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- Apologies for what turned out to be a very long delay. I have a lot more work these days than I ever had before in my life, all kinda coming at once. I guess I got a little overwhelmed. Suffice to say this messed with the schedule a fair bit, but I do have a week off now from my new job, so I'll do my best to get it back on track in that time. Hope you enjoy this story in the meantime. -

Ironically, the odds of this ending prematurely seem rather bleak… 

I’ve been kept in Domina’s confines for what seems like years, though I know it’s only been a handful of months. She switches between treating me like a pet and treating me like a punching bag. Each day she puts me something yet more demeaning and yet more physically grueling. It’s funny… I thought I had reached the pinnacle of shame long before I ever met her. But she managed to somehow humiliate me on a fundamental level. 

Sure I’d long since given up feeling like a man, but around Domina I didn’t even feel like a person at all. I was an insect, one that happened to be large enough that she could strap to her wall and toy with. 

She’d parade around in her most skimpy, suggestive of outfits, most of which were leather. Once she came in a purple see thru negligee, wearing nothing underneath but two flesh-colored pasties and a pencil thin purple thong. She was always teasingly hesitant to show me her whole naked form, considering that some kind of concession to me that would imply a hint of equality; after all she demeaned me by refusing to let me wear clothes at any time, my lacking manhood constantly flapping in the breeze. So instead she would drive me mad by wearing as little as possible… every now and again, usually after being allowed to be pent-up for a while, I would cum just at the sight of her alone…

Cumming begrudgingly of course. I didn’t have even the slightest control over my cock around her. She had complete authority over my penis without even trying, from rooms away she still had power over it as she’d made it impossible to think of anyone or anything else than her and her incredible body.

Why oh why did she have to choose me…? Why did the greatest tormentress I’d ever met or even heard of have to also be the most beautiful and statue-esque woman I’d ever dreamed of? I have terrible luck with women, there’s no question about that… they seem to have an innate love of beating me senseless and leaving me humiliated. But Domina, she took it to a whole new level…

It was a fetish. There was no doubt about that much. She loved watching a man suffer, squirm in pain, blush until his entire body had turned red, cry in mourning of his lost pride… she got off on it in every way imaginable. I knew this was the case because on some days she couldn’t hide it anymore. She would reach within her panties and finger herself to an enormous climax at my misery… and of course her doing this right in front of me usually caused to cum several more times before she finished.

Afterwards, licking her finger, she would lament on how effectively we’d just established that I couldn’t even dream of lasting with her in the bedroom, as if that even needed to be said. She would proceed to stick her finger, still largely covered in her womanly fluids, right down my mouth, forcing me to suck it dry.

She could embarrass me without a second thought of course, but she was truly scary when she went into violence mode. While she focused more on the mental side for the most part, slowly whittling away at my sanity and sense of self until I didn’t even know who or what I was, she made sure to constantly affirm her physical dominance as well, beating me soundly, hitting me hard enough that I knew even if I weren’t strung up, I’d have no prayer in a fight against her. 

Domina would strike at me with whips of course, occasionally strangle me with them as well. Once she zapped my nipples with power cords, the classic torture racket… she even threatened to apply them to my testicles at one point too, in spite of my blubbering, petrified begging off. Thankfully she hasn’t stooped to that yet, but she made sure I knew it was coming one day and that’s truly harrowing.

But what was honestly the most intimidating sight of all was when she came at me without any weapons at all, a righteous fury in her eyes. Any time something happened to her that day that left her in a foul mood, her first instinct would be to come in and take it out on me, unleashing her anger in an all-out assault against my increasingly tender frame. She would slap me across the face so viciously that my ears would ring, bury knees into my solar plexus, scrape me with her lengthy, rather sharp fingernails until I looked like I’d been mauled by a horde of cats, and of course kick me square in the groin over and over.

She would sometimes talk about realistic sounding stuff, but I know for a fact that a lot of the time she just made things up and thrust herself into this mode; frighteningly there was very little difference in her ferocity. She would say ridiculous things like, “My lover last night was so pathetic, he only lasted two hours!” or conversely, “I got fucked so hard that I woke up with a limp! The nerve of that muscular bastard!”

Perhaps most insultingly, she once claimed to have tried to bed a man who ended up having too big a cock to fit inside her, no matter what they tried. She pantomined it, making it seem as though his dick was five feet long and atleast a foot thick. Helpfully, she performed this pantomime right between my legs, making my own cock truly look like a babies’ in the process. She would follow this up with another raucous ass-whipping… 

This is what my life has turned into. This is what I am now, it’s all that I am now. All in the name of trying to convince me that it’s what I wanted all along. And sometimes… sometimes I believe her. 

The night before our latest sexual shame session, she gave me a chilling little preview of what she had planned for me…

“Don’t you get so lonely down here, little thing?” she asked, a vile smile on her gorgeous face. “I mean I certainly get lonesome without any other people around. So I’m sure you’re lonesome without any other… less-than-people around.”

I said nothing, as was often my response. Anything I could ever think to say usually just seemed like it’d be playing right into her hands. That she didn’t consider me quite a human was hardly surprising, nor did it even seem like news.

“That’s why… I’ve arranged to have a guest tomorrow.” she cooed, a delicate, gloved hand rubbing my face. My expression must’ve turned a little pale, judging by her laughter in response. “That’s right… you’re about to meet one of my close personal friends… and she’s even going to bring a pet of her own! A little playdate… doesn’t that sound nice?”

“...What are you two going to do to me?” I groaned.

Domina chuckled, “Whatever we want, obviously! But you should feel relieved. You don’t have to take that punishment alone this time! You get to share the pain and pleasure… I think it’ll be quite the change of pace for you myself~”

She proceeded to take a riding crop to my chest and plant a kiss on my lips… her way of saying ‘goodnight’ before she went to bed. This allowed me to ponder and dread just what the next day would be like… was this torture really about to be doubled? Would her friend be kinder than her… or even more cruel? 

And for some reason, another question crossed my mind….

What did she look like? Was she… as sexy as Domina, or atleast comparable? Did she look as beautiful as her when she grinned or scowled…? 

What kind of thought is that?! What kind of thought is that to have about your greatest tormentor, the woman who’s ruined my life?! A life I already considered broken beyond repair even before she came into it! Pah, what I wouldn’t give to be able to just lie there, defeated in my bed, and never know another woman’s touch! Never know another mind-bending orgasm to the tune of that sweet sultry laugh…

I… I really don’t enjoy it at all… r-right?

As always, after Domina left, I could only stew there in my chains, trying not to focus on the pain, and take her place by tormenting myself with my own thoughts. And eventually, without warning… my endless exhaustion gets the better of me and I fall asleep.

Naturally, I was slapped awake by a feminine leather-clad hand, something I was familiar with as well at that point, and my foggy vision cleared to see Domina’s beautiful smiling face inches away from mine. 

She was wearing a more typical outfit for her standards today, a black leather corset that hungrily cupped her incredible breasts, knee-high leather boots with absolutely murderously sharp and ludicrously high stiletto heels, and an absolute parody of a black leather miniskirt that didn’t even go halfway down her incredible ass, showing off her pencil-thin g-string. As always her dark hair was tied back in a ponytail.

“She’s here, little one.” she declared. “Do try and avoid embarrassing me, hm…?”

She stepped aside as another woman came through the doorway. And unsurprisingly she was a real stunner herself. She had long blonde luxurious hair that ran halfway down her back, deep blue eyes, fair skin and such a cute face… from her appearance, you’d never guess what her occupation was. Atleast, from looking at her face; if you’d seen her attire, your odds would be a little better.

The woman wore a skin tight leather catsuit, that perfectly contoured to her shapely, lithe body. The only thing uncovered was her head and her breasts, as holes had been cut from the chest of the suit. Said holes were perfectly fitted, tightly constraining around the edges… her breasts weren’t quite as large as Domina’s, but they were still much bigger than average and her outfit did well to make them truly stand out. Black pasties teasingly covered her nipples, but they were otherwise bare, unbound and jiggling heavily with her every movement.

She wheeled two things behind her as she came into the room. One was a black trunk filled with God knows what, horrifying sex toys no doubt… the other was a dollie where a man laid on his knees on the steel, as though he were nothing but a piece of equipment himself. He was a pudgy fellow, entirely naked aside from the gimp mask, the mouth of which was currently zipped but the eyes of which were unzipped. His hands were bound behind his back and he didn’t move a muscle. The only real sign of life was his fully erect cock. It was on the small side… but it was still definitely bigger than mine, tragically.

“Bitch, meet Veronica.” Domina spoke up, gesturing between the two of us. “Veronica, bitch.”

“Oh, charmed.” Veronica replied, having a slight valley girl twinge to her voice. She stepped up to me, her tits bouncing as they were nearly forced up into my face. She eyed me like a piece of meat, her gaze settling on my junk. “Wow… this is the guy you’ve told me so much about, huh? The guy whose dick goes off like it’s trying to set a record?”

“The very same.” Domina nodded matter-of-factly, as I felt myself die inside just that slightest bit more.

Already I wasn’t the biggest fan of Veronica, but damn she just had to be so hot… my dick found itself hardening in her presence. She watched as it came up to full mast, and paused, as if waiting for more. After a few moments, it became clear I wasn’t growing any further and she began to stifle a giggle.

“Oh… oh my God, is that it?” she snickered, one hand over her mouth as the other pointed right at my pecker. “Heheheh i-is that all the dick you’ve got?! THAT’s what you’re working with?! AhhHAHAHAHAHA!”

She laughed deeply and loudly at what I lacked, even going so far as to comically fall onto the floor, holding her taut stomach as she did it. She had to have been exaggerating to hurt my feelings… but it worked.

“Oh my Lord, Domina, where did you FIND this thing?!” she asked, wiping a tear from her eye as she pulled herself to her feet. “Damn and I thought my slave had a tiny cock! This guy makes him look like a total stud!”

“I had made the comparison...” Domina noted.

“Wow… wow, I see a lot of small ones in this line of work but hot damn.” Veronica shook her head, as in disbelief at how underwhelming my endowment. She then turned to Domina. “So is it true that he cums in seconds every single time?”

“See for yourself!” she invited, with a little gesture.

Veronica looked to me with a little smirk as she reached down and grabbed my pecker. She simply gave me a brisk handjob, skillfully running her fingers up and down my cock, pumping once… twice… and on the third, my whole body buckled as I was brought to an orgasm. She showed some quick reflexes, pulling her hand away in time to avoid making a mess on her nice leather gloves.

Again, the giggling commenced, “Daaaamn that’s amazing! Where on Earth did you find a guy like this?!”

“Online, I told you!” Domina explained. “He’s the one! He’s Hair Trigger, he’s Minigun!”

Oh of course, we just had to bring into this… and naturally Veronica’s eyes lit up with realization. “Wow, no way, I thought you were kidding… that really does look just like him though, and he cums like him too!”

“Absolutely. Can you believe he used to think he was some kind of fighter?” Domina replied with a scoff. “Some taekwondo expert or something… didn’t do him too much good in the end, now did it?”

“Whaaat, this guy?” her friend replied, giving me an odd look. “But he looks so weak and useless...”

She poked and prodded at my stomach, as if to test how soft it was. She proceeded to rear her fist back and deliver a fierce uppercut to my abdomen her solid fist plunging deep into my tender flesh. I let out a loud “Ooooff!” as she buried her knuckles into my gut. Even after she pulled away I was still groaning, even fighting back tears… she had taken me off-guard, and hit surprisingly hard.

Once again, she stifled a giggle. “Wow, tough guyyyy… what a weak little man. Is he… crying from that? Seriously?”

“I wouldn’t be surprised.” Domina shrugged. “His pain tolerance is extremely low, I can tell you that.”

Seemed like a bit of an unfair thing to say considering how regularly she beat me, my body had been battered, tenderized by her whips and strikes, of course I was easy to hurt. But then, I always was a little wimpy, atleast when it came to the women I’d been encountering for the past year or so…

“Geeze, I’ll say! Bruised and battered all over… heheh, just look at these little balls...” Veronica remarked as she reached down and tapped my bruised, swollen nuts. In spite of being twice their regular size she still obviously wasn’t impressed, especially as her poking alone earned a wince from me. “Oh man… heh, I can’t resist, I have to!”

With that, she grasped my balls in her hand and gave them a tight, vicious squeeze and twist. My whole body lurched as a groan of pain forced itself from deep within me, and this time there was no doubt that tears were flowing down my face within seconds from the immense pain.

Veronica laughed in my face as she continued to hold my nuts in her vice grip. “Mmmmmmhhmhmhmhm, such a weak little boy! Poor baby, does it hurt…? D’awww… heh, he’s so pitiful!”

“P-P-Please stop…!” I squealed in an embarrassingly high pitched voice.

“Haha, hell no! Not if you’re gonna keep sounding that pathetic! This is way too funny!” she explained as her squeeze tightened and my screech rose another octave. “Mmmm, my little bitch is way too tough these days, he’s so used to the pain… I missed hearing this sheer agony so much.”

This went on for a truly disturbingly long time until finally she bored of torturing my nuts and turned to Domina, as I wept behind her. “Ah, I’m sorry, I’m hogging all the fun, would you like to give them a good torque?”

“Oh don’t worry about me, this is your introduction to him… and I know how addictingly fun to punish he is. It’s dangerous, honestly.” Domina replied. “But personally I think it’s even more fun to see just how quickly you can set off his cock.”

“Yeah, I am curious as to just how quick he can be when you really get to trying.” Veronica nodded. “I mean I got it with a few casual flicks of the wrist, I barely had to do a thing… I bet he can go off even faster than that.”

Domina smirked. “Follow my lead...”

My main tormentor stepped up and now the both of them were standing less than a foot away from me, their bodies radiating sensuality and cruelty in equal measure, such a wicked blend of beauty and power.

Domina turned around and began to sashay her shapely, rounded hips and Veronica seemed to understand immediately where this was going. The two of them proceeded to sandwich my small but stiff member between their glorious hips… both bared and smooth and supple as they squeezed against my shaft.

I didn’t stand a chance. The split second I realized what was happening was the same split second that this became far too much for me. My dick erupted, a gripping climax that made quite the mess as my seed shot betwixt them powerfully. 

My groans of pain turned to pleasure, a sound that I had grown quite accustomed to. And their laughter soon followed, another very familiar noise at that point. 

“Man, this guy! I mean if you can even call this a ‘guy’... you sure can’t call it a man.” Veronica shook her head as she turned around. “I thought I’d seen some pathetic specimens before but this really takes the bukkake. I mean it’s one thing to not be man enough for our pussies, that’s common… but he can’t handle touching our bodies at all! I never knew it was possible for a living thing to be so sexually worthless...”

“Ohhh you don’t know the half of it.” Domina replied as she too stepped away and somehow my ego plummeted even further than it already had as they casually spoke of my uselessness. “It’s not just that he can’t stand the touch, he… honestly doesn’t even need physical stimulation at all. Just sight alone can get him there.”

“Oh wow, really?” Veronica replied as she looked into Domina’s eyes and gave a little smirk. “You mean… if something like, really, really sexy happened right in front of him, it could do him in…?”

As she asked this, she smacked her hand onto Domina’s enormous backside, making it jiggle immensely. Domina smiled back and nodded. “Oh definitely...”

I couldn’t believe my eyes as Domina raised up her hands to fondle Veronica’s breasts, playing with them as if to see just how bouncy they truly were. For the record, the answer was ‘extremely’.

“Mmmm, now that’s interesting to know...” Veronica cooed as she began to lick her lips and lean in closer to the taller Domina. “What uh, what do you suppose we do with that information, sweet lady…?”

“Ohhh I could think of a few things...” Domina breathily whispered, as she leaned down to take Veronica into a deep, passionate French kiss. 

The two moaned loudly as they kissed with incredible vigor and felt each other up, their hands exploring each other’s immaculate bodies. I was wide-eyed with awe and lust… and envy, as I wished so badly that I could be in either of their shoes. 

As I saw their chests press together, and Domina’s knee slid up between Veronica’s legs to delicately rub against her womanhood, I began to lightly groan at the sight. True to Domina’s word, my dick began to tingle and twitch at the sight alone… and as their moans increased in volume, so too did mine until…

Well, you can guess what happened. As always my cock served to prove my torturers correct and I came overwhelmingly. 

In spite of how intently they were into each other, they were quick to notice this. Veronica slid her tongue from Domina’s mouth in time to turn and laugh at me. “Me oh my, what a truly pitiful thing. You can’t even be close to sex without embarrassing yourself...”

“Mmmm, you’re a fantastic kisser, you know that?” Domina asked, twirling her finger against Veronica’s womanly chest. “It’s got me allll hot and bothered… I think… mmm, I think I need a cock. And how fortuitous that you brought such a nice one with you to my humble abode… hmhmhm...”

Domina turned towards Veronica’s slave, who was still there on his knees on the dollie, having not moved a muscle, himself simply gazing at the lovely sight before him. His trembling pecker was the only sign of life coming from him.

“MMmmm yes...” Domina hissed, licking her lips and caressing her hips as she gazed over at the slave, making damn sure to stay in my line of sight all the while as her voluptuous, pristine ass gyrated temptingly. “Ohh what a fine hunk he is, such a magnificent beast… that cock is driving me mad...”

“Pfft, really? This guy? That cock?” Veronica chuckled, pointing at her slave. “Are you uh, feeling okay there, Domina?”

“Honey, you’ve seen what I’ve been working with...” Domina explained as she flippantly gestured in my general direction without even looking at me. “That cock might as well be a foot long… this guy looks like a Greek God right about now.”

Veronica giggled as she looked over at me, her laughter intensifying as she saw my devastated expression. “Hahaha, awww! Domina, you hurt it’s feelings… heh, but hey little guy you gotta admit, she’s got a point. You do make him look really, really good in comparison. Frankly you make me feel pretty lucky to have the poor bastard… like I don’t appreciate him enough for his masculinity.”

“Oooooh I’m sure about to appreciate it...” Domina growled as she stepped over to the man and put her gentle hands on his masked face. She looked for all the world like she was about to eat him alive.

Instead, with a loud feminine howl, she turned on a dime, spinning her lithe body as she powered a devastating spin kick into the side of his head, hitting him with enough force so as to knock him right off the dollie and onto the floor, where he was sprawled out. That merciless, sudden shot definitely would’ve knocked me right the hell out if she hit me with it, but judging by the subtle moans that came from his mouth when she put a foot on his chest and dug her sharp heeled stiletto into his flesh, he was very much still awake.

He was tougher than me too… did she do that for the express purpose of testing that? To let me see one more shortcoming I had, even when compared to another sad sack? 

Domina bent down, showing me her incredible ass one again, as she tugged at the slave’s limbs, dragging him across the floor and positioning him in such a way that he was perfectly lined up with me with his feet facing my direction. I wasn’t sure why until she stood, lording over him, her body rhythmically ebbing and flowing like water, as if caught in a sexual trance, belly dancing for him…

Not for me, but… but for him…

And for him, she pulled off her panties, to show him her pussy. Something I’d never seen her do, something she told me I wasn’t good enough for. She pulled her panties down her powerful legs, stepped out of them and tossed them aside. 

I wanted to shut my eyes, but at the sight of her bare ass, I couldn’t. She’d let me see that much before but it was rare, and breathtaking all the same. I was so stricken by her body, so infatuated, that I watched even as what unfolded broke my heart for reasons I can’t even begin to fathom. She knelt down and… took him. She took his cock right inside her pussy, though she made sure that I couldn’t see it.

She went out of her way to make sure I couldn’t see her from the front as she fucked him. And my God, did she ever fuck him. She wasted no time thrusting him mercilessly, his cock stabbing deep inside her through her skillful movements, and she seemed to be having the time of her life, her moans a constant as they started slow and subtle but gradually rose in volume… 

“NNnnnggh yes… ohhhh yes...” she cried out, making damn sure I could hear her. “Not only does he have a real c-cock… but… he lasts so long… nnngh, Preemie would’ve already cum… so many times by now...”

As she said that, it had been about ten seconds. And she was probably right… I undoubtedly would’ve cum long before the lips of her sweet pussy made contact. 

After a few more moments of thrusting, Domina decided to twist another knife in my heart without a word just by stripping further… she reached down and grabbed the waistband of her corset and, without pausing her thrusts at all, managed to slowly peel off the leather until it was entirely above her head. She threw it off and continued on… I could see her entire back bared, and knew her breasts had been freed on the other side. They were so large that I could see the edges of them from behind as they bounced magnificently, but that was all… 

The only things she had on now were the knee-high black leather boots and matching leather opera gloves which went up to her elbows. I could only imagine the perfection, the beauty of her womanly chest, fully bared as she thrust powerfully and swiftly on that cock, a cock I wished so desperately were my own… I was so hurt, so jealous. I felt tears falling down my cheek, even as I questioned why, why I would feel this way about someone who’d done nothing but make me miserable. 

“Mmm, poor little thing, you look so lonely...” Veronica crooned into my ear. I’d almost forgotten she was there, that’s how focused on Domina I was. “Well don’t you worry little guy. While she’s taking him, I’ll be doing the same to you.”

Meekly I glanced over to her, a foolish hopefulness in my eyes as I pathetically sobbed, “R-Really…?”

She giggled, “Oh hell yeah! Trust me, you’re about to get fucked like you’ve never been fucked before...”

I think I actually caught my stupid self smiling as Veronica walked over to her trunk to pull out some sex toy to use on me. But my expression changed sharply when she turned around, wielding a strap-on. 

The fake plastic dick was pink, and looked to be about eight inches long and thicker than any actual penis I’d ever seen. She was quick to expertly tie it around her waist, giggling a bit as she saw the member protrude from her crotch as if it were her own.

“W-Wait...” I shuddered as she swiftly walked over to me, the toy dick bobbing comically. “H-Hold on, please, don’t...”

One hand cupped my mouth and the other firmly gripped my shoulder as she rammed her knee powerfully between my legs, smashing ruthlessly into my balls. As my scream was muffled by her palm, she hissed, “I never said you had a choice. I said I’m going to fuck you. Now keep your mouth shut before I snap your twig dick and rip off your raisin balls.”

My tears trailed onto her hand. She pulled it away and licked them off, before walking slowly behind me. I could do nothing but anticipate this, not even seeing as she teased my ass with the fake dick, letting me feel it’s size, before jamming it right up inside me without even the slightest hint of warning. I shrieked in anguish from this, it was a fresh new pain unlike any suffering I’d ever encountered before. 

My virgin asshole wasn’t even close to ready for this, stretched out furiously just by the penetration alone. And then the thrusting began… she grabbed my shoulders tightly for leverage as she stabbed that false member all the way inside me over and over, and I was howling in pain all the while, violated and humiliated on a whole new level.

And all the while there was Domina, a few feet away, giving another man the time of his life. And that was the only thing in my line of sight, the one thing I could see as Veronica tore into my backside. I found myself hoping that her buttfucking could somehow kill me, to spare me having to endure any more of this. 

My groans of agony seemed to sync up with Domina’s moans of lust… it was the first time I’d ever heard her sound that way and it occured to me that it would be the only situation where I might. And as she continued bounding up and down on that slave’s member, she reached back to grab the hair tie of her ponytail and pull it out. 

I hadn’t even thought about the fact that I’d never seen her with her hair down before. But she let it free here, and threw her head back and forth to let it fall down past her shoulders. Her hair was so beautiful, I never even noticed… luxurious and bounding like she was in a shampoo commercial. She threw her hair back wildly as she took that lucky son of a bitch into untold areas of pleasure.

Several minutes passed… several minutes of my pain and his pleasure. I’m sure he’d cum by that point, but it was hard to tell with how muffled his groans were. All the same he stayed hard enough for Domina to continue fucking his brains out, long after I know my dick would’ve wilted. Meanwhile Veronica was making me her utter bitch from behind.

I saw Domina lean down slowly, making sure never to remove her hips from their full torque position, putting her all into making love at all times… even as her chest slowly lowered onto his masked face. She was smothering him with her breasts, and letting those beautiful, enormous bare tits caress across his chest… why? Why couldn’t it have been me?

All I could do was watch as she took another man on the journey I wished so badly to go on… watch and try to focus entirely on her ass. And after a few more moments, a curious thing happened. My tiny little cock started to twitch…

I was bewildered. Even if I was seeing Domina’s naked form, the heartache alone should’ve been enough to defuse that, let alone the ass reaming I was receiving. There was no way… there was no way I enjoyed this… no way…

But all the same, I felt that slow build-up… a part of the sex act that was normal for anyone else but exceedingly rare for me. And then, like a wave of joy, it burst from me… somehow, some way, I came even harder than ever before. And miraculously, judging by her shudders, Domina came at the same time as me. 

We were both out of breath by the time we were done. For a moment, I was almost able to pretend we’d just made love ourselves… but the literal pain in my ass interrupted that thoroughly. Veronica slowed down but took her time, shimmying the false cock out of me. As she walked past me, she dropped the strap-on at my feet and gave me a casual backhand to the face, not even looking at me as she smacked me and moved on towards Domina and the slave. 

Meanwhile Domina slowly stood up, glancing down at the slave and cooing, “Ohh you were wonderful, stud… but you really need to be more faithful to your mistress.”

With that, she hopped up and delivered a devastating knee drop to the man’s groin, bashing his testicles with her bared, rock solid kneecap. He managed to bite his lip and not scream, even as his whole body buckled in pain. Domina stood, again with her back to me as she got dressed, not letting me see the glory of her body from the front.

As she finished getting dressed, Veronica stood above her slave, nodding, “She’s right… mommy’s very disappointed that you would sleep with another woman. You need to be reminded of who owns you.”

She grabbed the waistband of her leather pants and slid them down, revealing that she had nothing on underneath. Once again I wasn’t allowed to see a pussy, even as he got a literal faceful of one, as Veronica swiftly hopped onto his face, studiously grinding her pussy against his mouth.

Meanwhile Domina turned and walked over to me, our eyes locking as I gazed, heartbroken, upon my tormentor.

“And you… need to learn much the same. To think you would ever even dream of trifling with another.” she spoke, before her expression turned for the intrigue. “What’s this…? It seems you have something you want to say to me… hmhm, tell me little one, did you learn something from all this?”

“I… I…” I uttered as I gazed into those beautiful brown eyes, that gorgeous faced still framed by her voluminous hair. In that moment, I was convinced that I was in love.

But… I trailed off. I couldn’t accept that it was real. So I didn’t say it. Instead, I forced myself to look away, to keep myself from having that thought.

“Mmmm… what a shame.” Domina sighed. “I guess you still need a little more conditioning.”

Because I was looking away, I didn’t notice that she was kneeling down, or that she had grabbed the strap-on, not until she stood straight up and held it in front of my face.

“N-Noooo...” I croaked.

But before I could say anything else, she closed in to kiss me, plunging her tongue deeply down my throat. I could feel my dick twitch towards another climax, but it was cut off when she reached around and thrust the false dick back into my already battered asshole. She pulled the straps to ensure it was all the way in, as I screamed mightily into her passionately moaning mouth. 

As her tongue tangled with my own, she pulled the straps before me and put them together, right over my cock, just to show me that my dick was small enough to fit into the little openings that formed the clasp. The strap-on now permanently placed inside me, she put her hands to my face, continuing her deep, passionate kiss until I completed the climax… pleasure and pain swirling to the point of becoming interchangeable. 

Domina slowly removed her tongue from my mouth and sighed, “Well… hope you enjoy that. Veronica and I will be going out on a night on the town now. See you in a few hours, sweet little Preemie~”

I was speechless. Too wracked with agony and lust and confusion to understand what was happening, to even understand myself as Domina turned and walked towards Veronica, who finished up her smothering of her slave and pulled her pants up. She grasped him by the nuts and pulled him up to his feet, just to drag him onto the dollie and wheel him out. Domina turned and blew me a kiss, before shutting the door behind her, leaving me all to myself...


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