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(As is always the case I apologize for the lack of posts and also for being the absolute worst when it comes to replying to DMs. However I do have some important news to be sharing soon. If you're on my Discord you'll have already seen it but I'll be posting some teasers and info on an upcoming project very shortly.) 

My name is Asher and I have embarked on a journey for the most worthy cause I could possibly imagine. I am traveling far and wide, risking life and limb, allowing my mind and body to be brought to the brink of destruction, and even allying with someone who attempted to kill me moments after meeting me…

All for the titty. Or to be more specific, all to be massaged, battered around, squeezed, smothered, teased, controlled and conquered by the six largest, most supple sets of breasts this Earth has ever been graced with. Lady Auphemia and her maids promised me this incredible gift, in exchange for finding four treasures, well hidden and, in some cases, well protected across the land. 

Yes, my life is in great peril. But every moment I live is a moment in which I hold out hope that I’ll find my paradise, my heaven on Earth… and if I were to die it would atleast end my boobless days. I mean I’ve certainly always assumed Heaven was full of topless ladies!

As I mentioned, I’ve found a new ally who’s agreed to join me in my quest. It’s got some pros and cons and even as we rode to port together, I was weighing them carefully.

On the downside, she’s made it pretty clear she doesn’t like me, or care for my life at all, and though she is a skilled thief, I’m certain she’ll betray me and make off with everything we obtain if ever she sees an opportunity. Within ten minutes of meeting her, she hit me harder than anyone ever had right in the groin, attempted to steal my prized horses, and came perilously close to poisoning me to death. 

But on the other hand, she has some great tits! 

Yeah, it’s a toss-up… but I’m trusting her for now. 

Honestly, it’s hard to imagine ever completing this journey on my own, though I definitely would’ve tried. Much as Mena gave me a scare, I had a feeling that things would only get tougher and more dangerous from here… something about our next stop was really unnerving to me. I mean a derelict pirate ship that was just floating out in the sea? And had been for weeks with no explanation of what happened to the ship or it’s crew beyond ‘they were out looking for the Trident Key’? It’s discomforting to say the least. Especially when that’s the very same treasure that we’re after!

But we went with it all the same and made the trek to Bylell Coast. Through a telescope we could actually see the thing out there in the bay on our arrival. Just… floating there on the water. Eerie. My thieving friend didn’t see it that way though. She was pretty nonchalant about it, which helped my nerves, I guess. It’d help more if I knew she wasn’t intending to just leave me stranded on that thing though!

It was deep in the night by the time we got to Bylell and we were weary from the travel. So we took to a nearby inn, planning on going in the morning. My nerves about the whole thing made it tough to sleep, but seeing the beautiful mountaintops that were Mena’s tits, lovingly cradled by her sheets, did ease that somewhat.

By the time I awoke the next morning, it was to some good news and some bad news. The good news was that I didn’t feel frightened anymore, my anxiety leaving me in the night. The bad news was that this fear was replaced by an incredible horniness. I was so distracted by my nerves, I hadn’t even realized how long it’d been since I touched myself. 

I mean, okay, so it’d only been about two days… but think about what these last two days have been like for me! There hasn’t been a single moment where I’ve managed to stop thinking about breasts! And this was compounded by the dream I had… it involved that one maid Alcia, and what she was doing to that man she dragged away... 

In my dream, she tormented him with her tits… strapping him naked to her bed before unleashing those heavenly bosoms. She could take all the time she wanted so why rush…? She’d tease him mercilessly with the mere sight at first, letting them gently sway and bounce… a busty dance that slowly rose in intensity. With her sweet smile, Alcia would bring her tits closer and closer to his face, until she could feel the warm of his breath upon them. He just wouldn’t quite be able to bring his head up far enough to get that faceful. 

Of course at first, he’d try and resist them, atleast from what little I got out of watching that brief exchange. The fool would try and pretend he didn’t need them with every fiber of his being. But with bosoms like hers staring you in the face, you could only keep up a BS facade like that for so long! Yeah, within minutes he’d admit how much he loved them. She’d make him confess that he wanted them before she gave him any of that sweet, sweet contact… he’d have to give up every bit of pride he had and beg for them. And who in the holy hell wouldn’t?!?

Alcia is a sweet girl, so she’d have rewarded him with the smothering of his life. Those breasts were large enough to engulf anyone’s head. Ohhh how often I’ve longed to find out what it would feel like, to have tits of that size hug your face. They looked impossibly soft, unfathomably smooth. That lucky bastard would’ve had those precious pillows all over his face, she’d have probably even let him kiss them… no. She’d have demanded it. She’d have told him to suck her nipples until she were satisfied… ahhh…

But the teasing had only just begun! Atleast in my dream it had. She pushed and slid those impeccable tits all across his bare flesh. Chest-to-chest, down his abdomen… his member would’ve been throbbing and pleading for them long ago by this point but she wouldn’t go to it too quickly, even with how much she seemed to genuinely love cock. This was meant as a punishment after all~! Mmm but she perhaps ran those incredible breasts down his arms and even let him grasp them for fleeting moments of bliss…

Definitely not for long though, definitely not enough to satisfy the greedy hands any man would have in that moment. She’d take them away and then, perhaps even begin to move them up and down his legs. Why not? Complete the set, she’d already worked over everything else! Everything but what he wished for the most. But she was at his lower half now and that helped her tease him all the more intensely… those fantastic breasts brushing slowwwwwly up one leg… she’d have a firm grasp of both bosoms and furiously shake them against his thigh, tortuously close to that cock! 

He’d watch as they came closer and closer to his genitals, only to groan in frustration as she pulled away and laughed, working her way up the opposite leg. She’d be giggling all the while, the vibrations causing an insane jiggle and he’d feel every bit of it… he’d yell out and beg for her to finish him. She’d pretend not to notice… not until she was ready. 

After what had to feel like years for him, she finally took his genitals within her heavenly bosom! And she worked them over with an incredible skill, a talent honed through her dedication to her holy craft! Alcia is an expert at paizuri! Just, trust me on that, okay? I haven’t gotten to feel it for myself, YET, but I just… I just know it! I’m just so certain, I have a knack for these things! 

She would masterfully work those breasts up and down his shaft and, judging from what I overheard her say, moan intensely… mmmmm, yeah, she’d really enjoy it too~! And man would the pleasure just wash over him in that moment. I’m positive it wouldn’t be long before he was ready to burst. Ah, but she wouldn’t allow it… she’d get him right to the edge and then stop! Leave him panting and desperate for that release! But even as she forced him to cool down, she’d no doubt want to keep pleasuring herself after getting started! He’d only be able to watch as she caressed her own breasts… throwing her head back and gasping as she played with her nipples! Her tits are so massive she could even take them up to her face and lick them if she wanted to!

And this would persist on loop. When she was ready she’d introduce her breasts to his cock and give him the sweetest possible embrace, only to deny him the greatest orgasm of his life over and over again and make him watch as she kept going on her own! Over and over and over and over… it’d be far too much for him to take. The excitement building more and more each time, the pent-up horniness that she refuses to release until...

“Oi needledick, get up!”

...Sadly I woke up before I finished my dream, thanks to Mena roughly tossing a pillow onto my face. And as I groggily sat up in bed, in those dreary moments, I felt his pain. That was obviously a wet dream and yet somehow I still hadn’t finished by the time Mena came to rouse me from my sleep. Entirely dry under those covers! But my dick was standing at attention, trying to tear through the fabric, and seeing Mena’s bosoms lovingly outlined by her signature tight-fitting gray top did nothing to calm me. 

“C’mon Asher, you can stare at my baps on the boat ride over!” she remarked, seemingly in direct reply to my narration. She ripped the covers off of my bed, just to further disturb my slumbering stupor. “I’m not about to let ya sleep in, we’re not making this trip in the dark!”

Rude as I found this, she did make a compelling argument. Going out to that weird destroyed ship floating out there on the water was a creepy enough thought during the day. I sure didn’t need to be there at night!

But as I hastily got dressed and we set out on our tiny rental, I really began to loathe that pent-up arousal. Perhaps it was karma for taking pleasure in imagining that other man’s plight. But it was really foolish of me to not ‘take care of myself’ sooner… Lady Auphemia and Mena each left me with very sore balls after those chance encounters, so I opted to wait until that passed. But that didn’t change the fact that the last few days have been among the most erotic of my life and I hadn’t gotten the chance to touch myself! And now that my nuts were back in good standing, I sure was feeling that…

Sadly, even though Mena was true to her word in letting me openly ogle her on the boat, I can’t really imagine she’d be as keen about me jacking off to her from a couple feet away. So that only made me all the more hard up. 

It was a quiet boat ride over too. Even though she was tagging along with me, it’s pretty clear we weren’t friends. She just saw me as some wimpy pervert that she couldn’t depend on for anything. And it’s not like I could trust her either as I explained earlier. So it was, a bit awkward, a little tepid to say the least. 

Finally, the moment of truth arrived as we docked onto that wreckage. I was uncomfortable with the situation on several different levels, but as always, my longing for breasts drove me forward. As I stood straight up, I gazed upon the rather large vessel and, up close, it was all the more baffling to look at. 

It was a brown wooden ship like most, and while I expected it to be in ruin, it was clearly still made of some high quality stuff. Not rotting out in the slightest like I imagined. It must’ve been either recently built or recently reinforced… and still, it was completely taken out. From where we were standing, we could see two large holes in it, one at the top and the other in the hull. Water was seeping into the latter. I couldn’t even fathom what might’ve made those holes…

“Strewth! It’s like it got fucked by a sea giant...” Mena mumbled as she gazed in awe at the damage. “Just a fifty foot donger slammed right through the whole thing.” 

...That was… certainly more than I could fathom! Though I must say, looking at the two holes, the thought of something going in one side and out the other kinda fit. What could’ve possibly been big enough to do that was certainly beyond me. More than anything though, I was astounded as to how the thing wasn’t sinking.

But at the end of the day, all of those things were secondary compared to the tit-action I’d get after going through all of this. “So… we’re boarding then?” I asked aloud. “How uh, how exactly are we gonna-”

As I was positing that question, I turned to Mena and stopped short when I saw her swinging a hook on a rope. I guess a grappling hook is the term… with a casual toss, the iron cinched onto the edge of the boat. There was no doubt that she’d done this plenty of times before. After a couple of precautionary tugs, she began pulling herself up the ship. Her boots kicked against the hull as she made a swift, effortless climb. Within moments she was up there atop the vessel, looking down at me from maybe thirty feet up. 

“Alright then, your turn.” she called down.

“Uh… oh.” I stuttered, gazing at the hanging rope she’d left behind. “Right. Yeah… my turn. Hrm.”

I was not what you’d call an athlete. I never thought I was in terrible shape or anything but I knew for certain I wouldn’t be able to climb up there with near the skill or grace she’d just displayed. Didn’t seem like there was gonna be a better way to board the ship though. With a sigh, I took hold of the rope and started to pull myself up.

My feet were about three feet off the surface of our little rowboat before my hands slipped and I dropped back down with a little stagger. Yep, it definitely was nowhere near as easy as Mena just made it look. I grabbed hold of the rope a little tighter this time as I tried again. This time I did manage to reach a little higher and I kicked off the hull of the boat to help propel myself, taking Mena’s cue. But my arms were shaking mightily from trying to support my own weight. It wasn’t long before it was too much and this time my hands slid painfully against the rope as I landed again, enough to leave a burn. 

“Ahhh!” I gasped, blowing on my palms to try and cool them. Mena’s stifled chuckle pierced my ears and I know I was blushing from embarrassment. Agitated, I took another grasp and did a little leap this time, doing anything to try and get more upward momentum. But I was painfully lacking in any grace and in the next split second I found myself hanging upside down, dangling precariously. Before I could even realize what was happening, my hands slipped once more and I landed flat on my back onto the boat with a pained grunt.

There were no stifled chuckles now. Mena was outwardly laughing and pointing at me and I could see it clear as day from that position. She was bent over the rail, her enormous breasts hanging down and even from a distance I could see them swinging gently as she mocked me.

“Wowwww! You’re a real burly man, ain’tcha?! Cor, just a fountain of masculinity this one! Overflowing! Bahahahahah!” Mena howled, a giant smile on her pretty face. I’m not the type to be quick to shame, you might have gathered that by now. But man did she have a knack for getting me there. And she just kept going! “Ohh, I mean I guess it’s old news! Between how you fight and what you’re packing between the legs, it’s no surprise what a wuss you are! But still! Hahah, you’re making me sad, Asher!”

“Ohhh shut up, will you?!” I hissed as I struggled to my feet. “If you want to just go it alone, be my guest! I can wait right here!”

“Hahaha okay, okay, don’t be that way! One more try, savvy? I bet you’ll do it this time.” Mena claimed. She continued leaning over the wooden edge of the ship, letting her breasts hang in the air just that little bit.

Staring at those bosoms were the only solace I had as I tried to weigh my options. It seems like she took note of that.

Mena smirked mischievously. “How ‘bout this? Make that climb this go-round, and you get to have yourself a l’il fondle!” she announced, with a little wave of her chest, causing a magnificent sway of her bosom.

I swear my heart actually skipped a beat in that moment. “...A… fondle? Like a… like you mean I can… touch… your… b-b-breasts…?”

“Yeah… I gathered that you fancy ‘em.” Mena dryly replied, continuing to wave them around proudly. “How’s 15 seconds with the girls sound?”

I stared up at her, eyes wide for a few moments… my mind emptied in that pause. Without a thought, I gripped onto the rope, my teeth grit as I began to power my way up. In less than a second, I’d already beaten my previous record. I was every bit as heavy as I was moments earlier, yet I was tapping into unfound strength and climbing anyway. 

My eyes were locked on my prize and Mena happily stuck her chest out, fists to her sides, just to make it that much easier. “Wow! Next time I need something from you, I’ve got the motivation worked out! Heh… but remember, you only get that good grope if you make it on this attempt right here~”

It goes without saying I was putting every bit of my heart and soul into scaling the side of that boat. I’d have climbed mountains for a prize so mountainous! My dick twitched in my pants, a feverish delight arising in my previously frustrated loins. It’s very likely that I’d have came on the spot during those precious 15 seconds with her breasts, and I’d have done so without a hint of shame. The fire was in my eyes, a passion in my being that got me half-way up that boat at a ludicrous pace.

Sadly, I was so tantalized by those orbs that I momentarily forgot who they belonged to…

“You’ve got it, Asher! Almost there… allllmost...” Mena called down, a wicked smile spreading. She proceeded to do a quick twist, and very deliberately boob bumped the iron hook. She let out a half-hearted “Oops” as the hook, and thus the rope attached to it, went flying off the side of the ship. As you could imagine, that wasn’t great news for the guy holding the rope…

With a howl of fright, I quickly plummeted several feet. I wasn’t sure if I was happy or miserable to have barely missed crashing into our rowboat, instead going right into the sea. As I hit that bitterly cold and murky water, it occured to me that I’d never told Mena that I could swim…

I surfaced with a gasp to the deafening sound of her laughter as she pointed and cackled at me. Humiliated, I scrambled onto our dinky vessel, my arms folded around myself for warmth as I shouted up at her, “Why are you s-s-s-such a b-b-bitch?!”

“Hahaha, aww, you shiverin’ now? Corr, the water’s even colder than I figured! And here you really can’t afford any more shrinkage! Hah!” Mena chuckled ruthlessly. “Honestly Asher, what’s smaller? Your brain or your willy right now?” 

My shoulders slumped in defeat. She was of course correct about the shrinkage, that water doused my fire entirely and withered my erection. That, combined with the cold itself, left me in a sorry state… why she had to harp on it so much, I’ll never understand. 

It took a lot to embarrass me but Mena had a way with it. Could be worse though, I guess. Atleast she was the only one watching.


Unbeknownst to Mena and Asher, the red-headed maid Loretta was on the coast at that very moment, gazing at them through a telescope. She watched in silence as Asher fell from the side of the ship repeatedly.

After careful consideration she quietly whispered, “...Wimp.”


Despite Mena’s teasing I pushed forward and groaned, “Do you want me up there or not?!”

“Haha, yeah, but I think you can just use this...” she casually replied. She kicked something I couldn’t see and suddenly an actual rope ladder unfurled itself, cascading down the side of the ship and ending up right in front of me. That would certainly make for much easier climbing. 

With a sighed, I meekly made my way up and finally came aboard the ship itself. It was about what you’d expect up there, aside from the gaping holes everywhere. 

As I stepped foot on the bow, Mena wryly asked, “God, what took you so long?”

“Remind me not to join up with the next chick who poisons me...” I moaned.

“Will do!” she cheerily replied. “Now come on, let’s get a move on.”

She quickly turned and walked off, gesturing me to follow. If I were an ass man I’d be delighted by the shapely sight of her swinging hips… but it’s pretty established where my priorities lie at this point I think. I indeed went with her, wringing out my shirt a little as I did. I really was soaked…

We avoided some pitfalls and came up to a cabin on the upper deck, where one would presume the captain once spent his time. The two of us stepped through and on the other side, that idea seemed to be confirmed. The room inside was relatively spacious and ritzy. Walls lined with what I can only assume were trophies from previous conquests, a couple of treasure chests. A mahogany desk sat at the back.

Of course, Mena wasted no time checking the chests but she only came away with a sigh. “Empty, the whole lot of ‘em. Whatever was in these, they must’a stored it somewhere else. Ah well, not gonna be hurting for capital too long now...”

She made her way over to the desk. I felt a little awkward just standing there but, she was the professional thief here so it seemed apt to let her do her thing. Mena sat proudly in the captain’s chair with a little smirk before checking the drawer nearest to her. It didn’t open.

As I looked around I noted, “Kinda weird that we uh, aren’t finding any bodies strewn around.”

“Yeah, I was expecting some grizzly stuff.” Mena replied as she took out a lockpick and patiently went to work. “Ain’t complainin’ much, mind. But then again, we haven’t seen the bowels of this ship yet.”

With a bit of a creak, the dresser unlocked and came open. Mena dug around and pulled out a scroll. As she unfurled it, I went around the desk and leaned in to read…

“If it be the Trident Key that ye seek,

be warned of the havoc that it shall wreak.

Ye risk the wrath of the ocean herself,

your bones may lay upon Poseidon’s shelf!

But if ye harbor no fear of Hell,

then travel due East, off the coast of Bylell.

‘Til ye find the key’s place of rest,

the seven seas’ grandest chest...”

I was scratching my head a bit at that. Mena had a finger to her chin in contemplation. “Hrm... well that grand chest isn’t in this room, that’s for sure. Or if it is, the Trident Key’s been taken from it already...”

“The treasure chests in this room don’t look all that big anyway.” I noted. 

She nodded before gesturing towards a trapdoor behind the desk. “I think that should lead into the lower decks. You check down there, I’ll be scouring around up here.”

My temperature dropped just a bit at the suggestion. “Y-You want us to… split up? Here on this stranded graveyard ship?”

She cocked her head with a smirk. “You’d rather we take our sweet time and still be here when the sun goes down?”

Couldn’t argue with that. With a sigh, I walked over, opened the latch and climbed a wooden ladder down. 

It was musky down there and a little dark, although the giant hole in the hull in the center of the ship helped the sunlight slip through. As my eyes adjusted to the shadow I did my best to focus on my surroundings. I saw plenty of barrels tied together, but there were no treasure chests around and certainly no keys.

Still, to my surprise, there was no one around… alive or dead. The ship supposedly had a full crew of pirates aboard when it first set out, mere weeks ago. Now here it was, set alone in the waters, without a soul aboard aside from me and Mena? It didn’t feel right in the slightest.

It hit me… I was wandering around alone in the dark on a ship that, let’s be honest, kinda HAS to be haunted, still soaked from my dip in the sea, with basically no clue what I was doing. The things I do for tits… ah, what am I saying? It’s totally worth it!

Indeed, for the bosom, I sidled along the inner wall of the hull, barely managing to avoid the giant hole in the floor. On the other side, there was a door. But as I approached it, I found myself frozen in my tracks, a cold streak brimming up my spine from the sound.

On the other side of that door, I could hear the rattling of a chain and an elongated moan…

“Oh God, oh God, oh God…” I shuddered. I gulped. I thought sweet, voluptuous thoughts as my shaking hands drifted to the door and meekly pushed it open. I peered inside…

The room beyond was partly submerged in water, a large hole in the floor at the very end that led directly into the sea. But that was hardly important. My only focus was on the person just in front of the water. Heavy chains strapped her to the wall by her wrists. Long, flowing red hair slinked past her shoulders. 

It was certainly a woman… but… well. She wasn’t your average one. I guess I should just come out and say it, much as it took me a long time staring before I could really comprehend this.

She was… a mermaid. An honest to God mermaid was lying there, chained up. Bottom half a big blue fish tail, the top half a lady. It was hard to tell from that angle, but it didn’t look like she was wearing anything. There was nothing else of note in the room, she was all by her lonesome.

I was so gobsmacked that my curiosity overrode my fear. Slowly, I pushed the door open and stepped inside. With a gasp she turned to me.

What a sight that greeted me in that moment… as I stepped closer and her body faced me, it became clear as day, even in that darkness. There was no seashell bra to be found here, she was totally topless! Her flowing hair was the only thing covering her nipples and only just. And my God, am I ever a lucky man. Somehow, it’s happened again… I’d stumbled upon yet another pair of enormous breasts! 

“No! Get away!” she yelled, starting to crawl backwards. “Don’t come any- oh. Oh wait… you’re not one of them, are you?”

I could barely make out her words. I was staring at that chest with an incredible intensity, internally begging her hair to move out of the damn way.

“I… wha…?” I muttered.

“The pirates.” She clarified with an exhale. “Those wretched men who pulled me onto this doomed ship. I’ll never forget their faces, but I don’t recognize you. Who are you? What are you doing here?”

My gaze ever transfixed, I tried my best to form a real response. And I got so close to getting there too. “I… came to this ship… looking for… tits...?”

To be fair, that’s not ENTIRELY inaccurate.

Finally, my eyes drifted up to her rather gorgeous face long enough to see her bewildered stare. Smoothly, I corrected myself, “Ti-T-Trident Key! My name is Asher and I came here looking for the Trident Key, that’s right!”

Her expression seemed to darken for a moment. “I see...” she replied, rather grimly. Not sure what problem she has with my name. But just as quickly, that mood disappeared. With a sudden, almost suspicious burst of concern she explained, “My name is Mizu. Those pirates kidnapped me. They’re all gone now… I don’t know what happened to this ship, but I’ve been stuck here for weeks… please! You have to help me… free me from these chains!”

Even as entranced as I was, it was hard not to be skeptical of this. It was hard enough to make out what happened to this ship and this mermaid being here made it all the stranger. “Uh… w-well, maybe I should ask my partner what she thinks.” I mumbled, thinking Mena might have a cooler head about this than me.

“Pleeeeaaase...” she moaned, very deliberately sticking out her chest and giving it a single little shake. From just that slight movement, those twin mounds bobbed and jiggled hypnotically. I let out a deep moan of my own as the ache in my groin returned.

The cold water did a lot to douse my arousal earlier but now it was worse than ever. I was so pent up… I couldn’t help but step closer with a haggard, “Wh-what do you need me to do?”

“If you can help me unhook the chain from the wall and put it down in front of me, I can do the rest.” she explained, gesturing toward the iron hook that embedded one of the links into the wooden hull. 

As I approached her, I was more and more struck by her beauty. Her skin seemed to be glistening, even though she’d seemingly been out of the water for quite some time. From mere inches away, it took quite a lot of willpower to keep from just diving headlong into her breasts… but she was so helpless. I guess even I have standards. 

Taking hold of the hook, I quickly realized it was in there pretty good. I gave it a good tug but it was barely loosening. Putting a foot to the wood, I yanked as hard as I could. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Mizu’s troubled expression as she watched me… great, emasculated in front of another knockout. Still, I put my back into it and as Mizu began pulling on the chain as well, the two of us managed to dislodge it. The hook fell right in front of her, as she requested.

Before I could even catch my breath enough to ask what she planned to do next, Mizu sprang into a forward roll. With a yell of effort, she smashed her large fish tail onto the iron. I was amazed to see that she actually shattered the chain, allowing her to spread her arms again. She let out a large sigh as she stretched in front of me. Still, her hair stubbornly refused to move out of the way of those breasts! But my, was she breath-taking…

“One moment...” she requested, before turning and leaping through large the hole in the floor, right into the ocean. After a few seconds of being submerged, she surfaced again with a dramatic hair whip! Finally her hair was behind her but she was just deep enough in the water to hide her nipples! I’d never felt so teased and I wasn’t even sure if it was on purpose or not. She had an uncanny ability to just barely keep me from seeing them!

Still, she looked delicious as she relaxed her arms against the wood and smiled up at me. “Oh thank you so much, hero! I’m in your debt~!” she spoke, her words laced with meaning.

If my mission were for any purpose other than the prize I was seeking I’d have no doubt lost all focus in that moment. But I was composed enough to reply, “Oh, I’m no hero. But uh, if you wanna repay me, maybe you could tell me what you know about the Trident Key?”

“Mm, sorry, never heard of it.” she answered, dismissively. With a flutter of her eyes she continued, “But if you’d take those pants off, I’d be happy to repay you some other way~”

Mizu licked her lips just to make herself clear and I nearly fainted. My balls had never felt more blue… ahh, to hell with it! “Well if you insist!” I quickly responded as in a flash my pants were down and my erection was proudly displayed before her. 

She gazed up at my genitals with a little smirk. “Mmm… wow. They sure do make ‘em small on the land.” she quipped. Without warning, she reached up and grabbed my balls, one in each hand. Before I could even register the horrifically tight squeeze, she gave me a powerful yank and the both of us plummeted into the sea! 

Pain, shock and fright overwhelmed me as she ruthlessly pulled me into the deep by my testes and then whipped behind me. It was mesmerizing to see anything move so quickly in the water, she was faster down here than on the ship for certain. This was further proven by the four swift punches she hammered into my lower back. Instinctively I screamed, which is not the best move when you’re underwater. 

“Foolish horny little man!” Mizu howled, her voice crystal clear even in the ocean. With a twirl, she smashed her giant fish tail into my ribs and sent me hurdling. The force that thing registered was unreal. She continued to yell, “Those pirates suffered the consequences of trying to steal the key! And each of them were thrice the man that you are!”

Before I’d even finished drifting from the blow, she was right in front of me. Her small but solid fists battered my face around with ease and a double palm strike to the chest sent me reeling yet again. As she did this, her tauntings were unceasing, “The ship was demolished by the bolt of Poseidon himself! But I can kill you with my bare hands!” 

With some powerful kicks she swam towards me at a wicked speed, like she was being fired out of a cannon. And as I glanced at her in those murky depths, pain searing through my body, half-way to drowning, even then I was frustrated at how her hair kept slinking in front of her bosoms. Just as that thought hit me, so too did she, as she drove the crown of her head right into the pit of my stomach. My already low level of oxygen was driven from me by that blow.

“Worthless! A micro-dicked weakling like you has no business even sailing the seven seas!” she berated, before back-flipping into a tail whip aimed right at my exposed nethers, and that aim was true. She smashed my groin with such brutal force that it sent me flying upwards. As I let out another involuntary scream and swallowed more water, I was able to glance up to see that she’d nearly sent me to the surface. 

My feet kicked feebly, but I was able to swim that little distance enough to breach and take a big gulp of air. Mizu must’ve been toying with me because she didn’t try to stop me. As I paddled, I yelled as loud as I could, “MENA! Mena, help!!”

I knew Mena was above deck. By a twist of fate, she was actually scouting out around the front of the ship. I saw her glance down at me with a puzzled look as I feverishly looked around for the rowboat. 

Deep down I knew she wouldn’t really risk her life for me but there wasn’t much else I could do. Similarly, I swam as fast as I could but I knew damn well Mizu was much faster than me, but I didn’t have any other option. 

Sure enough, Mena just stood there and sure enough, in that next instant, I heard what sounded like an oncoming wave. But no, it was Mizu leaping up out of the water behind me! My arms and legs were flailing wildly as I tried to get away but then… I felt a sweet softness that I’d previously only experienced in a dream…

Mizu landed on me tits-first… actually, she landed tits-only! While I still hadn’t seen them in full glory, there was no doubt those mammoth mammaries were now resting snugly atop my head! So voluptuous and smooth. For as brutal as Mizu was, her skin was so delicate to the touch. The heavy weight of her bountiful bosom pressed down so lovingly upon me. Finally, a taste of heaven…

As this feeling washed over me, I went perfectly still. Not a hint of struggle. In hindsight, I suppose that was the idea…

With a sudden jerk, Mizu used her incredible tatas to push me right back into the deep. I hadn’t been up for near long enough to truly catch my breath, I knew it wouldn’t be long until she’d completely drowned me and she was actually using her breasts to do it!

“I’m not sure why you land-dwellers are so obsessed with my chest...” she admitted as she bore down all the more. “...but dying by it seems like an apt fate for you.”

I couldn’t argue that! I mean literally, I couldn’t. I was drowning.

It’s not that I wanted to die per say, atleast not before the maids had their way with me. But it was… so hard to fight back, nearly impossible to struggle. On some level I just couldn’t comprehend the notion of resisting a pair of breasts under any circumstance.

And so, I began to feel my consciousness drifting from me. I was officially out of air and began to feel completely weightless…

...but in that next instant I was jarred back to reality from the sound of a loud splash. I looked up just in time to see Mena driving right into Mizu. She must’ve leaped from the bow of the ship, the momentum of her dive sending her into the mermaid! Finally dislodged from her breasts, I snapped out of my stupor without a moment to spare. Desperately I swam up and surfaced! 

As I took several deep gulps of breath this time, I spun around to the splashes of an underwater wrestling match behind me. Mena managed to breach the water but only with Mizu on her back! She had her arms wrapped around her neck, looking to choke her out! 

I was still trying to process the fact that Mena actually saved me, but I knew it happened and I was compelled to return the favor. So I swam over and grabbed at Mizu’s hands to try and break her grip, but to no avail! Instead she leaned back and delivered a tail whip to my face that nearly knocked me clean out! But thankfully this motion forced her to loosen her grip and Mena was able to escape with a double elbow blow to those bared, beautiful breasts! Mizu screamed in anguish and plunged under the water to recuperate. 

Mena gasped, “Asher! Get our boat! Get it over here, qui-” but she was cut off, suddenly sinking. Mizu, I imagine, must’ve grabbed her by the ankle and pulled her under. 

“Mena!” I yelled with a cough. I was so beaten, I doubted I’d be any help if I followed them under there. I had to just do what she said and trust that she’d be able to get the upperhand. So I swam, fast as I could muster, around the pirate ship to the little raft we’d arrived on. I hurriedly climbed aboard and paddled with all I could manage.

It felt like I could pass out at any moment. So I did what I always did in harrowing circumstances and thought of tits. I thought of Mena’s specifically, and how lovely they looked just now, even though I didn’t get the chance to admire them.

This gave me the will to paddle over to where they were. I leaned over the side of the boat to see a collection of bubbles. The water was thick but I gazed as deeply as I could. Finally, I made them out… two great big twin mounds, nipples erect from the cold of the deep… in a gray top that had become lovingly revealing thanks to the water! It was her! 

Not sure what else to do I took one of the rows and plunged it into the water. She grabbed hold and was able to pull herself to the surface with a gasp! But Mizu surfaced right behind her! 

Mena reached her hand up to try and pull herself into the boat. I extended my hand to her to help her up… but instead, she reached to the right of me, towards the bag at my feet. Just as Mizu once again grabbed her from behind to put her in a chokehold, Mena pulled out one of her knives! She couldn’t get a lot of force into her backswing but she just managed to nick Mizu in the side with the blade! 

And suddenly Mizu froze. Without even a pair of bosoms having to graze her head no less! 

“Wh-what?!” Mizu croaked. 

Mena took a moment to take a breath before pulling herself onto the raft. Then, to my horror, she proceeded to grab Mizu by the hair and yank her aboard as well! 

“Whoa, what are you thinking?!” I snapped.

“Relax.” Mena sighed, holding up the knife. “This one’s laced with the most powerful sedative this side of the globe. This little sheila ain’t moving a muscle for the next 12 hours.”

“Y-You b-bitch!” Mizu hissed. It was about all she could do, I suppose. It was true, the mermaid was stiff as a board as Mena sat her on the side of the raft. 

The fight concluded, Mena took another breath and turned to me. Her smile looked more genuine than usual as she put a hand to my shoulder. “You did alright there, Asher.”

But of course, my eyes were- well you get the point by now. But seriously, the water treated them very well! That top clung so tightly, those nipples… hell even with her top on I could make them out a helluva lot better than I ever could Mizu’s! 

“Th-thanks...” I muttered as my stiffy rose yet again, and the ache returned. Dear God I needed to get off in the worst way. A strong wind could’ve made me cum in that moment.

Mena dryly added, “Now would be a good time to put your pants back on. I don’t think she wants to play with your little willy anymore.”

With that reminder I quickly yanked them up and tried to resist cumming from that alone. Trying to get my mind off this issue I asked, “H-How did you know she was playing with it?”

Mena laughed. “Because you just told me ya larrikin!”

Walked into that one, I guess. I shrugged, “Well, whatever. Thanks for saving me back there. Honestly, I uh, I didn’t really think you-”

“Oh I didn’t do that to save you.” Mena curtly corrected. “I wouldn’t risk my life to save you in a million years, boyo. Heh, that ain’t even a slight on you, for once. There’s not a soul alive I’d stick my neck out for. Simple as!”

That… seemed like a pretty sad thing to confess. Then again, I don’t know that I can claim any different. I’ve proven I’d die for tits but that’s another matter.

“W-Well in that case, why on Earth did you jump into the sea and get into a fight with a mermaid?!” I inquired. Man, this was a weird day…

“Why else…? The treasure!” Mena replied.

She turned to face Mizu who had begun to look increasingly uncomfortable. Mena explained, “That’s right. I know about you. You’re not just any average mermaid. You’re Mizu the Keykeeper. And you’ve done your job pretty well, ‘cause it seems like the sour lot that nabbed you never managed to find it.”

“I-I don’t know what you’re talking about!” Mizu nervously exclaimed. She’d likely be fidgeting if she could.

“You did a real number on this ship too. That connection to Poseidon sure must be handy.” Mena reasoned. “But why aren’t you saying the magic words right now, hrm? Perhaps he doesn’t appreciate being called on too often...”

“Wh-why the hell do you know all this?!” Mizu asked, aghast.

“I do my homework when it comes to thievin’.” Mena proudly declared. “And there ain’t no type of thieves better documented than pirates. You’ve been scouted out for longer than you realize, little fishy.”

“Fine… fine, you’re right.” Mizu confessed. “I am the Keykeeper. But it’s gone now! The pirates did take it from me! And if you didn’t find it, it must be gone for good. When the lightning struck this ship it must’ve flown overboard. It’s lost to the sea now!”

“Hmph… maybe.” Mena laughed. “But I hope you don’t mind if I check.”

What I saw next, I truly can’t believe. My jaw nearly hit the deck of our little raft. And Mizu was even more stunned than I was as Mena’s hands greedily began to fondle the mermaid’s gigantic bosom! 

“H-HEY! STOP THAT!” Mizu cried out.

“Don’t flip, it’s just a routine cavity check.” Mena mused as she reached deep into Mizu’s cleavage. I groaned deeply as I watched. My cock twitched intensely, it had never been more desperate for release. It took all of my willpower to keep from cumming on the spot. Just then, Mena’s eyes lit up. “Ah, there it is!”

With a huge bounce of Mizu’s tits, Mena pulled out a large green key! It was painstakingly crafted to appear as though it were made of coral, aside from the golden teeth of the key which seemed to be bursting out from it. The teeth were forward-facing and resembled a trident. It wasn’t hard to put two and two together - this was it, the Trident Key!

“H-HOW?!” Mizu yelled. “How did you know where I hid it?!”

Mena recounted the poem, “The seven seas’ most bountiful chest… heh. Apparently you’re the most stacked mermaid in the ocean. Bully for you~”

“Wha?!” Mizu gasped, bewildered. 

Mena giggled until she saw my dismay as I stared at the key. “...What is it?”

“I-... you...” I stammered, trying to contain my sadness. “...God, couldn’t you have just told me where the key was and let me grab it?!”

This got a good laugh out of my partner. She raised her finger to reply but she was cut off.

“Fools!” Mizu howled. “You don’t know what power you’re dealing with! That’s no ordinary key… mis-use of it could turn this whole world asunder! It’s protected for damn good reason! Return it at once or suffer the wrath of the sea!”

Mena waited for her to finish, and then replied to me instead. “Y’know Asher her tits are right there, nothing stopping you.”

“THAT’S IT!” Mizu shouted. “I didn’t want to do this but you leave me no choice!”

She took a deep breath and then began to speak in a language I’d never heard before. This must’ve been the spell Mena was talking about… “Huuuuosa! Billie-vo! Kun-sa-nah! Billie-vaaaaah-”

Before she could finish the spell, Mena cut her off with a headbutt. This knocked her clean out and sent her sprawling off the boat into the water. “Let’s leave the Gods out of this.” Mena demanded. 

And so the unconscious mermaid drifted into the deep… 

I never did see her nipples.

“Welp! I do believe that’s a job well done!” Mena chirped, as she pulled open the top of her blouse and dropped the key betwixt her own bountiful cleavage. That had to have been a bit of mockery on her part. “Let’s get on home, Asher! And try not to fuck any more fish on the way.”

“Yet another thing I’ll never live down...” I sighed. 

Indeed, we set out. But without any added splashes of cold water, my cock would not stop bothering me. It was twitching so violently that it was tough to focus on rowing. In fact it was so distracting that it took me a moment to realize I was rowing alone.

I glanced up to see Mena checking one of her boxes. “What are you doing?” I asked.

“I dunno about you but sitting around in soaking wet threads all day doesn’t suit me. Can’t really afford to catch cold.” she explained as she pulled out a dry pair of clothes. The gray top looked identical to the one she was already wearing. I thought for a second she had a matching skirt as well but it was actually a pair of white shorts. 

Whilst facing away from me, casual as can be without even a warning, she pulled off her skirt right in front of me! I gasped… I may not be an ass man per say but damn did she have a rockin’ one. Anticipation built as I realized what was happening. She grabbed the shorts and pulled them up quick. They got caught on her ample ass for a moment and in her hurried second yank, I could see the tremendous bounce of her breasts even from behind! 

I was starting to pant. My dick felt like it was about to explode. Finally, she reached at the bottom of her top and peeled it slowly from her dripping wet feminine form. Her enormous tits were pulled up along with the fabric and just as she pulled her shirt off, the bare breasts swung free triumphantly! 

As I watched that hefty bounce, I was finally past my limit.

“Ooooooohhhhhhh-ooOOOOOOOOOOOOHHH!” I groaned mightily as without being touched my cock erupted and I came solidly in my trousers. It was wonderful to finally get that release, I was so incredibly pent-up and unsurprisingly it lasted quite a while. I was moaning uncontrollably the whole time as I made quite the mess on myself.

I glanced up to see Mena, now fully clothed looking back at me with a grin. I expected another taunt but instead she just said, “Having you around is good for the ego, Asher.”

Mena glanced down at her voluptuous body and seemed noticeably proud of what she saw. I couldn’t help but smile back at her. I’m not sure what you’d call the relationship that’s forming between the two of us but the ride back was a lot less tense than our initial trip, I’ll tell you that.

Two artifacts down and two to go. Thankfully the next little adventure didn’t sound nearly as scary. The Silver Tail is the name of the next treasure and, weird as it may sound, it’s apparently located in some kind of tavern called Pasties. Never heard of it, but after the first two journeys it sure sounded welcoming!

We’ll see what awaits in the next chapter of… the Breast Quest!  


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