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Happy Valentine's Day! This is the two year anniversary of Femdom Fanatics! To celebrate, we begin a new story today that I'm pretty excited for! This one will go places, folks! Enjoy~!

I was in disbelief as I gazed leerily through the window, my dick hard as a rock and twitching just from the sight… the rumors were wild about this place in my neck of the woods but I never realized that they could be so, so beautifully true…

Inside that manor, resided Lady Auphemia, the lord of the Stansted region… she was a popular political figure, as far as those went. Not least of which because of her incredible figure. She did actually try to cover herself during official visits, but there was no hiding how voluptuous she was. I especially always found myself gazing at her tits from a distance… I could legitimately see the curve of them from a mile away, which was an awesome fact to say the least. Man, did I love tits… 

And yet, as titanic as they were, some even said that she was attempting to conceal their size by pulling them back with her attire. I’d seen that done before but it seemed impossible to think she was doing it when they were the biggest breasts I’d ever seen by far even in that state.

But it was oh so true… I looked into that window and saw her in a much less formal attire. She had on the most low-cut dress I’d ever been graced with and those breasts were unfathomably enormous. And even more mindblowing, she had with her five maids that were almost as stacked and just as scantily-clad!

That alone would’ve made that manor a paradise for me. But even all that wasn’t why my cock was lurching like it was. What they were doing in there was a treat for the eyes, like something out of my wet dreams… but no, it was beyond even my wildest fantasies… 

They had a man in there and… the treatment he was getting, I’d kill for…


The man hit the ground facefirst with a thud and a groan. Within milliseconds, Sejna landed on top of him, her titanic tits smashing into the small of his back. “You’re going to feel every bit of the consequence of your actions today...” she warned, before twisting her shoulders and driving her mammoth mammaries repeatedly into his spine.

As he twitched and hissed and howled in pain, the other maids all watched, as Lady Auphemia stood off in the distance. Alcia giggled, “Oh me oh my, her titty massages are a little bit different than mine~”

Sejna grabbed the man by the neck and wrenched his head back, pressing the back of it deeply within her breasts, trapping it there. As she did this, Lucy rushed in from the side. She slid on her knees and managed to perfectly time her movements so that her own gigantic bosoms smashed into the side of his face and such was her momentum that she just kept on going. She turned on a dime, pivoting on her knee, before launching herself into another slide, so as to give him a matching titty slap on his other cheek. 

The man was utterly helpless, already clearly fading from consciousness. Sejna pulled his body up from the floor, and he was practically limp… well, with one notable exception…

“Oooooooohhhh...” Alcia hungrily marvelled, licking her lips as she stared at the blatant bulge in his pants. She cooed, “Coooooocccckk…”

Sejna boob bumped the back of his head, forcing him to stumble forward… right into range of Camil who rushed in with a battle cry. “My tits are about to kick your ass!”

She leaped up in the air and spun her whole body to the right, putting as much force as she could into a crushing breast smash that whipped his head back. He was about to fall but she reached up and caught him by the collar of his shirt. With a jerk, she forced him towards her and he saw as she groped her own bouncing breasts.

With one loud “HIYAH!” after another, Camil used her breasts as blunt object, driving them repeatedly into his face, chest and stomach. She went down to her knees and thrust both her right and left tit into his groin in quick succession, doubling him over with a pained gasp. Camil proceeded to shoot up right from the ground into a flying double titty uppercut that caught him right in the chin and hit with enough force that he flipped onto his back.

No sooner than he hit the ground, than did the massive tits of Loretta fall upon his face. She wrapped her arms around his head and rolled around, forcing him onto his front, which was quite awkward with his throbbing erection. The back of his head now open, Sejna again hopped onto him - his entire head was now engulfed in soft bosomy goodness, sandwiched between Loretta and Sejna.

As they kept him down, Auphemia walked over, twirling a necklace with a mysterious star-shaped orange medallion. 

“So… you think you can just walk in here and steal this prized possession from under our noses? And walk out here without getting busted by our busts? Heh… we’ve got big plans for this little trinket, you know. The Star of Goenz is more than just money to us...” she informed him. “With that in mind, if you can explain to me just WHY you thought crossing us was a good idea, then I’ll go ahead and let you go.”

The man’s legs were flailing as he helplessly struggled and squirmed. His yells were muffled to the point of incoherence by the gigantic breasts that were smothering him.

“Yeah, see, I don’t get it either.” Auphemia shrugged, cackling at her own joke. “Anyway I hope you’re comfortable there in Titty Town, ‘cause it’s where you’ll be dying.”

“Awww, do we have to kill him so soon?” Alcia spoke up, a sad look on her adorable face. “It’s been so long since I’ve gotten a hard dick to play with...”

“It’s been two days.” Auphemia noted.

“Soooooo looong...” Alcia lamented.

Lady Auphemia rolled her eyes. “Okay, fine. You can play with his cock, but do NOT, under any circumstances, let him cum. This dipshit almost ruined everything, I don’t want him getting a single bit of real pleasure before he goes.”

“Mmmm, well if he can’t get off, then it’s gonna be a lot tougher for me to.” Alcia remarked, a thoughtful finger to her mouth. “Usually I climax the moment I feel cum on my bared breasts… if that’s not happening, it could take a loooong, long time for me to be satisfied. Like, hours!”

“Well that’s fine. Take all the time you need.” Auphemia shrugged. “Make his balls so blue they pop, I don’t mind that. Tease his dick ‘til it falls off, that works for me.”

“Ohhhh yay! Mmmm, this is gonna be fun~!” Alcia cheered, hopping up and down, her giant breasts bouncing madly. 

Sejna and Loretta released the man and he was in such a daze that he barely understood what was happening as Alcia grabbed him by the ankle and dragged him to her chambers, already undoing her maid outfit as she did so...

All the while, our uh… hero? Was watching fervently and definitely, definitely jacking off.


I couldn’t help myself… I was always thought of as a weird one, especially when tits were involved. I’d just lose all control of myself around a nice pair of breasts… when they were in my line of sight, I had no shame, no inhibition, and many would say no sense at all. It’s gotten me in plenty of hot water in my life, I won’t dispute that. But what am I to do? I’m just helpless… there’s nothing in this world I wouldn’t do, nothing I wouldn’t go through to get a handful or a motorboating session with a busty babe. 

Hell, I’d trade a finger for a hug from any of the women in that manor…

My dick was like a divining rod pointing straight forward and I let it lead the way as I found myself scaling that manor. I knew they weren’t battering that guy with their boobs because he begged for it. That much was clear by the sheer mood in the room, it was malicious… it was done because for whatever reason, he was way on their bad side.

Of course to me, that’s laughable. Even if they killed me with their tits, I’d consider it a reward much more than a punishment… can’t say I could possibly think of a better way to die. So if that was what happened to me as a result of breaking into Auphemia’s room, then I’d be more than content with that. I’d be overjoyed with that fate.

That was on my mind as I dove right through that window and fell in a heap to the floor, not giving even a little bit of a shit about my own health in the heat of the moment. I just needed these boobs so badly…

I heard her groan. I looked over and my jaw dropped as, even under the covers, I could clearly see the shape of those gigantic breasts. It’d have almost been a comical sight if it wasn’t a lightning strike of arousal running through my body…

Slowly, Auphema sat up. The cover slipped off her top half and I was greeted to the truly heavenly sight of her bosom in that low-cut lavender nightie… 

“Goddammit, why does this happen to me so often…?” she yawned, and I believe she stopped to rub the sleep from her eyes. I can’t be sure, I wasn’t looking at her face. In fact I wasn’t able to tear my eyes away a single time during that encounter. I should probably be ashamed to admit that but I’m not!

I took a deep breath, trying to slow my heart rate a bit as well as think of something smooth to say. Finally, my statement was prepared. “T-Tits…! Please?!” I blurted out. That was roughly the peak of my eloquence in that moment, I was proud.

“Oh yeah, that’s right. The bazongas. Yeah, that’s pretty much always why… sometimes I forget when I’ve just woken up.” she sighed, before slinking out of bed. “Listen, dude. I don’t care how horny you are, you don’t want to try forcing yourself on me. It won’t end well for you.”

“Oh no… y-you don’t understand.” I explained, still a little tongue-tied. “I don’t… uh… I don’t want to harm you… I don’t want to dominate you at all. M-Much the opposite, actually...”

Without a second thought, I went down to my knees. I felt like she was probably raising an eyebrow at this, but again, no way of confirming. I continued, “I want to submit to you. I want to submit my mind, body and soul to your breasts, Lady Auphemia.”

“Uh-huh.” Auphemia replied, sounding disinterested and sleepy.

“No, truly! I don’t even need you to be gentle… I-I wouldn’t mind if you destroyed me with them… in fact, I’d love it! You or y-your maids...” I shuddered, unbelievably lusty.

“Ohhh so you know about them.” Auphemia noted. “What are you, a peeping tom?”

“Yes!” I cheerfully responded. “My name is Asher and I was watching as the maids decimated that man earlier today… nnngh, I’d do anything to take what he took...”

“Psht. Listen, we don’t just do that by request, okay? Atleast not for every random shmoe.” Auphemia responded. “That action is reserved for honored guests. Or people who can pay out the ass for it…”

“I’ll pay everything I’m worth!” I swiftly shouted, still bowing before her.

“Riiiight, and I suppose you’re worth 20,000 acres of land? ‘Cause that’s what I’m in the market for.” she sarcastically inquired.

This was a stark reminder that I was fairly poor… I guess she could read that much on my face as she continued, “Listen, numbnuts. The titty treatment is meant for two kinds of people. Those who have earned it in the GOOD way… or those who have earned it in the BAD way. It’s how we deal with our most cherished guests and with our most fierce threats. There’s not really an in-between there. And if you’re neither of those then you really oughta get the fuck out of here and let me get back to sleep.”

Hm. So my options were to become an honored dignitary of some sort, which was uh… not likely. Orrrr I could be a big enough threat where using those tits on me was deemed necessary. Right then. After contemplating my options for a moment, I resolved that there was only one logical, rational, reasonable next step. I pulled out my little pocket knife and charged full speed towards Auphemia.

She just stared me down as I approached, and again I didn’t see her face at all, but it didn’t seem her body language changed even a smidgen, as though there was no registering of danger whatsoever.

Just as I got within striking distance, she showed off a stunning quickness, grabbing my by the wrist and painfully twisting it. I groaned wimpily and dropped the knife as she pivoted and buried a knee in my ribs. A pained grunt left my lips as I doubled over, only for my face to meet a rising knee. The force of this whipped my upper body back in the opposite direction and I’d have fallen flat on my back if not for her maintaining a firm grip on my wrist. 

“This still seem like a good idea about now?” she asked, as she turned and firmly buried her voluptuous backside into my groin, before bending over and sending me flying over her head. I crashed to the floor, laid out by her judo throw! Before I even knew where I was at, her bare foot smacked my face and ground against my cheek, as she pressed her weight onto me just enough to keep my head pinned to the ground.

“Yeeeeeaaah, pretty sure any woman here could whip your ass in any which way they wanted. Including Alcia, and she’s much more a lover than a fighter.” Auphemia scolded, before shrugging and sighing. “But attacking me is a surefire way to get thrown out, regardless of how hilariously weak that attack might have been. So uh, congrats on making some history. You’re about to be the first guy I have my maids toss out of the manor with the explicit order to NOT use their tits in any way. Lucky you.”

She stepped off of me and began to walk away. I meekly pleaded, “Wait...” and reached out to grab her ankle. 

Auphemia swiftly pulled her foot away and smacked me across the face with it once more, not even turning to look at me before continuing to leave. I groggily pulled myself to my feet and again called out, “Hold on… please… you don’t understand! I’ll do anything! Anything just to… just to get a single motorboating in! I need those tits more than I need to breathe, I’ll put my life on the line…! I’ll do anything!”

Finally, she stopped in the doorway. Slowly she turned towards me. Briefly, I saw her face… she was quite pretty, but looked skeptical. “...You serious? There’s nothing you won’t do? Just for a little bit of tit?”

“I’d sell my soul if it could get me slapped by those breasts.” I earnestly replied, getting down onto my knees and begging. “I’d forfeit my entire existence, become your slave, give up my arms and legs… just to know what they feel like...”

She raised an eyebrow. Then, she turned the rest of her body towards me and I could no longer possibly look at anything other than those unbelievably awesome tits, especially as they swayed with her every turn and pivot. I do know she was coming towards me, based on their hypnotic bounce…

“Damn, I come along a lot of sad sacks, and I mean a LOT of them. Perverts that lose all sense of self-respect and dignity around me, dime a dozen, really.” she began. “But you? You might just take the cake. I mean I don’t think I’ve ever seen such a sad, pathetic, shameless, obsessive, microdick loser in all my years. It’s staggering.”

“How did you know I had a small dick?” I asked without a bit of hesitation.

“...I didn’t, I was just talking about your demeanor. You act like a guy with a small cock.” she explained, sounding puzzled, as if there was something odd about my question. “You sure are a unique one… anything, huh?”

I nodded. 

“...We’ll see about that. Stand up.” she commanded. I noticed her arms folded just beneath her breasts, propping them up a bit… this was actually quite a feat of strength, considering how heavy they seemed to be.

I swiftly shot up to my feet, staggering a bit as I was trying to ignore my wooziness. 

“Do you have any other fetishes?” Auphemia inquired. “I mean, d’ya like being hurt or dominated by women in any other way?”

“Nope! I’m as pure a tit-man as you’ll ever find!” I cheerfully explained.

“Drop your pants.” she demanded.

Believe you me, I did not hesitate, they were off in a flash and my erection was out in all it’s glory that next split second.

“Wow.” she uttered, bending over to get a closer look at my cock and giving me a close look down her nightie… mmm. “You… really weren’t kidding about being small. I can’t believe you’d actually show that thing to anybody.”

I just shrugged and smirked. “Hey, what can you do~?”

“Mmm. Alright, well, spread your legs so I can kick you in the balls.” she casually commanded.

I had no ballbusting fetish to speak of but for a prize like those tatas, this was nothing. In that next moment, I spread my legs as far apart as my flexibility would allow, struggling to stay standing. “Is this far enough?”

She didn’t respond. Instead she got in position and launched a swift kick… but stopped just short of connecting. I didn’t flinch even a little. Her tits were bouncing so madly in that moment, it’s the only thing I could possibly focus on. 

After that little test, she took several steps back. Lady Auphemia proceeded to pick up a running start and damn those breasts were going wild, every which way, looking every bit like they could leave that nightie at any time… it was my only consideration as she launched by far the most powerful kick I’d ever seen right between my legs, lifting me from the ground and blasting my balls full force. I can promise you, it was a pain far beyond what I’d ever experienced.

And yet, I did everything I could to stay standing, to keep from clutching myself even as my pained scream rang out through the manor. I was gasping for breath, hissing in anguish, and through grit teeth I asked, “...Did you… just want the… one kick? Or should I… take more?”

“...Man, you’re a freak.” Auphemia remarked. “How about you go bash your face against the wall?”

I nodded, and walked over to the wall, still bare from the waist down. I reared my head back and repeatedly sent my face crashing into the solid flat surface. After four of these, I ignored my newly broken nose and sputtered, “How many… do you want?” 

“That’s uh, that’s good. I believe you now.” Auphemia remarked. “You’re every bit the tit fiend you say you are, you really will do anything.”

“Ahahaha… aha… y-you’re damn right...” I gasped, staggering towards her.

“Okay… okay, fine. I’ll make you a deal.” Auphemia offered. “I’ve got a, uh… project coming up. And there are four artifacts out there that I need for it. We basically know where they are, but they’re either in really remote places or they’re super well-protected. So uh, it’s been tricky trying to figure out the safest way to get these things. If you could procure them for us… we’d be very much in your debt.”

“S-So if I get these things for you, you’ll let me… t-touch them?!” I stammered.

Auphemia chuckled. “Buddy. You get all four of them and bring them back to us, me and the maids will give you more tit action than you could ever dream of.”

I couldn’t contain my sheer joy at this, jumping up and down in celebration and screaming my head off. “YES, YES, YES!! I’ll do it, I’ll do it!!”

“Alright! Cool! Okay!” Auphemia remarked, beckoning for me to stop and looking up towards the ceiling. “I don’t need to see your little guy do his dance, geeze...”

“Ahahahaha- oh… uh, by the way, can I… spend the night here, before I go?” I asked. “I don’t… actually have anywhere to sleep at the moment...”

Auphemia sighed. “Sure, whatever. Try and sneak into any of the girls’ rooms and you’ll get your spine snapped.”

“Ohhh I won’t! Hahaha, now I can just savor the reward~” I beamed, before making my way out. “You won’t be disappointed! Whatever you want, I’ll find it, first thing in the morning!”

She shook her head and as I walked, I could just barely hear her mutter, “You don’t know the first thing about what you’re in for...”


Sure enough, that next day I was bright-eyed and bushy-tailed! And shocking myself perhaps more than anyone, I managed to stay true to my word and made no attempt at peeping on any of the maids. I wouldn’t dare do anything that would jeopardize the paradise that I’ve been promised. 

I looked at the scroll in my hand, detailing what I was meant to get and where I was meant to find it… it was quite the varied set of locations, to be sure. And from everything I’d been told, there would be no lack of danger on this trip. There would be peril, struggle and strife, no question… and I was but a weak man, far less qualified than anyone in that lived in that manor as far as I could tell.

But for the tit… my God, for the tit, I had zero qualms with any of it. This was the most noble venture that I would ever embark on… this was my destiny. A quest for those breasts…

I had a pep in my step and a fire in my eye as I marched out and took up my horse-drawn carriage, which in truth was one of very few things in this whole world I could call my own. Proudly, I set out on my journey, ready for anything!

Unbeknownst to our, erm, definitely not our hero, but our protagonist…

Lady Auphemia watched as Asher strode off, her maids standing in formation behind her. She turned over to the nearest of them. “Hey, Loretta… take the horse from out back and follow him from a distance. I think we all pretty much know, odds are pretty goddamn good he’ll die or be captured before he can do any of this shit. But if he happens to find any of the objects we need before that happens, make sure you bring them back. Just don’t put yourself at risk doing it.”

Loretta bowed her head and left to serve without a word.


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