wei Wuxian, what kind of cruel mom are you?!

With such a rhetorical question, Lan WangJi was surprisingly at a lost for words. He glared at him for a long while before he turned to Wen Yuan. Due to his stare, Wen Yuan started shaking again.

Holy shit you guys, this is the first time Lan Wangji SERIOUSLY couldn't believe Wei Wuxian and completely disagreed with him. I can simply imagine the unbelievable GLARE of "are you for real?" Lan Wangji gave him.

An hour later, Wen Yuan finally stopped crying. He kept on feeling his pockets, stuffed full of the playthings that Lan WangJi bought for him. Seeing that his tears finally stopped, Lan WangJi seemed to be relieved. Yet, with a blushing face, Wen Yuan snuck over quietly and wrapped his arms around his leg.

The contrast between him and Jiang Cheng...

Wen Yuan sat beside Lan WangJi’s leg. He took out wooden sabers, wooden swords, clay dolls, grass butterflies, and the other toys inside his pockets and put them onto the mat, counting them in delight. Seeing how he stuck to Lan WangJi and rubbed against him so that he couldn’t even have a sip of tea properly, Wei WuXian whistled and called out, “A-Yuan, come here.”

A-Yuan looked at Wei WuXian, who had just planted him in the soil like a radish two days ago. Then, he looked at Lan WangJi, who just now bought him the big pile of toys. He didn’t shift at all, and on his face was written the large word, ‘No.’


I swear, MXTX has the ability to write from anyone's perspective and it will be so believable!

Lan WangJi, “Speech is forbidden when dining.”

For Wen Yuan to understand, he repeated it again using simpler language, “Do not talk when you are eating.”

Wen Yuan quickly nodded and buried himself in the soup, not saying anything anymore. Wei WuXian exclaimed, “How can this be? He only listens to me after I repeat myself a couple of times, yet he does whatever you say after just once. Really, how can this be?”

Lan WangJi’s voice was indifferent, “Speech is forbidden when dining. You too.”

That's right Lan Wangji, educate your two boys! <3

My heart when he explains the Gusu rule to A-Yuan in an understandable language!! He's so good with kids sldkjfsldkfjsldkfj

Wei WuXian sandwiched Wen Yuan between his arm and his body, “Excuse me, Lan Zhan, I have to go back!”

Something fell from Wen Yuan’s pocket. He called out, “Butter… Butterfly!”

With him in his arm, Wei WuXian had already rushed outside the restaurant. Soon, a white shadow swept by him. Lan WangJi seemed to have followed them out as well, walking beside them. Wei WuXian, “Lan Zhan? Why are you following us?”

Lan WangJi put into Wen Yuan’s palm the butterfly that he dropped. He didn’t answer the question, but instead asked, “Why do you not mount your sword?”

Wei WuXian, “Forgot to bring it!”

Without saying anything, Lan WangJi took him by his waist and brought him onto Bichen as they rose into the air. Wen Yuan was too young to have been on a flying sword before.

Although he would’ve been extremely scared, because Bichen was exceptionally steady, he didn’t feel any bumpiness at all. The people on the streets were shocked by the three who decided to fly into the air without a second of hesitation, looking up at their figures. And so, Wen Yuan felt nothing but curiosity and excitement, cheering loudly.

Wei WuXian let out a breath of relief, “Thank you!”

Lan WangJi, “Which way?”

Wei WuXian gestured, “Over there!”

Cares for the child? Check.

Teaches manners? Check.

Has the final word? Check.

Worries for waifu? Check.

Grabs waifu by the waist? Check.

Pays for the food? Check.

Protects? Check.


Chapter 75: Distance—Part Two

After he calmed down, Wei WuXian promised solemnly that he had a way for Wen Ning to return to consciousness. But, nobody knew that he was only talking big so that Wen Qing could relax first. In truth, he had close to no confidence and could only summon up whatever skills he had.

With the arduous days and the sleepless nights, he really did manage to keep his promise.

Wei Wuxian: sees a sister grief for the death of her brother and wants to cheer her up. The result? The first moment in history a corpse gained consciousness.


Under Wei WuXian’s arm, Wen Yuan looked up at him, “Brother, you won’t be eating here?”

Lan WangJi glanced at him. He reached out and stroked his head softly.

Wen Yuan thought that he was going to stay. His face brightened up, whispering, “A-Yuan heard a secret. They said that there’ll be lots of good food today…”

Wei WuXian, “This brother here has food waiting for him in his own home. He won’t be staying.”

Wen Yuan replied with an ‘oh’. Disappointment was plastered on his face. His head drooped down and he didn’t say anything else.

WHAT A PRECIOUS BOY!!!! The way he says he heard a secret, he probably was so happy he thought he's just revealed a great intel that will make things go his way! ;__________;

A moment later, Wei WuXian spoke up, “Lan Zhan, you asked me if I intended on staying like this from now on. To be honest, I’d like to ask something as well. What can I do apart from this?”

He continued, “Give up the demonic path? Then what about the people on this mountain?
“Give them up? I won’t be able to do it. I believe that if you were I, you wouldn’t be able to do it either.”

He continued, “Nobody can give me a nice, broad road to walk on. A road where I could protect those I want to protect without having to cultivate the ghostly path.”

Ok so which one is it!? I feel confused because I know ExR makes the difference between Gui and Mo. I went to the official 7seas translation and in both cases they write "demonic"! (Vol.4 Page 83) which is unbelievable cause Wei Wuxian would never say that his path is the Mo Dao.

I really wonder what the original text says.

Wei WuXian shot a look at him and snatched the butterfly away, “What, you like him just because he’s got money?”

Wen Yuan stood on tippy toes to grab for it, “Give it back… He bought it for me!”

Wei WuXian really had to be ridiculous. He could have fun just by teasing a child, putting the butterfly on his own head,

If only Lan Wangji was there to see him with the butterfly in his hair :')

Wei WuXian exploded again, “Who told you to call me mom? The one with higher seniority than brother and dad is granddad—you didn’t even know this? Do you really like him so much? You should’ve said it sooner. If you did I would’ve asked him to take you away earlier. His sect is rich, but it’s very scary. He’d take you back, lock you inside, and have you copy scriptures the whole day. You scared?!”

The way he prophesied the future T___________T

Also what's up with you constantly thinking that Lan Wangji is all about locking up people? IS THIS WHAT YOU REALLY WANT HIM TO DO TO YOU MAYBE WEI WUXIAN?!

He was thinking, To walk it all the night… huh?

It wasn’t really that dark at all.

All of a sudden, his entire body felt refreshed.

The fifty people were crammed at three tables. Chopsticks stretched here and there. Sitting on his granny’s legs, Wen Yuan showed her his new treasures, showing her a fight with two little wooden swords. The old lady grinned so hard that her toothless mouth was wide open. Wei WuXian and that uncle talked about the wine they had drunk with fierce passion. In the end, the both agreed that the Emperor’s Smile of Gusu was an indisputable winner. Walking in circles, Wen Qing poured wine for the seniors and a few of their subordinates. It emptied in just a few rounds.

This is so wholesome!!! ;^;

The way they try their best even in such conditions!

Wen Qing didn’t believe him, “You can cook?”

Wei WuXian raised a brow, “Of course. I can be both the hostess and the housewife. Leave it to me. Just wait.”

Everyone clapped to show their anticipation. However, when Wei WuXian placed two dishes onto the table, on his face a captivating smirk, Wen Qing only glanced at it once before speaking, “From now on, you stay as far away from the kitchen as possible.”

Wei WuXian protested, “Just have some. You can’t judge a book by its cover. You’ll like after after you taste it. That’s how it’s supposed to taste.”

Wen Qing, “Taste my ass! Don’t you see how much A-Yuan is crying after he tasted it? A waste of food. Don’t pick up your chopsticks. No need to give him the face for it!”

Such happy moments! I can't believe the end the got! T_____________T

One time, when Wei WuXian saw a long banner that said ‘all hail the supreme Lord of Evil Patriarch of YiLing’, a mouthful of fruit wine shot from his lips. He really couldn’t take it any longer. He went down the mountain, accepted with pleasure all of the tributes with which they ‘honored his most wise sage’, and began to use another mountain path from then on.

OMG this classic piece of trivia

Jiang YanLi hurried, “That’s enough. You know how A-Cheng is. He’s the one who came up with the idea of having you give the courtesy name. Both of you can stop fooling around. I brought soup for you two. Wait a second.”

Jiang Cheng proposing to give Wei Wuxian the honor of choosing a name is so precious to me.

Then, she went inside again and brought out a third bowl, walked to the door, and turned to Wen Ning, “I’m sorry. There are only small bowls left. You can have this.”

Wen Ning had originally been guarding the door, looking at the ground. Seeing this, he was so flattered that he started stammering again, “Ah… Th-There’s some for me?”

Sure melt my heart some more, won't you! T_____________T

He drank the leftover soup in one gulp and stood up, “Wow. I’m impressed. Round of applause for the YiLing Patriarch.”

Wei WuXian spat out a bone, “Are you done yet?”

The way Wei Wuxian hates this nickname and the way Jiang Cheng bullies him with it! hahahaha looks like the tables have turned lol

Chapter 76: Nightfall—Part One

You mean the seventh-day celebration of Jin ZiXuan’s son? There’s a whole pile of colorful things, and the kid didn’t like any of them. Cried so hard that the roof of Glamor Hall was almost screamed off. How amusing that he giggles like that whenever he sees his dad’s Suihua. His parents were so happy. They all said he’s going to be a wonderful swordsman when he grows up.”

Don't know why but reading this after gaining memories of being a fresh parent....this hits different. It's so sad that they died, damn...

Wei WuXian, “The pretty little thing wasn’t cheap at all. Your sister’s money almost wasn’t enough for buying this after a new outfit. I don’t have a single coin left anyways. I’ll just wait for the scolding when we get back.”

I wonder if the white robes he wears at this moment were the ones he bought for the celebration, the ones he mentions here.

Wen Ning paused in surprise, “Then Young Master, what gift did you prepare?”

Wei WuXian, “The will of the Heavens shall not be grasped by mortals.”

Wen Ning, “Oh.”

He really did stop asking. However, after holding it in for a while, Wei WuXian couldn’t take it any longer himself, “Wen Ning, shouldn’t you keep on asking with utmost curiosity and persistence? How could you really stop asking after just an ‘oh’? Don’t you want to know what the present is???”

Wen Ning stared at him blankly. He finally realized, “… I do! Young Master! What gift did you prepare?”

The way he's having this casual conversation with a corpse. The way he's teaching a corpse the details and nuances of a conversation hahahhaa <333

Wen Ning, “But, since you’ll be attending Young Master Jin Ling’s full month celebration, Young Master, you have to hold it back when you see Maiden Jiang’s husband. Don’t clash with him…”

Wei WuXian waved his hand, “You can relax about this. I know what to do and not do. For the sake of Jin ZiXuan having invited me, I won’t badmouth him for the entire year.”


Jin ZiXun glanced at his chest as if he himself felt disgusted as well. He folded his lapels back, “Apart from a criminal who’s as used to using crooked means as you, who else could put such a savage thing on me?”

Wei WuXian thought to himself that there were indeed many who’d do so. Might it be that Jin ZiXun actually thought he was popular with others?


Wei WuXian was Jiang Yanli’s shidi, and the couple was quite affectionate toward each other. Jin ZiXuan told his wife everything, no matter what a trivial matter it was. A few people were worried that he might give the plan away, causing Wei WuXian not to come, and so they had been keeping Jin ZiXuan in the dark. This was indeed a bit unfair.

Seeing that everything had fallen through, Jin ZiXun couldn’t help but feel somewhat guilty. But, no matter what, his life was the most important, “ZiXuan, hide it from Sister-in-Law for now. I’ll give you two a formal apology after I get rid of these things on my body!”

THOSE ASSHOLES!!!! Poor Jin Zixuan ;_____;

Jin ZiXun was both angry and impatient, “What is there to turn around now that things are already like this? Haven’t you seen these things on me?!”

He seemed as if he wanted to lift his shirt again to reveal his chest full of holes. Jin ZiXuan quickly stopped him, “There’s no need! I’ve heard about it from Jin GuangYao already!”

LMAO!!! Jin Zixun is like *here, let me have an excuse to show off my pecs!!!* and Jin Zixuan is like *please don't.*

Deeply infuriated, Jin ZiXun clenched down. The wooden box that held the bell and the jade tassel was clenched into dust at once!

Wei WuXian watched the object break to pieces with his own eyes. Pupils shrinking fast, he lunged at Jin ZiXun. Jin ZiXuan, however, didn’t know what was inside the box yet. He raised his hand and blocked the attack, shouting, “Wei WuXian! Have you had enough yet?!”

I'd f*cking end him that very instant if that'd happen to me.

Wei WuXian’s chest heaved up and down. His eyes were red. Jin ZiXuan and Jin ZiXun were cousins who had known each other well ever since they were young. With almost twenty years between them, at this point, it was indeed difficult for him to defend an outsider. And, in truth, he didn’t like Wei WuXian as a person either.

Hold up. there's a 20 year difference between Jin Zixun and Jin Zixuan? Am I reading this right? Is Jin Zixun around 40 years old????

Wen Ning took out the hand that he used to pierce through Jin ZiXuan’s chest, leaving behind a gaping hole.

Jin ZiXuan’s face twitched in pain, as though he felt that the wound wasn’t anything big, that he could still stand up. Yet, his legs finally gave out as he kneeled on the ground.

Screams of fear sounded from all around him.

“The… The Ghost General has gone mad!”

“He killed, he killed him. Wei WuXian made the Ghost General kill Jin ZiXuan!”

And that's the way reality is created. When you think you saw something and attach it a story before knowing exactly what happened, but it doesn't matter anymore because you go on to spread it and everyone believes you.

Wei WuXian stood helplessly where he was, unmoving.
That wasn’t it.
He was clearly controlling Wen Ning properly.
Even though he activated Wen Ning’s rampage mode, he should still be able to control him.
He’d clearly always been able to control him perfectly.
He didn’t want to kill Jin ZiXuan at all.

He never had the intention to kill Jin ZiXuan at all! It was just that moment. He didn’t know why, but all of a sudden he wasn’t able to control it… He had suddenly lost control!
Jin ZiXuan’s body finally couldn’t hold up any longer, leaning forward. With a slam, he collapsed on the ground.

He’d been arrogant and self-satisfied throughout his whole life, regarding with importance his appearance and mannerisms. He liked to be clean to the point that he was almost somewhat mysophobic. Right now, however, with the side of his face landing on the ground, he had fallen into the dirt in a most undignified way. The spots of blood on his face and the mark of vermilion between his brows were of the same color.

And this is me wondering again. Why did he lose control like that? Was it because he was really cornered and brought to such a condition by the cultivators around him? Or was it his cultivation? One thing Lan Wangji told him was true- he lost control and couldn't notice the actions Wen Ning made and to stop him. However does it mean that Lan Wangji was also right when he blamed the ghost path for it?

He stepped onto Wen Ning’s chest, kicking him to the ground.

Wen Qing jolted. She clenched her hands, but still looked down, her mouth shut.

Wei WuXian roared, “Who did you kill? Do you know who you killed?!”

At this point, with a grass butterfly on his head, Wen Yuan ran in from outside, beaming, “Brother Xian…”

He was originally going to show Wei WuXian the butterfly that he painted in new colors. Yet, when he came in, he saw a demon that was Wei WuXian and Wen Ning curled up on the ground. At once, he was shocked speechless. Wei WuXian spun around. He hadn’t held back his emotions yet, his eyes almost frightening. Wen Yuan was so scared that his entire person jerked. The butterfly fell from on top of his head and onto the ground. He began to wail at once. Stooping, Uncle Four hurried in and carried him away.

OMFG the part with A-Yuan almost made me cry! He ran in so happy, yet immediately after was so scared!

It wasn’t Wen Ning’s fault at all.

It was his own fault.

When on a rampage, Wen Ning was nothing more than a weapon. The person who created the weapon was him. The things it listens to were his orders as well.

At that time, with all the tension and the killing intent on top of how Wei WuXian had never hesitated to show enmity toward Jin ZiXuan in front of Wen Ning, when he was unconscious, Wen Ning recognized Jin ZiXuan as an ‘enemy’ when he attacked, carrying out the order of ‘exterminate’ without a second thought.

He was the one who couldn’t control such a weapon. He was the one who grew to confident in his own abilities. He was also the one who ignored all of the ominous indications that had happened up to now, with the belief that he could suppress any loss of control.

I think I understand now. It was all an unfortunate turn of events, and the problem being that he didn't know the limit of "the weapon" he himself created. Wen Ning attacked on his own simply because he was made to sense Wei Wuxian's rage, but problem is that, not everybody Wei Wuxian felt angry with he had the intent to kill, and Wen Ning didn't know that. Wei Wuxian didn't lose control because he was mad angry or because the ghostly path made him so. He lost control cause he didn't think as far as what the consequences of creating and holding and using such a weapon might be.

Same with when he lost control in the death scene of Jiang Yanli. I will quote it later but it was mentioned that the more he feared, the less control he had on the corpses.

It seems to be that the feeling of losing control of your own feelings (like mad anger or mad fear) this is the moment you lose control of the army you created. I think now, that it really doesn't have anything to do with the ghost path in itself, because we see Wei Wuxian use it in his second life. The difference being is that he's not that easily angered and he can keep control over himself and his feelings. He's more composed and calm, and overall, has a positive state of mind.

I'd like to hear your thoughts about this.

Wen Ning was a weapon, but did he come to be a weapon out of his own will?
Could such a timid, stuttering person have been happy, killing all those people under Wei WuXian’s orders?


Chapter 77: Nightfall—Part Two

Wei WuXian, “But there are no rebounded curse marks on me!”

Wen Qing, “During today’s incident, did they ask you?”

Wei WuXian, “No.”


The way everybody has already made their mind about you being the scapegoat, so no use what you say or what you do, they won't change their minds.

Wen Qing’s voice was calm, “Wei Ying, we both know. Wen Ning is a knife, a knife that scares them, but also a knife that they use as an excuse to attack you. If we go, without the knife, they’d no longer have an excuse. This entire thing might finally be over.”

My girl, you can't be this naive!!!! ;_______________;

Wen Qing, “Anyhow, we should’ve been dead since a long time ago. These days have been a strike of luck for us.”

Wen Ning nodded.

This part is so powerful!!!! The way she admits that these days they've been living were probably should not have happened, when all odds were for them dying, and with Wen Ning already being dead. It was her pushing her luck to stay alive and Wei Wuxian never giving up on them either. But it was a lost case since the beginning, never was meant to last. And that's why they go to die with such a calmness, because they knew that it was supposed to be their fate anyway.


Wen Qing interrupted him, “I’ve never really said such things to you before. But now that it’s today, there are indeed a few things I should say. I really won’t get a chance to say them after this.”

Wei WuXian whispered, “… Shut up… Let me go…”

Wen Qing, “I’m sorry. And, thank you.”

Nooooooo :(((

Yet, looking at the wild grasses that covered many of the mountain paths, he didn’t know where to go.

Burial Mound—he’d just gone down from there.

Lotus Pier—he hadn’t been back in over a year.

Koi Tower? Three days had passed already. If he went now, it was likely that Wen Qing’s corpse and Wen Ning’s ashes were the only things left.

He stood blankly. Suddenly, he felt that the world had no place for him, despite how large it was. He didn’t know what to do either.

Woahhhh I remember wanting to convey this feeling of the world having no place for him in House of Gentians T^T

It was Jiang YanLi.

Kneeling on a futon, Jiang YanLi stared blankly at the coffin so black that it seemed to glow. The infant was inside of her arms, still crying softly.

Reading this again after being married with a baby hits so different. I can't imagine what pain that poor girl must have been through, only now getting the chance to marry the man she loved, and now staying behind with their child, a fresh mother, with an aching body and sleepless nights, cherishing what little memories she had with him, and that they had together as a family.

“You’ll do what?”

The people, in the middle of their heated conversation, paused in unison. They all turned around.

The saw a pale, black-robed youth standing behind them, two dark circles below his eyes, his voice cold, “If he dares come out, you’ll do what?”

The laozu of the sexiest entrances.

He walked beside the person whose words were the harshest and ground his foot against the person’s face, laughing, “Talk. Why aren’t you talking anymore? Mr. Hero, just what are you going to do to me?!”

The person’s nasal bones had broken from the force, bleeding and screaming uncontrollably. Many cultivators were watching from on top of the city gate. They wanted to help, but they didn’t dare approach the scene.

One of them shouted from afar, “Wei… Wei Ying! If you’re really that strong, why don’t you go find those sect leaders participating in the pledge conference? What could you prove by picking on us low-level cultivators with no power to fight back?”

Wei WuXian let out another short whistle. The cultivator who shouted felt as a hand suddenly tugged him down. He fell off the city gate, breaking both of his legs, and began to scream.

Amid the wails, Wei WuXian’s expression didn’t change at all, “Low-level cultivators? Do I have to tolerate you, just because you’re low-level cultivators? If you dared say those things, you had to dare shoulder the consequences. If you knew that you were insignificant pieces of scum as filthy as ants, how come you didn’t know to think before you speak?!”

Everyone was as pale as ash, making not a single noise. A moment later, when Wei WuXian didn’t hear any more chatter, he continued in satisfaction, “Yes, that’s the spirit.”

Just as he finished, he kicked again, knocking out half a mouthful of teeth from the person who was spreading the made-up tales the most!

Blood splattered all over the ground. Everyone shuddered as they watched, while the person had already passed out from the pain. Wei WuXian looked down and pressed his foot against the ground, leaving behind a few bloody footsteps.

Really, I really wonder just what in hell happened to Wei Wuxian's character? How did he become like this to the point that looking back in his second life on what he did and how he acted, Wei Wuxian himself cringes. How did his personality change so much? I don't know by it's delicious and it's exactly how I wanted to portray him in House of Gentians.

Chapter 78: Nightfall—Part Three

Hidden among such a large crowd, the disciples inside of the arrays all felt rather safe. Bravening up, they shouted, “Even if Jin ZiXun was the one who schemed to ambush you first, you shouldn’t have been so heartless and kill so many lives!”

“Oh,” Wei WuXian helped him analyze, “If he wanted to to kill me, he didn’t have to think about whether it was a fatal blow or not, and if I died, it’d be my own bad luck. If I wanted to protect myself, however, I had to think about this and that not to harm, unable to take even a single strand of hair away from him? In conclusion, you all could pull a siege on me, but I’m not allowed to fight back, am I right?”

You are 100% right Wei Wuxian. The fact that they think that they can do anything to him without facing consequences is so outrageous. Like, he's just supposed to shut up and take it all.

The sect’s array was immediately thrown into chaos. The sect leader pointed at Wei WuXian with one shaking finger, “You… You… You are so cruel!”

With his right hand, Wei WuXian unhurriedly pressed the wound at his chest, temporarily ceasing the blood flow. His voice was indifferent, “What does cruel mean? If he dared shoot the arrow at me when I was off guard, he should’ve known what would be facing him if he failed. They call me the cultivator of the crooked path, anyways, so you can’t possibly count on me to be generous and not bother with him, can you?”

Seriously, this is so messed up. They attack, he retaliates, they whine, call him cruel and evil, and it adds up to the negative way people perceive him, without any will to check for facts or hear his side of the story.

Suddenly, the limpid notes of a zither interrupted Chenqing.

Wei WuXian put down Chenqing and turned around to see a person sitting on another of the ridges, guqin laid across his lap. His snow-white robes seemed to burn the eye amid the dark of the night.

Wei WuXian spoke in a cold voice, “Lan Zhan.” After he greeted him, he again placed his flute to his lips, “You should’ve known since long ago—Sound of Lucidity is useless to me!”

Lan WangJi flipped the guqin onto his back. Instead, he pulled out Bichen and attacked straight at Chenqing, as if he wanted to sever the flute playing such wrongful notes.

Wei WuXian spun around to dodge the attack and laughed, “Fine, fine. I knew since the start that we’d have to fight a real fight like this one sooner or later. You’ve always found me disagreeable no matter what. Come on!”

Hearing this, Lan WangJi’s movements paused, “Wei Ying!”

Their first fight was on a roof, their last fight was on a roof. Oof :(

Although he shouted the words, any sane person would be able to tell that Lan WangJi’s voice was clearly shaking. However, right now, Wei WuXian had already lost his judgement. He was already half-mad, half-unconscious. All evil was being augmented by him. He felt that everyone loathed him and he loathed everyone as well. He wouldn’t be scared no matter who came at him. It wouldn’t matter no matter who came at him. It was all the same anyway.

Lan Wangji being scared cause he know he's losing him. And at the same moment, Wei Wuxian is losing himself as well. This sense of apathy and hate is exactly the one which Wei Wuxian has lingering in him, and the way Lan Wangji is driven by the fear of losing him, is exactly their state of mind in HoG :(

He tossed out Sandu. Purple light flew toward the corpse, but in midway, the glare was obstructed by other cultivators’ swords, deviating from its original direction. The more Wei WuXian panicked, the less control he had. The corpse ignored his command and instead lifted the sword in its hand, slashing it down at Jiang YanLi!

Here's the scene I mentioned earlier as a quote. Wei Wuxian lost control for the second time, this time because he lost control over his emotions and was panicking. Apparently the ghost cultivation doesn't mean that you have to stop training on your character, your composure, cleanness of mind and calmness. Maybe this is something Wei Wuxian understood and perfected later?

Lan WangJi landed amid the plaza, catching Bichen which he summoned back. Wei WuXian and Jiang Cheng could finally hurry over. They couldn’t even manage to thank Lan WangJi. Jiang Cheng first picked up Jiang YanLi, while Lan WangJi stopped Wei WuXian.

Seizing his collar, he dragged Wei WuXian in front of him, his voice hard, “Wei Ying! Stop the corpses!”

At the moment, Wei WuXian couldn’t care about anything else. Reflected in his eyes wasn’t Lan WangJi’s face, much less the veins of blood within Lan WangJi’s eyes or the redness that surrounded his eyes. He only wanted to see if Jiang YanLi was fine. With red eyes, he pushed him away and rushed to the ground. With the push, Lan WangJi staggered a bit, and gazed at him after he steadied himself. Before he could do anything else, he suddenly heard another scream of help in the distance. He suppressed whatever was in his eyes and went to provide assistance.

This is a scene I always wanted to draw!

The boy finally realized that he killed the wrong person. He pulled out the sword, along with a series of bloody spurts. With fright, he staggered back, mumbling, “… I-It wasn’t me, it wasn’t… I was going to kill Wei WuXian, I was going to avenge my brother… She was the one who threw herself over on her own!”

Wei WuXian shot toward him and clenched his neck. Sect Leader Yao waved his sword, “Demon, let him go!”

Lan WangJi couldn’t care about appearance or mannerisms any longer.

One after another, he pushed those who blocked his path to the side, sprinting toward Wei WuXian. But before he was even halfway there, under everyone’s eyes, Wei WuXian snapped the boy’s neck with his bare hands.

This scene is so epic and cinematic, wish I could animate it!

A white-haired sect leader raged, “You! Back then… you caused the deaths of Jiang FengMian and his wife, and now you caused the death of your shijie. You suffered from your own actions, and yet you dared vent your anger on another! Instead of turning around, you took yet another life. Wei WuXian, your crimes—shall never be forgiven!”

What a way of twisting things. Fuuuuuu-

Yet, no matter the criticism, the blame, Wei WuXian could no longer hear any of them. As if governed by another soul, he reached out and took two objects from within his sleeves. Before everyone’s eyes, he put them together. One half on top and the other below, the two objects snapped into one, letting out a resonating clang.

Wei WuXian placed it on his palm and raised it high into the air.

It was the Stygian Tiger Seal!

Wow. Wow. The actual moment of simply giving up and not caring anymore. The point you realize this can't actually be worse that it already is so who gives what happens next? F*ck. I'm so sorry Wei Wuxian. So sorry. You really didn't deserve anything of that.


But Nie HuaiSang couldn’t. Everyone knew that he was both timid and untalented. He wasn’t ambitious either, and didn’t work hard as a cultivator. He was caught off-guard by the sudden change of events and didn’t receive any wounds only from his personal guards’ protection.

Seeing that the corpses grew larger and larger in number with no end in sight, he hurried, “Are you all going to go in or not? If you don’t, I’ll go in first. Excuse my absence. Quick, quick, quick—everyone, come in!”


Wei WuXian, “How could there be nothing to chat about? I’m not buying it—don’t you want to know how you’ve suddenly lost your spiritual powers? From the bottom of my heart, I’m not so powerful as to have done something to all of you without anyone noticing.”

Just as Yi WeiChun spat, he heard Nie HuaiSang respond, “Yeah, I think he makes a lot of sense.”

Everyone glared at him.


while HanGuang-Jun and I didn’t use the same mountain path as you did, so the location is off. Would anyone like to think about what you all did?”

Amid the deafening silence, someone responded helplessly, “What we all did? When we went up Burial Mound, we all drank water, didn’t we? I can’t remember, I don’t know.”

Who would respond to Wei WuXian at such an untimely manner, do whatever he said and think whatever said? The only one would be that ‘head-shaker’, Nie HuaiSang.

Nie Huaisang clearly making everyone pay attention to Wei Wuxian, and let him take the lead. Amazing.

Su She seemed as if he really couldn’t take it any longer, “Enough, isn’t it? So you’ve really started to talk with him. Is it fun, getting so carried away by him? He…”

Suddenly, his expression changed drastically. His words stopped mid-sentence. Wei WuXian, “Go on. Why don’t you continue?”

All of the MolingSu Sect’s disciples stood up, “Sect Leader!”

“Sect Leader, what’s wrong?!”

Su She threw off the disciple who came to help him. He raised his arm. First, he pointed at Wei WuXian, and then straight at Lan WangJi. The disciple closest to him fumed, “Wei WuXian, what hex did you perform this time?!”
Lan SiZhui, “It is not a hex! It is… It is…”

Lan WangJi, who sat all prim and proper on the side, lay the fingers of his right hand over the guqin, halting the vibrations of the seven strings. The disciples chattering with excitement all suddenly turned into ducks whose necks had been gripped, their noises coming to an abrupt stop.

All of the Lan Sect’s people who were present commented in silence—this was the silencing spell of the GusuLan Sect…


Chapter 80: Loyalty—Part Two

When the cave that was vibrating with noise had finally calmed down, Lan WangJi turned to Wei WuXian, “You can continue.”

Lan Wangji you king part 2!!!

They cultivate through music as well. Even the sect leader Su She’s first-class spiritual weapon is a seven-stringed guqin like HanGuang-Jun’s.”

Quite speechless, Wei WuXian turned around to look at the dark-faced Su She. Lan JingYi struggled his way out of Lan SiZhui and grumbled, “Not only that, it gets even more peculiar! Sect Leader Su… Fine, I know I have to be quiet! Sect Leader Su not only learns everything, but he is also quite annoyed by others saying that he is imitating our HanGuang-Jun—he gets angry at once. How could such a person exist in this world?!”

What a pathetic rat.

MDZS rereading commentary || Chapters 81-90 

MDZS rereading commentary || Chapters 61-70




I really love how you’ve been reading and gathering insights and how to incorporate them into HOG! Oh I want to make so many comments to yours. Yiling Laozu! MIANMIAN! <3 I love how this was “Wei WuXian sandwiched Wen Yuan between his arm and his body, “Excuse me, Lan Zhan, I have to go back!”” illustrated in the manhua. ~ Oooh these chapters are just so sad. ~ oh wait scene change back to present day oh Nie Huaisang!