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Chapter 1 

Chapter 2 

Chapter 3 

Chapter 4 

After standing there for a moment, the pain finally started to wear off a smidgen. And then I moved, and it all came rushing back. Every step brought another bounce to my gargantuan nuts, which were legitimately heavy as hell at that point on top of everything else. And with every bounce was another lightning strike of pain. But I had no choice but to power through. I was almost to the end of my journey.
Finally… I saw that purple tent once more. I took a deep breath and put on my best angry face as I stormed over. 

I stopped short a bit as I glanced down. It hit me that if I were trying to look intimidating, a hospital gown that was too short to cover my genitals would not be my outfit of choice… I exactly hadn’t stopped to glance at a mirror, but I could only imagine that I looked ridiculous. Especially with my balls being so swollen, black and blue… 

That led me to another problem - those gigantic balls were such obvious targets at this point. Some might default to going low in a desperate situation anyway but with me, it was just… such a blatant weakspot. You’d have to go out of your way to avoid hitting them, honestly. They were so easy to hit, and so hard to protect at that size. Nevermind how clearly sensitive and tender they were, even by the standards of testicles, and it was really easy to see that just from looking. I wasn’t sure if I could take on anybody in a fight with them in the way.

So… yeah, intimidation had to be my only way. I had to scare her to the point where she wouldn’t even think about fighting back, basically. And I sure wasn’t doing with that with the silly get-up I had on.

Not that I could afford to go back and change at this point. After my encounter with the pent-up businesswoman from Hell, and really from every woman I’d seen that day, I wouldn’t dare go back into that town. Not until I could get this situation figured out. 

My options were limited… I didn’t much like what I was thinking of, but it was kind of the only choice I had. So I decided to just strip off the hospital gown, fold it up and lean it against the trunk of a nearby tree. Yep… I was going into this one totally naked. I just, figured it made for a much scarier thing to see barging into your home, certainly by comparison.

As I stood back straight, I couldn’t help but take a moment to contemplate how far I’d sunk in the span of a day. Not to mention how bizarre my life had become in record time. I was about to go charging headlong, completely nude, into the domain of a witch. Even beyond that, I was already in shambles. My beloved girlfriend seemed on the verge of a mental breakdown after what happened on my return to home, and what went down on the hospital could only make it worse. She and Nurse Neidhart had probably already been arrested… something I could hopefully help them out of once this curse was lifted, but until then, they were screwed.

And so was I… for all I knew, once that heartless woman finished fingering herself to my misery, she ended up calling the cops anyway and giving them my description. And thinking about it, it had to have made the news that a patient was attacked and ran from the hospital, right? So it couldn’t be that hard to narrow things down for them…

The more I thought about it, the more I knew that Wicca truly had to pay. I grit my teeth and found myself seething as I glanced back up at that tent. 

Walking into that tent the first time was the worst mistake of my life. And to think it was all because I was ashamed of the size of my balls. I’d trade my nuts entirely for a chance to get the life I had yesterday back. Hell, after a day like this, I’d trade them just to make the pain stop…

But as I found my fists balling up, and saw red as I imagined the wicked smile on that vile Wicca’s face… suddenly the pain was fading away, even as I stepped forward. My anger was so intense, and my heart rate was quickening, to the point to where adrenaline was kicking in. I felt like a freight train as I charged into that tent.

“WICCA!” I bellowed as I burst through. “YOU ARE GOING TO FIX WHat you’ve… done...”

My shouts turned to a whisper, my adrenaline disappearing no sooner than it came, as she met my gaze once more.

I guess it’s no surprise that a witch would be up this late, or that she’d still be sitting at that damn crystal ball. But that’s not what made me stop in my tracks… not exactly. 

Somehow, she looked… different than before. She was already gorgeous but she seemed all the more mesmerizingly beautiful, her eyes more enchanting than ever, her lips so pouty and beckoning.  Casual as could be, she was leaning back in her chair with her crossed legs kicked up onto her table. I didn’t get the best look at her legs before - I did my damnedest to maintain eye contact the whole time - but they were extraordinarily shapely, unmistakeably feminine. And from my vague memory, they… almost seemed a little longer than before, and definitely more defined than I recalled. 

“Ahhh… hello again, Morgan. I had a feeling I’d be seeing you again.” she cooed, not even batting an eye at seeing me in the buff. “But to come back this soon, my my… you must’ve really missed me~”

Her voice… it was recognizable as the woman I’d heard speak before of course, but there was an even deeper allure to it than I recalled. What was going on… was she putting another spell on me?!

Shaking this thought off, I put on a false bravado to replace the real one, which had of course just left. “Sh-shut up! You know exactly why I’m here! You put a… a hex on me! And now you’re going to remove it!”

“Ohhhh…? Well now Morgan I’m confused. You wished for me to bestow upon you the biggest pair of balls on Earth… and that’s what you have now, isn’t that right?” she asked, playing coy. “Hmhmhmhmhm… they’re a far cry from the little marbles you walked in here with this morning~”

“Damn you...” I growled, fists shaking. “The least you could do is admit what you’ve done! Every time a woman sees my balls, th-”

“They see a target.” she finished for me, her devious smile growing all the wider. “No matter who that woman might be, she’s compelled to attack your oversized manhood the moment she lay eyes on it. A curse so strong, even seeing the bulge is enough to cause the reaction… hmhmhm, and shielding something so massive is no easy task. Ahhh but then, you’re well aware of that by now, hm~? Large as they were before, they’ve all but doubled in size from the swelling… truly incredible~”

“Why...? Why would you do this to me?!” he wailed. “You have no idea how much this has fucked my life up already!”

“Aww, you really didn’t expect anything like this, did you?” Wicca shook her head. “Silly boy, haven’t you ever heard of the monkey’s paw? Twisted wishes with an ironic consequence… it’s an art really, dates back centuries...”

“You owe me an explanation!” I howled. I did really wanna know, but I was actually more stalling for time… with the adrenaline wearing off my balls were getting excruciatingly sore again. So I wanted to let the pain die a little, and see if I could get my pulse going again.

“I owe you nothing.” she quickly retorted, her smile disappearing for a brief moment, before coming right back up. “Luckily, I do tend to enjoy telling people this… hmhmhm.”

Without any warning, she stood up and walked around her desk. I primed myself for conflict but she was just casually walking up to me and…

...my God, that body… it was almost impossible to believe but, she looked so much hotter than before. Her every curve accentuated all the further… as I said, her face all the more perfect, and those bouncing breasts! They were… even larger than before?! They seemed to be straining against the top of her dress now now…

“You like what you see.” she stated. Not a question, a declaration. “Though you may hate me, you’d still lay with me if I prodded, wouldn’t you…?”

“Sh-shut up...” I mumbled, gritting my teeth. But to my shame and frustration… somehow, in spite of all the pain my genitals were in, and in spite of how much I despised Wicca from the core of my being… my cock slowly rose in her presence. “D-Dammit…!”

Wicca cackled, an over the top villain laugh, her exaggeratedly feminine chest heaving, even this causing an immense jiggle of those titanic tits. “Ohhhh, what a helpless little man you are… speaking of which, what a reversal! I spoke on how that cock of yours looked large next to your tiny balls when you came in before but now, it’s even less to scale… it’s looking positively tiny by comparison~”

My face was red, flushed with embarrassment and anger. “I thought you were going to explain why you cursed me!” I spat. 

“Ahhh, yes, my apologies… well. This figure you see before you…?” she began, running her hands greedily up and down her curves. “Mmmm… believe it or not, I didn’t always used to look like this… anything like this, actually. Hahahaha, I’m not some tart who learned a little witchcraft you see… I was never human. When I started my life, eons ago, well… to be honest, I was a hideous creature. I would’ve never passed for human back then, let alone the perfect picture of femininity you see before you.”

I raised an eyebrow at this, but… it was hard to be too skeptical of the claims of someone that had put a dark spell on you.

She continued, “I was always so repulsed by myself… until one fine day, I found a lovely enchantment. I could get myself closer and closer to the body I desired… through the consented suffering of another. As long as someone agreed to whatever harm came to them, then with their pain… came my beauty~”

“I never agreed to this! You said nothing about putting a curse on my balls!” I argued.

“I wasn’t finished.” she replied with a curt glare. “...At first, I followed this to the letter. They would have to agree to whatever came to them. And it was not easy to get takers, mind. I was... not quite as persuasive in those days as I am now. Basically… I had to trick them into thinking that letting me hurt them, or them hurting themselves, would somehow give them what they wanted.”

As she continued to speak, Wicca began to pace back and forth in front of me. Her legs were so incredible, it was a treat to see them in motion… and her breasts bobbed with her every step… not to mention every time she turned away, I was reminded of that high rising split in her skirt that showed off her ass. And with it’s own increase in size, that ass was all but spilling out… it was impossible to look at it without imagining sticking my dick inside it.

I glanced down in shame at my own mental weakness. I’d have asked myself why my tormentor had to be so incredibly alluring but… she was basically already telling me.

“It… worked every now and again, but it was rare to find someone who was both brave enough to keep from running, and also stupid enough to listen to me.” she went on. She stopped in place and giggled once more. “But then… then I thought of a little loophole. And I was so ecstatic to find that my theory was correct. You see, in the rule of the monkey’s paw, any wish that you make comes with a hidden consequence. By making such a wish, you’re agreeing to whatever comes to you, whether you know it or not. That meant I could quite earnestly grant any wish requested of me, and in return, place any hex I felt like on the receiver. Suffice to say… things became much, much easier for me once I stumbled onto this little strategy. And this… this is the result~!”

As she finished, she stood proudly, her head tilted up, arms spread, chest puffed out, showing off her incredible body. My cock lurched, much to my chagrin.

And as I unwittingly studied her figure, I somehow became more horny and more furious at the same time. Her body told a hell of a story… I couldn’t fathom the amount of people she must’ve hurt to get to looking like that.

“Mmmm… say, erm… Morgan, right? Tell me… where did you hear of me from? Did anyone warn you against me? Did they seem just miserable to speak of me?” she laughed. “Ahh, I did tell you before, yes? How most men who walked into my tent wished for a night with me? Mmmmhmhmhm… and they certainly got their wish, an incredible night for certain… but when they woke up, back in their own beds that next morning… ahh, what a rude awakening they had. For just as I gave their cocks such a delight, so too was a curse laid on them… to what extent depended on my mood. For some I merely ensured it was their last orgasm, that they would remain forever impotent, that their cocks would never rise again. For others, when I was feeling less generous… those same dicks simply fell right off~”

At this point it occurred to me how utterly insane I had to be to actually want to challenge this being. She was almost as terrifying as she was sensuous.

My eyes went wide as she cupped her own extremely generous breasts and slowly stepped closer and closer to me. “It’s always such a wonderful thing… I can feel it, every time these babies grow a little more… and I know that somewhere out there, someone is suffering from my curse.” she beamed, and by the time she finally stopped, she was but inches from me. Wicca was already much taller than me in those heels and she’d grown another few inches. Those breasts were on such a level and such a size that they were all I could see. “Mmhmhmhmhm… and thanks to you, I’ve felt more of it today than ever before. I hope you know that you’ve suffered more beautifully and abundantly than any man I’ve seen in decades...”

Finally, I could take no more of this. Fear be damned, I balled my fist and swung it up towards her perfect face. 

But the sight of Wicca was so damn distracting, I didn’t even realize what had been happening the entire time she spoke to me. I had no concept of what was behind me… the black vines slithering up…

Mid-punch, one of the vines coiled up like a lasso and wrapped around my wrist, just in time to keep me from making contact with that witch. “N-No!” I hissed, seeing where this was going but it was too late. 

More vines sprang up, magically tying themselves around my opposite wrist and each ankle. My arms and legs were forcibly spread. I struggled to no avail… they might as well have been steel chains blocking my resistance. 

“Poor weak little man...” Wicca shook her head. “There’s no point trying to resist. This is no fight. Men touch me only when I allow it and only when I have something to gain. You’re caught in my web… mine to do with as I please.”

“...St-stop… stop, please...” I begged, my lip quivering, tears welling up. It was amazing how fast the fight had been taken out of me. “Undo the hex… let me go. Please… let me go back to my old life and… try to pick up the pieces. That’s all I want. I just want this to be over...”

“Ohhhhh, how unfortunate...” she cooed mockingly, placing her tender hand to my chin and inching her face close enough to mine that I could feel her breath as she whispered, “Because I’m not even close to finished with you.”

Without any warning, she reached down, her reflexes lightning quick as she took a firm grasp of my erect cock. 

“W-Wait…!” I gasped.

“Ohhhh it doesn’t want me to wait… I can feel it twitch~” she cooed. “Mmm sadly the rest of your body doesn’t understand what your balls are going through… an orgasm in your condition would be… well, quite the experience, to put it mildly~”

“Y-You don’t have to-” I began. But I was cut off by the sudden and intense sensation as Wicca began pumping my cock, tenderly at first but speeding up with every repetition… I gasped and quivered in her grasp.

“Mmm… an interesting facet of my enchantment: any suffering that results from the curse, directly or indirectly, is to my benefit.” she explained as she bent over a bit and got more and more into the handjob. Her cleavage was so expanse that I couldn’t even see the end of it from that angle. “All that swelling and bruising was the result of my curse. And this climax will hurt like hell because of that. Which means I can get the effects without even touching those balls… isn’t that fascinating~?”

I moaned and groaned… it was an exhilarating feeling but I knew what was coming. And I hated giving her the satisfaction of my release, though I knew it was inevitable… nevermind that I’m a man in a committed relationship being pushed into this! Yet despite it all, my dick had betrayed me, my lust overriding my emotions…

After a mere 20 seconds or so, she started getting impatient. She grabbed my cock with both hands and furiously jacked me off, her gigantic breasts bouncing and jiggling madly as she demanded, “Give me what I want! Cum for me! Cum for me now!”

I was utterly, completely helpless… and the last of my pride left me as I came to a massive, agonizing climax. Tears fell as my entire body lurched, an intense anguish emerging from deep in the core of my testicles as my seed shot out like a geyser. 

Swiftly, Wicca released my cock and lovingly wrapped her arms around herself, moaning as her body began to glow with a purple luminescence. As she moaned gently, I could see her change… the already unimaginably magnificent proportions morphing to become yet more over the top. She was far beyond what a human woman could ever be. Her tits took up half her torso at this point and the front of her dress seemed ready to burst.

“Ohhhhh Morgan… this is the best day of my life~” she lustfully moaned, slowly dropping to her knees. “You’re such a perfect toy. Such an endless well of pain...”

“D-D-Damn… you...” I shuddered.

Ignoring my pleas, she leaned forward and gave a swift lick to my member. It had softened from the climax but this skillful play of the tongue got it right back up. Wicca took a moment to lick the head of my cock clean, before taking my prick whole into her beautiful mouth…

My limbs shook and quivered as she began sucking my cock with an incredible expertise. As her head bobbed up and down, effectively use my dick to fuck her own mouth, her tongue wrapped around my throbbing penis, masterfully teasing the very end of my shaft. 

I couldn’t even struggle, couldn’t even cry out… I was helpless. Wicca’s moans intensified as she hungrily took my cock. Whenever I’d been sucked off before I usually lasted quite a while, but this was unlike anything I’d ever felt… the waves of pleasure washed into my very soul as she gave me the blowjob to end all blowjobs. And I could only withstand it for a matter of seconds.

My dick erupted, yet more powerfully than before and Wicca greedily swallowed every bit of my cum. The look on her face even as my dick was in her mouth… so proud, so pleased with herself, staring right up into my eyes as I hissed and convulsed, my balls completely on fire as they were forced to work for her.

As she spat out my cock with a little contempt, once more, the morphing began… as she knelt over, I could see the back of her skirt tear with the increasing size of her backside. This was something of an accomplishment, given that the skirt was already so loose and open to begin with. Her ass was all but exposed, little more than a barely-there g-string to cover it. Meanwhile, her tits seemed to have no limit to their own expansion, her dress finally starting to give way. The breasts tore a hole in it that exposed their underside. They were so massive and I was so close to seeing every last bit of them at this point…

“Me oh my, you men just can’t get enough of my breasts, can you…?” she asked, a knowing smile as she glanced up at me, her hands rising to caress the newly exposed underboob. “Mmm, one of the horny men from before, I swear to you, wished only to motorboat them! The stupid fool could’ve had anything he wished, but his only concern was getting his face in my cleavage! So I granted it… he managed to stick damn near his entire head in here and went wild… only to find that he couldn’t stop. He could never pull himself away. Mmmhmhmhmhm… he ended up suffocating in my titties.”

My eyes widened as I found myself yet more frightened of this being by the moment. She giggled at this, whilst grasping her tits and making them dance before me. It was… hypnotizing, enough to once more force an erection out of me. “Ahhh, but even knowing that, still you just can’t resist them, can you? Well… if you want them so much, now seems a perfect time~”

Wicca held her enormous tits up as she leaned forward. I could see where this was going as those mammoth mammaries hovered just over the head of my cock.

“N-No! No more, please!” I shuddered. “D-Don’t-”

I was cut off by the sensation as she slowly lowered her tits to envelop my cock. Making great use of the new hole in her dress, my dick was now snugly cradled in her tits, having entered betwixt them through the bottom. With ease, those tits took in my entire member. I couldn’t see it at all… I felt as though it only got about halfway through to the other side of them, if that. I’d never felt so small in my life.

And yet… my God. They were so… so very soft, so luscious. They hugged my cock so lovingly and completely. It occured to me that I’d never been titfucked before, nor had I ever even pictured a woman with breasts anything like Wicca’s before. The sensation was so brand new to me and…

“Mmmm, pardon me? Would you like to finish that sentence?” Wicca asked, smiling as she pushed her tits closer together, embracing my cock all the tighter. “Do you… not want this~? By all means, just say so...”

“...Y-You… I...” I stammered, not certain where my words were going anymore. Every little movement I made seemed to further stimulate me...

She looked up at me with a coquettish expression. “Well…? Surely you can still answer a yes or no… if you tell me you don’t want me to titfuck your brains out, I’ll stop~”

I shuddered a bit as I gazed down at her. My mouth was agape… words failed me. I stared into her mesmerizing eyes… I tried desperately to make some kind of noise. Why… why couldn’t I say it?! Why couldn’t I say that I didn’t want this?!

“Hmmm, well… if you won’t say it, I guess I’ll just keep going~” she shrugged, before hungrily grasping the sides of her tits and bringing them powerfully up and down my shaft. 

I whipped my head back, immediately being put into an impossible ecstasy! I found my voice in time to howl my passion. I sounded so… gleeful. I was enjoying this. And I think knowing that, more than anything, absolutely destroyed me.

Perhaps it’s for the best I had lost the ability to speak. There was nothing left to say. She owned me. She owned my manhood.

And those soft, cushiony breasts, seemingly stealthily oiled up in advance, ran up and down my cock with an incredible fervor… my dick was nothing to them, lost in a sea of feminine flesh. And as if it weren’t enough that they ruled my dick, Wicca seemed to delight in making damned sure that every thrust brought the underside of them smacking against my balls. They barely grazed them really, but that was more than painful enough. 

I grunted and groaned, pain and pleasure melding, even as I knew in the end the scales would tip all the way to the former… it felt like several minutes somehow, but I think it ultimately took less than thirty seconds for her breasts to finish me. I hollered and quivered as I came deep within her breasts. 

Sincerely, I felt like my balls were exploding in more ways than one. The moment I came, it was like a bolt of electricity had struck my testicles.

Like clockwork, as I groaned in anguish, Wicca moaned with delight, she was so into every morphing her body went through. It was intense, as before I even finished cumming, I could feel her breasts expanding and squeezing my cock all the tighter. 

“Mmmmm, so lovely~” Wicca remarked, slowly sliding her tits - now dripping with cum - off of my cock… before suddenly lunging her chest forward. My vision blacked out for a moment as I felt her enormous tits crash powerfully into my scrotum, like twin wrecking balls. Never had I heard a more shrill scream than the one I let out in that moment.

“Bahahahahahahaha!” Wicca cackled villainously, as she shook her chest, grinding her bosom against my nuts with venom. As soft and sweet as they were, they also made for fantastic weapons, particularly against my tender balls. “Ohhh, what’s the matter, Morgan? Not man enough for these breasts? Well, no surprise there~”

“ST-ST-STOOOOOOP!!!” I bellowed, desperately.

“Ohh, relax! Just having a bit of fun! Willfully attacking your balls like this doesn’t give me any boost anyway.” she noted, whilst nevertheless attempting to crush my manhood with her ample breasts. “Incredible though, isn’t it? Think about how big your balls are… how they barely fit into your pants as you left and how they’ve only swollen more and more ever since. And yet, their size still doesn’t hold a candle...”

It was true. As I glanced down, for basically the first time today I couldn’t actually see any hint of my own balls. Her breasts entirely eclipsed them. It was amazing how deep her sadism went, that after all this, she couldn’t even let me take pride in the size she’d given me, one upping me. 

All too slowly, she finally backed away and stood up. I was weeping with pain, just praying to die at this point. Fortunately, that hurt on my nuts softened my cock more than ever and I was sure after three powerful climaxes in addition to this misery, even her body couldn’t get me back up again any time soon. 

“Mmmm, me oh my, I was so focused on my tits that I barely even noticed but this skirt has seen better days. Ngh… and… this is rather tight now...” she remarked, turning around and reaching under her skirt. I gasped to see her casually remove that g-string, even though it barely covered much anyway. She tossed it aside and glanced back at me. “It’s always harder to get a sense of how my ass looks after a transformation… can you tell me what you think…?”

She then bent over… all the way over. She hiked her skirt up a bit but she really didn’t need to, as it could no longer contain that ass anyway. And good God, what a heavenly sight it was to see on such a devilish woman… just a perfect, supple, heart-shaped pillow. It was astonishing that it could maintain such a form at that overwhelming size. I actually felt like, even as she was perfectly standing, I could probably manage to stand on that thing… although that’s hardly what I was picturing myself doing to it.

Impossibly, against all odds and all logic, within seconds of this ass coming into my view my cock sprang back to life. 

“N-No...” I wailed. “H-How… how could this be…?!”

“Ahhh, silly man...” Wicca moaned, giving her incredible booty a little wiggle. Her cheeks shook and jiggled magnificently. “Did you think that increase in size was just for show? No, no, no… all those attacks must’ve disguised this, but those balls have been working overtime ever since. In other words, you are very, very pent-up… you came in here in desperate need of milking. Mmmm, and I am just the witch for the job~”

Slowly, she backed up, and my cock found itself wedged into the crack of her ass. I wasn’t inside her by any means, but those enormous supple cheeks took me with a quickness. Before I even knew what was happening, I was once again turned into a quivering mess as Wicca grinded against me, her ass bounding time and again and taking my cock along for the ride.

“Wh-why… are… you… doing this?!” I shrieked, just about out of breath. 

“Ohh, you really should enjoy your life while you still have it. And your balls for that matter.” Wicca cooed, as her hips moved like water, ebbing and flowing… the friction was unimaginable. “Mmmmm, you won’t have either for too much longer~”

“Wh-wh-what?!” I hissed, my body convulsing from her every movement.

“Every climax your balls have been forced into has done irreparable damage… hahaha, those boys need an ice pack much more than they need a piece of ass~” Wicca happily exclaimed, throwing her head back and smacking me in the face with her long locks of hair. “And the more intense, the worse for wear they are. I can’t imagine they’ll be able to take too much more before they simply… erupt!”

My jaw dropped… I mentioned wishing my balls would just go away but… to actually go through with it and in such an explosive manner…

“D-Don’t… doooooooon’t!” I cried, even as yet another climax hit me and yet more cum somehow spurted from me. 

What she was saying had to be true, there was no way my old balls would produce near this much, or be able to power any further erections. Which meant if my nuts weren’t so damn big she wouldn’t be able to torment me like this…

I could feel my body seizing up, my giant balls tightening as they slowly came closer and closer to completely emptying. And just like with her tits before, I could feel her ass growing, encompassing my crotch all the more. 

Wicca stepped forward and turned around so quickly that her motion sent her breasts flying to and fro. There was so little left of the front of her dress now, but frustratingly just enough hung on to cover up her nipples. I grit my teeth as I stared at those breasts… why did it bother me so much that they still weren’t completely out? That I was only seeing 95% of them? Why was I still actively lusting after this woman in spite of everything?!

Those tits bounded mightily as Wicca once more stepped up to me. She actively had to bend over to look me in the eye at this stage as she put a finger to my chin and forced me to look up at her. 

“...Morgan… I’m curious about something. Do you think I’m exempt from the curse?” she asked, with a smirk.

I could barely even comprehend her question, I was so lost in my own pains and aches and thoughts and wants…

“I’m many things, but I’m certainly a woman.” Wicca noted. “Which means the curse applies to me too… I should be attacking your balls on sight, and I do mean directly. Even I struggle to fight the enchantment… I had to hold my leg down to keep from lashing out towards your genitals the first time we met. And ahead of this one, I needed a counter spell to make me immune.”

“Wh-wha…?” I sputtered.

“...I didn’t have to. I could benefit just the same by letting you walk here and exposing myself to those balls… let myself be taken over and become a crotch kicking machine like all the others. With every shot, my body would turn closer and closer to perfection… but I didn’t want to do it like that. I wanted to be fully aware of what I was doing. I wanted to take my time with you. I wanted to feel every contortion of my beautiful new body. And more than anything, I wanted to look you in the eye during your last moments...”

She grabbed me by the hair and stared deep into my soul. With her other hand, she raised up the front of her skirt, just enough to bring it over my rising member. Wicca leaned in close and whispered into my ear, “You’re about to feel the final pleasure.”

Without even looking, and whilst standing up, Wicca incredibly managed to maneuver my cock into her, to the hilt. I found myself breathless from the very instant her womanhood claimed my dick. 

Somehow this was leaps and bounds beyond everything else I’d just experienced. She was remarkably tight, impossibly soft, and so remarkably wet… I could tell how horny she was getting of course but now I was outright feeling it. And her impassioned moan confirmed it all the more.

“Ohhhhhhhhh FUCK YES! Nnngh, usually I need a much bigger dick to satisfy me, but your suffering has reeeeaallly done it for me!” she shuddered, still staring right into my eyes.

And without another word, she began to bound up and down… her barely contained breasts flying with every movement. She showed complete mastery over my cock, the kind of prowess you’d expect from a woman who had dominated thousands of men in her day.

Immediately, I found myself envying all the men who simply wished to skip to this part… they had a much better fate than I. They could enjoy every moment of their climax and every second of the afterglow… 

But me… I had only this. Still… it was beautiful. I let all my thoughts leave me, every semblance of who I was, eeking away. All that I was… was this moment. 

And then the moment ended. I had no chance of sustaining her… my climax was much stronger and much more devastating than anything that had come before. 

In my last moments, before my balls erupted and the shock ended my life… the very last thing I saw were Wicca’s piercing eyes, and her bared breasts finally exploding from her dress and into freedom.


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