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I was feeling pretty pleased with myself as my horse-drawn carriage led me to my first destination. Good ‘ol Kessle never lets me down… my only friend in the world some days. But that was sure gonna change soon! I reviewed the scroll they gave me. Certainly seemed like the nearest of the four objects I was after would be the Eye Of Cole. They were nice enough to print out little pictures, an approximation of what these things looked like, to make sure I had the right idea. This thing looked pricey… a large blue diamond, attached to a little golden stand. It indeed resembled an eye in shape, the center even looked a lot like an iris…

Of course, I had no interest in the artifacts themselves. The treasure I was after was that of a soft and cushiony kind… thick, yet supple, enormous and yet oh-so-perky. Mmmmm, they were beautiful…

I was so caught up in daydreaming, I almost missed my spot. “Whoa there, Kessle!” I called out and my loyal horse put on the brakes. Glancing out, I knew I was where I needed to be, it fit the description perfectly. Right at the edge where the Ganz Region began. And well, there weren’t a lot of buildings near here, and certainly none of them anything like this.

It was an enormous mansion, atleast once upon a time. You could sorta tell that it was once a grand building, but now it’s been eroded, walls crumbling. You could see inside some rooms through giant, crackling holes. You’d think it’d been standing there for centuries to cause all that rot and damage, but no, apparently all of this was done very recently. 

The original owner of this place was killed some years ago by an infamous gang of bandits, and they were using it as their homestead for quite some time. They had run amok among the populace, robbing and pillaging at their leisure. It got to be so bad that the population went in steep decline, as a ton of the villagers up and left the area completely to get away from the bandits. Of course the uptick in murders also did little for the numbers…

This continued until finally, the region’s lord (Not Auphemia, we’re slightly out of her jurisdiction) saw fit to send his special task force to handle them personally. Cannons and trebuchets aplenty were setup in the battle, hence the destruction of the manor. Many lives were lost but finally the gang was taken down, most of them dead and the others arrested.

Now all of this is relevant to my quest because this group stole the Eye of Cole, having raided a tomb for it some months ago, ignoring the curse of misfortune that was alleged to be attached to it. I guess you could tie that to what happened to them, but the Eye itself was never actually found. The authorities were able to account for everything else but this particular treasure went unclaimed. It seems the general consensus is that they simply lied about claiming the treasure, but even now in custody, the survivors swear to have taken it. 

Lady Auphemia seems to believe them as she sent me to go suss out the wreckage myself. 

After having Kessle make some distance, keeping the boy safe in case anything went down, I stepped in front of the manor. I reasoned that it might take a while to find the treasure if it was well hidden enough to escape the authorities. But the place itself was totally abandoned so it didn’t seem like there’d be any real resistance or danger to this mission.

Well, aside from the fact that half of what used to be a roof was just hanging precariously above me, looking like it could fall at any time… ah well. Since the door was now just a giant hole, I stepped carefully through it. I scanned around intently… surely looking through all the most obvious nooks and crevasses wouldn’t yield anything, or else the Eye of Cole would’ve been found already. 

Stepping over some rubble, I walked over towards a back room. Thanks to the top of the wall having fallen off, I could see a giant bookcase inside. A library of sorts, eh? Seemed like a prime place for secrets to me! So with a pep in my step I sauntered towards the door.

You can imagine my surprise when it suddenly opened. And even moreso when a large pair of breasts, clinging to a tightly fitting gray top, emerged from the room and bumped right into my face. The soft cushiony goodness graced me only for a moment… just enough to knock me right onto my ass. 

I heard a feminine gasp and looked up, but I just couldn’t really past the tits… not until their owner bent down to look me in the eye. 

Her eyes were big and blue. Her skin was rather tan for this region. Bluish-purple hair came down to just above her shoulders, with seemingly little black streaks in the back. Green gloves adorned her hands and brown boots went to just below her knee. She had on the shortest white skirt I’d ever seen, looking like it was two pieces and barely held together by black laces at the sides. An ill-fitting belt was wrapped around her waist just above the skirt. Her legs were bared and toned and thick in the hips. Her dark gray halter top was totally sleeveless and was made purely to cover her womanly chest, as it exposed her midriff. But God, that chest… those tits were so tightly constricted, you could see the natural seam so beautifully…

An eyebrow raised to my existence, she spoke to me in an accent that I’d never heard before. “Oy, what’s this now? Didn’t expect to see anyone else snoopin’ around my stompin’ grounds. Can I help you, mate?”

“Your… stomping grounds?” I murmured, slowly picking myself up off the ground and furiously trying to maintain eye contact. “You mean to say that you’re uh… one of the, um...”

“One of the mongrels that made this land an unlivable hellscape? Yeah, that’d be me.” she responded, fists on her hips, a proud smile on her deceptively cute face. “But I’m afraid if you’re looking to join, we ain’t accepting new applicants at the moment. In case all the wreckage wasn’t enough of a hint, we’re on a bit of a sabbatical, savvy?”

“I thought all the members of that gang were arrested...” I replied.

“S’right. Everybody but yours truly.” she remarked, a thumb to her chest. As it rose, it flicked a titty and the ensuing jiggle got my full attention. “Name’s Mena. And a sneakier scoundrel, you’ll never find.”

I’d been trying so hard but after that, I was just in a trance staring at those gigantic tits. They weren’t quite the level of Auphemia or her maids but they were barely a step below that, still far, far larger than anything you’d regularly see. Bless my luck for getting to lay eyes on so many beauties in such a short time.

She bent over again to force eye contact once more. “...Oy, ya got business with my breasts, boyo?”

“...You’ve got really, really big tits, Mena.” I earnestly shuddered. In that moment I may have possibly, definitely forgotten what I was doing. 

“Yeah, so I’ve heard.” she casually replied with a sigh and a shrug. “Now can ya please do me a favor and piss off? There ain’t nothing left here for you or anybody else, the place has been raided dry.”

“...But… er, but what about the uh… the Eye of... Cole…?” I muttered, my initial mission slowly coming back to me. “That was never found, right?”

Her expression got a lot more serious there. Once again, she put her fits to her hips as she curtly explained, “We never had that thing in the first place, ya daft cunt! That’s just a legend we spread around to get a wee bit more cred! Don’t believe everything you hear, boyo...”

“Well if that’s the case, then… what are you doing here?” I inquired, suspicious. “I mean, there’s no way you’re actually planning to keep using this place as a headquarters. It’s falling apart, totally unsafe to even be standing in this place. Plus, everyone knows it’s where the gang did business now. It doesn’t work as a hideout on any level.”

Her stare became increasingly piercing but she had no response to that. 

So I continued, “You’re… you’re here to get the Eye of Cole back yourself, aren’t you? It’s the only thing they didn’t get, so it’s the only thing you could be coming back for, right?”

Mena stared daggers through my eyes, not moving a muscle for a long moment. She started to open her mouth like she was gonna speak… but in that next instant, she pulled a bit of sand from her pocket and tossed it into my eyes. This caught me totally off-guard and I yelped in pain, my hands coming up to cover my now burning eyes.

I could barely see her next move but I was horrified when I realized that she up and stabbed me in the gut with her knife! I doubled over in searing pain and shock, terrified of what just happened… it seemed like she actually didn’t get me deep, more a side slice across my stomach, but enough to tear through my shirt and cause some bleeding!

As I was stunned with this, Mena delivered an elbow strike to the back of my neck. This sent me right down to the ground. A wicked stomp to my spine followed, before she pivoted and rushed away. I glanced towards her and as she ran, I noticed the large key dangling from the back of her skirt. Presumably it’s what she went into the library to find.

She had to be on her way to where the treasure was now, the treasure Auphemia promised me her heavenly tits in exchange for… it really says something that even after being stabbed in the stomach on my first mission, I fully intended to plow on through. I pulled myself from the floor and tried to ignore the blood as I pursued Mena. 

The injury slowed me, but I saw that a part of the floor had been pulled up, a secret compartment. And a hatch with a big keyhole on it was raised. Wasn’t hard to put two and two together there. 

I limped over and saw Mena climb out from the hole, the Eye of Cole unmistakably in her hand. As she stepped back up onto the floor, I made sure to stand in between her and the exit, still clutching my stomach. “H-Hey! I need that jewel!” I blurted out, my words sputtering from my mouth.

“Oh, I agree! Ya do need a jewel!” Mena yelled out. Shockingly, she actually tossed the Eye of Cole right at me. I gasped and fumbled the treasure around in my hands. I barely even noticed her jogging towards me, but by the time I had a solid handle on the jewel, she was right there in front of me. And a split second later, her knee rocketed up between my legs, her solid bare kneecap absolutely pulverizing my testicles against my pelvis.

A deep exhale of air came from my lungs as I wheezed my anguish from my lips. As I started to fall forward, Mena put a hand to my forehead to stop me and whispered into my ear, “...’Cause it sure does seem like ya could use some replacements! Ah well~”

With tremendous ease, she swiped the Eye of Cole from my trembling hands. As I collapsed, I realized I was about to land facefirst into her titanic tits, but tauntingly she managed to sidestep me and I hit the unforgiving floor instead.

“Heh! Ya had me worried for a bit there, but it seems I got my knickers in a bunch over nothing. Be seeing you around, l’il Larrikin.” she casually remarked as she walked off at a leisurely pace, clearly not concerned with me anymore. She even began to giggle to herself. “Or, then again… maybe I won’t~”

As Mena waltzed off, I could only lay there, clutching my scrotum and wondering how much blood I’d lost. I wasn’t even remotely ready for what just happened, that wasn’t even a fight… she totally and completely defeated me with barely a second thought. And that near-brush with her awesome bosom only served to remind me of what I was truly here for, mocking me with what I’d never have now. Could it be? Might my Breast Quest truly be over before it ever even began…?!


From a distance, Loretta sat upon a horse of her own and stared through a little looking glass… she watched Mena coming out of the decrepit manor with the Eye of Cole in hand and sighed. No surprise, Asher wasted no time in proving useless… 

Mena signalled for her horse to come out of hiding, and it pulled a carriage behind it. As Mena packed up her belongings, the recovered artifact included, Loretta prepared to intervene.

However, what happened next truly surprised the silent, busty maid…


“Nnngh… no!” I groaned, punching the floor. “I can’t let this happen! I can’t give up s-so easily! Tits like Auphemia’s make my life worth l-living! So I’ll fight on for them…”

Meekly, I began to crawl after Mena. But as I glanced through the giant opening that was once a wall, it was easy to see that she was just about finishing loading up to set out. The thieving woman hopped up onto her carriage… I would never get to her in time.

I groaned miserly and gazed down at the rubble in front of me. Desperately looking for anything I could do to slow her down, I grabbed up a piece of it. It was more solid than I expected, basically like a stone in my hand. I contemplated throwing it at Mena but that probably wouldn’t stop her for more than a few moments. 

Glancing up, I saw her grab the reins. She was seconds away from being on her way out. I just had to chuck that thing as fast as I could…

“Yah!” Mena yelled, with a crack of her reins. Her horse whinnied and prepared to gallop… and in that exact moment, the stone nailed one of the latches that kept the horse and carriage tied to one another. This must’ve been a pretty cheap carriage because it actually snapped off! One of the two ropes tied to the horse suddenly became irrelevant!

“Wh-what in blazes?!” Mena cried out as the horse took off and her carriage found itself twisting wildly. The balance was totally off and though she tried her best to hold onto the reins, they got away from her and control was lost in a hurry. 

The carriage spun violently and the force of it all caused the second rope to snap as well. As the carriage itself came to a stop, Mena’s horse just kept on running, off into the distance.

Suffice to say, I had no idea that throwing that bit of rubble was going to do anything close to what I just saw and I was pretty stunned. So you could imagine Mena’s reaction. She just stared agape as her horse disappeared over the horizon, before slowly turning her head towards where the stone came from. 

The look she gave me was a venomous one to say the least. 

“Ohhh you right cunt!” she hissed, jumping from the now damaged and useless carriage. She brandished her knife again as she stormed towards me. “Crushing your nuts wasn’t enough, eh?! How ‘bout I cut off your pecker instead?!”

“P-Please don’t...” I grumbled. I uh, didn’t really have a follow-up for if that toss actually worked, turns out.

Mena grabbed me by the hair and yanked me up off the ground just enough to where she could deliver a powerful kick to my face that flipped me onto my back. She knelt down and started yanking at the strings of my trousers, intending to rip them right off.

“St-stop… we don’t have to… f-fight...” I mumbled.

“This look like a fight to you, numbnuts?!” Mena barked back, ripping off my pants and exposing my manhood. “I wasn’t kidding, fucker! That dick is coming off!”

Mena took my penis in one hand and with the other, put her blade to it! She was serious about this! Panicking, I yelled out, “WAIT! WE CAN WORK TOGETHER!”

“The fuck would I wanna work with you for?!” Mena cursed, her grip tightening on my cock. “You’re a wimp! Don’t even got any tools on ya! You got nothing to offer me!”

“B-But I know where a lot of other treasure is hidden!” I gasped. “And I… have a ride, we can share!”

Mena paused, hand still on my prick as she looked me in the eye, as if trying to figure out if I was lying or not. “...Treasure like the Eye Of Cole? That same level…?”

“Yes! S-Super famous, legendary artifacts! The Eye was just the first of many that I was after!” I remarked, reaching into my pants pocket - which required more of an extension of the than usual - to retrieve the scroll. I showed it to her, but tried to keep it out of her reach. “W-With this, we can find all sorts of treasure! Honest!”

She eyed the scroll for a moment, before letting out a sigh. Mercifully, she released my penis and stood straight up. “...I could really use a big score right now. After everything that’s happened, I’m just the north side of destitute. And a useless partner is better than no partners at all, I guess… having a meat shield would be nice. Fine… we can give it a go then, I s’pose. What’s your name?”

In all honesty, the swiftness of that acceptance was a little off, but I was a bit too thankful over not losing my genitals to care in the heat of the moment. Weakly, I picked myself off the floor and exhaled, “Asher… my name is Asher.”

Mena gave me a friendly, hardy pat on the shoulder and said, with all sincerity, “Well, you have a very, very wee willy, Asher.”

“Yeah, so I’ve heard.” I sighed as I pulled my pants back up. The motion caused me to wince in agony as I hissed, “Ugh, do you… have any bandages for my stomach? You uh… kinda stabbed me back there.”

“Oy, that was barely a love knick.” she replied, with a roll of her eyes as she reached into one of the pouches on her belt to produce a roll of bandage.

“I… don’t think that’s a thing.” I argued, as she wrapped the bandage around my stomach, pulling it tightly and tautly. It stung a bit, but it covered the wound well and stopped the bleeding. 

“Well then clearly you ain’t from my neck of the woods...” Mena replied, as she turned to leave the manor. “Right, so where’s your ride…?”

I stepped out beside her and gave a little whistle. Up Kessle trotted, loyal as ever, carting a carriage behind him. It was wide enough for two people, fortunately.

After retrieving her bags from what was left of her own carriage, the Eye of Cole included, Mena loaded up onto mine instead. But when she finished, she let out a heavy sigh and pressed her head against the wood. 

“Uh… everything okay?” I asked.

“No. Not really.” she shook her head. “I mean I’ve… lost a ton, y’know? Looking at what’s left of that building, I… I’ve been trying to put on a brave face, but fuck, man. Used to be our home. I’m the only one left, now.”

She glanced down at the ground, and I was a little stunned to see a tear falling down her pretty face. “Whole world just turned upside down in an instant. Just tryin’ to pick up the pieces… and now I… I’ve up and lost my damn horse… only thing ‘sides this treasure that I still had from those days...”

Mena went down to her knees and began to sob. In spite of everything, it was strangely heartbreaking to see her like that. “Oh… I didn’t realize that horse was special to you, Mena. I’m sorry about that...”

I reached down to give her a little pat on the head to comfort her. Turned out to be a stupid move... for in that moment, she turned towards me and fired an uppercut right into my balls. My eyes went wide with pain and shock alike and I howled in misery, crumpling to my knees in an instant. It was by far the hardest I’d ever been hit and she got my crotch dead center, my guard was dropped completely. 

“Hah! What a sap!” Mena chuckled, wiping away her crocodile tears and hopping right to her feet. Her tits bounded up high with that motion, giving me atleast a little solace as I laid there helpless in the dirt. She leaned down to grab the scroll off my person. “And I do think I’ll be taking that off your hands, too!”

“D-D-Damn you...” I hissed, glaring up at her.

Mena laughed and enthusiastically flipped me off with both hands, the tips of her middle fingers repeatedly bumping the bottom of her enormous breasts, jiggling them just to further taunt me. She proceeded to hop up onto the carriage, turning her backside to me and giving it a little slap as she yelled, “Thanks for the lift, needledick!”

She grabbed the reins and gave them a crack, yelling, “Yah! Get us outta here!”

...But then, nothing. My horse didn’t respond to this at all. Mena tried cracking again, shouting, “Ah come on ya damn nag, go!”

“H-He won’t… listen to you.” I croaked, weakly hoisting my upper body from the ground. “I’ve had Kessle for y-years… he’s trained to… only heed… my commands...”

She turned to look down on me with an eyebrow raised. “...Seriously?”

I just gave her a nod. She shook her head with a sigh, “Oh, bugger all, you’re tellin’ me if I wanna get out of Ganz I really DO have to tag along with you?! ...Oy. And I’m the most wanted criminal in this whole bloomin’ region, I can’t stick around here all by my lonesome… ugh, fine.”

Knowing that I was probably too incapacitated to even climb up onto the carriage at that point, Mena leaned over and grabbed me by the hair. I yelped at an embarrassingly high pitch as she yanked me by the hair and pulled me aboard. I wiped the tear from my eye as I sat beside her.

“Where we off to next?” she quickly asked, glancing away from me like she’d rather pretend I wasn’t there.

“Nngh… uh… I think… the one off Bylell Coast is the closest. The Trident Key.” I replied. “And uh, I am kinda glad to have a partner for that one, ‘cause the description of it did… worry me a bit. Apparently it’s this sea-faring myth that goes back for centuries. There’s like, uh… a band of pirates that went looking for it and apparently learned more about it than anyone, got really close to finding it… but then, uh, next thing people heard from them was that their ship was disabled. Just, floating, ruined in the ocean. People have spotted it but nobody is brave enough to check it out.”

“Hmph… derelict pirate ship, huh? Sounds like a potential treasure trove to me...” Mena replied with a little smirk. “This should be fun.”

She chuckled to herself thinking of the treasure she’d soon attain, as I took the reins and gave them a crack. “Go on, Kessle!” I yelled and the loyal stallion listened. Off we went.

“...Oh, yeah, by the way...” Mena murmured, taking a small vial out from her belt. “You should probably take this.”

I glanced at the vial… trying to ignore how much Mena’s breasts jiggled from the vibration of the carriage’s movements. It was… really something. Uh, yeah, back to the vial, there was a strange, viscous purple liquid inside it. “What is this...?” I asked.

“The antidote.” she casually spoke, before lifting up her jagged knife in her other hand. “This blade’s laced with poison. That slice filled you with enough to kill you in like, ten hours. Unless you take the antidote.”

My eyes went wide with fright, and her expression didn’t change in the slightest. She… wasn’t kidding at all. I grabbed the antidote and quickly drank it, my hands shaking a bit as I took hold of the reins again.

Mena stretched out and reclined in the carriage, leaving me to steer us… and wonder what the Hell I just got myself into. But then, I did say I’d go through any danger to get at the breasts of Auphemia and her maids. And I did mean it… they were more than worth all this to me. Still, this was just the start, and I had a sinking feeling that worse perils than this awaited me… could I really do this? Could I seriously survive this?

No, I can’t think like that. Better to die striving for those tits than live knowing I’d never touch them… that is my creed, my only code. 

That is the vow of the Breast Quest...

To be continued...


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