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“So… Pasties, eh?” Mena remarked as we neared the quiet little village of Nalion.

“Uh yeah. Not sure where the name comes from, honestly.” I answered with a little crack of the reins. “But it’s apparently a popular tavern in the town up ahead.”

“I ain’t got a clue what the name means either.” Mena mused thoughtfully. “But… for some reason, it rings a bell...”

We rolled into the village. It was a quant and humble town not unlike the one I hailed from. You wouldn’t think something so ambiguously important as the Silver Tail would lie in such a place but Auphemia’s instructions hadn’t been wrong so far.

Thanks to said small size it was easy enough to get around and find the place we were looking for. From the outside, Pasties also didn’t seem like much. It was larger than most other buildings but nonetheless was made with the same cheap dark wood as the houses around us. No fancy logo or anything, just the name of the place painted on the front.

Mena and I exchanged a skeptical glance as we walked in. There was an unmistakably seedy vibe to the idea of such a run-down looking tavern.

When we stepped inside though, it seemed like a decent enough establishment. Didn’t look much different from anywhere else. A solid enough bar, stools and tables. Some guys playing cards, about the scene you’d expect. The bartender glanced up, flashed a smile and asked, “Hey there! You two looking for a drink?”

“We’re just passing through, but we might get thirsty in a little bit, stranger. Check back with us.” Mena was quick to answer. The bartender just nodded and went back to wiping down a glass.

I scanned the room and scratched my head. I mumbled, “I don’t get it. I mean I don’t even know where they’d keep it in this place…”

Here I thought I was being quiet, but evidently not quiet enough as Mena saw fit to give me a swift stinging backhand to the chest. As I tried to keep in my squeal of pain she put a shushing finger to her lips.

Mena turned around and casually strode around the room. She was trying not to get eyes on her but when you have a body like hers, that’s easier said than done. Wasn’t long before the catcalls started.

“Hey, girlie, need some company? I’m feeling pretty lonely over here myself!” one guy yelled.

“With a face like that, I coulda guessed as much.” Mena casually called back.

“Do you need a seat?” another drunkenly howled. “‘Cause this lap of mine ain’t taken...”

“I’d wager it’s NEVER been taken, mate.” Mena dryly responded.

None of it phased her in the slightest, she just kept walking towards the back of the room. However at one point she did drift a little too close to a table and one poor sap just couldn’t help himself. He leaned over to the side to leer at her as she walked by, and she just ignored him. But then he held out his nearest hand and went to smack her large, jiggling ass and… that was a mistake.

She was an alert one and, in his state, his movements weren’t particularly quick so she managed to grab him by the wrist just before his palm made contact. She turned to him as she pulled his arm up above his head.

The guy just chuckled, “Sssssa not bad reflexes, lady! Ahehehhehehah… uhhhh yannow that’s a real, real nice... everything you’ve got.” he blustered, wobbly in his seat as he undressed her with his eye. “I’d love to touch it if you don’t mind.”

Mena held his wrist tightly and seemed to be sizing him up. “...Hm. Small hands.” she noted, before abruptly grabbing the man by the hair and violently slamming his face into the table. Immediately his movement stopped, she’d knocked him out in an instant.

He must have not been particularly chummy with the other guys at the table as they either ignored him or chuckled a little at the sight. Perhaps that’s just normal in these kinds of settings, not sure, was never the type for these places.

Just to ensure he was unconscious, Mena pulled the man back upright, his nose pointing towards the ceiling as he slumped back. She then unceremoniously took up his glass and took a swig of it.

It was only then that her expression turned to annoyance. “Oy, what is this, 4%? You got that fucked up on this pre-schooler’s pisswater? Weakling...”

To display her disgust she quite deliberately poured the remainder of the glass out on his crotch, leaving a most embarrassing stain. This net a few more chuckles from the others.

“Make sure he never hears the end of this.” she flippantly told the guy’s friends as she just continued right on walking, like nothing happened.

“Uh, sorry you had to deal with that.” I muttered as I caught up with her.

“Nah, you kidding me? I was waiting for it.” she replied. “That display should keep everyone off my ass while I’m walking around.”

Smart… the guys know better than to gawk at her now, so she can scope the place out without being noticed.

Mena finally made it to the back wall. She stopped there for a brief moment before turning around and casually leaning against it. With a movement of her head, she gestured for me to come over there.

I opted to mimic her and leaned against the wall as well. And I couldn’t believe what I heard the moment I did… I turned towards her and she again put a finger to her lips. But it was clear she heard the same thing.

Just beyond the wall, a man was wailing. Tortured, tormented, blood-curdling screams…

“I knew there was more to this place than met the eye.” she quietly murmured, looking up at the ceiling. At a glance, she looked more bored than scheming.

“Whaddya mean?” I replied, trying to whisper as faintly as I could.

“This room here, this bar area, it’s pretty small.” she explained, casually. “A lot smaller than the building looked on the outside, savvy? And the only door I see here is the one to the loo...”

“Huh… you’re right.” I marveled. “Are you saying-”

“Secret room. Just behind us.” Mena confirmed. “Given it’s a tavern, I’d think maybe there’s a VIP-only thing going on. But it’s so hidden that it can’t be something they want the public knowing too much about. Judging by the screams, maybe a fight pit, maybe a brutal S&M club… might just be a damn torture chamber for all I know. Hard to say, but nothing nice back there, that’s for sure.”

The more she spoke, the more unnerved I was. This place had some kinda dark secret for sure. I still couldn’t really piece together what the name ‘Pasties’ meant but it had to be something truly violent and terrifying!

“S-So what do we do…?” I asked her.

“We’ve got to find a way in there, obviously. Surely it’s where they’re keeping the Silver Tail, yeah?” Mena replied. “There’s probably some trick to getting in that room, likely some kinda password.”

“Any ideas on how to get that?” I asked.

“One.” she responded, glancing over to the bartender. “But, for now we wait. C’mon.”

Mena walked over to the bar and put a hand to it, and the bartender quickly turned his attention to her. She tossed a few pence on the bar and spoke up, “Yeah I think we’re ready for drinks now if you don’t mind. Just give us the strongest ale you got.”

“Uh-” I stammered, not sure how ready I was for that. But the barkeep was too quick to respond.

“Right away, ma’am!”

He had us ready right quick, I can say that much. Moments later, we took our seats at an empty table. I was just timidly staring at my mug as Mena was throwing hers back like a pro.

“Ahhh… so Asher.” she began. “We got time to kill. Tell me, what are you planning on doing with all these artifacts anyway?”

“Oh. I guess I never really explained that before, did I?” I replied.

“I just figured we’d be able to find a place to sell it when we got the whole set, I’m sure they’d be worth a pretty penny altogether.” Mena smirked and took another swig. “Buuut, if you’ve already got a buyer in mind...”

“Uh. Uh yeah, I do. I mean I know who I’m taking it to, for sure.” was my response. Somehow I hadn’t thought about this before but, explaining my agreement with Lady Auphemia could be… awkward. Not least of which because Mena didn’t actually get anything out of it! “She’s uh, actually the one that gave me the instructions in the first place. So you could call it a job.”

“Must be pretty damn rich if she can send people on THESE kinds of jobs…” Mena mused. “She pay well, then?”

“She definitely is rich. And...” I began, blushing a bit, unable to contain my grin as I thought about what awaited me when this journey was finally complete. “...They’ve promised me a beautiful payment, certainly~”

“Killer, man. Cheers!” Mena chirped, raising up her mug. “To the haul to come!”

I couldn’t help but smile at that, it wasn’t everyday she was so friendly. Maybe she was warming up to me… I went with it and clinked mugs with her.

She took a big swig of her ale and then grinned at me. “Haha… you went along with the toast, mate, that means you have no choice but to drink now.”

“Uh, excuse me?”

“Don’t lie now boyo, you ain’t touched the stuff yet. Looking at your brew like it’s about to burst into flames!” she joked. “C’moooon… just a little sip, toast ain’t complete until you do it! You don’t wanna jinx us, do you?”

“Ahh, okay, okay...” I relented. I took a deep breath as if I thought I were going underwater again and took the tiniest little sip I could manage.

The smell itself was a bit overwhelming. It burned my tongue as well… this was some potent stuff she was chugging down so casually.

“Pfft… guess it’ll have to do.” Mena rolled her eyes. “Anyway that’s enough business talk for now, we can discuss how we’ll split our pay later.”

“Uh, yeah...” I stuttered.

I wanted to tell her the truth, honestly I did. But, she’d never want to help me if she knew where this was headed. And I can’t see how I’d have survived this long without her, this mission wouldn’t be possible without Mena’s help…

Fortunately I could put that on the backburner as Mena’s eyes perked up. I followed her gaze as she watched the Bartender leave his post and head off to the bathroom. I glanced back at her in time to see her bouncing breasts, having risen to eye level with me the moment she stood up.

“Uhhh...” I uttered, dumb-founded at the sight, transfixed on her tits. I’d been around her for days now and I still wasn’t used to them. Honestly, I hope I never get used to it, I don’t want them to lose their power over me.

“Just a minute, Asher. When I come back, we’ll have full access, trust.” she stated before going off after the barkeep and heading into the bathroom as well.

I had a feeling I’d be blowing her cover if I followed her so I just sat right there and waited for her to return…


Mena was good about keeping inconspicuous as she waltzed into the bathroom, not making it particularly obvious that she was following the barkeep. Fortunately she found that they were alone. It wasn’t a particularly large bathroom, as one would expect for the time period.

He’d already gone inside the stall, so she took her time peeling off her gloves so she could turn to the rudimentary wash basin and give her hands a scrub, just to blend in.

She waited for him to finish up before she dried her hands. She stepped to the side and watched him come out and wash his own hands. Mena wanted to be as deliberate as possible with this.

The bartender toweled off his hands and turned towards the door; that’s when she made her move. Mena slinked across the room, elegantly spinning and putting her back to the door so as to block his exit and stare him down.

She flashed him a mischievous smile as she turned the lock on the door.

“Wh-what are you doing, Miss?” he uttered, taken aback.

“Whatever you want if you’ll give me what I’m looking for.” she responded, her voice a breathy hiss. She quietly reached back and pulled at the back of her shirt to bring it tighter around her chest, which did a lot to show off her aroused nipples as she sashayed towards him.

He took a step back, though he couldn’t help but gaze at her beautiful breasts. “D-Didn’t you come in here with a fellow already?”

“Hah! That small fry? Please. He’s a business partner of mine, and nothing else, I swear that much!” she replied, quite sincerely. “And believe me when I say that I’m sure whatever you’re packing far outranks that boy...”

“I-I um…” he stammered as Mena slowly approached him. She put a finger to his chest and ran it gently down until her fingertip landed on one of his nipples. She gave him an irresistible smile as she started playing with it and the man’s breathing started to quicken. He tried to walk around the master thief, sputtering, “S-Sorry, I can’t, uh-”

Mena turned and kicked her leg to the wall, blocking his path. “Now now, you haven’t even heard me out yet. Just give us a listen... it’s simple business, really. You’ve got something that I want, mate…”

As she spoke, Mena slowly slid her foot higher up the wall. She was wearing her skirt tonight and it rode up nicely as the man was given very little choice other than to gaze at her inner thigh as it slowly revealed itself. “...and I happen to think that I’ve got something you want.”

He gulped, his hands trembling, his mouth drying… still he managed to resist, backing up and muttering, “Ah, listen, miss, um...”

“Alex.” said Mena. “The name’s Alex.”

“Right, well, Alex, you’re… you’re a very, very, very beautiful woman.” he replied. “And the truth is a few years ago I’d have said yes without a second thought but not now… I’m a happily married man and I’d like to keep it that way.”

“...Hmph.” Mena shrugged, sliding her leg back down to the ground. The bartender breathed a sigh of relief and started to walk past her, thinking she was letting him go.

Instead, in the next flash, Mena managed to unclip her skirt and yank it off. She stepped back in front of him and held the skirt behind his head. He gasped at her gorgeous lower body, her tan flesh shown off well by the skinny white panties.

Mena turned her backside to him and he nearly fainted at the sight. It was a glorious one to behold, enormous, round and smooth cheeks… with her skirt, Mena pulled the man in close and before he knew what was happening her ass was shoved into his crotch. He couldn’t help but gasp and moan at the softness.

She tilted her head back and gazed into his eyes, enjoying how much power she wielded in that moment. “Mmm, so what about now? You divorced yet~?”

“Ohhhhh, mercy! Nnngh!” He moaned, biting his bottom lip. Mena could feel his erection throbbing against her supple flesh…

She turned around and pushed her womanly chest into his, her soft pillowy mounds pressing deep against his pecs. Mena stared right through him and whispered, “Look me in the eye and tell me your wife has ANYTHING on me...”

“F-Forgive me...” he shuddered as if his wife were there watching, before quickly unbuckling his pants and letting them fall.

Mena donned a wide smirk as she stared at his member. “Not bad. It’s been a while since I’ve seen a full-sized one...”

“Alex, please… please have your way with me.” the man pleaded.

“Oh I will but like I said, you’ve got something I want first...” Mena replied.

“You want the password, don’t you?” he sputtered. “You want into the backroom, right?!”

“Haha! Wow, didn’t even have to say it! Good, good~” Mena nodded.

“I… think I should probably whisper it...” he replied, struggling to contain himself as he looked up and down Mena’s voluptuous curves.

“Sounds good.” she said back as she reached down and grabbed his shaft, forcing a gasp from his lips. He was definitely losing what little control he had as her experienced hand pumped his cock. Mena leaned in and kissed his neck before nibbling on his ear, earning another moan from him. She whispered, “Go ahead…”

The man leaned in and told her what she needed to know. Mena smiled. “Thank you very much! Now then, let’s get started… hmhm, how about some head~?”

“Ohhhh yes please…!” he begged.

Mena snickered as she made like she was going down to her knees…

...then, suddenly, she tucked her chin and launched herself upwards, delivering a flying headbutt to his chin! This dropped him where he stood with a pained yelp and before he could respond, Mena was on top of him, leaping crotch-first onto his face!

She wrapped her powerful legs around his head, her warm inner thighs becoming his earmuffs, and she pulled him deeper into her marvelous womanhood. He struggled, his yells muffled by her essence…

“Ahh, sorry for the lie, friend. You seem like a good bloke and all. If the situation were a little different I mighta actually tossed you a fuck. Maybe if you’d caught me AFTER a successful heist and not uh, right before, I’d be more in the mood.” she explained as she laid back, her bare ass pushing against his chest. “But either way I’d have had to do this to you in the end. And don’t worry I ain’t gonna kill you, just gotta put you to sleep for a spell. Considering what I’m about to do, I’d rather have as few people knowing I’m here as possible. So I can’t much have you walking around, you understand.”

The man continued to kick and scream and struggle but it was no use. His movements began to slow within a few moments, and he was fading fast…

Mena leaned forward and playfully rustled through his hair. “Oh and uh, by the by… tell the missus I said g’day~”

Seconds after she said this, his body went limp. Mena held him for just a few more seconds to be sure, then slowly released him from her heavenly thighs.


It’d been a good few minutes but I finally saw Mena walk back through the door. She seemed to be adjusting her skirt and gloves as she approached me.

She didn’t bother to even go all the way back to the table. She just made sure I could see her and then made the same little nodding gesture. I stood up and walked with her as she took me to the back wall again.

Mena gave a little backhand knock to the wall.

From behind the wood, came the deep voice of a man, startlingly clear. “Say.” is all he said.

Mena spoke as clear as she could. “Shake the pasties.”

There was a brief pause. Then, suddenly, a piece of the wall slid to the side, making a doorway for us.

“Wow… h-how’d you make him uh, make the bark-barkeep talk?” I asked, feeling a bit out of sorts.

“Trade secret.” Mena replied as she looked over with a sly smile, though her expression turned to confusion as she looked at my staggering legs. “...Are you… are you tipsy right now? From that one little sip you took?”

“NNnnnnnyyever!” I responded, defiant. “I’ll have you knowwww that I have never been life in my drunk!”

Mena just shook her head. “The absolute lightweight… you’re always the very picture of strength, Asher. Anyway c’mon, let’s make haste.”

She led the way and I staggered in behind her. With the ‘door’ open, the screams had only become all the more audible and I feared for the worst for what we’d find there.

Suffice to say… I never would’ve predicted what was truly back there.

In the middle of the room was a large catwalk of a stage. There was a solid pole at the center. And a few feet away from that, laid three bodies…

The man, clad only in boxers, was screaming his head off alright. But it wasn’t in pain, it was in pleasure. You don’t often hear about men screaming like that during their intimate moments but it was understandable in his case.

After all, he had two incredibly beautiful, incredibly shapely and scantily-clad women on top of him. They resembled each other quite a bit facially, though one’s skin was noticeably more tan than the other, and their hair though matching in length differed greatly in color. The more fair-skinned one had brown hair while the tan one had pure white hair. The former had green eyes, the latter purple.

And they both wore matching outfits, if you can even call them that. They basically had on skimpy white bikinis, purple leggings that went up to their thick thighs, matching opera gloves that went past their elbows, white stiletto heels and not much else. And my God, it happened again… my luck is so incredible, this time I stumbled onto TWO women built this way! Their asses were nice of course but those tits! The tits on the both of them were enormous!

Those beautiful breasts bounced madly as they worked on the lucky sod beneath them. They were facing each other, grinding their crotches against his erection, which could not have been more blatant in his boxers.

You talk about pitching a tent… it was like having a second pole to work, and they did so lovingly. I think Mena and I were both dumbfounded, we each stopped in our tracks at the sight.

“Ohhhhh YES!” the man howled, his mouth agape in a gigantic smile. He was absolutely euphoric. “OHHHH I LOVE YOU! I LOVE YOU BOTH SO MUCH!”

“Hmhmhm, we love you too…” the lighter skinned one responded. “You’ve been very patient with us, big guy. And I think we’ve teased you long enough… wouldn’t you say so, sis?”

“Yeah sure… I suppose we can let him finish now~” was the other’s reply.

With that, they began pumping all the more intensely. They each threw their head back and moaned deeply, louder and louder… the man was spasming underneath them, just losing his mind as they double teamed his member. His howl of sheer delight was ear-splitting and it was as if his whole body was erupting when he came to a very, very obvious climax.

He seemed to be out after that, his body twitching, his smile frozen onto his face. Just then, a buzzer sounded.

“His time’s up.” said a man behind a counter near the stage.

“Hah! We’re really getting a feel for that clock...” the tan one remarked.

“Cool.” the other nodded. “I think he’ll be needing some help leaving if you ushers don’t mind...”

The two women casually raised up off the prone man as he was peeled from the catwalk and led away. Indeed he didn’t seem to have the strength to walk, if he was even conscious. He sure looked happy though.

Meanwhile, the two ladies casually drifted into a dance. They moved like water, their bodies flowing so naturally, so gracefully, so beautifully...

My mind was racing. I could only stammer in awe, “M-Mena, I… I need to meet these women...”

I started to walk forward but she put a hand to my chest to stop me. “Hold up. Those dancers...”

“They’re incredible, aren’t they?!” I asked.

“...They’re familiar.” Mena remarked. “I don’t think I’ve seen them before but they sure do match the descriptions I’ve heard from my old running mates.”

“Your old running mates? You mean… the gang?” I asked, trying to lower my voice.

Mena nodded. “Yeah, I remember the names now… the tan one is called Sharifa, the other is Nathifa. Twin sisters… they’re infamous in the underworld scene.”

“Infamous… dancers…?” I asked, puzzled.

“There’s not too much known about them but it’s said they practice a forbidden dance that doubles as a lethal fighting technique.” Mena explained. “They’re legendary for their ability to inflict pain and pleasure at will. It’s said that Sharifa is the one who calls the shots and her sister just goes along with it. To test the limits of the dance and prove her abilities, she’ll do damn near anything… I guess now I know where I heard ‘Pasties’ from too, somebody must’ve known about this place.”

“So they’re… dangerous? But they look so…” I began, looking over to Sharifa and Nathifa, gazing longingly at those swaying breasts. “...so... soft...”

“I know how they seem, Asher, but they’re very dangerous.” Mena warned. “A run-of-the-mill bloke shouldn’t be messing with these girls.”

I just… couldn’t help but stare at their impeccable figures and admire their form.

“...I still want to.” I murmured.

Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Mena cracking a smile. “Good. ‘Cause I sure don’t want them focused on me...”

Mena tugged at my shoulder and led me towards the counter. She leaned against it, sizing up the man who stood behind it. He gave no greeting.

“How much for a double dance?” Mena asked, putting her thumb towards the twins.

“2000 gold.” he stated plainly.

My heart dropped at the sound of that. What an exorbitant price… granted, it sure sounded worth it, but far beyond what I could hope to afford.

Imagine my shock then when Mena dropped a bag of coin on the countertop. With a big smile she slapped me on the back and declared, “Give my mate here the works, then!”

To be continued...


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