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- This is an older story that seemingly never got posted to Patreon, much to my surprise. This is a holdover to ensure that a story was posted this month. Another will be posted in the next few days. The switch to a post-by-day format will occur after that, with a more pointed announcement. -

The piercing siren relentlessly wailing and echoing through the stone halls was joined by the terrified scream of a beaten man.

“N-No… no no, please, NOOOAAAAUUGH!” he howled as he sailed helplessly through the air, slamming hard against the solid concrete. He fell limp to the floor, he was out cold and in need of serious treatment. What he got instead was an enormous ass in his face as the giant, musclebound vixen leaped callously onto his head, damn near crushing it. Bemusedly she watched on as her cohort stood over another downed guard, repeatedly kicking him in the ribs. He’d lost consciousness long ago.

“These guys acted a lot tougher when we were behind bars.” the powerhouse wryly remarked. “Seems like as soon as we escaped, they all lost their balls...”

Her busty friend laughed as she switched to stomping the defenseless man’s face in. “Hell yeah they have! I’ve made sure to crack as many eggs as I can on our way out!”

She just shook her head. “Man, Jade, what is it with you and kicking nuts, huh?”

“It’s my favorite pastime… runs in the FAMILY!” she replied, punctuating her statement by stomping heavily into the groin of the poor bastard, bashing his genitals which at this point she had already thoroughly devastated. “Heh… my mom’s a Krav Maga instructor, you know that.”

“Ah, I see the resemblance now! A master of ‘self defense’, right…” she chided.

“Oh shut it, Jen, you’re one to talk.” Jade replied with a grin. “Just what did that guy’s face ever do to your ass, huh?”

“Would you believe he looked at it funny…?”

A gruff voice spoke out, “Cut the chatter girls, we’re not out of here yet...”

They turned to see their boss, dragging another man behind him. He finished his sentence, “...that is, until we deal with this asshole.” as he pulled the man forward, slamming the warden down hard against the concrete.

Beaten, battered and bruised but no less indignant, the man shouted, “You’re not getting away with this… all three of you are going in for LIFE after this! Do you hear me?!”

“Oh trust me, we hear your punkass. A little too much.” Jade growled, rushing forward to punt him in the face. He cried out in pain as he flipped around onto his back, blood gushing from his nose on impact.  

Silently, the massive Jen stood up and casually walked over to the prison warden. She then performed a short hop and simply fell on top of him, her solid, muscled frame and considerable weight slamming fiercely into him, flattening him against the floor. Jen shot to her feet and repeated this with increasing velocity, shattering a number of ribs in the process. Her powerful hand gripped around his throat and raised him off the ground and high into the sky.

“Y-You… people are animals...” he coughed. “You all… belong… behind bars...”

Jade smiled as she sashayed over to him and whipped out a gun, having taken it from one of the many guards she’d dismantled in this break-out. She forced the barrel just under his chin, staring into his terrified eyes, as he was well aware his life was moments from ending.

Without warning, her leg lashed out, the point of her boot kicking him fiercely in the groin. As his pained scream was choked out by the tight grip around his throat, Jade kept her foot right where it was, digging it deeper into his testicles. With an evil smile, the buxom villain laughed, “Sorry… I just wanted to make sure the last thing you ever felt was my foot in your balls.”

Click. Boom.

Several minutes later, they clawed their way from the dirt, having burrowed under the steel fence. The escaped convicts stood and stretched out, letting the rain wash them clean… well you know, as clean as rain can make you in any event. Jen and the boss gave Jade a curious look as she whipped off her shirt, apparently caring nothing for covering up in this downpour.

As the remarkably well-endowed beauty let the water cascade onto her, moistening her flesh, running over her widely exposed and generous breasts, she noted their puzzled expressions. With a shrug she stated, “What? I’m sick of wearing prison clothes, I wanna get out of the shit as soon as I can.”

“Fair enough…” Jen sighed. “So boss… what’s our next move?”

He scoffed. “My next move is getting the hell away from you two dumbasses. We’re finished as a unit, mama.” the man declared, starting to walk off.

“Excuse me?” the musclewoman demanded, walking in front of him. “What do you mean we’re done? We can take over this whole damn town together!”

“What are you kidding me? After what happened back there?” he grunted, as Jade made her way next to her mammoth compatriot. “That was just a simple backalley mugging, as routine as a crime gets! We were on the way to an actual score when you found that mark and look what happened! You got your asses kicked!”

“Hey, last I checked, that karate freak beat your face into the pavement too, holmes!” Jade fired back.

“Yeah well that wouldn’t have happened if you two woulda hurried the hell up like I kept telling you!” he barked. “You coulda taken that chump down and got his money in less than a minute, but you just had to linger, you just had to play with your food before you ate it like you sadistic bitches always do! You couldn’t be professionals and because of that, I just got thrown in jail for trying to snag a fucking wallet! So yeah, no, we’re done here! I’m off to find partners who know what the hell they’re doing… preferably partners with cocks.”

“Oh yeah, you’re really lacking in that department, aren’t you?” Jade yelled, obviously not taking well to being chewed out.

He ignored this and tried to push past her, but Jen grabbed him by the shoulder and pushed him back. “Hey hold on now. You still owe us a cut from that last score… you can’t walk until you pay up, big man.”

Callously he slapped her hand off of him. “Me not slitting your fuckin’ throats for nearly fuckin’ up my whole fuckin’ operation is your fuckin’ payment.” he fuckin’ explained.

“Man, forget you!” the buxom thug shouted, shoving him a few steps backwards.

This was enough to incite his rage and he rushed in trying to clobber her with his massive bicep. Deftly she ducked under this and he ended up face-to-face with Jen who answered with clubbing blow of her own, a swing of her mighty arm crashing into his chest and sending him to the ground. 

A soccer style kick from Jade’s deadly legs viciously smashed into his ribs before he could even try to get up, and Jen followed up, leaping brutally onto his chest, damn near puncturing a lung on impact from her considerable ass. As he wheezed, helpless under her weight, Jen crawled upwards until her enormous backside engulfed his head.

In the next moment, he got to experience what their attempted mark went through, as whilst Jen’s gigantic rear intensely smothered his face, Jade picked up a good running start and unleashed a powerful punt between his legs, brutally blasting his testicles. His scream was inaudible, so deep was his face buried betwixt the powerhouse’s ass. 

“Take that, bitch! I’ve been sick of following your orders anyway...” she taunted. 

She stomped viciously onto his crotch and ground her foot deeply into his nuts. As she adjusted her weight up and down on his balls, her increasingly sopping wet tits bounced up and down, water dramatically flicking off of them. Meanwhile Jen whipped around to sitting on his chest instead, so that she could rain down punches, time and again her fist pounding his face until half the bones in it had been shattered. 

“Tch… you thought you could take us both on at once?” the big beautiful lady chided with a scowl. “You’re tough, but no man alive can handle the two of us...”

Jen rose up and proceeded to drag the beaten, once feared criminal to his feet. She hooked his arms, holding them behind his back. Blood running down his lip, he seemed to swiftly realize his mistake, crying out, “Okay… okay, I get it… I’m sorry… let me go...”

“Heh, you still trying to give orders, little pussy…?” the busty one replied. 

She reared back deep and gave him a humbling slap across the face, and swiftly followed up with a roundhouse kick, rocking his head back. Jade firmly gripped one of her own tits in one hand and flipped him off with the other. A snap kick to his crotch added to his misery and with that she merely stepped back and admired the anguish he expressed through his moaning. 

“Finish this asshole.” she murmured.

With that, Jen hoisted him up into the air and threw him like a ragdoll, sending him sailing back into the fence… which, of course, this being outside a maximum security prison, was naturally electrified. 10,000 volts of electricity coursed through his veins, the conduction amplified by the rain and the impact actually caused a huge dent in the solid steel that his battered body now lay in. Thoroughly incapacitated, he couldn’t escape the current. After several seconds of constant zapping, his screams ceased...

“Hmph… see ya, dickweed.” Jade scoffed. “Burly boy could come up with a good heist but he was worthless in a fight.”

“Not much better in bed either.” Jen scowled. “So… now what do we do? We’re free women now, in more ways than one.” 

“If I had my way, first thing I’d do is get some revenge on that crazy karate chick… but I dunno how the hell we’re gonna deal with her.” was her response, crossing her arms and propping up her enormous breasts. “She was like something out of a comic book, man.”

“Yeah, I learned a little about her in there, that woman Akeno.” the musclewoman explained, looking up into the night sky. “Apparently she owns her own dojo. And word is, she’s taken in a new student… the mark she kept us from mugging.”

“No shit?!” Jade exclaimed. “Man, I would love to rip that dude in half… that’d show that one-eyed bitch. If only I knew where to find him…”

“Well that’s the other thing… rumor has it, she’s also part of an underground fighting league.” she explained with a wry smirk. “Their next show is in a few nights… I bet you anything her pupil will be there cheering her on.”

“Oooh, nice work girl! Sounds good… let’s break his balls~”

They high five on that note and walk off together.

Later that week, the night arrived and they managed their way into the audience of the most elusive venue in town. Deciding for the night to ditch their more thuggish attire, they showed up in head turning leather outfits. Each were long-sleeved and covering their torsos, ending in a remarkably short skirt. 

Jade’s was unzipped, frankly out of necessity as her tits were simply too big to fit in that tight outfit. Meanwhile Jen’s ass was threatened to burst from her skirt, she had to hike it up enough to show off the underside of it just to relieve the tension. The buxom beauties’ outfit was completed with lengthy black panty hose that ran up to her thighs and string heels. The striking brute on the other hand sported dark leather gloves and strap heels.

“Haha, that little man is never gonna be able to resist us. One look at all this, and his itty bitty pecker is gonna explode.” Jade proudly declared. “Ain’t no way that purple haired freak can compete.”

“Yep. Seduce him away from his master, that’ll stick it to her.” the amazonian replied, quite pleased with her idea. “And then she won’t be there to save him when we take him home and have him at our mercy…”

The two of them sat and enjoyed the show. In the intervals between matches, they scoured the audience, walking around and scanning for any signs of the guy they were after. No such luck though… hours went by and they still didn’t catch a glimpse of him.

“Nothing…? Still? Really?” Jen asked as her friend returned, shrugging her shoulders; a rebellious titty threatening to pop out of her outfit in the process.

“Maybe it’s just hard for me to recognize him when he’s not crying like a bitch or got a big ass in his face...” Jade mused as she adjusted her breasts. “But as far as I can tell, he’s nowhere in this arena. That’s the fourth lap I’ve made now.”

The perplexed powerhouse leaned back, her diligently conditioned legs crossed but largely failing to hide her panties. “Hrm, I know she’s fighting tonight, she’s in the main event for Christ’s sakes. Maybe he’s actually going to be accompanying her to the ring as like, part of an entourage or something.”

The busty ballbusted sighed as she sat and mirrored her friend’s crossed legs. “Well shit, that would make this a little complicated… but I guess we’ll wing it.”

“Heyyy little mama…” came an unfamiliar voice. The two glanced over to see a young man in dark sunglasses, grinning confidently as he strode towards Jade and lorded over her. “I saw you walking around… you lookin’ for a man, babe?”

“Yeah, tell me if you find one.” she answered with a roll of her eyes.

“Mmm, cold, sweetie… especially for someone that hot.” he lamented as he leaned over, very blatantly staring down her leather top, getting a good eyeful of her bountiful cleavage. “Just give me a chance sugar, I promise I can show you a reeaaal good time...”

“Buddy, you really don’t know what you’re getting into…” Jen noted, standing up to show off her imposing form. “I know she’s a hot piece of ass but she can rip yours apart if you bug her. I suggest you get your little dick wet somewhere else.”

The guy noticed but didn’t seem to be listening as he instead leaned to the side and checked out her bodacious booty, lovingly outlined by her tight leather skirt. With an impressed whistle he remarked, “Daaaamn, speaking of ass, you have GOT to have the finest I’ve ever seen… you seem a lot more even-tempered honey, you interested in a little stay in paradise, huh?”

The brute just stared daggers through him, a bit speechless of how ignorant he seemed to be of the size and strength difference between them; surely any reasonable man would know to back off when she said to back off. 

Three girls in the row in front of this exchange turned around. One spoke out, “Hey, keep it down, would you? Next fight’s starting now, I wanna hear the impact!”

Without missing a beat the man turned towards her. “Well you know it’d be hard for me to speak if I had a l’il cuties’ tongue in my mouth.” he noted with a wink. Instantly her face contorted into disgust. “Come on now, I know all you girls wanna see what I’m packing. And I’m more than ready to show it to you.”

Officially having had enough of this, Jen reached forward and grabbed the man by the throat, taking him by surprise. As she hoisted him up into the air, his sunglasses fell off, revealing the immediate fear and regret in his eyes. The girls marveled at the strength of the amazonian as her overpowering grip tightened around his throat.

“You need to learn some manners, boy.” she growled.

Jade, smiling ear-to-ear, spoke up, “Hey now, if the guy wants to show us what he’s packing, I say we let him!” 

With that she reached out, grabbed him by the waistband and ripped his pants and boxers down, exposing his genitals. Immediately the small group pointed at his crotch and laughed heartily. 

“Wow! THAT is a tiny, tiny dick! I have never in my life seen one that small, Jesus!” the first spoke out.

“D’awww, it’s so cute! Heheh, it thinks it’s a real penis~” another cooed.

The third said nothing but merely lifted up the Polaroid camera she held in her hand and shot a picture of him as he was held up, immortalizing his shame. The instantly made picture slipped out, swiftly developing.

Uselessly the man kicked his legs, squirming uncomfortably, whimpering his protest as he was unable to form actual words at the moment. All he could do was shut his eyes and try and pretend he was somewhere, anywhere else, doing something less humiliating. 

The busty escaped con smirked, “Oh yeah his little dick and balls are real funny to look at, but the real fun is giving those balls a good busting! How about it, huh? One of you wanna give him a good shot?”

A bit hesitantly, the one he hit on pointed at herself. She glanced at her friends who seemed to share her uncertainty. But at Jade’s insistent egging on, she stood up, balled up a fist and put all of her might behind a mighty uppercut, her bony knuckles colliding solidly with his battered testicles. A pitiful choked wail barely escaped his lips. 

Jen unceremoniously dropped him to the floor, letting him hunch into a fetal position. The girl that delivered a punch earned a high five from Jade as one of the others overturned her drink, mockingly spilling it on the man. The third took another picture of this equally shameful sight. Fighting back tears of pain and misery, he pulled up his pants and meekly crawled away.

With that fun out of the way they watched the rest of the ongoing match they’d been ignoring, enjoying seeing Selene and Linea doubleteam a hapless nobody, his face currently sandwiched between their asses. After they finished him off, there was nothing left but the main event; Akeno vs. Rico. Much to Jade and Jen’s dismay, the master of the Higa Style came out alone, no pupils accompanying her at all, least of which the one they were looking for. 

With a groan, the frustrated buxom ballbuster cried out, “Well fuck. Maybe we’ll atleast get to see her get her ass handed to her...”

Unfortunately for them, while Rico put up quite a fight - certainly a better one than the two of them managed - she ultimately wasn’t ready for this challenge and Akeno ended up handling her pretty convincingly after taking the time to learn her style. Taking a dramatic pose, in a millisecond she flash-stepped right through her, dropping her to the mat. Akeno was named the winner, her only response a respectful bow towards her opponent.

Jade threw her hands up at this, and Jen wasn’t much pleased herself. They didn’t find their man AND they had to see Akeno win? What a bust of a night… this put them in a foul mood as they made their leave from the arena. The busty one was deep in the midst of bitching about what a bum idea it turned out to be as they made their way out into the parking lot. The enormous woman with the enormous ass just tuned it out, she was used to this. 

However, when they made it to their car - or atleast the one they stole the night before - she couldn’t tune out the voice crying out from the distance. “HEY! I’ve been waiting for you bitches!”

To their surprise, the guy they’d manhandled earlier was standing out there in the night, marching towards them with an intense look in his eye. “Never in my life have I been humiliated like that… all I wanted was a little fun, but now you’re going to pay.”

“Now honey, we all saw, you’ve got plenty of reason to be compensating, but you’re doing it with the wrong girls.” the powerhouse calmly explained. “You were lucky to get off before with a single punch to the nads, believe me. Get out of here before we introduce you to the pavement.”

“Nah, nevermind her.” Jade cut in, gesturing for him to bring it. “Come on big boy, show us how much of a man you are. I could use a laugh right now.”

Incensed, he made a beeline towards the big-tittied thug, running at top speed in her direction. Although ‘top speed’ from him wasn’t so fast really, perhaps still slowed from that shot earlier. She actually had time to yawn before he closed the gap. Simply waiting for him to get in position, she then lashed out her knee at just the right time; the man ended up rushing nutsfirst into her rocksolid kneecap.

He fell to his knees on the pavement, a high pitched screech of pain emerging from his throat. His already sore balls had just been blasted. “Hmph, down in one shot, that’s what I thought!” the busty brawler taunted. “If you thought that girl’s punch was painful, you sure as hell ain’t ready for my legs, little man!”

A follow-up punt kick to the face and he was immediately unconscious.

Shaking her head, the muscular convict put a hand to her shoulder, urging, “Alright, come on, let’s go home.”

But her compatriot pulled away. “Nah, nah, I need to blow off some steam after all this. We were planning on picking someone apart tonight, and I think we’ve got a volunteer. Let’s take him with us!”

“What, seriously?” Jen asked with a bewildered chuckle. 

But despite the heavy roll of her eyes she didn’t try to stop her as she opened the backseat and drug the helpless man into the car. Slamming the door shut, Jade yelled, “Come on! You’ll have fun too, I know it! I’mma teach you all about the joys of bustin’ nuts tonight, honey.”

As they made their way into the car, the amazonian relented, “Ah what the hell… I’m as big a sadist as you, why hide it? Let’s do it.”

They shared a smirk as they drove off into the night with their new hostage. He wasn’t who they wanted, but that was really all the more reason to take out their aggression on his body as far as they were concerned...

Half an hour or so later, the man was awoken by a cold bucket of water being emptied on his face. He gasped, his eyes wide as they darted around wildly, taking in where he was. The man was on a chair, his wrists bounds by handcuffs behind him. He’d also been stripped down to his boxers, exposed and vulnerable as could be. He meekly looked up to see the two of them lording over him.

“Wh-where am I…? What have you done to me?!” he shrieked. “Let me go, you crazy bitches, get me out of here, get me OOUUWWW!”

His protests were cut off when Jade lifted her leg into the air and pressed her deadly heel firmly against his tender testicles, already quite sore at this point. She leaned over, baring down a bit further as she growled into his face, “Listen here little man. If you want to have ANY hope of getting out of here with a single nut intact, you’ll pipe down right now. I don’t want to hear a word from you this entire time. We do what we want with you, whenever the hell we want to. We own you. We own these little balls… you got that?”

He was frozen in fear, all of his earlier bravado disappearing in record time. A nervous sweat rolled down his face as he sat there in silence. An angered growl emitted from the buxom one’s lips as she shifted more of her weight onto his prone genitals, repeating, “YOU GOT THAT?!”

“Y-Yes!” he answered. “Yes I understand, you own my balls!”

“I said… NOT A WORD.” she shouted, lifting her foot off his balls just enough to actually stomp down this time, her sharp high heeled shoe viciously blasting his manhood. She laughed as she stepped back and watched his pained whimpering, already having the time of her life toying with him.

“Alright I admit, that did look fun…” Jen conceded. “But you know, there’s a much easier way to cause a man some pain.”

Casually she stepped in front of him, turned and sat her gigantic ass directly onto his scrotum, the bulge of which was clearly outlined in his boxers and could not have looked smaller in comparison. She sat firmly and that was all she had to do to earn a scream of pain, her beautiful backside threatening to flatten his testicles. The ballbustress-in-training leaned back and crossed her legs, getting comfy as she tormented the poor bastard. “See? All you gotta do is take a seat.”

“Pfft… all you gotta do is take a seat.” the busty one corrected. “They’re just having a good time if I do it. Although...”

A devious smile formed on her cute face as she walked in front of Jen… turned and promptly sat in her lap, putting even more weight down on their captive’s crotch. The feisty feminine felons laughed at the absurdity of the position as the man they were grinding down on wailed quite pathetically. Just having fun with it, Jade turned around, facing her compatriot and pushed herself up, positioned onto her knees. This got yet more of her weight pressing down, focused right on his nuts and also had the bonus of letting her look into the poor sap’s welling eyes.

“Hah, you know this would be quite a show for a lot of guys, us fooling around like this. Too bad you’re not really in a spot to drink it in, huh?” she taunted. Meanwhile Jen simply shook her hips, grinding her ass deeply onto his nuts. It was a miracle they didn’t explode under that much ass.

After continuing this provocative little riding of her close friend, the underworld’s most buxom thug got off of the chair and pulled Jen to her feet. She admitted, “Alright, alright, that was good. But I’m telling you there’s nothing more satisfying than a good shot right where it hurts.”

Jade grabbed their slave for the night by the hair and forced him off the chair. She grabbed him by his already bound arms and forced him upright, directly in front of the stoic powerhouse, whose arms were already crossed. As the enormous tits pressed into his back, she called out, “Go on! Give ‘em your worst, girl!”

With a roll of her eyes she lamented, “Oh fine, I’ll give it a shot.” Unfurling her arms, she grabbed the poor bastard’s shoulder with one hand. “How’s about I show you what a real woman’s uppercut feels like?”

His eyes went wide with fright at the prospect of this, having already gotten a taste of just how strong Jen was. But after that stomp before, he didn’t dare try to beg her off, knowing it’d just be made that much worse. Teasingly the big bruising babe put a hand to her ear, listening for some response that never comes. 

“Hm, well, I don’t hear him saying no, so I guess he wants it to happen.” she shrugged. 

With that she reared her arm back and even through the leather sleeves he could see the definition in her huge, flexed arms. Never had he seen a more muscular arm on anyone in person, man or woman. He had to fight to stifle a scream of terror, coming out as little more than a mere whimper. 

Her solid fist rocketed into a brutal uppercut, blasting furiously into his thinly protected balls, sinking deep into his crotch. He found himself again lifted a few inches off the floor, this time by the sheer force of the blow and he may have been sent flying further if not for Jade’s tight grip on his arms. A hideous, blood-curdling scream was the only reaction he could muster.

“So how was that?” Jade asked, talking over his continued, uncontrollable wailing. 

“Hm… it was alright, but I think I wanna see what your kind of strike feels like.” she replied, clutching onto both of his shoulders this time. 

She looked the guy right in the eye, not even remotely reacting to his streaming tears as she bent a leg, tensing it furiously much in the same manner. Her legs were pretty much entirely bared, letting him see the feminine power that was rippling within them, from her thick, solid thighs down to her muscular calves. 

“P-Please...” he whined.

“Please knee you in the nuts? Mkay.” she dryly responded, blasting her knee ferociously into his testicles with an echoing thud. This time he didn’t lift off at all, purely because of her tight grip on each shoulder holding him down, forcing all of the impact squarely into his groin. A high pitched wheeze was all that came out this time, as she actually nailed him with such force it took the wind out of him via his crotch.

“Oooooh, good shot! I could feel the shockwaves off that one…” Jade marveled. “It’s not all about power though, yannow. Real nut-crunching is a skill… s’about technique!”

“Oh really? Well why don’t you show me your technique?” she replied, signaling for her to shove him her way. 

The busty ballbuster acquiesced, forcing their captive into Jen’s muscular arms. Jade made a big show of shoving the chair to the side and walking to the wall. She picked a big running start, her breasts again threatening to pop from her leather outfit as they bounced to and fro, and snapped off a vile kick, the sharp point of her shoe stabbing into his balls, a sickening crack ringing through the house. 

Helpless, he screeched in agony, wishing beyond anything else to simply be allowed to fall to the floor and curl into a little ball of pain. But the massive woman refused to loosen her grasp. Playfully, Jade gave the man a pat on the cheek. “Aww, you look like you’re in pain, little man… heh, your junk is pretty weak. That’s alright. A night with us will toughen it up!”

With no further warning than that, her pantyhosed leg was a blur of black as it rushed forward, another solid knee pounding his groin. And before he could even realize that happened, she followed up with another, alternating to her other knee. Relentlessly this continued, each testicle taking one focused shot after another.

Casual as could be, the big-tittied gangbanger had her hands on her hips as she worked, having to yell over the perpetual anguish to call out to Jen, “You like this? I call ‘em my Marching Knees!”

The big beautiful woman simply nodded with her usual sage smirk. After around a dozen or so shots from each side apiece, she finished by leaping up into the air, sending both knees simultaneously smashing into his crotch. 

He slumped over as much as Jen’s grasp allowed. The once confident man was weeping openly, wishing the day would just end. But to his horror instead he saw Jade gesturing for them to trade places once more and he found himself pushed right back into her arms. Starting to really brim with enthusiasm, she shouted out, “Alright, now that you’ve seen how the master does it, see if you can do better this time!”

Jen cocked her head, and quickly conceded, “Nah, I think you’ve got me beat when it comes to knees and kicks… but I know one thing you can’t top.”

Cockily she turned around with a swagger, bent over and pulled her miniskirt up a bit, to show off more of her enormous ass. Giving it a playful wiggle, she began bopping it up and down, twerking magnificently. Those incredible cheeks bounded up and down hypnotically and even in that state he found himself entranced by the sight. 

His fixation would end soon, as she backed up a few steps. Powerfully her ass smashed right into his tender testicles. His screams returned in record time as her twerking session saw those humongous supple mounds blasting his balls over and over. 

Jade cheered her on, “Hahaaa, work it girl!” shoving him forward to get even more of her ass in his genitals with every bounce, the thick flesh working magnificently.

Jen thrust her pelvis forward and smashed her ass brutally into his crotch. The force of the blow actually sent her victim and partner both barreling to the floor. The man was sobbing and shuddering pitifully, even as the back of his head dug into the cleavage of the giggling Jade. She roughly shoved him off of her; finally he was allowed to roll around on the floor in misery.

With a spring in her step she hopped to her feet and the two girls shared a high five. Jen remarked, “You know what, you’re right. I think we needed this after today.”

“Hells yeah. And I know just the way to cap it off too...” the buxom ballkicker replied. Taking a moment to peek down at him, she whispered into her cohort’s ear, “I always heard when a guy’s balls have been through the wringer, cumming actually hurts like a bitch.”

Even the stonefaced amazonian snickered at this. “God, you’re a sick one… I dig it. Let’s go for it.”

The two of them walked to either side of him. He was utterly horrified as he looked up to see the two of them standing over him. But much to his shock, he watched agape as they stepped out of their shoes and stripped off their outfits. Jen stood there in her bra and panties, showing off her incredible, powerful frame. Jade meanwhile evidently didn’t see the need for a bra tonight as she posed topless, her huge tits flopping out freely.  

“Yo, I know we been harsh on you little man. Maybe a little too much...” she told him, a gentle brush of her breasts getting them bouncing quite deliberately. “I think we owe you some fun sweetheart.”

He had no idea what to make of this but at the very least his nuts were finally getting a respite. Jade smiled smugly as she sat her nearly bared ass on his stomach. She leaned down, letting him watch in awe as her magnificent tits dangled in front of his face and slowly lowered. The supple flesh delicately kissed his cheeks, before firmly driving down and smothering his face. With an energetic wiggle of her chest, she grinded her bosom vigorously against his head.

She rolled off of him, only to let him see Jen standing with her feet on either side of his ribs. Bending over, she gave him an incredible view of her immense backside, “covered” in a thong so thin it was practically invisible. She grabbed his wrists, prying his hands off his manhood so as to force his hands up to her loving asscheeks. With her guidance, he squeezed the supple flesh, and gasped at the brilliance of her thick yet smooth booty. 

As he massaged Jen’s ass, Jade crawled between his legs and slid his boxers off, revealing his swollen balls and, much to her dismay, quite soft member. 

“Hey, what the hell?” she asked as she poked and prodded at his pecker. “You got a faceful of my tits and a handful of her ass and you ain’t hard yet?! What are we not good enough for you?”

Seemingly unaware or just uncaring about the fact that his genitals are hardly in prime condition for sexual activity, she grabbed his ankles and stood up, pulling his legs into the shape of a V. Her foot, bare aside from the lengthy pantyhose, smacked wickedly into his naked, vulnerable-as-could-be testicles. 

He cried out in pain, his grip tightening into Jen’s flesh as Jade pressed her foot fiercely down between the man’s legs, grinding his nuts like she was putting out a cigarette. Meanwhile the musclewoman wriggled free of his grasp and knelt down, grabbing his head and forcing it forward, making him watch his balls getting busted.

“You might tell wanna tell your little dick to start working, pal.” she stated, matter-of-factly. 

His whole world becoming anguish, he made an active effort to focus entirely on Jade’s breasts as they bounced beautifully every time she shifted her weight on his nuts. Miraculously, his dick began to rise… perhaps on some level he was starting to enjoy this.

“That’s more like it, punk.” fired Jade. 

Now that he was erect, she went down on all fours and pressed her tits into his genitals. His teeth clenched, he grunted in equal parts pain and pleasure. The criminal’s breasts were so massive they engulfed his entire manhood with ease. “Now then… brace your pecker for this one, little man.” she declared, grasping her tits and bringing them swiftly up and down his shaft.

He cried out furiously, waves of agony and ecstasy rushing through his very core. So deep and intense was his lust in that moment that he didn’t even notice Jen’s massive ass coming down towards him until she sat fully on his face. Immediately his oxygen was cut off as the immense cheeks smothered him.

The busty ballbuster’s boobies worked furiously as she shook them against each opposite side of his quivering cock. As she gave them a tight squeeze together, the friction became utterly overwhelming. His moans of pleasure and pain were muffled by Jen’s immaculate asscheeks. 

Every time the titantic tits went up his shaft he shuddered in delight, and every time they came down they smacked ever-delicately into his tender testes, bring a groan of pain. After a time, his pelvis began involuntarily thrusting forward as she sped up to a rapid pace. Meanwhile, Jen beared down further, her ass absolutely overtaking the man’s entire head. 

Within a couple of minutes, he was done; his erection erupted in a wild orgasm. His final holler however contain no hint of joy. Much to Jade’s satisfaction she was correct, it was a wickedly painful climax. His body convulsed, his every sensation filled with the fantastic tits and ass of the two escaped criminals. Just as it reached it’s apex, the lack of air got to him and he blacked out, succumbing to the women’s perfect bodies. 



Good to see your work once again. I liked this kind of spin-off to the My saviour, My sensei saga; One of my personal favorites of yours.

Neostar Productions

Ballbusting through twerking, eh? I’ll have to remember that one~! XD


You alright?




He's fine,if you want to get in touch with him you need to join the discord.