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So. So...

Good news first. After plugging away it little by little for several weeks, I have finally... finally, FINALLY finished the upcoming story which was meant to be posted a full month ago. Predator Punisher, featuring Persona 5's Tae Takemi, is scheduled to be published in a few hours. 

But that's not really what this post is about. It's about the lengthy wait. And I apologize for not saying anything sooner. I always meant to give this update alongside posting the story, it just continued to take far longer to make than I ever thought it would. Which largely has nothing to do with the story itself and everything to do with how my life has been going lately.

That's not necessarily in a bad way, it's just a lot of changes. I moved to the apartment that I'm currently living in late last year. A big part of me making this page in the first place was to try and finally get to supporting myself, and allowing us to stay here. I wanted to basically build this page up into being a full-time job and earn enough on a monthly basis to pay my half of the rent all by myself. 

It... failed. We rose extraordinarily fast all things considered, especially for being an adult content Patreon page which means Femdom Fanatics has never once been spotted in a search result on this site. And the support has always been extremely helpful. But ultimately we've been stuck about $200 below the goal for some time now, seemingly having hit a bit of a cieling. 

Knowing I had to do more, I started applying for other stuff a couple of months ago. Freelance gigs on Upwork, writing various articles and stuff. Through this I eventually actually found an actual job. It's still not enough to get me to the former goal by itself, actually it's only gonna marginally give me more than what I get from Patreon, atleast starting out. I think I can come to earn significantly more before too long, but... honestly not sure how long I'll even be able to keep with it as I'm exactly great at it, I knew I was underqualified when I applied but they liked my samples and all so. Just been learning on the fly. The hours are sparse, but kinda intense... 

I'm saying more than I have to here, but basically I have a regular job now, in addition to also taking other freelance gigs and when you combine that with this, that's effectively three jobs at once, which is a lot when you're still not really making that much all things considered. 

But the situation's changed considerably because the lease is up soon on this apartment and we're not gonna be able to meet it. Already signed it away weeks ago. I didn't want to, but... not really any other good options. So we're moving. Won't be particularly independent anymore but it'll allow for saving money up. 

I feel ridiculous, honestly, for getting myself tied up in all this and still dealing with it even after being forced to move out anyway, but that's where I'm at. 

And this all just so happened to come at what I'm starting to think is some extreme burnout with femdom stories. Which was kind of inevitable with the ridiculous schedule that I put myself on. I've never known anyone that wrote short stories the length that I've done and put them out there as regularly as I did for so long. Think the regular rate was about six stories a month for a while, all of them 4000+ words, some as much as 10,000. That's not even getting into particular months like December and what a mad dash that was...

I've just, written a lot of them now. About a hundred in the span of a year and three months, give or take, without any real breaks. I've still been doing 1000 words a day like always, up to 492 as of this posting, since all my jobs are writing jobs anyhow. But it was a struggle to want to work on this last story, because on the days off that I do have, I just... really, really wanted to write other things. There's a lot of other stuff I want to do and I used to have time for it, but that's been really diminishing of late. 

With everything already changing so much, it seems appropriate then that a change come here. And I'm so sorry it took so long for me to say anything but I've been thinking a lot about my options. 

For what little is left of May, I want to do this business as usual. I still want to post that last story that was scheduled for April within the next week. After that... I think some restructuring is in order. I don't wanna give up the page completely because it's done so much for me, and I appreciate you all too much to just leave.

So... my proposal, and I'd like to know what you all think about it, is to switch to a pay-per-story system. For those that might not be familiar with this works, this means charging per a certain type of post (stories in this case of course) rather than on a monthly basis. This would come with a lot of changing of tiers, as the ones we have now wouldn't quite work. I believe with this, every story would only be $1, though I can't say for sure on that yet.

Ultimately, I know I never, ever want to just have this page sitting here without an update within a month and still get monthly chargings, that doesn't seem remotely right. Honestly, the only reason I didn't do it the per-story before was because with how many I posted, it would actually end up charging people a lot more. Imagine how those 12 days of domming, plus the regular weekly updates, would've been on this system... everyone pledging would've been charged like $17 that month. 

But this is what almost every writer who posts stories on Patreon does, and for good reason. If you only give out a chapter or so, for example, once a month or once every couple of months, something more sporadic like that, it's a much more sensible and fair thing to offer.

There's really only one catch here, and the main reason I've been hesitant to bring this up. It's uh, irreversible, from what I recall. When I looked at it before atleast, it said that once this change was made, you could never go back to the regular monthly style. Which made it a tad worrisome. But I dunno, maybe that's not such a big deal. Maybe even if I do get to a point where I can regularly post them again, people wouldn't be bothered by this. I mean, five stories in a month under this style would be the same as being a regular $5 patron now, so... I guess I'm worrying about nothing.

But we'll see. What do you all think? Would a switch to a style like this work out for everyone? I hope so.

I just want to reiterate how much your support has always meant to me and how much I appreciate you. I feel like I don't show it enough. I've never been good with, engagement. Getting bombarded with messages kinda makes me shirk away, I'm just kind of shy like that. As a result I'm really bad at getting back to people, and I hope that's not taken the wrong way.

As far as future stories go, to all commissioners, if I ever said I'd do them for you before, you will still see them. I don't know exactly when at this point, but it'll happen. I owe you too much to falter on that.

Most of all I want to say thank you for your patience during this drought of no word whatsoever outside of my Discord. I know from what I've seen across the internet that I'm really fortunate that people haven't really been beating my door down about this. Obviously folks are curious and concerned but it could be a lot, lot worse than that. So, again, thank you all. 


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