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Let’s see now, how do I go about introducing myself to the world…

I’m a man of… certain interests. Interests that have gotten me into a fair bit of hot water over the years. Hahaha…

When I was still in my teens, I remember frequently peeping into girl’s locker rooms… I was good at it too, never got caught. To this day, none of them are the wiser, atleast beyond assumptions they might make if they knew me well enough. Not that many made much effort to be close to me… I was never the most approachable sort. That suited me just fine, made it all the easier to go undetected…

For years, I wasn’t caught with anything until I unsnapped the bras of one of my teachers in my early days of college. That was silly of me, I’d just gotten cocky to think I could do something like that and be sly enough for it to go unnoticed. I was correct in my assessment though, that her breasts were much larger than they initially appeared. They were constrained so tightly by her brassiere, just begging to be set loose by someone gallant enough to free them… they nearly spilled from her top, in spite of her conservative dress sense. The sight was certainly worth the detention, though the reputation it built did make sneaking around a bit more difficult.

The teacher wasn’t allowed to do too much to me aside from turn me in. But It turned out, her daughter went to that school herself, and she was about the same age as me. I know this because she hunted me down, and beat me within an inch of my life. 

I don’t know that she was stronger than me. It’s harder to say because… I wasn’t making any attempt to stop her. I could’ve fought back, I could’ve resisted. But I was… intrigued. No girl had ever attacked me before. From the outset I knew that I… didn’t hate it. And as it went on I realized that I quite liked it.

I received my first kick to the nethers that day. And then my first knee, and then my first punch, and then my second knee… those, I could perhaps go without. I had no issue with it conceptually, but it was hard to get much sexual tingle out of this when my manhood was being assaulted. Still by and large, it was quite welcome. She made a hero out of herself to the onlookers. Exciting times...

So yes, I have been caught before, but I’m a naturally stealthy sort, a skill I’ve honed quite a bit ever since graduating college. I remember in my more wild days, I designed this crude little device, basically a camera that was stuck to the top of my shoe, that I could activate with a firm enough step. It blended in nicely, better than you’d think… of course like any self-respecting pervert, I used this to get shot after shot up random women’s skirts.

I was truly fascinated with upskirts in those days… heh, I say that as if they don’t still hold quite the allure over me. I love panties in general, but I must say, if the skirt simply wasn’t there at all, I’m not positive I would enjoy it quite as much. There’s something about peeking up them, seeing them there, framing the voluptuous flesh and curves… they serve as elegant reminders that what you’re doing is taboo. That you’re not supposed to be looking up there, that their delicates are meant to be covered… such excitement.

Of course, what I’ve truly become infamous for is my absconding of said panties. Hmhm, yes… it’s a little silly, almost immature in a way, but I’ve gone on a number of panty raids. Ah, maybe that’s a bit of an understatement. When I say “a number” I mean, somewhere in the hundreds. I would usually nab two or three pairs… unwashed ones, if I was lucky. To have and to inhale… ahhh such brilliance.

While I can’t tell you how many raids I was on, I know for a fact that I had exactly three hundred and thirty two pairs in my collection before all was said and done. They’d been accrued over the course of three years. Every once and a while I’d just put them in a pile and dive in… always made quite the mess when that happened, hmhmhm…

That number must sound truly absurd. But like I said, I can be quite the stealthy, careful man. I was never found out for the longest time, in and out, even though so often I would be in the rooms with the owner of those lacey prizes as they slept. Every now and again I would spend time staring… a couple of them actually slept in the nude, which was quite the nice surprise. I still have pictures of them hidden away somewhere…

But yes, I went undetected for so very long. One day, though… it was different. Some ten months ago now, I woke up feeling as horny as ever, perhaps more so than usual. But I also felt a weariness, a strange mental exhaustion. It was as though my very libido had been through some kind of conflict in the night, one that left it beaten, yet wanting so much more. 

Perhaps if my head were on straight, I would’ve known better than to go out anyway, but my cock craved new panties like it never had before and so out I went. But my exhaustion got to the better of me. My hands weren’t as quick, my steps not as soft, I was clumsy… sloppy. And as a result, my randomly chosen woman for the night awoke to find me.

I rarely know the names of those I steal from and she was no exception. But she was rather exceptional. She was a fiery, athletic young woman with a brown bowl cut… and as fate would have it, she was one of those rare few who slept in the nude herself. She shot up from her bed into a karate pose like it was down to an instinct, showing off how incredibly toned her figure was. And of course, there I was, her white panties in hand as I stood just before her. 

I was never a fighter, and she clearly was. So I knew right away that there was no use running. I stood and took my lumps, and she showed absolutely no mercy. She beat me like a drum, her dainty bare feet viciously kicking every square inch of my body. This went on for nearly an hour, as she seemed to truly relish stomping me into the floor. 

When she finally wore herself out from delivering her punishment, she swiftly phoned the police, telling them that she had caught a pervert. Rather hypocritical I would say, considering that during her beatdown I happened to notice she had a man of her own tied up and gagged in the closet, but that’s neither here nor there. I was arrested, and from there they finally found out everything that I had been doing. My treasure trove of panties, which I had worked so hard to collect, had been ripped from me.

Indeed I was taken into custody, after a lengthy hospital stay. They never did let me know the name of that young woman, ‘for her protection’ so they say, as if she was the one who needed protecting. While on their own, most of my crimes were quite minor, they’d never seen a case quite like mine. So many repeat offenses, so many victims to come forth that it made the judge’s head spin. Indeed, indeed, they seemed keen to lock me away for quite some time, all things considered.

But at the last second, as if on a whim, they opted to have me evaluated psychiatrically instead. The more time they spent around me, the more convinced they were that I wasn’t just some ordinary pervert who’d taken things too far… they began to think that there was something deeper. Something… something very, very wrong with me.

As if there could be anything wrong with living in lust… though I must admit I was surprised somewhat when the drugs that were meant to dim my libido failed to affect me whatsoever. I’d wake up each day, horny as the last, if not moreso thanks to their constant surveillance keeping me from doing anything about my urges. 

Therapy hardly did anything either. They found out plenty, certainly, about my upbringing… things I don’t see the need to bring up here. But ultimately they were hesitant to tie down any root cause, nor did they make any progress in even convincing me that I had done anything wrong. Because I hadn’t, after all. What is life but an excuse to indulge? What would life be if you denied yourself the greatest pleasures that awaited you?

Switching me to a female therapist was… an interesting idea, but one that went about as well as you’d expect. I think on some level she was trying to tempt me to study me, but apparently the eighth time I hiked her skirt up to peek underneath was one too many. They had to pull her off me, as she had me mounted, raining fists into my face. I have a feeling she’s pursuing different lines of work these days… hmhmhm…

Nothing they tried had any effect, no progress was made at changing what I am. Because what they want to change, is me at my very core. There’s no getting this out of me. But they can’t legally kill me and they certainly can’t release me… so they will try and try their damnedest until they can atleast pretend I’m reformed. Even that was proving impossible however, and their desperation began to mount. So the choice was made… to bring me to a certain specialist. 

And what do you know… it’s a woman. Dr. Tae Takemi. I’d never heard the name… but apparently she was a rather infamous sort among some circles. A shady doctor with questionable methods, treatments that seemed… callous. She wasn’t a therapist, nor did she generally deal in medication like what they’ve given me. In fact, she was apparently one they’d blacklisted, by and large. And yet… for someone like me, they saw no better fit and no better option.

I have no idea what the plan here is, or what she’d intend to do to me. All I can tell you is that they showed me her picture, and I can’t wait for the opportunity to steal her panties. It’ll be my greatest act of stealth yet. I’ve long dreamed of it… to nab them right off the body of a woman who was wide awake without her being any the wiser. I know it seems impossible, but I believe in my finely-honed talents… I’ve just never seen a woman who was worthy of the attempt, worthy of the risk… until now.

It wasn’t just her photo. Everything I’d heard about this Tae Takemi… it enticed me. They spoke of her with disgust, and it reminded me of the way many spoke of me. There was this mystique to the way they made her out… 

And when I finally saw her firsthand, that mystique remained. I was enthralled.

She was beautiful, of course, as I already knew. Her hair was extremely dark blue, styled in a bob cut. Her brown eyes were affixed in an uncaring gaze. She had a faint bit of pink lipstick and a hint of dark eyeliner. She wore a long white labcoat over a dark green, low-cut, short-skirted minidress. A spiked leather band and a necklace styled over a large pill adorned her neck, the latter grazing her supple cleavage. There was a gothic vibe to her, but I think that had more to do with her attitude than anything else. She seemed utterly incapable of smiling… I swear she looked right through me.

As I walked in, she was reading a file, her legs kicked up atop a stool and crossed… those legs were bare and beautiful. Thick and toned… leading down to some rather dangerous high heeled pumps. They weren’t sandals but they did show off quite a bit of her dainty feet, styled like several straps running across them. I’d never seen a finer pair of legs. And I should know, I spent some time just staring openly at them, without a word. I felt my tongue run across my lips as I gazed. Those sweet legs, the top one bobbing up and down delicately… such excellence, such pure perfection.

She acted as though she hadn’t noticed my presence, not acknowledging me whatsoever. But she knew the whole time as she revealed when she casually spoke up, “So the medication has done nothing at all? Still just as aroused and depraved as ever? No effect on the libido whatsoever? That’s very strange...”

“...Beg pardon?” I mumbled.

Tae whirled around on her swivel stool and put her feet to the floor. For the first time she looked at me, steeling me with her eyes as she bent over slightly, introducing me to her cleavage as her necklace teasingly just barely hid it. 

“It’s quite unusual. Most men who’ve taken what they’ve given you would be all but sterile by now.” she calmly explained, gesturing towards my groin. “And yet, it couldn’t be more clear that you’re as horny as ever. You couldn’t stop staring at my curves if you wanted to, do you? Not that we’d ever be able to confirm that one for sure...”

“Mmm, I couldn’t imagine ever not wanting to stare at you...” I marvelled. Ever since my incarceration, I’ve always felt so much more able to speak what I really meant, to stop worrying about being judged. So oddly freeing, to have everyone in the world know exactly what you are.

“Yes, that’s exactly what I meant.” Tae casually noted as she wrote something down on her pad. “You’re quite the medical anomaly, no doubt about that… a curious case. One I was eager to take on...”

I was eager to take her on as well…

“I think some experiments are in order.” Tae remarked. “Do me a favor and take a seat over there for me.”

She gestured to the bed at the side of the room, raised up quite a bit from the floor. At her command I sat down upon it. Tae took a stethoscope to my heart, asked me to breath… I did so with labored shudders. She did more similar tests and wrote things down, but said nothing, didn’t react to my behaviors at all. I was so used to getting odd looks. Shocked, repulsed stares and gasps… but she gave me nothing of the sort. It was mystifying to me. 

Eventually she took up a reflex hammer and gave me a gentle shot to the knee that made me twitch… and form a sly smirk. She paused… she may not have acted like it, but she must’ve been paying very close attention to me, because she swiftly gave me another shot in the same spot, just a touch harder. I let out a little sigh of pleasure at that one… pain of nearly any kind was a delight to me, depending on the source.

“...You like getting hurt?” she inquired, an eyebrow raised.

“By the likes of you, absolutely!” I replied with a dashing grin.

“Hmm… how peculiar...” Tae muttered as she continued to write something down.

“Oh, I assure you it’s more common than you’d expect.” I retorted.

“No, I know.” she waved off. “But it’s rather odd to see it in you. You have such predatory behaviors. You get satisfaction from knowing your actions torment women... you seem to relish victimizing them and yet, you also enjoy being victimized yourself? Projecting dominance and submissiveness in equal measure, it’s a rare thing.”

“Well, I’m a rare sort...” I cooed. 

“Indeed… assuming you’re telling the truth.” Tae remarked, glancing up at me with a sharpness in her eyes. “Stand up and drop your pants for me… briefs as well.”

“Ahh, I was beginning to wonder if you’d ever ask…” I hissed as I gleefully hopped up from the table and yanked my trousers to the floor without a second thought. Tae stared for a moment at my erection, which I couldn’t have presented any more proudly. 

“Hm… I see.” she noted, sounding as indifferent as ever. She took her finger to the base of my cock to push it up, much to my delight. After studying my balls for a moment, she took her hand away. “Swollen, yet no signs of recent bruising. They must have kept you from having a release for quite some time.”

“Ohhh you have no idea...” I growled.

She took the time to study my manhood, even getting length and girth measurements in for whatever reason. I’m not positive that she wasn’t just messing with me. 

“Hrm. I’d like to run some experiments on just how genuine you are about your love of pain.” Tae explained. “Unfortunately… I’m not at liberty to inflict any injury upon you. If they notice any new bruising on you or figure me out through any other means, what little is left of my career in medicine will be snuffed right out.”

“Mmmm, you could always claim self defense!” I suggested. “I’d make it very, very convincing...”

“Heh, indeed.” she noted with a chuckle. Her casual nature stunned me. “But that wouldn’t exactly do much to aid you in your rehabilitation… getting you to be a functioning member of society is the goal here.”

“Wellll… if new bruises are an issue… you could try and hit this spot in particular.” I explained, as I pulled up my shirt to show off the deep bruise on my stomach. “If this bruise happened to get a little deeper, I doubt they’d notice or be stricken odd by it...”

“Oh…?” she blurted, an eyebrow raised as I took off the shirt and tossed it aside. “Now where did this come from? Your medical file doesn’t list any injuries these past few months, not since that therapist used your face as a punching bag.”

“It’s very, very recent… just happened this morning in fact. Mmhmhm, you see there was this nurse… she had great big beautiful ones, they seemed so tauntingly cushiony.” I explained, pantomiming the wonderful pair of breasts that the nurse whose name I can’t recall owned. “But despite my constant polite requests she never seemed keen on letting me nestle between them… last night, I finally had enough of her rejection… and to my luck, I spotted her asleep in the on-call room! Wasn’t until hours later that she woke up to see me sleeping peacefully amongst her gorgeous pillows.”

“...You really are depraved.” Tae shook her head, almost looking… amused by how sick she found me.

 “She felt the same way! Oh, she was quite upset. Wasn’t meant to show up for work the next day, they gave her some time off to, well, get away from me or a while. But she came to work this morning anyway… bringing a baseball bat with her! Yes, she cracked me one in the abdomen, hard as she could. Oooh-hooo-hooo, it was an intense pain… she didn’t let up afterwards either. I was there on the ground on my side and she just kept laying it in, the merciless little harpy… kicking me in the same spot over and over until they pulled her off me… mmmm, I wonder what her backup job was...”

Tae continued to write as she listened to my story. “You claim to enjoy the beating, and yet, you seem to be savoring the idea that attacking you like that cost her a job. Sadistic and masochistic...”

“They make a delightful pairing~” I responded, licking my lips.

She took a few more moments to finish writing down her findings… before hauling off and launching a brutal front kick, sending the bottom of her pump right into the target that’d been painted on my stomach.

Lightning flashed behind my eyes as darkness threatened my vision for a brief moment. The pain was truly intense, I felt like that strike with the bat had been reborn anew with just a hint more venom than even the original. Indeed she’d kicked me with the force most would need a weapon to generate. Her legs were deadly, belied by her profession.

Immediately I doubled over as I could outright taste the pain on my lips. Tae studied my face closely and continually checked my manhood as well. For once she put her clipboard away to grab me by the hair with one hand and bury her opposing fist into my stomach with the other. She reared way back and delivered one after uppercut after another into my softening tummy, each one making me see more and more stars.

I’d have no doubt collapsed, my body giving way to the beating, if not for her handily keeping hold of me and helping me keep my balance. Believe me I was trying my best to stand, I didn’t want it to stop. I was giddy when she gripped me tighter and pulled me in to power her knee into my abdomen as well, deepening that heavenly bruise.

She let me fall to the floor where I made sure to land on my side, giving her an open target. She stared at my injury, then at my face and again at my arousal. Casual as ever, coldly professional as ever, she turned to grab her clipboard and began to write. “...Seems you’re being genuine enough so far. That would definitely be enough to kill most men’s erections.”

I chuckled. “Mmm, someone like you might reeeally struggle to do that to m-” 

Tae cut me off with a wicked punt kick, catching me in that same spot once again. I wheezed in lovely anguish, as she hiked her leg up and stomped down onto the natural target of my gut. She pressed her heel down roughly, stabbing into my tender flesh. My moan increased in volume… and lust.

As she hmm’d and haw’d and focusing on writing down her findings, I couldn’t help but notice that as she ground her high heel into my gut, her skirt had been hiked up beautifully, to show just a hit of panty… ohhh, how I needed to have it in my collection. 

My teeth grit from the beautiful pain, I couldn’t help but reach up… just to get a closer look, just to push that skirt up that little bit further and make out the full figure of her shapely hips…

Just before I could touch her, an almost casual knee drop assaulted that same spot on my stomach. I buckled under her weight as every bit of it was sent crashing down on my developing weak spot in a destructive crunch. I groaned with a shudder as she just stayed like that, her knee propped up against my stomach as she continued her incessant scribbling… she was truly a vindictive, cruel one, and I couldn’t wait to punish her right back.

“I’m pretty convinced you aren’t faking at this point, but I know one thing that will definitely snuff it out if you are.” Tae explained, as she adjusted herself and coiled her long, shapely, supple legs around me. I cooed with delight and anguish as I felt them tighten… the beautiful bare flesh of her inner thighs pressing deeply into my own bared stomach. 

“Nnnnngggh oh yes...” I grunted, watching as even in this position she was writing her findings coldly, studying my cock for response. This meant she turned away from me, giving me a wonderful look at her backside. “MMmmpfff, don’t you th-think… this is a tad o-one-sided…? It’s only sporting if both sides get to p-play… urgh, if play wrestling is your game then… I’ll have you know I’m quite the g-grappler...”

It took a monumental, heroic effort to even attempt this, but I managed to adjust myself until I was able to reach down, my hands coming within inches of touching her voluminous ass. It looked so firm and fine in the skirt of her minidress. Beautiful and perfectly contouring, it begged to be touched, it was simply demanding I go through with it. 

Without even looking, without even a hint of her being aware of this… just as my fingers were on the cusp of finding out what her ass felt like, she held up her pen and thrust it down, jabbing the point into the top of my hand. You’d have thought she wanted to stake my hand to the floor… any harder and she probably would’ve broken the flesh. 

I yelped a high pitched yelp and yanked my hand back, instinctively hissing, “Biiiiitch!”

Tae turned to look at me with an intrigued expression. Not angry… just, interested. She was truly an odd one to get a read on.

“Getting upset with me? But you like the pain, right?” Tae remarked.

“Ooooh I love it...” I growled, still straining with grit teeth as I held my hand and endured the tightening bodyscissor. “And you’ll l-love it too... ohhh I promise... you’ll enjoy the pain just as much… as me! Ahhh, just as soon as I get my hands around your throat… I’m sure you’re familiar with a-autoerotic… asphyxiation… ohhhh it works a treat! Just let me demonstrate and I swear you’ll-”

As I spoke, she maneuvered behind me, still keeping her legs clamped around my midsection. She eventually curled her arms beneath my chin, her forearms against my windpipe as they crisscrossed into a tight chokehold, effectively cutting off my air as well as cutting me off mid-sentence. 

“A truly bizarre case.” Tae remarked. “You beg for pain and yet resent those who inflict it… and I know you aren’t sitting there, hoping I get a thrill out of being hurt myself. You don’t want me to get anything out of it, you’ve made it abundantly clear you don’t care about that with anyone. You’d just like to see me suffer for this, even though it never would’ve happened if you hadn’t made it happen. I really do need to figure you out… heh, I might get a Nobel prize for it.”

Her choke was snug and draining, though I did have the comfort of my head pressing against her breasts which was quite nice. In spite of this vice grip around my throat, I still managed to choke out, “I see… you already… kn-know full well!”

The hold tightened that little bit more and I could no longer force out the words. Her legs also coiled all the tighter around my tortured stomach as well. She glanced down and mused, “Wow, still aroused… can’t even choke it out of you, can I?”

Just to make sure, she kept the hold in for quite a while, truly a sadistic little thing… she was so focused on this that she didn’t even notice my sleight of hand, and really, it must be said that she had it coming.

After cranking it on for a ridiculously long time, she finally released me and rolled away, scribbling in her pad as she stood above me, staring at my member as it continued to stand proudly. I was still sputtering, trying to think of my next clever line, when she surprised me with yet another attack… she leapt up a few feet into the air, an impressive jump all things considered. Her skirt rose up and I got a beautiful glimpse of what was underneath it, just before she landed hard on my abdomen, her high heels burying themselves in my stomach as her entire weight bore down on me, knocking the air out of my lungs in a stunned wheeze.

The shock and ferocity of the attack caused my body to jolt uncontrollably, my hands shooting up off the floor, instinctively reaching towards my stomach. Whilst I stopped them half-way, I nonetheless ended up exposing what I was holding in my hand…

Her eyes went wide at the sight. The slightest flash of horror went over her face for a moment and it was lovely, even as she continued to stand there, her sharp stilettos threatening to puncture my gut.

“...Are… those… mine?” she slowly asked, gazing at the black panties I’d procured. 

I just smiled. She quickly pat herself down and confirmed that, indeed, there was nothing under that skirt but her supple ass and beautiful womanhood…

As she looked up at me, I chuckled between hisses of pain, “I’m very… d-discreet when I… want to be. Nnnggh, got it during the… ch-choke… seemed like you were… asking for it, really… the way you were ab-abusing me... heh, I think… I think I owed you one...”

Her look of mild disgust gave way to a thoughtful bit of surprise. She looked like a lightbulb had gone off above her head…

“...That’s it. I see… that makes sense.” she mused to herself, furiously scribbling something down. “Yeah. Predator and prey all at once, that explains it...”

“...P-Pardon?” I grunted.

“You’re a man of many fetishes, but your main one is payback.” Tae informed me. “You fetishize revenge, don’t you? That’s why you act like this. Because the only way to get revenge is to first be hurt. That’s why you don’t care how much ire your behavior provokes, or how violently they respond. That’s what you hope for in the first place. And once they’ve done it, you immediately fantasize about what you’d do to them in kind, or what might happen to them as a direct consequence of hurting you.“

I’d never thought so deeply about my own habits until she went on about this. Suffice to say, nobody had ever really been able to put that together. But she may well have been onto something…

“I see, I see… that’s definitely a unique M.O., but I think I know exactly how to deal with this.” she nodded with a slight smirk as she finally stepped off of me. “Get up off the floor.”

“Nnngh…” I groaned with pain, wincing as I sat up. “Don’t tell me this means our session is over… I was so close to a breakthroOOOUGGH!”

Once again she cut me off, with a ruthless punt kick, introducing me to the toe of her stiletto. “Up. Back to the wall.” she curtly demanded, gesturing to her left.

I squeaked, “M-M-Missed my stomach that time, woman...” as I rolled over and forced myself to my feet, shakily. 

As I walked over to the wall, she surprised me with a pair of handcuffs, darting behind me, grabbing my wrists and locking them together. She spun me around and finished my trek for me, a rough front kick to the stomach with enough force to send me slamming backfirst against the wall, painfully sandwiching my hands against my backside in the process. I smiled, “Oooh… getting much rougher all of a sudden! Mmm, taking those panties sure got you pissed… enough to leave a bruise? And damn the consequence? Eh?!”

“I won’t have to worry about consequences anymore.” Tae added with a smirk of her own as she wrote one last thing down on her clipboard before tossing it aside and seductively pulling off her coat, letting it fall to the floor. “What happens to you now… is part of your rehabilitation. There’s only one way to ‘treat’ what you are and it’s not with any medication… you need humbling. You need a beating beyond anything you’ve ever gotten. And much more than that, you need to be teased. You need to get blueballed until they’re ready to fall off.”

“Ohhh don’t you threaten me with a good time~” I warned with a laugh.

She responded with a surprisingly flexible high kick that blasted me in the face, followed up with a spinning roundhouse kick that rocked my head. Where this doctor learned to do that, I haven’t the foggiest, she was truly an enigmatic type. Her attacks just continued to entice, and not just because of how liberally she was flashing her pussy at me with each kick either.

And there were no shortage of kicks. Her long powerful legs flew rapidly, pelting me all over. It was a bit of deja vu from my encounter with the bob-cut bitch that got me in this fine mess in the first place, as her scything shots and dangerous heels hit anything she could reach, and as I swiftly found out, she could reach quite a bit. And I just had to stand there and take it as she gave me that deadpan stare that made it oh so clear how little she valued my life all the while…

As this went on, I became agitated… the thought that this might not actually have any consequence for her bothered me and I couldn’t do anything to her on my own with those handcuffs on. I would just have to take it… to be her victim and never have a chance to reverse the situation.

She finished with a ruthless knee lift to my gut, because where else… tears of pain flowed from my cheeks. I wasn’t upset… not really, but it was just so painful by that point that it was physically impossible not to cry. 

Once she finally stepped back, I found myself sliding to the floor as my legs had long since gave out, only her flurry of kicks keeping me standing that whole time. She proceeded to grab me by the ankles and drag me across the room, to the center of the floor. Tae hiked her foot up and stomped down, her stiletto slamming into my throat to choke me as she gazed coldly down at me. I tried so hard to get a good glimpse up her skirt during this but somehow the sight remained just out of reach this time…

She’d been beating me for some time at this point, and I’d loved it up to a point, but something definitely felt different now. Something was off. Was she correct…? Did I need the thrill of fetishized vengeance?

As her heel dug into my Adam’s apple, I felt all her malice… and for the first time I could recall, I started to feel… helpless. Usually I felt comfortable in any scenario with these women, like I was under control regardless of how it looked on the surface, but the mood of this particular beating had shifted… I felt powerless beneath her heel.

“...You recall me measuring your cock earlier, right?” Tae brought up, out of nowhere, mid-choke. “I’m sure you just figured there was some sort of medical reason for that, something that would help me diagnose you. There wasn’t. It didn’t help me figure out anything and it was never going to, I just do that with my patients for shits and giggles.” 

She chuckled to herself about that as she gradually bore her heel down all the harder, choking the life out of me. “Anyway funny thing… you’re at 8 centimeters in length erect, which is about 3 and a quarter inch. And a 9 centimeter circumference, meaning about 3 and a half inches in girth. Which is perfectly average on my bell curve… for flaccid dicks. Yeah. Most of my male patients are as big soft as you are hard. Some are bigger. Just thought I’d share.”

After quite unnecessarily letting me know this, she pulled her foot away, leaving me gasping for breath, unable to even serenade her with my usual rapier wit. Instead I could only stare in amazement as she slowly unzipped the back of her minidress and peeled it off. The black bra she had on underneath swiftly followed suit, her supple breasts freed for my devouring eyes to see. 

At that point, she wore nothing but her neckband and necklace… and of course those accursed stilettos. Though, seeing them in full view now, it was easy to see just how much they accentuated her beautiful legs and glorious backside… 

She was stunning. I’d been staring at her from the moment I walked in of course, but now… I could truly never look away, even as my resentment grew. She stood proudly, clearly aware of how sensuous her body was, every slight pivot of her hips drawing attention to her curvaceousness. 

I found myself instinctively trying to reach for her, as if I’d forgotten that my hands were cuffed behind my back… as if I couldn’t accept the fact that I couldn’t touch her. And she knew it, judging by her villainous smile.

“Like this, huh? I thought you might. Too bad you can’t have any of it. Odds are good you’ll never have a woman again, actually.” she teased, as she raised her hands behind her head and posed, her firm breasts giving a slight jiggle every time she adjusted herself. Just to really send the message home, she slowly turned around and even bent over slightly to give me a great view of her fantastic ass. “...I’m just showing you everything you’ll never get to touch, let alone ride...”

“D-D-Don’t be… so sure… about that” I hissed. 

“Ohhh I’m sure. They’ve already long since decided to never allow you near a woman without guards present ever again, they only made this exception for me because they knew how well I could handle it.” Tae cooed. “And I hope you realize that if even I tell them you’re incurable… they’ll have no option left but to castrate you. And not in the chemical way either, as you’ve demonstrated that won’t work…”

To that, I had no response. I’d been trying to pretend that wasn’t on the table for some time, in truth. Without my voracious libido, I wasn’t even certain what my identity would be…

“...Of course, even if you are ever considered ‘cured’... I doubt you’ll ever be able to rise to the occasion anyway.” she added, as she went on with her sensuous posing, taking a moment to lift her leg up in the air, bent at the knee, and show off her flexibility with a few slo-motion high kicks. 

“Wh-what does that mean…?” I asked, nervous.

She didn’t see the need to answer me. Instead she turned and walked over to a closet. I figured she’d be pulling out some sort of medical supplies… I certainly didn’t expect what I saw when she turned around. In her hands, she had a strap-on… a massive dildo protruding from the center. 

I tried not to react, to keep my usual cool demeanor, but she must’ve something in my expression as she giggled, “Relax. It’s not for you, it’s for me. Even with physical conditioning as an official part of your treatment, I doubt I could get away with stretching you out...”

Tae walked over to me and pulled the stretchy straps out so as to tie them around my stomach. They barely fit, proving extremely tight, but she managed to position it so that the dildo was positioned right above my injured gut… the meaning of which was all too clear.

As she caressed the head of the huge fake plastic penis, she mumbled, “Yeah… this is because you don’t deserve me. And because you’re not quite big enough anyway.”

She stood proudly above me before kneeling down and slamming herself onto the dildo, letting it slide deep within her beautiful pussy. She kept cool, tapering herself to a subtle shudder, as she stared me right in the eye and proceeded to thrust up and down.

Rather than have sex with me, she was getting herself off on top of me. And just to add injury to insult, each single, powerful thrust slammed against my deeply bruised stomach, sending shockwaves of anguish through my body.

I was gritting my teeth. I was starting to tear up even beyond the natural physical inclination, I was… I was upset. For the first time in my life, this abuse actually felt like abuse… warranted though it may have been, but I’d never hurt Tae in any way. And I… realized I’d never get the chance to.

“Ahhhh… there won’t be… a-aanny… repurc-... c-cussions for this...” she informed me, coldly taunting me even as she went to town on that dildo that she was using instead of my cock, in spite of it being fully erect and inches away from her bouncing backside. “...If I don’t c-cure you… they’ll never blame me… they’d have tr-tried anything… and if I d-do… change you… nnggh it’ll finally get me back… in good graces. Torturing you… will save my c-career… how does that make you… f-feel?” 

She was right. She was right about this, she was right about everything. I did need that revenge and now, I wasn’t going to get it. I just knew for a fact that it wasn’t happening. She was hurting me, humiliating, giving me the bluest balls of my life and she would only get rewarded for it. I was… helpless.

And she clearly loved doing this to me on some level, because this slowly but surely became truly intense as she fucked that dildo right into my abdomen, one thunderous thrust after another. She threw her head back and howled her delight, as I screamed my misery in symphony. Only after her cold visage gave way to a quivering orgasm did she finally relent.

I was crying… no other way to say it, I was crying as she stood up and gazed down callously at me. “...Ah. Yes… we have plenty more sessions to go, but I’m seeing progress already. Soon, you’ll never pray on a woman again… because you’ll be far too petrified of them to do a damn thing.”

And I finally had nothing left to say… no retort left to give.

Still not letting up, she proceeded to stroll over and mount my face. She pulled my forward, forcing my nose against her pussy as she curled her powerful legs around my throat, choking me until I blacked out amidst her womanhood...


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