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I was in a lot of pain as I walked through the tunnel for my fourth match… outright limping, sore all over… but bizarrely, more than anything I was bothered by the heavy bobbing I felt in the front of my thin black trunks.

Despite all my agony, I had a blatant erection and I couldn’t fathom how that was the case. In truth, it had happened in each of my matches up to this point, though I didn’t feel the need to address it as it pertained to Parasoul… but this one just seemed ridiculous, I wasn’t even out there yet and it persisted.

It was an obvious one, too as it poked through the thin fabric. To make matters worse, my balls had swollen significantly from the bouts up to that point, far beyond their usual size. So a pretty clear outline of my entire genitals was visible at that point… there wasn’t really any hiding my shame anymore. 

Flashes of the past few bouts kept creeping into my mind… Filia’s ass, Cerebella’s breasts, Parasoul’s legs… how they looked, how they felt… and how easily they dominated me with them, took complete control of my body with their most feminine features. The thoughts hit me in waves and I had to literally shake them off.

Focus… just stay focused. Again, I had given up trying to win this tournament or any of the matches therein, I just wanted to get out of this thing alive… and with my sanity intact, if I could help it. But that was getting more difficult by the match as well… at this point, I truly had no idea what to expect from my next opponent. Some crazy giant weapon or a part of their body with a mind of it’s own… or perhaps they were secretly someone super famous. I had only my past three experiences to go off of…

But to my surprise, when I walked into that arena, I saw… nobody. It seemed I had arrived first this time, despite how slow I was walking. I limped out into the middle of the battlefield and glanced around, curious as to when my foe would arrive.

Suddenly, I felt what seemed to be somebodies’ back pressing up against mine as I heard an extremely seductive voice grace my ears, “Well now, you’re an easy one to sneak up on...”

I shrieked a bit as I jumped forward and turned around to see, of course, the incredible hourglass figure of a woman. From behind, she was already a knockout... she wore white hospital shoes, and had medical tape from her ankles all the way up to her calves, adorned at the top by two pink crosses. From her knees up to her thighs, her legs were bare… they nearly rivaled Parasoul’s and her ass was perhaps even thicker and rounder than Filia’s as her short skirt contorted nicely around it. It was a bit hard to tell though thanks to the napsack she had on her hip, which… seemed to hold a hacksaw?

As my gaze scanned upwards, it became clear she was actually wearing a nurse’s outfit, completed by the hat atop her head. She had long blue hair, tied into a large, sharp ponytail. I almost sighed at the realization… once again, I was up against a total knockout, no doubt about it, just seeing her from behind made that clear.

And then… she turned around.

The most obvious striking thing about her, from a polite standpoint anyway, was that her eye was that her mouth was covered by a surgical mask, which gave her a weird vibe of mystery… one of her eyes was also covered up by bandages, though she parted her bangs to cover that somewhat. Her visible eye was red and piercing with intensity… but all that wasn’t really the first thing I noticed.

No, the first thing I happened to see, by chance, was that the first several buttons of her nurse’s outfit were undone to reveal a gratioutous amount of cleavage, and she was rocking some truly enormous breasts, nearly outdoing even Cerebella. With just the motion of her turning around, they swung madly, looking for all the world like they were about to spring free from that tightly constraining top.

My jaw nearly hit the dirt at the sight of her… I was… stricken. I have to call a spade a spade, I was already incredibly horny, from purely natural urges, and just seeing her was almost too much to bear.

It was hard to tell from the mask, but it seemed like she was smiling as she gave me a knowing glance. I swear, she spoke with the most sensous voice I’d ever heard.“Hmph… then again, looks like you’re more of a lover than a fighter.”

She of course pointed right to my dick… it took her no time at all to notice my arousal and I was blushing as this took me out of my infatuated stupor. “Uh… w-well uh, would you believe that I’m… concealing a weapon?”

“No.” she chuckled. “If you had a weapon on you, I’m sure you’d have used it by now… you could’ve used all the help you could get earlier. All that floundering and flopping about… barely giving anyone a scratch.”

“O-Oh… you… saw my earlier fights, huh?” I groaned, my shoulders slumped.

“I saw enough.” She shrugged, before putting a gloved hand on my shoulder. “...Enough to realize that you’re in over your head. And you fight bravely anyway, even knowing you have no shot. It’s admirable, truly...”

“...Y-You think so…?” I asked, finding myself looking up at her a touch. Somehow it seemed like I’d grown shorter as the tournament went on.

“Yes… but you’ve been put through so much… you’re far beyond your pain threshold, even now, aren’t you? I can tell these things…” she explained, leaning in to gaze through my soul with a compassionate look in her eye. Were… were her pupils crosses…? “And I can tell that there’s no reason to hurt you further, little guy...”

A hand slowly drifted up to caress through my hair until she was gently holding the back of my head and pulling me in closer. “In fact… I think what you need right now is someone to nurse you back to health.” she whispered, as she pushed her chest against mine. I gasped openly at the sensation, her incredibly soft breasts pressing against my bared, sensitive pecs… my cock was twitching in my trunks already.

Now, I’m no pervert… but my hormones were driving me crazy in that moment and I’d been humiliated to the point of having very little dignity left to give up, so I basically didn’t care what the audience saw or what they thought of me by that point. I decided it was best to give in, much better than recieving another beating. 

So I shuddered my response, “Ohhh yes, please...”

Valentine giggled. “You know, my expertise in anatomy can make me very, very dangerous… I can target all the most fragile weakpoints of a body… but there’s a flipside to that. I also know how to bring out the wildest of pleasures~”

“P-P-PLEASE!” I croaked.

“Absolutely… just promise me one thing.” she noted as she backed a step away from me. “Close your eyes… and don’t open them until I say so… okay?”

I shut my eyes tight without a second thought. I didn’t care what she wanted to do to me, I was ready. And I couldn’t contain my dumb, gleeful smile as I heard the unmistakable sound of buttons being undone… complimented by the roar of the crowd. I gasped a little when I heard what sounded like her top being thrown to the wayside… and this was all but comfirmed when she pushed up against me again, and I felt absolutely nothing but bared titty… soft, smooth, jiggling and bouncing endlessly…

God help me, I wanted to open my eyes so badly and gaze upon them, to see if they looked as immaculate as they did in my imagination, but she urged, “Keep those eyes closed now, it’s very important to me… if you don’t disappoint, then neither will I~”

Yep, I kept ‘em shut. I heard a small rustle… her surgical mask being pulled away as she leaned in. I felt her lips against mine and welcomed her tongue as she went for a deep, french kiss… there was an interesting taste greeting my tongue as her own began to hug it, but she showed some remarkable skill and expertise. I can say without question that it was the most passionate kiss that I’d ever had.

I was moaning intently into her mouth as she explored my own… without any hesitation, I’d given myself to her in front of a crowd of spectators… I’d been pushed pretty far, no doubt about it. By the time I laid eyes on her, all I could really think about was how badly my cock needed a release. I’d have taken care of it between matches but my nuts staying so sore made it extremely difficult to try for.

Still, I knew then that I’d let Valentine handle my boys, no matter what shape they were in. I was smitten… completely taken in by her amazing feminine charms, her mysterious allure and… let’s face it, her incredible body, which continued to push intimately against me. I wanted that kiss to go on forever... 

Sadly, it didn’t. Eventually her tongue left my mouth and as she pulled her mask back on, she whispered, “You can open your eyes now.”

I did just that, to see what was undoubtedly a wicked smile hidden behind that thin white fabric. A sexy devilish one, I first thought, but then I tried to look down at her body and realized that… I couldn’t. My eyes worked fine but I… couldn’t tilt my head down. In fact, I couldn’t move my arms or legs either… I was so entranced by her kiss that I didn’t even realize that I’d become entirely paralyzed on my feet. 

Valentine grabbed my wrists and took my hands off her hips. They fell limp to my sides, entirely against my control. For a moment I wondered if I could even speak like this. I believe it was only because my mouth was still open that I was able to ask, “Wh-wh-what did you just do to me?!”

She seemed to be licking her lips as she answered, “Ohhh… I might’ve slipped you a little something… that has a minor side effect of taking away your motor functions, but don’t worry, it’s only temporary. It’ll wear off after fifteen minutes or so.”

“B-But why… would you do that?!” I groaned, trying not to panic.

She put a finger to my chest and slid it slowly down my torso and that alone was enough to make me moan. “Because it’s main effect is an extreme heightening of sensitivity.” she purred. “Now, everything I do to you will feel that… much… more… intense.”

My cock twitched again and she seemed to notice. Valentine had a little chuckle at this. “Oh, and that little side effect is actually pretty convenient.” she added, as she pulled her hacksaw from her napsack and held it up high enough that it was in my now very limited field of vision. “...Because if you could so much as flinch, this part would’ve gone really, really badly.”

With that, she slashed downwards… right down my crotch! I was petrified, my sexual life flashing before my eyes… but all I felt was the slight breeze as the front of my trunks had been sliced right through, and they fell cleanly from my body, exposing my erect cock and swollen balls to the world. Thank goodness for her surgical precision… the slightest innaccuracy could’ve easily resulted in my wholesale castration with a move like that.

“Hmhmhm...” she lightly chuckled, as she gazed at my member. “Ohhh this will be a whole lot of fun… now, if you don’t mind… lie down for me.”

She gave me a gentle shove to the chest and that was more than enough to push me to the dirt, forcing me onto my back. Which… hurt a fair bit, given my sensitivity, but I was much more focused on my fear boner at that point.

From down there, I could finally see her bared breasts… only to frustratingly find that they weren’t quite bare. She wore tiny red strips of medical tape that just barely covered her areolas… still, that was ALL that was covered, and without a doubt, those tits were every bit as wonderful as they appeared, jiggling madly now with her every slight motion.

“Don’t look glum, honey… the more you’re teased first, the better it’ll feel. Trust me… I know these things.” she assured me. “And besides… you’ll be much too engrossed in the act itself soon to worry about anything else~”

She let me watch as she reached down beneath her skirt and slowly pulled her panties down… she held them up in her hand, spinning them on her finger for a bit before tossing them onto my chest with a come hither smile. Of course I couldn’t come hither, but I could sure as hell cum… atleast as far as I knew.

Teasingly she left the skirt itself on… but knowing she didn’t have anything underneath it now was quite the revelation. Especially as she knelt down onto my body… she pulled the backside of her skirt up so as to sit her bare ass onto my bruised abdomen… it hurt wonderfully… it was so unbelievably smooth and tender to the touch, rippling yet firm… that alone almost brought me to a release, which she seemed to be aware of judging by my intensifying moans.

Just before I would’ve blown my load, she rose her ass off of me. “Oh no, not yet… do try to contain yourself until the climax… believe me, it’ll be worth it~”

Valentine inched herself back until her crotch hovered just over my awaiting pecker. Though I couldn’t move, my body still tensed on it’s own as I was mesmerized with anticipation… shuddering at the very thought of what such a perfectly built woman’s pussy might feel like as it hugged my throbbing member.

“Hooooh… it’s been so long since I’ve taken a man inside me… but I still know exactly how to do it, trust me on that.” she quivered. “I’m about to light your goddamn world aflame...”

She lurched up, then plunged down. Like a machine, a piston engine, she began thrusting up and down at a wicked pace, her breasts bouncing ludicrously, a sight to behold. She threw her head back and moaned furiously as her pussy went to work… but there was just one small problem. 

She made no contact with my cock whatsoever.

It was easily the most frustrating experience of my life, sexually or otherwise. There was, thrusting like she was giving someone the fucking of a lifetime, but stopping just short of actually touching the head of my penis everytime. With my heightened sensitivity, I knew it’d be the best sex of my life, if only it actually reached me…

If only I could’ve bucked my hips forward a little, I could’ve entered her anytime, but my paralysis saw fit to prevent that. Believe me, I was putting my all into it, it was not for lack of trying. 

Exasperated, I asked, “Wh-what are you doing?! You’re… just humping the air!”

“Hm…?” she asked, slowing to a stop. “Huh… yeah, something about that didn’t feel right, it’s true. Odd, usually when I do this, the man beneath me is losing their minds and so am I… I wonder, what...”

She droned off and looked at my groin. As though she’d only just realized something obvious, she smacked her head. “Ohhh, of course! Ah, why didn’t I think of that sooner...”

Valentine rose up to a standing position and seemed to rear a leg back. “...It’s because your dick is too damn SHORT!” she yelled as she delivered a ruthless punt to my balls. 

I squealed, immediately crying, as this was like the shots Parasoul gave me times a hundred. The force was comperable, but thanks to whatever damn serum she snuck into me, the pain was unbelievable. This was the tenth shot to my testicles I’d taken that night, but nothing else even came close to comparing. Tears flowed down my cheeks… and that seemed to be all I could do as I couldn’t even curl up into a ball.

“Yeah, it makes sense now.” she continued, casually, as if she hadn’t just given me a ballbusting from Hell. “If your dick was just, yannow, average length, that would’ve gone much differently… but you’re just not big enough for the game I’m rockin’... oh well.”

“Wh-wh-wh-WHY?!” I croaked. “I thought… y-you… nggh… wh-why do… all you girls… want to bust my balls?!”

“Oh trust me, little guy, after I’m done with you, you’ll have a completely different definition of ‘busted balls’... what they did to you won’t even be in the same category.” she warned. 

Valentine reached down to grab my testicles, painfully squeezing as she used them and only them to pull me up, yanking them tortuously until she’d somehow forced me to my feet. She grabbed me by the hips and, showing off some deceptive power, raised me up in the air as she planted her leg beneath my pelvis. She yanked me down out of the air and forced me to crashland, nutsfirst on her bared kneecap. And as I croaked, she moved her knee back and proceeded to slam it powerfully into my groin.

My suffering had reached a zenith I never thought possible, and cruelly, when she let go of me… I was somehow standing. The true horror of my situation donned on me, I couldn’t so much as fall to the ground as even the reflexes that would usually trigger that in times like this had been disabled. I wasn’t falling unless she wanted me to fall… and from the vicious look in her eye, I could tell she didn’t want me to fall for a while.

“So you wanna know why I’m doing this, hm?” she asked, knowing that I was too wracked with pain to speak at the moment. “I’ll tell you… it’s because, like I said, I watched your fights. I watched how pathetic you were and saw how you didn’t belong here. And I realized that you weren’t gonna win a single match… and that’s a problem for me.”

She reared her leg back and delivered a ferocious kick, her taped shin threatening to obliterate my further swelling nuts. She made a passing attempt at talking my over my anguished whimpers, “You see, turns out, we’re I’ve only lost one fight in this tournament so far. But the person I lost to can say the same thing. Which means she has the tiebreaker over me, putting her atop the standings. And in the final round… she’s set to face you.”

Valentine reared her fist back and leaned down to send a ruthless punch right into my balls… and then another, and another, continuing to pummel them as she spoke calmly, only the slightest twinge of effort in her voice. “If she were facing literally anyone else in this tournament, even a half-decent fighter, I might have a shot of winning this thing. If she lost in the last round, I’d be a win away from the grand prize… but that’s not happening. Because you’re nothing but a free win. And nothing was ever going to change that.”

Like clockwork, she was a true ballbusting phenom as she twirled around, hiked up her skirt to mockingly show me her glorious ass just long enough to shoot it backwards, blasting me in the scrotum with her thick, supple cheeks. As I cried out in mourning for my poor testicles, she gyrated her hips in a circular motion, grinding her backside all the more deeply into my manhood as she kept on railing on me.

“It’d be one thing if you somehow beat me and cost me the tournament that way, but no. Because you’re such a fucking PUSSY, that’s why I’m going to lose!” she hissed, driving her beautiful ass even further into my groin.

She removed her ass from my crotch and turned to face me. “So yeah, consider this my thank you!”

Valentine vaulted upwards, showing incredible athleticism as she fired off a flurry of mid-air snap kicks into my testicles, hitting once, twice, thrice, four times before she landed. She finished with a spinning roundhouse kick, showing perfect aim as her foot blasted me in the side of the plums… I was certain they’d go flying from the impact. I almost wished that they had…

“And to think a puny man like you thought I was interested in messing around with him...” she scoffed as she grabbed my wrist, a tight, vice grip. “You’ll pay for your weakness with your balls!”

She performed a judo throw that flipped me over her head and slammed me roughly onto my back, making sure to keep hold of my wrist. Glancing up, as she rose a leg high up into the air, I got my first glimpse of her beautiful, naked pussy… but it wasn’t quite worth the ruthless axe kick I recieved, which saw her heel bury itself into my genitals.

Valentine stepped away for a moment, just letting me stew in my pained misery. All I’d done for the last couple of minutes was scream and cry, and my throat was getting hoarse. Still, I couldn’t move, denied even the courtesy of assuming the fetal position. As I saw her step around me and stand between my splayed legs, I eventually managed to sputter, “I’m s-s-sorryyy...”

“No you’re not.” she curtly replied as she knelt down and took hold of my balls. “But you’re sure as hell about to be.”

She pulled with unbelievable power, yanking my whole lower body up into the air. Squeezing with malice, she used my nuts like a handle to twist my body until I was lying on my front. I sorta recognized the position my body was being put in as similar to that of a Boston Crab. But whereas usually the hold sees someone grab your legs… she held only my testicles, as she wrenched back, actually bending over backwards herself with some impressive flexibility. She pulled my balls so hard and so far out that my own body was contorted, my legs forced back until my heels were damn near atop my head. 

My scrotum was stretched so far that I was amazed it didn’t come ripping right off. I think she knew the exact tearing point herself and kept me just from the brink of it, maximizing pain without risking a swift end to my torture. And boy it sure as hell didn’t get a swift end, I was in that hold for what felt like hours.

The crowd had at first laughed at me again, equal parts amused and disgusted with my antics, and they found humor in seeing me be decieved. But before long, the atmosphere turned uncomfortable as they knew what they were witnessing was something I’d like to think no human being deserved to be put through.

Valentine didn’t say a word for the longest time, having already said what she wanted me to know, I suppose. She just silently continued with my punishment until, finally, I started to be able to wriggle my fingers. Long after my voice had left me, perhaps permanently and long past the point where I felt my nuts would ever function again, I was able to reach out and weakly slap the dirt, my sign of submission. 

If I could’ve, I’d have tapped out after the very first shot below the belt… but she managed to extend my misery deep into uncharted waters of pain. But finally, the match was over, and she let go of my balls, letting my lower body fall to the ground where I curled up into a ball of pure defeat. My balls had never been more blue, let alone black and blue… and the though the paralysis wore off, I still knew I wasn’t going to be standing under my own power anytime soon.

Valentine took a few steps away, knelt down and picked up her panties, which had fallen from my chest after she’d pulled me up earlier. “...I feel better now. But I do feel bad about your gear. So here… to hide your shame.”

She went down and pulled her panties up my legs, forcing them over my damaged groin. My swollen balls spilled from the skimpy underwear, though my dick was just barely covered. That got some laughs back from the spectactors, as well as out of my tormentor.

With that, she turned and left, leaving me to dread whatever was going to come next. To have to have another ‘fight’ seemed completely unreasonable… and it was against someone who had managed to beat the woman who just put me through a hell unlike anything I’d ever imagined.

Before long, attendants came to scrape me off the ground and towed me backstage, where I had no choice but to await what would almost certainly be the end of the line for me...


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