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 Chapter 1 

I was so pleased that I was ready to ignore what I was seeing… I didn’t even realize until later that when Wicca sat down, she did so with a hand over her twitching right leg… as if she was holding it back. 
Nor did I notice what, in hindsight, I saw out of the corner of my eye… Wicca’s sweet smile turning indisputably devious. 

Nope, I made my way out, not a care in the world and drove right home. But just as I pulled in, I noticed the text from my girlfriend, telling me she had to work a little late today and wouldn’t be in for another hour. I was a bit bummed at having to wait to show her those bad boys, I couldn’t wait to see what her reaction would be. But I figured since I had the time anyway, why not show them off to the rest of the world?

So I got out of my car and simply took a stroll down the sidewalk. Walking was a tad awkward with the new nuts, but I got used to it, and I felt the odd way I had to work my legs around them just drew more attention to how huge they were.

I got some looks on the street, believe you me. Astonished, impressed, quizzical… I imagine many didn’t think they were even looking at nuts, they probably thought I was playing some sort of joke, like I’d stuck something down there for laughs. But I think several did know right away what they were looking at, and they were all stunned.

I even noticed a woman staring from across the street. She actually turned and started walking towards me, though I think she realized what she was doing and turned around once she was out of my line of sight. Taken or no, it was quite nice to know I was that desired all of sudden…

Cocky as could be, I had a spring in my step as I turned the corner. Two women were a few steps away from me and nearly bumped into me. One had long blonde hair, the other short, darker hair. All three of us stopped in our tracks in time, and the blonde ended up glancing down and catching sight of my bulging balls.

I smirked a bit as she looked at them… I had no idea what was coming. She reared her leg back a twinge and even seeing that, I expected nothing… I didn’t realize what was going on until she launched it forward and by then, it was too late.

Her skirt ran high on her bare leg as she sent it hurtling towards me, her shin slamming powerfully into my enormous testicles. My eyes went as wide as my mouth, as the sickening crunch of the impact gave way to my tortured howl. Immediately I sank to my knees, clutching my groin and hunched over to protect from further harm.

“Wh-what the hell?!” the other woman sputtered, aghast. She looked over to her friend and shouted, “Casey! Why would you do that?!”

“Uh… I… what…?” Casey asked, blinking blankly. “Did… did I just…?”

“You just kicked that dude in the crotch!” the other woman confirmed. I never actually learned her name, but she was nice enough to kneel down and put a hand to my shoulder. “Damn, are you okay, man?”

I was in too much pain to answer, but I did notice the blonde putting a hand over her mouth, shocked by her own actions. “O-Oh my God, I’m so sorry! I have… n-no idea what happened there...”

“Jesus, Casey...” the brunette sighed, shaking her head. “Hey, here man, let me help you up...”

She grabbed my arm and draped it across her shoulder to help pull me to my feet. Meanwhile, the blonde just kept pleading with me. “P-Please don’t be mad, I swear I don’t know why that happened, I’m so sorry, I would nev-”

Mid-sentence, her leg lashed out again and this time the toe of her solid boot smashed into my sizeable balls. I noticed the other woman’s eyes following the kick but she couldn’t stop it from connecting heavily. As I cried out in anguish, the brunette shouted, “Casey, what the fuck-”

She swiftly cut herself off in much the same fashion… by thrusting her knee up between my legs. Covered only by black leggings, her solid knee bashed into my scrotum with uproarious force.

I went to cover myself, but since the brunette had one arm hooked still, I could only use the one hand… and my balls were so sizeable, even two hands wouldn’t have properly protected them. Even as I was still screaming in pain, within milliseconds of the other woman lowering her knee, Casey thrust another powerful kick between my legs, and a second brutal knee from the brunette followed instantaneously.

Finally, with a lunge of my body, I managed to spin away from the one who had me hooked and fling myself to the ground to protect myself. Meanwhile, I heard the brunette cry out, “Wh-what the hell just…? What…? What did I-?!”

As she was sputtering, though, the other woman was still in attack mode. She cried out in a howl as she lifted her leg up and went for a stomp into my nethers. I was on my side on the concrete so it was easy enough for me to block this one by simply letting my hip take the blow instead, and thank God I did as her heel stabbed my flesh…

Her friend wrapped her arms around her and shoved her backwards, forcing her away from me. “Oh… oh God, what’s going on?!” Casey cried out, as she seemed to zap right back into lucidity. She sounded shaken, somehow. 

“We… should get the hell out of here, this is scaring me!” The other girl stated. She didn’t even seem to want to look back at me as she took Casey away. “Whoever you are, I-I’m really sorry! We won’t… we won’t do it again...”

I groaned in misery, utterly dumbfounded. Even those girls seemed confused as to why that just happened… so I’m sure you could imagine what I was thinking. I finally got a pair of balls that I’m content with and some strangers want to destroy them?! ...Eh, okay, maybe you hadn’t guessed what I was thinking…

It took some time for me to stand up. I’d just been wayleyed with five serious low blows. I mean they did not hold back at all, each one was devastating. When I finally did manage to pull myself up, I was limping away. I was embarrassed so I tried to avoid people on my way back home.

Those hopes were dashed somewhat when I came to a crosswalk just in time for the light to turn green; the motorists’ light, not mine. My car was across that street now so I just had to stand there and wait for the multitude of vehicles to go by.

Stand there and try not to tend to my balls… they ached so much and I wanted to just cradle them, but I was still cognizant enough to realize fondling them in broad daylight was a bad idea. So I tried to just tough it out and focused on the oncoming cars…

As I did, I saw a cyclist make her way down the road. A blonde young woman in spandex shorts, what might as well have been a sports bra and tennis shoes. She had an unsurprisingly athletic build, just pumping her powerful legs on that bicycle. 

But to be honest, I probably wouldn’t have remembered her at all if not for the fact that, as she neared me, her eyes happened to scan me… and just as she passed by, she took a hand off the handlebars and shot her fist right into my groin.

I have to make it clear that she was going by really quickly. It wasn’t a motorcycle or anything but she was going about as fast as could be expected on a bike, practically zooming by. Even with my now sizeable targets, the timing and precision it took to land that punch to my crotch seemed ridiculous. Even more ridiculous than this stranger feeling the need to do this in the first place.

But that was my luck… her knuckle slammed furiously into my nuts before she whizzed off, just as fast as she had came. I was so shocked I barely reacted at first, nothing but a high pitched, lengthy groan coming from my mouth. But after a second or two I fell to my knees in anguish. 

I glanced over to where she was riding in time to see her look back at me, an expression of shock and, almost abject horror on her face. This wasn’t a great thing for her balance; her bike wobbled before tipping over onto it’s side. Frantically, she shot to her feet, righted the bike and pedalled away as hard as she could.

There was just no explaining what happened there. Even if you assume she’s some kind of sadistic degenerate who would enjoy nut-checking perfect strangers for the hell of it, the thought of her pulling that off seemed insane. In my mind atleast, it would have to have been planned, rehearsed… but she just did it on a whim! As far as I knew, anyway.

No way around it, it just didn’t make sense. And yet it happened, and I had all the pain to prove it. Figuring it out would have to wait, I just needed to get home in the worst way. I practically found myself crawling across that crosswalk.

Every movement on the way to my car was a struggle. And even driving was uncomfortable, the anguish just would not go away. Three women just assaulting my balls full force one after another like that, I just knew I’d be feeling it all day. But thankfully I made it back to my house. As I pulled into the driveway, I noted the familiar hatchback my Mary drove. 

I was so slow getting back to my car that by the time I’d driven home, my girlfriend was back from work. “Well, atleast she can comfort me...” I groaned.

Wincing, I made my way inside, bummed I couldn’t be more excited to show her my new and improved testes. I was so curious about how she’d react, naturally. I was certain it’d do wonders for our relationship. I’d finally have the confidence in bed to take her like she really deserved… although, maybe not tonight after the day I’d had. But soon.

Ahhh, Mary… she was so beautiful in so many ways. A gorgeous red-head with emerald eyes… they always mystified me so. She was the girl next door… with a porn star body. I lived for her.

“Sweetie…? I’m home. Can you come over here…?” I called out.

“Hey, babe! Just a second!” she called back. 

I limped over towards the living room and even that was a chore. I opted to take a moment and just stand before the door, taking a breather as I waited for her.

Within moments, she opened the door and greeted me with a smile. “Well hey there, you-”

As she looked me up and down like always, she abruptly stopped talking and launched a swift kick between my legs, her shin crashing like a baseball bat against my crotch. I felt myself being pushed up to my tiptoes by the force, before I of course crumpled to the ground in a heap.

“Oh! Oh shit!” Mary yelled, before kneeling down over me. “Christ, I’m so sorry, I have no idea what just happened! I-It was like my leg just jerked out on it’s own… are you okay?!”

I moaned, nearly in tears from the pain and shock. Just what in God’s name was going on?! Why did women want to attack my balls?! It was weird enough coming from strangers, but Mary of all people? It wasn’t like her to hurt anyone… especially not me!

She glanced down, seeing how I’d rolled onto my side with my leg covering my balls, the only way I could really protect them at their size. Bending over, she gave me a little pat on the hip as she spoke, “Hey… let me look. I need to make sure I didn’t do any damage just now...”

“Uuuugggh, please no...” I groaned.

“No, seriously, roll over! I… have to check.” she remarked, kneeling down beside me. “You have… no idea how devastated I’d be if I… just, please, let me see your balls.”

“NO!” I furiously howled. I was clutching myself tight… in that moment I had zero trust for anyone. But… I do really love Mary. Enough to glance back over to her and see the sorrowful shimmer in her eyes. 

“...Please?” she asked with a gulp, perhaps realizing how much she’d upset me. Trying to put on a smile she added, “Y-You know me, if anyone can make them feel better… I sure can.”

God she was beautiful. And sweet, even if she had picked a hell of a time to flirt. Experiencing this scenario three times in a row was beyond surreal but… maybe it was just an accident. I mean it had to be, judging by her reaction. Besides, she’d never hurt me on purpose…

With a sigh, I relented. “Okay, but… please be gentle with them.”

Slowly I turned over towards her and hesitantly pulled my hands away. Before she even looked at them, she leaned in to give me a kiss on the forehead. As she spoke, her eyes gradually trailed down. “Trust me, babe, I know how to handle them. And I’ll make up for that kick just as soon as I-”

She cut herself off with a loud yell as she hammered her small fist right into the plump bulge of my balls. I shrieked in terror, my body seizing in pain to the point of being debilitated; I couldn’t seem to defend myself at all as her hands became a blur, using my newly enhanced scrotum as a speed bag, lacing it with punch after vicious punch! I had no idea she could hit so hard or strike so quickly, she was like a ballbusting machine. 

The pain was so intense and amplified somehow by every single hit. As I howled in anguish, Mary shot up to her feet - just so she could smash my nuts with a brutal knee drop! I was already queasy from the attack but even moreso after hearing the deafening crunch that accompanied her rock solid kneecap meeting my extremely large yet incredibly soft testicles.

“M-MARYYY!” I shrieked, tears in my eyes. “P-Please STOP!”

I couldn’t fathom any of this. Even if there was some rhyme or reason to it, I was in far too much pain to spare it proper thought. Why on Earth was my girlfriend doing this to me? And she showed no mercy, seemingly less than anyone… she grabbed my ankles as she hopped up to her feet again. Her gorgeous face emitted nothing but rage as she lifted her leg up into the air - a leg I’d come to find was deceptively powerful.

“P-Please…!” I squeaked.

Ignoring me, she stomped her pump full force into my crotch. I shrieked as she buried her foot into my enormous testicles, and then maliciously, wickedly grinded her foot into my manhood! It was like twisting the knife… I’d never been in so much pain before in my life, not even close. I was sobbing as I saw her standing there, hair streaming in front of her face, eyes locked onto my genitals. I saw nothing of the woman I knew in her eyes…

I couldn’t even muster the strength to plead anymore as she lifted her leg again, her skirt hiking up. For once, even the sight of her thong couldn’t cheer me up. She threw her head back, hair whipping dramatically as her leg flew down, an even more ruthless stomp than the last. I nearly blacked out from the miserable pain, another horrid crunch the only thing I could hear…

Was this some sort of cruel joke? To be given these balls only to have them taken away that very same day? I was certain in that moment that another stomp would finish them off for good… 

But in that very moment, Mary released my legs and turned away from me, her hands covering her gorgeous face. I was delirious with pain and looking through misty eyes but I noticed her collapsing to her knees across from me. Glancing over to her, I just croaked… “...Why?”

“I don’t… I don’t know...” she replied.

Just hearing her, I could tell. She was crying… bawling, as she lamented, “I don’t know… what’s happening to me…!”


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