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Chapter 61: Evil—Part One

This was the third time tonight that Wen Chao had heard Wang LingJiao’s screams. The fire within him grew stronger as he yelled, “You bitch! You’re too neurotic, can’t you fucking let me be a little less annoyed?”
If not for how there had always been irritating news coming in these past few days and he didn’t have time to find new beauties, afraid that he found dishonest, untrustworthy female assassins from those minor sects but still wanted somebody to warm up his bed, he would’ve told the woman to fuck off long ago. Wen Chao shouted, “Somebody! Make her shut up for me!”

I really love the transition the novel makes from him disgustingly worshipping her to him finally getting tired of her to the point that he uses such hard words toward her. I also love the explanation given here to why he still keeps her. Sometimes I wonder if MXTX has a history or politics major because her explanations are so realistic and make so much sense.

On the ground, Wang LingJiao had already picked up one leg of the stool, frantically stuffing it into her mouth, laughing as she did, “Fine, fine, I’ll eat it, I’ll eat it! Haha, I’ll eat it!”
An entire chunk of the leg had been stuffed down by her!


Lan WangJi’s light eyes glanced at the other sword at Jiang Cheng’s waist. He turned his gaze away.

Jiang Cheng carrying both Sandu and Suibian and has no idea that he's the master of both, (carrying Wei Wuxian's core). Just imagine if he knew, he could mound both of them, one for each leg and ski the skies hahaha

The second day, Lan WangJi had finally caught up to Jiang Cheng. He took out the talisman from last time, “This talisman has been reversed.”
Jiang Cheng, “Reversed? What does reversed mean?”
Lan WangJi, “Normal talismans repel evil. This one attracts them.”
Jiang Cheng was shocked, “Talismans… could attract evil? I haven’t heard of anything like it.”
Lan WangJi, “It is indeed unheard of. But, according to the testing, it does prove to have the ability to attract evil.”
Jiang Cheng took over the talisman and examined it closely, “Only a few brushstrokes were added, and the entire function of the talisman was reversed? Was this a human deed?”
Lan WangJi, “Four brushstrokes were added. It was drawn using human blood. All of the residential talismans in the supervision office have been altered. The strokes were those of the same person.”
Jiang Cheng, “Then who could this person possibly be? Amongst all of the renowned cultivators, I haven’t heard of any who can do such a thing.

Yessss, Wei Wuxian, they're talking about you, you impossible, amazing, unbelievable genius!

This person had to be Wen Chao. But how did Wen Chao’s voice become like this? So thin and so sharp, it didn’t seem to be Wen Chao at all?

Damn, Wei Wuxian, you didn't spare the sausage and the eggs did you....

His words were quite honest, neither emphasized nor faked. However, the honesty created much torment on Wen Chao’s part, “Two days? Two days?! Do you see how I am right now? If I wait for two more days, how would I be then?! You useless thing!”
Wen ZhuLiu suddenly stood up. Wen Chao flinched from fear. He thought that he wanted to flee alone and was immediately scared. All of the guards died in front of him one by one. Wen ZhuLiu was both his strongest and his last support. He quickly changed his words, “No no no, Wen ZhuLiu, Brother Wen! Don’t go, don’t leave me behind. If you can take me back to my dad, I’ll let him promote you to the highest level guest cultivator! No no no, you saved me, so you’re my brother—I’ll let him recognize you into the main clan! From now on you’ll be my elder brother!”

Wen Chao is truly disgusting. He always treated Wen Zhuliu like a floor mat, yet he always knew just how powerful this man is. The promises he suddenly makes this man after fearing that he will turn on him, after all the bad way he treated him. EW.

All of the excess blood had drained from Wen Chao’s burnt face. Trembling, he moved his hands out of the cape and covered his face with them, as though he was so scared that he wanted to cover his eyes to protect himself, pretending that nothing was happening. The pair of palms, on the other hand, was bare, without a single finger on it!


Chapter 62:  Evil—Part Two

Wei WuXian had clearly been a bright, high-spirited boy. The tips of his eyes and eyebrows had always retained the hint of a grin, always refusing to walk properly. Yet, this person was entirely enveloped in a cold, dark energy. He was handsome, yet pale-faced, his smile eerie.

Yesssssss my sexy sexy Yiling Laozu boy <33333

What a character transformation!! Lan Wangji take a good look hohohoho~~

As he bawled, he crawled on the ground with his finger-less hands. The long black cape slid down the lower half of his body, revealing his legs. The two legs dangled from his torso as if they were burdensome accessories. Even wrapped within bandages, they were still unusually thin. Due to his violent movements, the bandages stretched out to form gaps. Inside were ghastly white bones, crimson blood and strands of flesh still hanging from them.

All of the flesh on his legs had been sliced off, piece by piece. And, likely… all of the flesh had been eaten by himself!

Holy fucking shit.

A few moments later, Jiang Cheng waved his arm and tossed something over. Wei WuXian caught it without a second thought. Jiang Cheng, “Your sword!”

Wei WuXian’s hand slowly dropped.

He looked down at Suibian and only responded after a pause, “… Thank you.”

The way he knows it's useless now. The way he misses it probably. The way he wished none of this happened and that he could be his old cultivator self  T^T

From the corner of his eye, Wei WuXian saw that Lan WangJi had always been looking at them. He smiled, “Pretty much. If I say that I found a mysterious cave somewhere and there was a mysterious book that a mysterious expert had left, and then when I came out I was this powerful, would you believe me?”

Jiang Cheng spat, “Wake up. You’ve read too many legends in those picturebooks, haven’t you? How could there be so many experts in the world? With secret caves and books everywhere!”

Wei WuXian turned his palms up, “You see? You don’t believe me even if I say it. I’ll tell you about it if I ever get the chance to.”

I always wondered what was the meaning of these words Wei Wuxian told Jiang Cheng. Was he for real? Was he completely fabricating? Or was he twisting the truth a bit? How DID he do all of that?! I really wish we'd have a glimpse ;___;

Lan WangJi suddenly spoke up, “Wei Ying.”
He had been standing quietly at the side. As he spoke, both Wei WuXian and Jiang Cheng turned to him. It was as though Wei WuXian finally remembered to greet him. He nodded slightly, “HanGuang-Jun.”

Wei Wuxian calling Lan Wangji "Hanguang Jun", instead of the regular "Lan Zhan" is so important to me here. I don't think I can explain it but it gives of various vibes:
- Of  Wei Wuxian suddenly turning to a courtesy-respecting person. Like, he went through shit, he grew up, he came back to deal with it alongside the new Sect Leader he's a subordinate to, and it's time to put the playfulness aside.

- Of Wei Wuxian finally giving Lan Wangji what he asked for. Lan Wangji constantly said how they are not familiar and not friends. Well, Wei Wuxian calling him by his title has this sense of alienation in my eyes. Like saying, I returned, but I'm no longer trying to get close to you. I only respect you as a fellow cultivator fighting for the same cause.

- Of Wei Wuxian knowing, maybe, that Lan Wangji is going to disagree with his new cultivation method. Therefore, using his title instead of birth name seems to me as a step Wei Wuxian makes to confront the issue before it was even made. Knowing that Lan Wangji will try to interrogate him, he already turns to him by such a "professional" manner.

There's more to it, but it just hits so strongly, with this entire change in Wei Wuxian's character. It's like it's obvious that SOMETHING has happened to him during those 3 months he was absent.

Lan Wangji, now it's your turn. Wei Wuxian always tried to get close to you and you rejected him. How does it feel now, that he does what you wanted?

fslkdjflskdjflskdjf this is what House of Gentians is based on, precisely this feeling that Lan Wangji must have had, that he lost Wei Wuxian.

The smile was somewhere among cold, cruel, and pleased. Lan WangJi watched with clarity in his expression. He walked one step forward, “What means do you use to control such dark creatures?”

The curvature of Wei WuXian’s lips dropped slightly as he glanced at him. Jiang Cheng had also heard the dissonant tone, “Second Young Master Lan, what do you mean by this?”

Lan WangJi’s eyes were glued to Wei WuXian, “Answer me.”

The ghoul child and the blue-faced woman began to stir. Wei WuXian turned around and looked at them. They backed off slowly, reluctant, and sunk into the darkness. Wei WuXian finally turned to Lan WangJi again and raised his brows, “If you will… what would happen if I don’t answer?”

Again, the way Wei Wuxian talks to him and answers him. This is such a way to talk in a respectful distance towards someone you do not consider close to you. LAN WANGJI YOU'RE REALLY IN IT NOW.

Lan WangJi walked past Jiang Cheng and came straight at him. Wei WuXian crossed his flute in front of hin, “That’s too much, isn’t it? Why so unfriendly? Lan Zhan, just what in the world do you want to do?”

Lan WangJi spoke one word at a time, “Go back to Gusu with me.”

Hearing this, both Wei WuXian and Jiang Cheng were surprised.

You see? It only takes Wei Wuxian to start acting a bit cold to Lan Wangji and he's already panicking, scared of losing him, so he wants to take him to Gusu and hide him! Ha!

Quickly afterward, Wei WuXian laughed, “Go back to Gusu with you? To the Cloud Recesses? Why go there?”

He immediately seemed to realize, “Oh. I forgot. Your uncle Lan QiRen hates crooked people like me. You’re his proudest disciple, so of course you’re the same as him, haha. I refuse.”

Wei Wuxian, you're so cold and different towards him now T^T Also, that bitterness, you're finally letting it out huh....I smell the HoG angsttttt

One against two, Lan WangJi still refused to back off. He gazed at Wei WuXian, “Wei Ying, for cultivating an evil path you would eventually have to pay. Throughout time, there has not been a single exception.”

Wei WuXian, “I can pay.”

Seeing how unconcerned he seemed to be, Lan WangJi lowered his voice, “The path would not only damage your body, but your heart as well.”

Wei WuXian, “Damage or not, how much damage, I know it the most. As for my heart, it’s my heart after all. I know what I’m doing.”

Lan WangJi, “Some things you cannot be able to control at all.”

Displeasure flashed across Wei WuXian’s face, “Of course I can control it.”

And once again I wonder if what Lan Wangji warned him of came true. Did Lan Wangji know that he was practicing the Ghost path and not the Demon path? Did Lan Wangji think that the Ghost path was just as bad since it meant dealing with corpses and ghosts? Did Wei Wuxian's Ghost path differed because he took it to whole new levels? Did Wei Wuxian eventually lose control of his corpses because of the Tiger Seal or because of the pressure from the cultivation world? What do you think?

Lan WangJi walked a step closer. He seemed to be about to speak again when Wei WuXian closed his eyes, “After all, on the topic of how my heart is, what could other people know about it? Why should other people care about it?”

Lan WangJi paused. He had suddenly been angered, “… Wei WuXian!”


Jiang Cheng’s voice was cold, “Second Young Master Lan, right now, the chaos with the Wen Sect hasn’t been stopped yet. This is the time where we desperately need forces. People don’t even have the time to care for themselves, why would the GusuLan Sect be concerned about something so far away from it? Wei WuXian is on our side. Do you want to punish our own people?”

Lan Wangji, at this moment, cares about nothing else than Wei Wuxian's well being.

Jiang Cheng's only concern is to end the Wens at all cost possible, and use whatever means necessary, even if it means that it can cause Wei Wuxian harm.

“Apologies for saying something so blunt, but even if we get to the bottom of this, Wei WuXian isn’t from your sect either. It’s not in the GusuLan Sect’s place to punish him. No matter whom he goes back with, it wouldn’t be you.”

Jiang Cheng, you asshole!

Jiang Cheng asked, “Why is his voice so sharp?”

Wei WuXian, “Of course it’d be with a certain thing gone.”

Jiang Cheng was disgusted, “You’re the one who did it?”

Wei WuXian, “It’s nasty if you think about it that way. Of course I wasn’t the one who cut it off. It was bitten off when his woman went mad.”

My fucking god. He made her bite off his sausage and eggs. But was it before her chair leg snack?

The night had passed. The sun in the sky was about to rise.

And the sun on the ground was falling.

This makes me think of how meaningless all things human are. The nature, the world around, are everlasting, but we are so meaningless, we're here for one time, and then gone, and everything we thought was important is actually dust. Even if we create symbols and national myths and anthems and glorify our group and our ideology, comparing it to natural phenomenons as a symbol - in the end it will all die and cease to exist.

Chapter 63: Tenderness—Part One

Lan WangJi sat beside Wei WuXian for a while. Seeing that he was motionless again, he was about to stand up when Wei WuXian grabbed him with his other hand, hugging his arm and refusing to let go. He shouted, “I’ll go with you, quick, take me back to your sect!”

Lan WangJi widened his eyes.

sldkfjsldkfjlskdjf Lan Wangji stay strong!!!

After Lan WangJi settled him down, he lifted his clothes. Wei WuXian’s stomach had been bandaged properly already. After the bandages had been peeled away, he could see that the wound had healed. On his legs, the curse mark had disappeared as well.

I wonder if the curse mark disappeared because the corpse of Nie Mingjue was no longer near them? What was the reason really?

Two swords were worn at Lan WangJi’s waist. He took off Suibian and passed it to him, “Your sword.”

Seeing the sword, Wei WuXian first hesitated. He quickly replied, “Thank you.”

Compared to the same interaction made with Jiang cheng in the past, this one seems a bit more optimistic, a bit more hopeful.  Maybe cause he knows that he'd be able to master it again someday?

Lan WangJi stood up and sat beside him, pointing for him to see, “Look at these two pages.”

Their heads pressed close together, and Lan WangJi’s voice was right by his ear, low and magnetic. Wei WuXian’s hand trembled lightly. The book had almost fallen off. He finally steadied himself and forcibly tore his eyes away from Lan WangJi’s long, white fingers. He concentrated on comparing the two, “Ah, these two pages.”


Chapter 64: Tenderness—Part Two

Wei WuXian slammed the desk, “This is the one!”

He was so happy that when he slammed the desk, he almost knocked over the paper lantern on it. Lan WangJi moved it upright just in time.

Hahaha they're so perfect <3333 Wei Wuxian does careless clumsy little things and Lan Wangji is there to lovingly fix them.

Lan XiChen dropped his hand. The hand that he held Liebing with was hidden within his sleeve. He spoke slowly, “The reason that my father often practiced secluded meditation was my mother. This place, compared to a place of living… was more like a place of detention.”

Wei WuXian was surprised.

Detention! TT______TT
*House of Gentians senses tingling*

Lan XiChen continued, “However, the woman did not care for him as much. In addition, she killed one of my father’s teachers.”

I'm SOOOOO curios to know what happened there!

“And then,” Lan XiChen explained, “When my father heard of this, of course he was in much pain. But, no matter how he struggled, he still took the woman to his sect in secrecy. Ignoring the objections from his clan, he knelt with her for the Heavens and the Earth without making a sound and told everyone in the clan that she would be his wife for the rest of his life, that whoever wanted to harm her would have to pass through him first.”

I really miss HoG now.

Lan XiChen continued, “After the ceremony was completed, my father found a house and locked my mother inside. He found another house and locked himself inside. It was called secluded meditation, but it was in truth to repent.”

He paused before speaking again, “Young Master Wei, can you understand why he did such a thing?”

Wei WuXian answered after a moment of silence, “He could neither forgive the one who killed his teacher nor watch the death of the woman who he loved. He could only marry her to protect her life and force himself not to see her.”

I wonder if she was accused wrongfully,  or at least, the context of her deeds was not made clear or hushed on purpose, just like it was the case with Wei Wuxian. What if that Lan Teacher did something to her, or maybe it was a tragic result of something he agreed to? Who knows? Did Qingheng Jun know the truth?

They could not do anything except guard the secret, hint to the outside world that the wife of the GusuLan Sect’s sect leader had an unspeakable disease and could not see others. After WangJi and I were born, we were immediately taken out to be cared for by other people. When we grew older, we were brought to Uncle to be taught.

“My uncle… has always had a frank personality to begin with. Because of how my mother caused my father to destroy his own life, he began to hate those who behaved improperly even more. Thus, he poured his heart into teaching WangJi and me. He was especially harsh as well. Every month, we could only see Mother once, inside of this cottage.”

They were two young children, who faced everyday only their harsh uncle, strict teachings, and mountains of books. No matter how tired, they had to straighten their soft backs to be the most outstanding disciples of the clan, the model students in others’ eyes. They could rarely see their closest relatives. They couldn’t fool around in their father’s arms, they couldn’t act spoiled in front of their mother.

But they had clearly done nothing wrong.

Two children grew up especially strictly just because their mother committed a crime TT__TT

He continued, “He was still too young to understand what ‘gone’ means. No matter how much others comforted him, how much Uncle scolded him, he would continue to come back here every single month, sit down in the hallway, and wait for someone to open the door for him. When he grew older, he understood that Mother would not come back anymore, that nobody would open the door for him, but he kept on coming here.”


Lan XiChen smiled, “The GusuLan Sect had never revealed to the outside WangJi and my pasts. I should not have told you. Tonight was my sudden urge to unburden myself, a spur of the moment.”

Yeah. Uh-huh. Sure. This was not at all your intention to tell Wei Wuxian more about your brother and his past to get them closer. You #1 WangXian shipper!

Wei WuXian, “I’m not the kind of person who talks too much. Don’t worry, ZeWu-Jun.”

I'm pretty sure you said about yourself several times that you DO talk a lot.

Chapter 65: Tenderness—Part Three

Wei WuXian opened one jar of liquor, The time before the last time Lan Zhan was drunk, he answered honestly that he’s never had the Emperor’s Smile in his room before. Then why did he hide them? He couldn’t have been saving them just for me, could he? It’s a bit shameless if I think about it this way. Speaking of it, should I apologise for the whole thing with the forehead ribbon? After all I’ve played with it so many times already. What if he’s so embarrassed that he gets mad and kicks me out of here? No matter what, I’ve fooled around so much and he hasn’t gotten angry at all, clearly his self-restraint is getting better and better. I’m sure that even if I fool around some more he won’t get angry. No, I shouldn’t ask him. How about I just pretend that I don’t know what the forehead ribbon means. Then, next time, I’ll be able to pull it again on purpose. If he gets mad, I’ll pretend to be innocent and say that I didn’t know. Ignorance isn’t a sin…

I love how Wei Wuxian thinks about Lan Wangji more often now. Thinks about how to approach him and what would he think. YOU'RE IN LUVVVV.
Also that forehead ribbon scheme hahahaha

The last time he snuck a jar of liquor, he purposely put water inside to surprise Lan WangJi if he ever drank it. However, he didn’t know that his luck was so bad. The two jars that Lan WangJi had brought just happened to include this jar of pure water, and he drank it himself.

Ever after he came back, whenever he wanted to tease Lan WangJi, he ended up shooting himself in the foot. He just couldn’t understand it!

LOLOLOLOL this is karma hitting you in the face to make you understand that you can't tease him like you did before, you can try, but he will always gain the upper hand with you and put you in your place mwehehehe

He couldn’t help but feel somewhat surprised. On the other side of the screen, Jin GuangYao continued, “Brother, what’s wrong?”

Lan XiChen, “Nothing.”

Jin GuangYao, “If you’re worried about WangJi, then please relax. HanGuang-Jun’s character is upright and honest. All of the sects have seen this throughout the years. He must be only doing this because he’s been lied to in some way. Besides, he hasn’t done anything unforgivable yet. It’ll be fine as long as he explains when the time comes. I won’t let anyone take the chance to spread rumors.”

You damn weasel.

They came to the patch of green grass. Lil’ Apple was lying under a tree while dozens of round white rabbits circled around it, most of their eyes shut, sleeping tightly. A few of them were still snuggling.


Holding Lil’ Apple’s rein, Wei WuXian pulled and threatened for it to move. The rabbits stood on the ground on their hind legs and clung to Lan WangJi’s leg one by one. All of them wanted to climb up. Lan WangJi was as still as a mountain. As the two began to walk, the rabbits stumbled as they followed the pair of white boots. They refused to leave no matter how many times Wei WuXian tried to shoo them away.

Bending down, Lan WangJi picked one up and held it within his arms. Although his face was still cold, the stroke of his hands were gentle. His slender fingers scratched the chin of one of the rabbits. The rabbit shook its long ears. It turned around and shut its ruby eyes into just two slits, as though enjoying the scratching very much.


Wei WuXian looked back, “They don’t want to let you go at all. HanGuang-Jun, I can’t believe that you’re liked do much by these little things. You must’ve been very gentle with them when you brought them up. I’d never be able to do that.”

Lan WangJi, “No?”

Wei WuXian gloated, “Yeah! Those that fly, those that walk, those that swim—every single one of them turns around and flees as soon as it sees me.”

Lan WangJi shook his head. What he meant was more than obvious: it must’ve been Wei WuXian teasing them first that he had never been liked by them.

Apart from this being a hint to how Wei Wuxian teased Lan Wangji, this also feels so relatable to me because I also tease animals I find cute and they run away or get angry and bite ^^"

Chapter 66: Tenderness—Part Four

Wei WuXian’s expression seemed miserable, “But the movement of getting on the donkey is too big. I’m scared that it’ll affect the wound.”

His wound had healed long ago. This was clearly being shameless. Lan WangJi stopped, turned around, and looked at him. He suddenly reached out. Making sure not to touch where he had been injured, he picked him up by his waist, lifted him gently, and placed him onto the back of Lil’ Apple.

The way Wei Wuxian tricks him to do those stuff slkdjflskdjflkand the way HE DOES THEM slkdfjslkdjf

He was the child, not yet the height of a person’s legs. Sitting on the shoulders of the man, he was suddenly very tall, very majestic. Sometimes he pulled the man’s hair, sometimes he rubbed his cheeks. He shouted things, swinging his legs about. The woman in white sat on the donkey’s back, her back swaying. Watching them, she seemed to smile. The man had always been quiet. He didn’t talk much. He only pushed him a bit higher, for him to be taller, steadier. One of his hands picked up the donkey’s rein. The three of them were squeezed onto the same narrow path, walking slowly forward.

This is so precious! It reminds me of my own family :')

Wei WuXian spoke to himself, “Hm. Now all that’s left is a little one.”

Wei Wuxian. You only just now realized you have feelings for him. You don't even know if he feels the same. AND YOU ALREADY WANT TO HAVE CHILDREN?!

The flute had a limpid timbre. Lan WangJi’s footsteps hesitated slightly as Wei WuXian felt something inside of him suddenly light up.

He spoke, “Lan Zhan! Let me ask you, back then, under the Xuanwu cave in Dusk-Creek Mountain, the song that you sang me, what was its name?”

Lan WangJi looked at him, “Why do you suddenly remember to ask about this?”

Wei WuXian, “Just say it. What was its name? I think I might’ve guessed how you recognized me.”

It's so beautifullllll

Wei WuXian had thought that it was a secret song of the GusuLan Sect. Now that he knew, he was both surprised and overjoyed. What he was surprised about was quite obvious. What he was overjoyed about, though, he couldn’t really tell. He guessed, “If you really did recognize from just this, it must’ve meant that—this song, you’ve never let anyone else hear it?”

Lan WangJi, “Never.”

Wei WuXian was so happy that he kicked Lil’ Apple. Lil’

He's so happy that Lan Wangji played the song he himself composed only to him!!! Poor donkey! XD

However, with the push, he pushed Lan WangJi’s entire body down onto the soft stack of straws. The somewhat forceful position evoked a strange feeling of excitement within him. He decided to not get up. Purposely putting up an act, he raised his index finger, gesturing for Lan WangJi not to make a sound. Then, he pretended that this couldn’t be helped. Comfortably, he lay on top of Lan WangJi, full of a secretive delight that couldn’t be brought to words.

You guys have no idea how much I love this whole scene in the couple's house. I swear to god the tension here and them acting in a hinted sexual way is more hot to me than the actual sex scenes.

I really wanna draw this whole sequence.

With a grin, Wei WuXian winked his left eye at Lan WangJi, whispering, “What a coincidence. The owner of the farm is an ‘Er-Gege’ as well.”

The tone at the end of his words lifted up, its teasing intent more than obvious. With heavy eyes, Lan WangJi swept a look at him before turning away. Wei WuXian felt his heart melt. He lay beside his ears and called in a low voice, “Lan Er-Gege.”

Lan WangJi’s breaths seemed to have stuttered. The eyes he looked at him with seemed to hold a hint of a warning.


Wei Wuxian you have no idea what level of self-restraint Lan Wangji is calling on right now!!!

The husband, “But he still comes back to him every single time. He says he doesn’t want to, but in his heart he clearly wants to play with A-Bao very much.”

Wei WuXian laughed with a pfft, “Lan Er-Gege, what are your thoughts on this? Do you agree?”

Wei Wuxian just asking casually what does Lan Wangji think of the interaction between children like they are in some sort of parents group together with that other couple sldkfjslkdfjsldkjf

Lan WangJi, “Stop speaking.”

At that volume, average people wouldn’t be able to hear them at all. The couple chatted about the usual things while on the other side, right next to Lan WangJi’s ear, Wei WuXian had already relentlessly repeated ‘Lan Er-Gege’ over half a dozen times, softly and lightly.

Lan WangJi seemed to have finally run out of patience. He suddenly flipped around.

His movement was both quick and steady. The straws didn’t move at all, but Wei WuXian was already underneath him.

Lan WangJi’s voice was low, “Anymore, and you will be silenced.”


Wei WuXian reached out toward his face, but Lan WangJi caught his hand at once. Wei WuXian’s tone was serious, “HanGuang-Jun, there’s a straw on your forehead ribbon.”

Hearing this, Lan WangJi’s hands finally relaxed. Wei WuXian helped him pick off the thin straw, presenting it in front of his eyes as he gloated, “See? I wasn’t lying, was I?”


Her husband spoke calmly, “Let him be. Boys, don’t they bully other people only because they like them? They just want others to look at them.”

Hearing this, Wei WuXian’s smile froze.

This moment is so important in my opinion. I think this is really the minute Wei Wuxian reflected on his past relationship with Lan Wangji and realized that his love to him didn't start just now in his second life. His teasing was actually a sign of him being attracted to that boy for some reason and he didn't even realize it <3

The wife, “I heard that it’s not just around our village. Even among the people in the city there are many who had something happen to their ancestors’ graves. It’s just too strange. A-Bao should play at home more. He shouldn’t go outside so often.”

The husband, “That’s right. It’d be awful if he runs into that YiLing Patriarch.”

Wei WuXian, “…”

The young wife spoke softly, “I’ve been listening to the YiLing Patriarch’s story ever since I was young. I’ve always thought that ‘if you don’t be obedient the YiLing Patriarch will return to find you and take you back to feed his ghouls’ was only the adults teasing the children. Who would’ve known that such a person really exists? And he really came back?”

The husband, “Yeah. As soon as I heard about digging graves open I thought of him. It’s true indeed. The rumors have been spreading all over the city.”

Ugh. This again. Just like what I wrote several posts ago about Jin Ling. It must be so hard to think that you finally have a peaceful moment with people you love or in this case, with people you perceive as good and can actually relate to, and then hear them talk bad and false things about you.

To be honest, he really had done many of these things in the past. The most famous time was during the Sunshot Campaign, when he dug deep into the earth to flip over all of the cemeteries of the QishanWen Sect’s ancestors and turned all of the corpses into puppets. And for every one of the Wen Sect’s cultivators whom he killed, he made them into puppets as well before controlling them to kill the friends and family they had before they died.

BRUH. I didn't remember Wei Wuxian was able to commit such cruel acts towards people who weren't the ones he remembered and loathed the most, like Wen Chao and Wang LingJiao.

Chapter 67: Tenderness—Part Five

Wen Ning glanced at Lan WangJi. Probably having recalled that the GusuLan Sect’s people disliked those who didn’t dress neatly, he smoothed his hair a couple of times, sheepish-looking.

HE IS SO PRECIOUS! Even as a corpse, even after all these year, he still tries to look presentable in front of Lan Wangji!

Wei WuXian, “HanGuang-Jun, uh, is Suibian with you?”

Lan WangJi, “…”

Eventually, he took Suibian out of his qiankun sleeve. Melon in one hand and sword in the other, he showed off a sword routine and cut the little watermelon into eight pieces. After he finished, he squatted on the ground, watching them dig graves diligently as he ate melon.

Just how much more can this poor sword suffer?! Who would've thought that the first use Wei Wuxian would make of Suibian after years of being dead + years of not touching it since he had no core, WOULD BE FOR CUTTING A MELON?!

But, as he had thought, they were missing a small one…

Lan WangJi suddenly spoke up, “A small what?”

Wei WuXian, “Huh?”

He suddenly realized that he had spoken the last sentence out. He immediately regained himself, “I meant, Lil’ Apple is missing a small friend.”

Lil’ Apple turned around and spat hard. Wei WuXian slapped its donkey head. Pulling its long ears, he laughed, but all of a sudden, he couldn’t laugh anymore.

Little Apple takes none of your bullshit, Wei Wuxian!

Chapter 68: Tenderness—Part Six

The portion of the skeleton arm was weakly suspended in the air. Wei WuXian reached out and grabbed it. He bent down even lower. His long hair fell from his shoulder, masking half of his face.

I really really really wonder how MXTX imagined her characters! In this case, Wei Wuxian. It seems to me that his hair is loose here, or at least half tied in a bun, like in CQL. I wonder how the ponytail idea came to be. In anyways, I can't imagine Wei Wuxian without his ponytail in his day-to-day activities (apart from the Laozu era)

Lan WangJi put his guqin away. He pulled out a sword from within his sleeves and passed it to him, “To protect yourself.”

Wei WuXian took it over. It was Suibian. After the day when it had been used to cut the melon, Wei WuXian tossed it to the side. Lan WangJi put it away again. He unsheathed the sword and stared for a while at the snowy blade before sheathing it back inside right away, smiling, “Thank you.”

He wore it by his waist and didn’t seem like he was going to use it. Seeing how Lan WangJi looked at him, he fiddled with his hair and explained, “I haven’t used a sword in so many years. I’m not used to it.” As he spoke, he sighed again, “Alright. The real reason is that my current body is low in spiritual energy. Even if there’s a high level sword, it won’t be able to make the best use of it. And so, it’ll be up to HanGuang-Jun to protect the delicate man that I am.”

I feel really bad for the poor sword. I really wonder if Wei Wuxian will ever try to make progress in his (Mo Xuanyu's) cultivation to use it again :(

This was the legendary den where the YiLing Patriarch made humans into his corpses and did the deeds that even the Heavens couldn’t tolerate—the Demon-Slaughtering Cave.
Jin Chan spoke, “What could he do? He’d definitely do what he did with those Wen-dogs during the Sunshot Campaign, make us into his corpse puppets and then use us against our family, so that they can’t attack and his enemies can fight amongst themselves.” He clenched his teeth, “That dirty, inhuman Wei-dog!”

Above I added a quote from Wei Wuxian's memories of how he recalls digging Wen's corpses out of their graves or using already dead corpses of Wens on the battlefield. Yet here the narration says (probably stating the general thought) that Wei Wuxian did it out of live humans. I guess this is the core difference between the ghost and demonic cultivation. (gui and mo dao)

Wei WuXian stepped into the cave. He unsheathed Suibian and casually tossed it back. A shadow flashed out and caught the sword. It was Wen Ning. The disciples began to shriek again, “The G-G-G-Ghost General!”

Wen Ning raised Suibian and swung down in the direction of Jin Ling. Jin Ling clenched his teeth and shut his eyes. However, he felt himself loosened. The deity-binding ropes had been cut apart by Suibian’s sword glare.


Wei Wuxian what is this disrespect to your sword!?!? You mean to tell me YOU couldn't be the one to cut the binding ropes?! Why give it to Wen Ning to do!?!?!

Suibian, come over here, I'll take care of you!

Seriously, such sheer disrespect! And don't let me even start talking about what he did to Bichen in his dream! WEI WUXIAN YOU HAVE A PROBLEM WITH SWORDS OR SMTH?!

“Me? It’s not like you don’t know how broke I am. How could I have gotten enough money to hire people?”

Lan SiZhui nodded in hurry, “Yes. I knew it! I knew that, Senior, you really are very broke!”



A woman in white robes stood forward, her eyes filled with tears, “HanGuang-Jun, just what is wrong with you? You… You are not you anymore. In the past, you clearly could not even stand the YiLing Patriarch. Just what technique did Wei WuXian use to bewitch you for you to stand on the side opposite to us?”

Lan WangJi didn’t pay attention to her. Having not received a reply, the woman could only add in pity, “If so, then how undeserving of your name!”

Who tf is this b*tch?

He followed the voice. The person who spoke was OuYang ZiZhen. However, the father immediately scolded the son, “Children shouldn’t talk so carelessly! Do you know what situation we’re in? Do you know who that is?!”

Withdrawing his gaze, Wei WuXian spoke calmly, “Now I understand.”

He had known from the start that no matter what he said, nobody would listen to him. What he denied could be forced; what he admitted could be twisted.

I'm not gonna elaborate on this but this feeling Wei Wuxian feels, is too relatable.

Immediately after, the third person stepped forward. It was a middle-aged cultivator of the arts, figure slim, eyes gleaming. This time, Wei WuXian moved first in asking, “Did I make you lose a limb?”

The man shook his head. Wei WuXian asked again, “Did I kill your parents or destroy your whole sect?”

The man shook his head again. Wei WuXian mused, “Then why did you come here?”

The man spoke, “I don’t have any revenge to seek upon you. I’m here to fight just for you to understand—as someone who defied the world, who deserves to be punished by everyone, no matter what low-end methods you used, no matter how many times you crawl out of your grave, we will send you back inside again. For nothing but the word ‘justice’!”

Hearing this, everyone cheered him on, their voices thundering, “Sect leader Yao, well said!”

Sect Leader Yao backed off with a smile on his face. Having been encouraged, the others stood up one by one, declaring their determination loudly.

This makes me draw a parallel between their reality and our modern reality of social media and cancel culture. People will jump on any opportunity to cancel someone, especially if it gets popular enough by the count of likes and shares, without checking the fact and especially enjoying the feeling that "they did something right" because the others did it too and got their approval for it.

What sect leader Yao did here was a disgusting virtue signaling.

Chapter 69: Departure—Part One

When they slowly rode into the distance, carrying with them the clouds of petals and fragrance, Jiang Cheng glanced at the colourful sea of handkerchiefs waving on the watching towers before turning to Wei WuXian, “Why are you throwing out flowers along with the girls?”

Wei WuXian, “I think he looks nice. Can’t I throw a few as well?”


Nie MingJue was fire amid coldness, as though he could start burning with rage at any moment, making him even more difficult to approach. Due to this, even if the maidens could already feel their hearts bursting from their chests, clutching in their palms sweat-soiled flowers, they didn’t dare toss them out no matter what, afraid that they’d anger him and his saber hacked into the watching tower. However, many of the male cultivators who admired ChiFeng-Zun cheered for him. The cheers almost brought pain to the ears.

This part always makes me laugh so much hahahahhaha he's admired by the ladies but he is too scary, so they're afraid to cheer him, making the men the only ones who go crazy when he enters. And I really imagine the strong and fierce Nie Mingjue getting filled with doubt like "why aren't the girls cheering me....? Didn't they cheer the others...? Why is it only the guys?!?!?!"

“Lan Zhan, want to help me?”

Lan WangJi glanced at him. He didn’t reply. Jiang Cheng asked, “What are you up to this time?”

Lan WangJi, “What?”

Wei WuXian, “Can I borrow your forehead ribbon?”

Hearing this, Lan WangJi immediately tore his gaze away and didn’t look at him anymore. Lan XiChen, on the other hand, laughed, “Young Master Wei, you may not know this, but…”

Lan WangJi, “Brother, there is no need.”

Lan XiChen, “All right.”


Wei WuXian took off the black ribbon on his wrist guard as he replied, “You can keep your belt. I don’t want it even if I don’t have his forehead ribbon.”

Jiang Cheng, “You…”

Before he could finish speaking, Wei WuXian had quickly tied the ribbon over his eyes to cover his sight. He positioned his arrow, drew his bow, and released—it hit!

The series of actions was both smooth and fast. The others didn’t even realize what he wanted to do. They couldn’t even see his movements clearly before the center of the target had been pierced through. After a moment of silence, overwhelming cheers rang throughout the watching towers, with even greater intensity than those for Jin ZiXuan.

The corners of Wei WuXian’s lips curved slightly. Spinning the bow within his hands, he tossed it back.

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the sexiest part of this entire novel.

I already drew this scene, but I want to draw it again and again and again, the stages of it, from all angles possible!

Wei WuXian, with his eyes covered, walked with leisure in the direction of Phoenix Mountain’s path of entry. It was as if he wasn’t here to hunt, but rather strolling around his own sect’s garden.

Oh my fucking god he was asking for it! Lan Wangji, I don't blame you, my man.

Wei WuXian’s back smashed against the tree. Just as his right hand was about to pull off the ribbon, his wrist was twisted back. The force was quite strong; he couldn’t even struggle out of it, but there was still no killing intent. Wei WuXian’s left sleeve shifted. As he was about to shake out the talismans, the person noticed his intent and caught him like before. They pressed both of his hands onto the tree, movements stiff. Wei WuXian raised his leg and was about to kick when he felt a warmth on his lips. He immediately froze.

The touch felt both strange and unfamiliar, moist and warm. In the beginning, Wei WuXian couldn’t even understand what was going on. His mind went entirely blank. When he finally realized, he was shocked.

This person, holding his wrists back, was pressing him onto the tree and kissing him.


The person kissing him seemed to be shaking softly.

Wei WuXian couldn’t struggle anymore.

He thought to himself, It seems that even if the maiden is quite strong, her personality is both fearful and easily embarrassed? She’s already so nervous. Or else, she wouldn’t have chosen to sneak up to him at such a time. She probably mustered up all of the courage she could find inside of her. Besides, it seemed that her cultivation wasn’t low, meaning that her self-esteem was even higher. If he pulled off the ribbon and accidentally saw her, how ashamed would the maiden feel?


Wei Wuxian, you can realize from a few feet that the person doesn't have a killing intent, but you can't realize from the feel of the persons large hand holding you down and the shape of their face/mouth/teeth that it's a man?!!?!

(Also baby Lan Zhan is shaking, he's so nervous and excited!)

The two sets of thin lips turned from side to side, careful yet inseparable. Wei WuXian hadn’t even decided what to do when the soft lips suddenly became aggressive. Wei WuXian’s teeth weren’t clenched, allowing the other to intrude inside. He was suddenly powerless. He felt that it was a bit difficult to breathe, wanting to turn his head away, but the other person squeezed his face and turned it back. Between the swirls of the lips and the tongues, he felt dizzy as well, until the other finally bit down on his lower lip. After a moment of lingering, the lips finally left reluctantly, and he finally managed to recover.


From the kiss, Wei WuXian’s entire body felt limp. Energy came into his arms only after he leaned against the tree for some more time.
Wei WuXian was still somewhat confused. He sat on the branch for a while longer. When he jumped off, he felt weakness under his legs, almost light-headed.
He supported himself on the tree trunk at once, cursing at how useless he was in silence. He had been kissed so hard that his legs were giving out.

Why is it that I can't totally FEEL the weakness he experiences?! AHHHH my heart beats so fast lsdkjflskdjf

Recalling what it had felt like, formless tickles crawled up all the way to the tip of his heart. Wei WuXian touched his chest with his right hand, but found that the flower that had been there was gone.

You're the Yiling fucking Laozu, dressed all black, with that scary black flute with a red tassel at your waist, commanding thousands of corpses, befriending ghosts, having this dark and eerie smile, and you carry a pink flower at your chest. DO YOU THINK HE WOULDN'T WANT IT!?

Yet, although he clearly was Lan WangJi, what he did didn’t seem like what Lan WangJi would do at all. When Wei WuXian saw him, he thrust his fist into a tree, with such force that the tree snapped in half.
Lan WangJi didn’t look him in the eye. He unsheathed Bichen. A few rays of blue light slashed across the trees around the area. They collapsed a moment later.

This part really cracks me up so much! hahahahaha Lan Wangji you gay panicking poor fella! Taking it out on the poor trees :(

Lan WangJi’s voice was harsh, “Go!”

Wei WuXian, “I just came here and you want me to go. Do you really hate me that much?”

Lan WangJi, “Stay away from me!”

Poor boy is about to sing "Hellfire" from Hunchback of Notre Dame, can't you see you're his temptation, Wei Ying?!?!?! He's trying not to sin!

He stood still for a while, clenching his sword. His grip was tight, exerting so much strength that his knuckles grew white. As though he had somewhat calmed down, he suddenly looked over again, his gaze pinning Wei WuXian.

Wei WuXian felt a strange, unexplainable sensation. His eyes had been covered by the ribbon for over two hours. The sunlight was still a bit too dazzling for him. After he took off the ribbon, his eyes keep on tearing up. His lips were somewhat swollen as well. Wei WuXian felt that what he looked like right now must be terrible. Being stared at so hard, he couldn’t help but touched his chin, “Lan Zhan?”



How did I miss this part in my first reading?!

Lan Wangji finally gave up and is STARING at Wei Wuxian, piercing him with his gaze, looking at those slightly teary eyes and moist swollen lips and he can't avert his eyes!

And that idiot in front of him is still not getting it!

Wei WuXian grinned, face full of understanding. He closed his eyes, “You haven’t, have you? I knew it. I was just asking. You don’t need to be so angry.”

Lan WangJi, “How do you know?”

Wei WuXian, “What do you think? With such a stiff face wherever you go, who’d dare kiss you? Of course, I wouldn’t expect you to initiate a kiss either. I think that you’ll have to keep your first kiss until the end of your life, hahahaha…”

He gloated alone. Lan WangJi’s face was still expressionless, but he seemed to have relaxed somewhat.

I wonder if Lan Wangji was tense because he thought that Wei Wuxian figured out it was him, and when he says that he just knows that Lan Wangji hasn't kissed anyone before, he implies that the way he kissed him wasn't good. But then Wei Wuxian explains himself and Lan Wangji realizes that he didn't guess that it was him after all and felt relieved hahaha.

Madam Yu and Jin ZiXuan’s mother, Madam Jin, used to be the dearest of friends. The two promised each other a long time ago that if both of their children were sons, they’d become sworn brothers; if both were daughters, they’d become sworn sisters; if one was a son and one was a daughter, then of course they’d become husband and wife.

Hold on a sec, but Yu Ziyuan also had a son, doesn't it mean that Jiang Cheng and Jin Zixuan need to be sworn brothers? Or is it only about the firstborns? (Jin Zixuan and Jiang Yanli)

Jin ZiXuan didn’t know either. Although he really enjoyed the soup and felt grateful for the cook’s intentions, Jiang YanLi had never left her name. Nobody knew that another low level female cultivator had seen all of this. The cultivator was a servant of the LanlingJin Sect. Since her cultivation wasn’t high, she did the same job as Jiang YanLi did. She had fair looks and knew to take opportunities. Out of curiosity, she followed Jiang YanLi for a few times before she was able to guess what was going on. Keeping her composure, she loitered outside of Jin ZiXuan’s house after Jiang YanLi brought the soup, purposely letting Jiang ZiXuan see her shadow.


Naturally, Jin ZiXuan was going to ask what Jiang YanLi was doing in his room. Jiang YanLi didn’t dare say it in the beginning. However, hearing that his tone sounded more and more doubtful, no matter how anxious, she had to tell him the truth.

Yet, somebody had used this reason already.

One could easily guess what Jin ZiXuan’s reaction was after he heard this.

And so, right then and right there, he ‘exposed’ Jiang YanLi’s ‘lie’

What an assh0le!

He spread his tough talk, saying that one day he’d definitely make Jin ZiXuan die in his hands, he told people to drag out the cultivator woman.

Ouch. Yeah. People remembered this thing you said, Wei Wuxian.

Lan WangJi turned to look at him as if he was confused, but Wei WuXian didn’t have the time to explain to him. He put his pointer finger on his lips, gesturing for silence, and continued to look over there. The gaze from a pair of light eyes landed on the full, moist lips for a brief moment before turning away.


It seemed that Jiang YanLi didn’t understand why he’d begin to explain such things to her out of the blue. Logically, at such a time, it was probably best to say a few superficial words like ‘Young Master Jin is so well-learned’ or ‘Young Master Jin is so calm’. However, what he just said was the most common of common sense. It was nothing but finding words when there were none. Such obviously fake flattery, it was likely that Jin GuangYao was the only one who could say them with a straight face. Jiang YanLi could only nod again. Wei WuXian guessed that she had been nodding on their whole way.

What a precious girl! Saying flattering phrases like the examples above really remind me of Wang LingJiao and make me wanna puke.

Hearing how in the last two sentences, the air of pride rose up again, Wei WuXian found the situation quite irritating. However, he saw Lan WangJi stare at Jin ZiXuan expressionlessly. Wei WuXian thought that this was strange. Following his gaze, he was immediately speechless, Since when did Jin ZiXuan walk with the same hand and same foot?!

LOLLLL Lan Wangji also stares at the foolish way Jin Zixuan acts, cause he's in love. Maybe he can relate, feeling as a fool in love too? ;)

Chapter 70:  Departure—Part Two

Hearing this, Wei WuXian’s smile disappeared at once. He asked, “Discipline?”

He turned his head slowly, “A crooked path?”

Lan WangJi’s voice was low, “Wei Ying.”

Jin ZiXun and the others noticed the unusual atmosphere as well. Holding their breaths, they looked at him. Wei WuXian smiled again, “Do you know why I’m not carrying my sword? It wouldn’t make a difference if I told you anyways.”

He turned around, stating one word at a time, “Because I want you to know that even if I don’t use my sword, with nothing but what you call a ‘crooked path’, I will still rise unparalleled and leave all of you staring at me from behind.”

Angry and threatening Laozu is a sexy Laozu.

Jiang YanLi added, “Besides, hunting is hunting, so why bring the matter of discipline to the table? A-Xian is a disciple of the YunmengJiang Sect. He grew up with my brother and I, and so he’s as close as a brother is to me. Calling him the ‘son of a servant’—I’m sorry, but I won’t accept this. And thus…”

She straightened her back and raised her voice, “I hope that Young Master Jin ZiXun would apologize to Wei WuXian of the YunmengJiang Sect!”

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh snap!!! The quiet shy girl drops the bomb!

Madam Jin spoke, “A-Li, why are you being so serious? It’s just a small matter. Don’t get so worked up.”

Jiang YanLi’s voice was soft, “Madam, A-Xian is my younger brother. Him being humiliated by others, to me, isn’t just a small matter.”

Well done, Jiang Yanli! Even if Madam Jin didn't interfere in the content of the argument, it's clear by her diminishing of the situation that she regards Wei Wuxian in a bad light. Telling her that the insult of him is a small matter, means that in her eyes he's inferior, a son of a servant, like Jin Zixun said.

A moment later, he suddenly yelled, “That’s not it, Maiden Jiang! It wasn’t my mother! It wasn’t her intentions! I’m not forced, I’m not being forced at all!!” Holding it back for a few seconds, he finally roared, “It was me! It was myself! I was the one who wanted you to come!!!”

Jiang YanLi, “…”

Wei WuXian, “…”

Madam Jin, “…”

Jin ZiXun, “…”

Wei Wuxian, who was a witness to this dramatic confession, took notes and promised himself that his confession would be MUCH more dramatic.

One of the sect leaders spoke in a sour tone, “This time, Lotus Pier is really the center of the show. Almost all of the spirits and corpses were summoned to the YunmengJiang Sect’s grounds. There’d definitely be a number of cultivators interested in them.”

Sect Leader Yao, “What could we do about it? Whose fault is it that our sects don’t have Wei WuXian’s?”

“It’s not necessarily a good thing to have Wei WuXian. I don’t want there to be someone in my sect always stirring up trouble for me.”

“Wei WuXian, he really is too bold… Anyways, from now on, I won’t attend any night-hunts that he’s going to.”

Someone sneered, “Huh? Interested in them? I don’t think so. To put it simply, they’re interested in Wei WuXian, aren’t they? Didn’t the YunmengJiang Sect grow in fame during the Sunshot Campaign only because of Wei WuXian?”

Jiang Cheng felt his entire body weigh down on him. It was as though something cast a haunting shadow on both his face and in his heart.

This conversation between the cultivators and sect leaders is so important because it sums up the whole political situation regarding YunmengJiang Sect and Wei Wuxian. Let's break it down:

1) They fear that new disciples would choose to go study under the Jiang sect, because it proved to be powerful and popular thanks to Wei Wuxian. They fear that their popularity (and income?) is at risk.

2) They understand that Wei Wuxian was what helped the Jiang sect gain this popularity and claim that they don't stand a chance if they don't have a man like Wei Wuxian.

3) But Wei Wuxian is troublesome to have, since he tends to bring the sect trouble.

What did they make Jiang Cheng understand? Your sect just got back from the ruins to the position it is now not because of you and your efforts, but because of your right hand man who outshines you and at the same time causes you trouble.

Whoo! The commentaries are getting longer because there's so much happening!

MDZS rereading commentary || Chapters 71-80 

MDZS rereading commentary || Chapters 51-60




Wait Wen Zhuliu was never recognized into the sect? When Chao says he would be his brother? There are some vague parallels between JC and WY, WY seemingly not legitimized, “acting like JC’s guard of sorts. I might be mixing fanon and again vague! There are parallels between multiple characters here!