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Heyyyy everybody! Yes... yes, I know. It's been a thousand years. I've been exceptionally busy, got a new job. I made this patreon in the first place because I didn't have one and didn't see myself getting one anytime soon so I needed something... but by the time I found myself a better source of income, I'd become too attached to this and all of you to want to just up and cancel the page. So instead, it's laid dormant 'til today.

I've had a slight lull in my work given that news has quieted down Christmas week, so I took the opportunity to get back into this game. 

I have finally gotten another story about finished though, close enough that, as a little Christmas present to you all and a thank you for somehow sticking with me as patrons through this drought (seriously I can't believe there hasn't been more of a mass exodus by now) I'm going to start a little experimental idea I've had in the meantime! Rather than releasing a lengthy story all at once, I'm going to be giving it out in shorter, more digestible chunks, one part per day!

I think this can help the experience a little as it keeps stories of this nature from feeling like it's dragging on too much, an issue I think the longer ones sometime have, plus it allows me to get content out faster! In the future I can even use feedback on early parts to help inform where a story goes, always nice. 

So with no further adieu, let's finally get to another story! This is an original one (yes, commissions are still coming eventually but this was just, a little easier to write for me I suppose) and every part of it will be out before 2019 is over! Merry Christmas everybody!


I couldn’t have felt much more awkward, or any more out of place as I stood out there in front of her domain.

Everything about it was sketchy, and I honestly couldn’t believe I’d given it enough benefit of the doubt to make the trek. I mean sure, there were a lot of people swearing by her being legit, but… she basically sounded like she was some sort of… ugh, nah, can’t even say it. What on Earth was I doing there…? What was I thinking?

As I glared at the purple tent, strewn about with weeds as it sat there in the shadow of a giant oak, there in the middle of the woods, I really felt a fool. I must’ve been an idiot to even think about coming to her, especially about something so embarrassing. I hadn’t shared my insecurity with anyone before, was I really thinking about telling it to a complete stranger?

It also occurred to me that even though many claimed that the rumors were true about her, they didn’t exactly seem happy when they talked about taking her up on her offer. I couldn’t get anyone to give me specifics as to why. The whole thing was strange, every detail made me all the more uneasy.

I shook my head and turned away, muttering about what a fool I was to even think about this… I only got a few steps before I stopped in my tracks. I glanced down and… became intimately aware of my shortcomings yet again. With a deep, heavy sigh, I decided I was indeed sick enough of my inadequacy to try something this ridiculous.

When I turned back around, I felt… aided. Like there was a power pulling me back towards that tent. A shiver went down my spine as I contemplated this, but I found myself walking towards it even as this feeling deepened. Before I’d even realized it, I’d stepped into the tent.

It… was like she was waiting for me, as she sat there with a welcoming smile. Or… was it a devious smirk? It was hard to tell. She had long, dark curly hair with streaks of purple highlights running down low enough to frame her womanly chest. She wore a gothic style black dress with purple trimmings. She was leaning back a bit, so I didn’t notice at first just how low cut said dress was, though there was no denying from first glance how huge her breasts were; I tried my best not to stare.

It was easy enough to look her in the eye though, with how transfixing her gaze was… I swear her eyes were a blood red, peeking through the black mesh of the widow’s veil that covered a portion of her gorgeous face. She sat in front of what genuinely resembled a crystal ball… and beckoned to me with feminine hands adorned with nails painted black. She wore black armbands beneath her sleeves which came out to wrap around her middle fingers.

“...Welcome.” she spoke in a hushed tone. “I felt your presence nearing… I know not what it is you desire, but it must be intense if you would come this far.”

“...Uh… yeah, hi.” I stuttered. “S-So um, my name is Morgan and… and well, uh… I heard of a woman living around here named Wicca?”

“That is I.” she replied, her chin resting playfully on her hands.

“Okay. Well, I heard that… that you can, um...” I began, before realizing how silly what I was about to say sounded. After scratching the back of my head for a moment thinking of a better way to ask this, I decided that it didn’t really matter. Nothing I could say would sound odd to her, surely. “...I… heard that you… can grant wishes.”

She giggled just a bit, a gleam in her eye. “...You heard correctly. I grant one wish to anyone. Anything you desire can be yours. All you have to do is ask.”

“...Anything? Seriously?” I asked, obviously skeptical. Who wouldn’t be?

“Oh my yes… hmhm. Well… most men I see end up wishing to sleep with me...” she remarked.

“W-Well obviously that would be off-limits!” I retorted.

“Hah! Would it now?” she gleamed. “I didn’t say it was… I simply felt like pointing it out.”

“Err, okay.” I said. “And you uh… don’t charge for this?”

“Well, my my, do I look like a prostitute to you?” Wicca asked, her expression turning cross.

“N-No, no, I meant-” I began.

She waved this off with a boisterous laugh. 

“Ahh, relax will you? I know exactly what you meant, darling… and I also know exactly how I look.” she replied, brushing her hair back with a flourish and leaning over to give me a sample of just how deep her cleavage was. I even saw those tits jiggle just a touch… they were beautiful.

With this in front of me and the realization that she’d made it very clear I could ask for her if I wanted, I couldn’t help feel a tingle… honestly, I’d likely have been overwhelmed with temptation if not for being in a committed relationship. Besides, I wasn’t just thinking about a night of pleasure, I had something much more… permanent in mind. 

“Um, Wicca, listen, the reason I came to you is because I… I would like for you to… to change something about my body. About my appearance, to… alter it.” I spoke, my voice growing weaker with every word as I forced them out. “Would you be able to do something like that?”

“Oh it certainly sounds within my power!” she was quick to respond, with a little clap.

Yes, there was no doubt about it… she really wanted me to believe she was a witch. And for some reason, I kinda did.

“S-Seriously? ...I have to ask again, you can do something like that and you don’t even charge for it?” I asked, an eyebrow raised.

“The satisfaction of my customers is payment enough.” she gleamed.

I don’t know what it says about me that this was the part I found most suspicious about all this. But I waved it off, as she went on to ask, “So… what kind of change would you like me to make, Morgan?”

I froze. Trying to speak only drew my attention to how cotton-mouthed I began to feel. “I-I uh… well it’s...”

The more I tried to force the words out, the harder it became for me. How was I supposed to say something like this to someone I’d never met? Especially to such a beautiful, sensuous woman… the very thought was mortifying.

“Well? What is it, darling?” she prodded.

“I w-want... ugh. I want… bigger balls.” I blurted out.

“...Pardon?” she inquired.

“If you can’t do it, that’s fine!” I hurriedly stated before starting to turn away.

She held out her hand. “No, no, I didn’t say I couldn’t do it! I just wanted to make sure I heard you correctly… you want me to increase the size of your testicles, yes?”

“Uh… well, yes.” I admitted, bashfully. “I guess I’m… insecure about them. Always kinda have been.”

“Hrmmm okay, well I’ve handled cases like this before.” she replied, casually. Wicca put her fingertips together in contemplation, just before her ruby red lips. “So tell me, how big would you like them to be, exactly? If they’re small, would you simply like to have average ones? Or do you wish to have noticeably large ones…?”

The way she spoke about this, it seemed she really was telling the truth about having done this kind of thing before. There was no getting away from the surreality of this scenario. I sighed as I looked down, contemplating how long I’d been dreading seeing what was between my legs, the raised eyebrows from women in intimate moments, emasculation in locker rooms… normal would sure have been nice, but fuck it. If ever there was a time to compensate, this was it.

I took a deep breath and answered, “I want them to be huge. As big as you can manage.”

She smirked, seemingly expecting this answer. “...If they were as big as I could manage, they’d be too heavy for you to lug around, darling.”

“Well in that case, maybe just… make them the biggest balls in the world?” I suggested, not even contemplating how silly I sounded at that point.

“Hmhmmhm… yes, I think that can be arranged.” she nodded, her smile mystifying me. She then gestured for me to drop trough. “Show me them and I can do that for you.”

“Uh… oh.” I grumbled, the confidence I’d been willing up diminishing in moments. “You err, have to see them, huh?”

“Well I have to know exactly where to focus my magical energy!” she chirped.

What on Earth was I doing…? 

Unbelievably, I nodded to this and after taking in an even deeper breath, I undid my jeans and lowered them to my ankles. As I did this, I realized I must’ve been more enchanted by her appearance than I thought, as that tingle in my loins had grown to a full erection without me even realizing. As if this wasn’t embarrassing enough. 

Tentatively, my hands actually shaking a bit, I pulled down my boxers to expose myself. Wicca leaned over once more, giving me another generous view of her mountainous cleavage as she gazed directly at my crotch.

She only tried to stifle herself for a couple of seconds before bursting out into laughter, pointing at my tiny balls as she broke into a fit of hysterics over them.

“H-Hey!” I shouted, covering myself, blushing intensely as she jabbed at my deepest insecurity.

“Ohhh my goodness, no wonder you’d be so desperate as to come to me!” Wicca chuckled, her womanly chest heaving with her deep laugh. “I had no idea they even came in that size! Those are easily the tiniest balls I’ve ever seen!”

“St-stop it...” I murmured, losing my will to stand there in a hurry.

“I mean that’s a completely average penis, but your nuts make it look enormous!” she cruelly pointed out. “Like a pencil sticking out of two raisins!”

“That’s it!” I shouted, before throwing my hands up and turning away, not even thinking to pull my pants up before making my leave, as I was simply that upset. Thankfully she thought to stop me before I inevitably tripped.

“Hey, don’t get angry!” she cheerfully advised me. “After all… it’s the last time you’ll ever have to hear any jabs like this.”

She knew how to get to me. That thought was really tempting. With a sigh, I turned to her, showing her my tiny nuts yet again, and she couldn’t help but giggle, yet again.

“Hmhm… this will just take a moment.” she noted, before standing up and slinking around her table. As she stood, I realized how much she towered over me. She’d have likely been a full foot taller than I, even without her six-inch high heel stilettos. As she neared, her breasts were nearly level with my chin, making it damn near impossible not to stare. 

My gaze was broken though, when I saw her reach down and grasp my tiny balls in the palm of her hand, gently but firmly taking them into her fingers. I gulped. I’d never felt smaller… she had complete control over me. 

But I could barely even think of my inadequacy when her hand began to glow, and an aura enveloped my scrotum. The sensation was bizarre, inexplicable… was it… what magic felt like? My God, was this woman legit?

I glanced up into her eyes and saw a devilish glint that sent chills down my spine. She proceeded to take her hand away and, without looking down again, turned to walk back to her seat, letting me see the high rising split in the back of her skirt which basically showed the bottom of her backside.

As she sat down, I stared at my genitals… and watched as they slowly made their unbelievable transformation. I thought for sure I must’ve been dreaming as I saw my testicles grow, to a normal size and beyond… far, far beyond. I actually had to spread my legs out as they neared their final state… they were massive, like large grapefruits.

I imagine the smile on my face was dumbly euphoric… I may have even shed a tear, in the moment it was hard to say. My reaction was a fog, I just remember the sight. They were the biggest balls I’d ever seen. And they were mine.

“Wha-... wha-... wow… oh wow…!” I gasped. “You actually… you really did it...”

“Of course, sweetheart, of course.” she smirked. “I’m a woman of my word...”

“My God… m-my God...” I shuddered. I was so lost in the moment I didn’t even think anything of grabbing them and bouncing them a bit right in front of her, just to get a sense of the weight. I… wasn’t even used to my balls having noticeable weight in my hands before, but these certainly did.

“This… this is incredible! Thank you so much!” I beamed. “Are… are you sure you don’t want some kind of payment for this?!”

“Ohhh, your reaction is payment enough!” Wicca beamed. “Now go on! Go out and enjoy your new self~”

She gave me a wink with that one. My instinctive blushing finally reminded me that shame was a concept, and I scrambled to pull my pants back up. It was a bit of a struggle now, with me wishing I’d thought to wear stretchier pants to do this. My supersized testicles baaarely fit in my jeans now, and it was uncomfortably tight.

Still… I didn’t mind the look that snug fit created. Covered or no, it was very, very obvious that I had some huge nuts, it looked like I was smuggling a bowling ball down the front of my pants. I couldn’t help but smile as I looked down at this. I turned and walked out of that tent, damn near marching, my arms swinging… I must’ve looked like a goofball but I was just so happy, so proud and ready to show off to the world.

I was so pleased that I was ready to ignore what I was seeing… I didn’t even realize until later that when Wicca sat down, she did so with a hand over her twitching right leg… as if she was holding it back. 

Nor did I notice what, in hindsight, I saw out of the corner of my eye… Wicca’s sweet smile turning indisputably devious.

I was really such a naive fool, thinking she'd just given me a blessing. In reality... that witch had just put a hex on me, one that would change my life forever.


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