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Meet Alyssa Beckett.

 There are certainly a lot of descriptors for her, but if I had to sum up her character in one word, I think I'd go with 'chill'. She's cool and composed but not in a stoic way. She never seems to stress out about much of anything, or if she does, she sure doesn't show it.  

She's a friendly sort and loves her banter. She does tend to like to tease people just to get a chuckle out of their reactions every now and again. But it's all in fun and she's good about making sure there are no hard feelings. If anything it's a big part of what makes her so disarming. For being so intimidatingly beautiful and powerfully built - especially in the legs department - Alyssa is surprisingly approachable.  

Alyssa is also a bit of a flirt... although that's largely in line with her teasing personality, as seeing people blush always makes her smile. She doesn't necessarily need the attention she gets, but she's quite understanding of it. She knows exactly how she looks and how she dresses, and won't judge anyone for ogling her. In fact, one of things that amuses her most is seeing how much men drool over her. She finds the slack-jawed stares flattering. Of course it's look-but-don't-touch unless she says otherwise, but in general she seems to have a kind of appreciation for perverts...  

Her demeanor could make it a bit of a surprise what she does for a living, though her statuesque body sure could give you a clue. 

 She's a martial arts instructor, running her own all-female dojo called Kick Chicks. She focuses on training young women to properly defend themselves. Of course, she does have an age requirement of atleast 18, which is unusual for a dojo. This is because her fighting style can be a bit, unorthodox. Let's just say she enjoys using every part of her body in combat...  

She's an expert in many different styles of martial arts. Striking, grappling, mat wrestling, submissions... she's also a Kendo master and thus knows her way around a wooden sword. And she doesn't just sit on her talents. Because while she's away from the dojo she's usually seen casually patrolling the streets to put a stop to any criminal act she sees. 

Yes, she's basically a superhero and it's rare any man can so much as put up a decent fight against her.  This has given her some enemies in low places... but she's cool with that. She can for damn sure handle herself... and go a little low herself, if she feels the urge.

 In short, Alyssa Beckett is technically incredibly dangerous, in that she could absolutely wreck you in any way she wanted. And make no mistake, when she does find someone who really deserves a good beating, she does seem to have fun dishing it out.   

But fortunately, she's pretty hard to truly anger. She's not quick to violence, though violence very frequently seems to find her. Even laying it on too thick with the flirting gets little more than a firm retort most of the time. She certainly won't bite your head off about it.   

Which is good. Because she totally could bite your head off. And also decapitate you, most likely~  (One of her own little jokes, that...)  

There's undoubtedly plenty more to know about her. And Alyssa hopes to get to know you very, very well before too long... 

For so long... for years now, this account has been set to "Creating Stories (and eventually video games)". 

Well, it's still apt. But I'm happy to say that 'eventually' is a lot closer these days! Yes, the first of hopefully several visual novels is under development. The Femdom Fanatics proudly present, Six Days With Alyssa! I've opted to go with a sorta different take on a dating sim with this and focus primarily on story, and really getting to know a single woman rather than a bunch of them. I do have ideas for more traditional routes in the future but we'll get to that when we get to that...

I want to thank gisarts for her wonderful drawings, she's been hard at work for months on this. You can see her deviantart page here or support her on her own Patreon! This will mean some changes and there will be further news tomorrow regarding tier alterations. And I'll be showing off more of the art as well, but if you visit my Discord, the #teasers channel already features plenty more than what you see here. I'm also going to be trying to expand here and get the news of this game out in other areas shortly. But just know that you guys will always get this stuff before anyone else.

As an aside, if any wrestling fans are out there, I'd like you to take a look at a new site I started up earlier this week called 1Z1 Pro Wrestling. It's basically the same old job that I used to have except now I'm the one running the show. I'm more inspired to write the kind of (hopefully) thought-provoking articles I always wanted to write before in addition to regular show recaps. Just figured I'd mention. 


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