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Chapter 1 

Chapter 2 

Chapter 3 

 I’d have loved to find my own clothes but there was a sense of urgency, being a patient on the run and all… so I just left in that gown, hunched over as much as possible. It was late at night at this point so the streets were clear and I could hide among the darkness. 
Atleast… that was certainly my hope.

It worked for a surprisingly long time, all things considered. I scampered through the cold night air, humiliation slowly catching up to me. This was honestly such a ridiculous situation I’d found myself in, everything about it… I could hardly rationalize a bit of it. All I could do was tell myself it’d be over soon, and try my damnedest not to be spotted. 

After a minute or so of darting through streets, ducking in and out of alleyways, I began to see the shadow on the horizon where the city lights ended and the woods began. Once I got into those trees, the rest of the trek would be much easier. And I was almost there. Even in the darkness I could make out the green foliage.

I got so close…

But when I slipped into the last possible alleyway, rounding the corner, I of course bumped into a woman. Her dark hair was parted to one side in something of a Bob cut. She was dressed very business casual with a grey jacket and black skirt, the usual white collar undershirt, and a pair of grey high-heeled Mary-Janes. In her left hand she wielded a very large leather briefcase. I would soon learn that it was also a very sturdy one. 

What she was doing walking around at that time of night, I don’t really know. Believe it or not, I didn’t have time to ask…

The moment I laid eyes on her, my heart jumped. Her eyes went wide, as she seemed to struggle not to let them lower. Before I could even think, she shouted, “FLASHER!”

In that instant it became clear that she was not under the effect of the curse. None of the other women had said a word before attacking my genitals. She must not’ve seen my testicles, but I guess she had enough in her periphery to realize that I was out in public with nothing covering me below the waist. Maybe she’d gotten a glimpse of my dick instead. I don’t know, again, I really couldn’t ask.

And unfortunately, I also couldn’t really explain myself. 

There was roughly half a second between her shouting and her next move, which was swinging that briefcase up between my legs. The thud was immense, the squishing disturbing… this was a debilitating blow that seemed to put all the others up to that point to shame. The case was actually wide enough to smash every last bit of the underside of my balls. 

The groan that escaped my lips in that moment was a hoarse one, a wheezing from the depths of my lungs… it was insane to think that, before the day I’d never even been kicked in the balls before. They’d been bumped a couple of times by accident, enough to let me know that they were as sensitive as I’d always seen in movies and such… but no one had ever actually gone out of their way to attack my groin until the day that insidious, insanely busty witch put that hex on me. 

By the time this random businesswomen had slammed her heavy, evidently completely full briefcase between my legs, that life was already one I could barely imagine. Suddenly, being hit in the balls was basically all I knew. In my rare quiet moments that day, I’d come to wonder if I’d ever be able to look at a woman the same way again. Even if I could get the curse removed and things could go back to normal, would I be able to look a lady in the eye without instinctively flinching? Could I keep myself from just… assuming that my balls were in immediate danger any time a woman came near me?

This situation did little to coax me out of thoughts like that, given that this woman wasn’t affected by the curse yet, but felt the need to go low on me anyway. Perhaps there was simply no escaping this…

That was my headspace as I reeled from the shot and waited to fall to the ground… but that didn’t happen. I was in so much pain that I barely understood why. There was a tight grip on the collar of my shirt, enough to keep me upright. Slowly, I opened my eyes, my vision a blur… and before it could even return to me, a couple of feminine fingers thrust themselves into them, the sharp nails of the business woman raking my eyes.

“EYE POKE!” she howled, as if otherwise I somehow wouldn’t understand what just happened to me. She then yelled, “FOOT STOMP!”

With a quick pivot, she hurled her foot high off the ground and stomped it hard onto one of my unfortunately bare feet. Her heel dug into my exposed flesh and damn near crushed my left foot against the unforgiving pavement.

As I cried out in pain, she mercilessly continued, “THROAT THRUST!”

With her index and middle finger knuckles raised a bit, she delivered a fierce punch to my throat, nailing me in the Adam’s Apple. I gagged and recoiled… it hurt like hell. And yet, in some ways it was actually a relief to feel a little pain somewhere other than my balls.

“KNEE TO THE GROIN!” she bellowed. Goddammit. She tightly grasped my shoulders, grunting with extreme effort as she put her all into rocketing her knee up into my pelvis, by way of my enormous testicles. I might be wrong but by my count, this was the sixth knee to the package I’d received that day and somehow it was a real contender for the most vicious of the bunch.

If that bitch of a witch wanted to put some kind of sick monkey’s paw curse on my groin, couldn’t she have just made them fall off instead? I’d have been horrified and ruined by that, but atleast then I’d be free of this anguish.

But no, there was no getting away from it now. The woman grabbed me by the hair and doubled me over. “KNEE TO THE FACE!” she screamed, and you’ll never guess what happened next. Yeah, that kneecap - which I’d just come to find was extraordinarily solid and powerful - smashed into my face. She released me just before the knee hit and my head whipped back. 

My body wanted to fall forward but the force of this actually reversed my momentum and instead I was going backwards. But this little she devil just couldn’t let that happen… she reached between my thighs and with a tight vice, grabbed onto my oversized balls. No hand on Earth could’ve possibly grabbed them whole anymore, but she got two palm-sized hunks of my manflesh in her grasp all the same and twisted and squeezed them with all of her might, again groaning with sheer effort as she put her soul into destroying my nuts.

She pivoted and shoved me by the balls against the wall, finally letting me fall as I swiftly slid down to my ass… my enormous nuts bouncing painfully off the pavement on my landing. 

And before I could even cover them, I glimpsed up - seeing right up her skirt - as her powerful leg was hiking itself as far up as it could go. Her eyes were thankfully closed, but her target was the same as it’d be if they were open. 

“FUCK YOU, PATRIARCHY!” she shouted at the top of her lungs before stomping heavily onto my thoroughly defeated groin.

She was out of breath by the time she finally stopped moving. Her Mary Jane shoe continued grinding into my nuts as she leered over me. “Hoooooh you picked the wrong woman to mess with, you worthless perverted fuck.” she coolly hissed. “I’m coming off one shitty day at the office. And I’ve been working tirelessly on my self defense for over a year, I’ve been begging for a man to cross me like this...”

The woman undid her business jacket and flung it aggressively to the side. I could immediately tell she was braless under that undershirt… this being a cold December night made that pretty apparent. I’d actually never seen a pair of nipples poke out more prominently from under someone’s clothes before. Those perky tits were perfectly outlined, not that I was in the mood to enjoy such a thing. 

Honestly, I don’t think it was just the cold… the look in her eye almost seemed like one of lust. For all intents and purposes, she appeared to have become egregiously horny from that outburst.

With a pivot of her ankle, she gave a wicked twist to the toe of her shoe, grinding it viciously into my man meat. My voice was already hoarse from hollering, but I couldn’t help croaking out my pain all the same.

I whimpered, “Pleeeaaase… stop…!”

To this, she simply raised her foot up and stomped down on my genitals even harder, slamming them into the cold hard pavement! As I shrieked, she hissed, “If you were advancing on a woman, you wouldn’t listen to ‘stop’! I’m sure all the women you’ve flashed wanted you to stop, but still you persisted! So no, I’m not stopping! I’m going to beat you until I’m satisfied. You should consider yourself lucky… once I’m through with you, there’s not a chance in hell I’d want the police involved. Now get up!”

She finally ripped her foot away. She took the time to take off her earrings and step out of her Mary Janes, making it pretty clear to me that she wasn’t done being physical. She started bounding around on the balls of her feet like a boxer, clearly getting very into this. Her breasts were bouncing and swaying with her rhythmic movements… she beckoned, “C’mon! I said get up!”

The woman delivered a swift kick to my face, smashing between my eyes, and then a second one, her toes battering the underside of my chin. It was painful but again, sort of a relief to be attacked absolutely anywhere else but my groin. Still… Jesus Christ, how did I get myself into this?! Was I really gonna try and get into a fight right now?!

Then again… I was about to come bursting back into Wicca’s tent and demand she reversed the curse. How I expected that to go without a fight, I’m not sure… but we’ll cross that bridge when we get to it, if I could just survive long enough to make it happen! 

Another toe kick smashed my nose. “If you don’t want to fight, I can also just castrate you here and now!” she yelled. “I’ve got a swiss army knife in my briefcase… it’ll do the job, eventually!”

Okay, yeah, I’m getting in a fight.

With a groan, I pulled myself up slowly. She smiled at this, luckily keeping eye contact the whole time. “Yeah, that’s right… I’d never want to lower myself to looking at your junk but I certainly got a good feel for it. Those balls are big… but they’d be useless if I tore off that mediocre cock of yours! Isn’t that right?!”

She started to tauntingly shove me against the wall. I attempted to shove her back but she just slapped my hand away and responded with a lightning quick fist to the face. My head shot back, only for her to grab me by the hair and pull me away from the wall, swiftly hooking me in a headlock. The top of my head was pushed against the bottom of her breast as she led me to the opposite wall on the other side of the alley, for seemingly no reason other than to demonstrate her control over me. 

On the way there, she stopped to deliver a swift back kick, which saw her bare heel blast into my stomach. She then pivoted to shove me against the wall, and I was still doubled over from the blow. A snap kick to my face straightened me out… and a wicked punt between the legs followed. I couldn’t keep count of how many low blows I’d received that day at that point. 

As I crumpled to my knees, she groaned and licked her lips watching me squirm in pain. “Ohhhh yeah… that bare foot to your bare nuts felt so goddamn good… nnnggh, I haven’t gotten to cut loose like this in YEARS!”

My teeth were starting to grit… a few moments without getting hit allowed me to focus on how pissed off I was at this point. This lady had no idea what she was doing, knew nothing of my situation, attacked me at the drop of a hat without any chance of explanation and now she was fetishizing my agony, looking to torture me. 

As I watched her just dance like a boxer once more, my fist balled tight… I rose with all my speed and put everything I had into what was assuredly the strongest punch I would ever throw.

Aaaand it missed by a mile as she easily ducked it, and the momentum forced me to swing around wildly. I ended up with my back to her. The woman proceeded to grab my forearm and drive it into my back in the form of a hammerlock, and with a swift shove, sent me right back into that wall.

But this time was nothing like the first… after all, I was facing it this time. Which meant that long before my face slammed against that brick and mortar, my enormous balls impacted them first. In fact, my nuts were at such a size that they blocked the rest of my body off from touching the wall, just barely… they smashed against the brick and held me back, the tip of my nose just barely touching the wall. The noise that escaped my lips was one I could never recreate, a sheer squawk of pain as I entered a brand new realm of anguish. 

And I would shortly be pushed right into another. Discontent with my apparent resistance, this unbelievable bitch opted to unleash a bare footed front stomp right into the crack of my ass, forcing my pelvis forward along with the rest of me. Finally she had managed to slam me facefirst into the wall, and the front of my balls had to basically be flattened to manage it. They were seemingly unbreakable at this point, but the sound was hideous all the same. 

That had nothing on the feeling, though. I genuinely thought I was dying.

“Hah! Worthless little man!” she hissed into my ear. “Unnnnngh, I love kicking your ass! Literally! Hahaha… like any predator, you’re just compensating for your lack of masculinity! You can’t fight worth a damn!”

“Please… stop...” I sobbed.

Suddenly the pressure of her shoving me against the wall ceased. “Are… are you crying?” she asked, grabbing me by the hair and pulling my head back so as to look into my eyes.

And indeed, sad as I am to admit it, I was in tears from the overwhelming pain, openly weeping. My self-worth had dropped by miles that day.

Her eyes seemed to light up at this, a deep sensual groan emitting from her lips. “Ohhhhhhh I just b-beat up a pervert until he c-cried...” she gasped. “That’s so fucking hot!”

Abruptly she let go of me, allowing me to drop to the pavement in a crying heap. She turned and staggered a few steps away, her breath quickening. “Don’t you… dare look...” she whispered. With one hand leaned against the wall, the other plunged itself down her skirt. She seriously just started fingering herself right there in the alley! 

It was unfathomable just how horny and pent up this lady was, and frankly she seemed pretty unhinged as well… but anything for some reprieve. She got so invested in pleasuring herself to the tune of my wails that she seemed to forget all about me, allowing me to weakly crawl away, out of that alley and finally into the cover of the woods.

I found myself leaning against the bark and gazing up at the night sky for a little while, just to try and catch my breath… I’d barely gotten a moment to rest since, well, really since I left that witch’s tent earlier that morning. I wasn’t certain of what my plan even was, but I had to make Wicca reverse what she’d done. I had to atleast look threatening, not show what a wreck I’d become. So uh, wiping away the tears was pretty important…

After standing there for a moment, the pain finally started to wear off a smidgen. And then I moved, and it all came rushing back. Every step brought another bounce to my gargantuan nuts, which were legitimately heavy as hell at that point on top of everything else. And with every bounce was another lightning strike of pain. But I had no choice but to power through. I was almost to the end of my journey.

Finally… I saw that purple tent once more. I took a deep breath and put on my best angry face as I stormed over. 


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