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To say I was stunned would be a massive understatement. I could hardly believe my eyes. Finding out that Cerebella was the same performer from the circus that I’d seen before was nothing compared to this…

The woman before me… she didn’t just have the name. She looked exactly like Parasoul. She sounded like Parasoul when she introduced herself. She walked and moved like her… surely it had to be some sort of dedicated impersonator, but frankly it seemed too uncanny to be a fake… it was spot on to the point of absurdity.

I’d seen her on TV plenty of times, as I’m sure we all have. The Princess of our Canopy Kingdom, the jewel of the Renoir family, the current ruler in place of her missing father, King Franz. It’s safe to say I knew her face very well, and… and, uh, the rest of her too… and somehow the woman before perfectly fit my recollection.

The crimson red hair, straight and long with a large bang that hid one of her stoic, yellow eyes… she had on the same skintight, long sleeved black shirt with the white upside down cross symbol just above her large, perky, perfectly outlined breasts. And she had the trademark black leather miniskirt as well, which only barely covered her hips. As was the norm for Parasoul, her legs were otherwise entirely bare, all the way down to her black high heeled slip-on shoes. 

Of course she had her famed umbrella as well. Black with jagged, metallic spikes at it’s edge, and adorned with odd yellow orbs. She never went anywhere without it and the word always was that it was some sort of trick umbrella that was actually a covert, high-powered rifle or something like that. There’s said to only be one of it’s kind, though obviously, a lot of people have taken to selling duplicates for that sweet royal merch money. Still, hers looked awfully authentic...

Hell, those legs even looked just like hers too… not that I’d, spent a lot of time staring at the princesses’ legs or anything, but they were always pretty memorable in their toned, curvaceous shapeliness… a cap off to her hourglass figure. Honestly, I never thought any woman out there had legs as nice as Parasoul’s…

Could it be…? Was she really… her? The crown princess herself… fighting in this dingy arena? What on Earth would drive her to do something like that? It seemed ludicrous to think it was true, but it almost seemed like more of a stretch to think such a perfect double of her existed in the world.

“...Are we going to fight, or do you intend on staring at my legs all night?” she asked, in her usual direct, authoritative manner. “Not that I ask for special treatment, but most would provide their ruler with a little more respect than that.”

“Uh… uh, I, uh...” I stammered, embarrassed to have been caught staring. Undoubtedly, she had the wrong idea about me; as has been established, I am no pervert. “D-Don’t think you can trick me! There’s no way you’re really her! You’re not… you’re not the real Parasoul, there’s no way!”

She nodded. “A fair bit of skepticism. And I suppose it doesn’t really matter too much either way… but just so we’re clear...”

From God knows where, she pulled out a walkie talkie and murmured something into it, too quietly for me to hear from that distance. She put it back and simply waited for a moment, as did I… 

I heard them a few seconds before I saw them. I looked up into the night sky and my jaw nearly hit the floor as I saw the helicopters buzzing overhead… a number of Black Egrets, the gasmask wearing elite royal guard could be seen looking down at me. Trepidatiously I looked down at the woman who’d summoned them. She wasn’t even glancing towards the choppers… she just looked dead at me, her luscious red hair billowing among the wind that’d been kicked up by the propellers. 

“...My God, you really are her.” I gasped.

She nodded and waved off the Egrets, who swiftly made their leave. “...May we get started now?” she asked, as she donned a wide-legged fighting stance, wielding her umbrella like a fencer might a rapier. 

Looking down that wicked hook at it’s tip… was more than little discomforting, to say the very least. I saw fit to put my hands up and croak, “W-Wait, hold on! I’m… I’m unarmed, I wasn’t even aware that you were allowed to bring weapons into this tournament. And… I don’t think I could stand up to that thing, I-I’m pretty sure it would kill me...”

She glanced down at her weapon and cocked her head. “Mmm, yes. It does seem a little unfair, and I didn’t come here to kill anyone. Perhaps I should take this time to practice my hand-to-hand skills instead…”

In a showy display, Parasoul spun her umbrella before planting it into the ground, it’s hooked end stabbing into the dirt and keeping it in place. She proceeded to walk calmly towards me and donned another, similar stance… her legs spread wide, her palm outstretched towards me as she swiveled her hips towards me.

I was… really about to fight the princess of the Canopy Kingdom. It was surreal… I had seen some bizarre feats already from my opponents, but this… this made it clear, more than anything, that I didn’t belong there in the slightest.

I was so shocked that I struggled to get my hands up but she just stood there, waiting patiently. I remembered her mantra when she spoke about undoing the wars that her father had started… her declaration that their kingdom would never again be the first to strike, and it seems that this rang true in her personal fighting style as well.

After taking a deep breath, I cautiously swung a punch towards her face, hoping I didn’t get labeled a terrorist for it… I was almost thankful when she easily ducked my attack. Her counterstrike made me think otherwise though… she’d sprung her foot up into a wicked high kick, nailing me right under the chin with the sole of her shoe. 

If there was any more doubt that she was the real deal, this attack sealed it. Her legs were not only famed for their appearance, but also their incredible flexibility and she’d wasted no time in showing that off to me. They were powerful too, that kick was more than enough to send me sprawling onto my back. 

I was holding my jaw, adjusting it as I looked up at her and saw that cool, steely determination in her eyes. It let me know she wasn’t about to hold back and that if I wanted to have a prayer, I would follow her lead.

So I scrambled up and charged forward to try and tackle her, but with the greatest of ease she hopped up over my hunched up form and actually delivered a wicked double foot stomp into the small of my back that landed me facefirst in the dirt.

She was quick, mobile and hit hard… the fight had not started well for me. But similar to Filia before, she did little to follow up, simply waiting me for to get back to my feet and try again. I turned to her… she hadn’t broken stance at all and her expression hadn’t changed. She didn’t crack a smile for her triumph or laugh at my weakness… it almost seemed like she didn’t care that she was kicking my ass.

Parasoul was of course known for her composure, but for some reason, when on the battlefield with her, it made fighting her all the more frustrating. I took another deep breath, knowing that I needed to stay calm.

This time, I aimed a kick at her midsection… but she caught it with ease, and her counter was swift and precise, a sweeping side kick that nailed me in the quad. For a split second it felt like that leg had lost all usability, numbed for just a moment… I collapsed to the ground, holding it, and felt thankful that the sensation passed swiftly.

“Hm… so that technique does work.” she noted, clearly talking to herself. “I’ve never been able to actually hit it before, it’s typically too easy to avoid. But I suppose it can be useful against… certain foes.”

She was almost sugarcoating it enough, but I could read between the lines enough to see what she was really saying. Most people she’d practiced against were far more competent fighters than me. It was around that time that my anger finally eclipsed my nervousness. 

My ego had already taken a sound beating that night and the last thing it needed was a further thrashing. And once the awe of seeing her there had begun to wear off, it occured to me that if I could somehow defeat her, I’d become famous for my skills! 

With rising enthusiasm, I sprang up to my feet and delivered a feint towards her face. I waited for her to duck to dodge it, and this time, sent a knee spiralling right into her lowering head. I thought for sure I’d managed to catch her, but I didn’t see her put her hand up in front of her face… she’d managed to catch my knee. 

Once again, she’d captured one of my legs as she stood straight up, leaving me hopping up and down comically on my planted foot for a moment. She proceeded to leap up and perform an acrobatic spin, her whole body twirling into a mid-air roundhouse kick that saw her powerful shin blast the side of my head.

As she gracefully landed on her feet, I went down like a sack of bricks… at which point it occured to me that maybe superstardom would have to wait. Honestly I was too drowsy for a good few seconds after that to tell you what was on my mind.

To my shock, I turned to see her kneel beside me. But she wasn’t looking to attack me while I was down, rather she grabbed my wrist and wrapped my arm around her neck. My hand came uncomfortably close to grazing her breasts as she used her powerful legs to effortlessly lift me up to my feet. I looked like a wounded soldier being aided off the battlefield, my weight supported on her shoulder…

Delicately, she helped me settle onto my feet and stood across from me. You couldn’t knock the sportsmanship, but it seemed a little overboard to me, how dedicated she was to this counter-attacking policy. On shaky legs, I put my fists up, trying to think of some way past her nigh on impenetrable guard.

Slowly, I approached as she, again, just patiently waited. I wanted to condition her to that slowness, before lunging towards her, again looking to tackle her, my hands outstretched towards her shoulders. 

This time, her counter was one I couldn’t have guessed… she leaped up into the air and coiled her long legs around me, her thighs clenching my sides as her shins locked atop each other. I was brought down to the ground, lying suggestively on top of her as her legs set about crushing my ribs.

I groaned and hollered in agony as she put an intense squeeze on me. Even as I found myself screaming, she didn’t break eye contact… looking on disinterested, like my pain meant absolutely nothing to her.

Clutching at her legs, I did my best to pry them off, but the feel of them only reminded me of how powerful and steely they were… in spite of how soft and smooth to the touch her skin was… and in spite of the soft nylon that was pressing against my bared abdomen, which I realized swiftly had to have been the front of her panties…

As I struggled, Parasoul casually adjusted herself until she was on her side, one of her legs now played across my stomach as the other dug into my back. They continued to squeeze intensely, as if trying to meet in the middle. The pressure was unreal and I was certain my already weakened ribs were going to absolutely shatter.

Frankly I was about ready to submit at the start of this, but as the pressure mounted, she leaned in to whisper into my ear. “Don’t tap out yet… I have more I want to try out first. I’ll release the hold in just a few seconds...”

“Wh-wha…?!” I croaked, barely having the air to argue.

Parasoul reached down with her hands, grabbing her own legs and pulling them even closer together, like a sensuous knot around my midsection. I heard a distinct little crack, just before she let me go, allowing me to roll around, writhing and screaming and sputtering…

Her words made something very apparent to me in that moment. When she said she was looking to ‘practice’ hand-to-hand combat, she meant it very literally. She didn’t look at this as a fight, or me as an opponent… she was treating me like a training dummy! 

I was outraged as I forced my way up, looking at her as she stood there, forever displaying a quiet confidence. It made so many people look up to her, idolize her… and I was one of them in most circumstances, but here, it was truly pissing me off. Not only was I not an equal to her on the battlefield, but she didn’t even seem to consider me a true fighter at all! 

I was in a bit of a blind rage as I dashed towards her, and unsurprisingly, that didn’t work out. She simply thrust her knee forward and caught me in the stomach. Her bared kneecap proved extremely powerful as it buried itself into my abdomen, my fairly tight core turned soft and flabby and bruised in an instant.

This was enough to cause me to fall to me knees in pain, pathetically grasping my stomach and groaning a high pitched mewl. “D-Damn you...”

“Excuse me, I must see if this hold is effective as well.” she noted as she stepped up behind me. “Try your best to escape for me.”

She once again wrapped a leg around me, this time the back of her thigh pressing into my throat as she grabbed her shin and pulled it closer to her. With but one leg she was absolutely choking the life out of me… I grabbed at her leg, groping and grasping all over but all I got out of it was the lovely sensation of how it felt in my hand…

Her lower body was clearly far more powerful than my whole body combined, that much had been established. After some struggling, she seemed satisfied that I was never getting out unless she allowed it… and so, she did. Her leg uncoiled and I once more collapsed facefirst into the dirt, gasping for breath.

Once again, the crowd was clearly on the side of my opponent… I mean of course, everyone loved the princess. Atleast this time they weren’t laughing at me, nobody expected me to do any better against someone like her. But… that really only stung all the worse. A beating like this was EXPECTED of me…? How low had I sunken…?

Winning seemed out of the question at that point, but I had to atleast salvage some kind of dignity, save some face and get some offense in. So I pushed myself up to my feet and again approached her. I aimed a limp punch towards her face and again she easily avoided it, by simply backing up.

Her next move was perhaps the most humiliating I’d ever had to endure, and after Cerebella, that’s saying something. She performed two phantom spin kicks, that seemed to miss me completely, as though stopping short… but then, her slip-on shoes slipped right off, and hurtled towards me. One landed in my face, the other my groin… the leather toes striking with bizarrely stinging force.

If the lack of laughter bothered me, this attack did well to ward that away as they were certainly cackling at me as I went down to my knees, groaning in pain from this casual, whimsical assault that somehow got my eyes to water a bit. And yet, even this didn’t get Parasoul to eek out a grin, gazing me with as deathly serious a stare as ever. 

I’d truly been humiliated, and all I could do to cope was turn that shame into rage. I slammed my fist against the ground as I shoved my way up and made my way towards my now barefoot princess. Anger egged me on as I swung wildly, swiping attacks towards her face, trying for a combination of blows.

She looked almost casual as she backpedalled out of the range of my arms time and again, and hopped up above yet another attempt to grapple her. After seemingly boring of avoiding blows, she finally struck back… a poorly thought out double fist to the face was of course ducked, and I looked down in time to see her on her back with her legs bent at the knees.

The blatant flash of her ass and panties was short-lived, as her legs sprung forward, the balls of her feet slamming harshly into my wounded stomach, deepening my bruises. This doubled me over, just as she swiftly pulled her feet away only to catch my lowering face with two, almost tauntingly light jabs of her feet, each heel pounding into my face in succession. But even her weakest of blows proved enough to stagger me, reversing my momentum and forcing me to stumble backwards.

In one fell motion, Parasoul sprung up from the ground to her feet and advanced on me, leaping up and going upside down to deliver a wicked Helicopter Kick. Gravity of course caused her skirt to fall inside out briefly, and save for the surprisingly thin panties, she was all but nude from the waist down as her legs spun like a powerful propeller. Her bare feet caught my cheeks once, twice, thrice, four, nay, five times before she finished her assault.

With the grace of a ballerina, she twirled around to right side up, and landed daintily on her tiptoes whilst I was, of course, sprawled out on the ground, having no Earthly idea where I was or even who I was in that moment. There was really no disputing it… I’d become the princesses’ personal kickpad. 

For once she did follow up on this, albeit gently. She stepped forward and simply planted a foot on my chest. Once I had the wherewithal to try and get up, I grabbed at her ankle and looked to dislodge it, but it didn’t budge… all she was doing was pressing her foot firmly upon my torso and that was more than enough to effectively pin me to the ground, I couldn’t do anything!

Never had I been so stunned by own inaducacy. With her legs, no, just her feet alone truly, she’d completely emasculated me… I was already her subject, but I truly felt it in that moment. I was but a peasant, doomed to serve under her foot for the rest of my life… d-doomed… yeah… doomed to be under her, just gazing up at her feminine dominance. 

Up her overpowering, toned, long shapely legs… up to her strong yet cushiony thighs, her immaculate, round hips… to that sweet white nylon that barely concealed her womanhood. They were truly heavenly, statueesque legs even as her planted one rose and bent, before lowering right towards my… oh.

I was brutally brought out of my temporary, and incredibly rare stupor when she delivered a devastating knee drop to my testicles. My whole body buckled as I bolted up, shrieking, forced to come face to face with her. Her knee was still buried in my balls as she looked into my eyes… she showed no anger in her voice as she demanded, “Stop staring at my crotch.” and then casually rose up to her feet.

She stepped off of me, allowing me to hold my freshly aching balls… they were always sensitive, even moreso after my first two fights, but that was easily the hardest shot below the belt I’d ever taken. I had to check and make sure I had still had them both as she stood back, her arms crossed as she patiently waited for me to get back up.

At that point, I was trying my best not to cry as I somehow got back to a standing position after a full minute or three. I was practically limping as I approached her yet again and went for a half-hearted grapple. Before I could touch her, of course, she lashed out, with a snap kick to my shin that took my right leg out from under me and forced me to one knee on the ground. My head was hung low, in perfect place for her next move.

She kicked a leg high up into the air, again showing off her flexibility as her toes were just about touching the crown of her head, before she brought her bare foot down with true authority, her heel smashing powerfully into the back of my head and burying my face an inch or so into the dirt.

At this point she knew I wasn’t getting up anytime soon, so once again she came down to assist me, if you can call it that… she pulled me up to my feet and pushed me towards the arena wall, which I didn’t even realize we’d drifted so close to. Using that to prop myself up, I was able to stand… technically. 

Parasoul tentatively approached me, once again trying to goad me into striking first. I truly didn’t want to at that point, but I’d resigned myself to my fate and just hoped she’d finish me before much longer. Against my better judgment, I aimed a punch at her face. She not only ducked this, but went down to the ground to perform a picture perfect legsweep, spinning like a breakdancer as her powerful leg kicked through my calves and tripped me right onto my backside.

As she finished the spin, she kicked herself back up to her feet and launched a front stomp aimed towards my face. I screamed as I saw it coming, and the result saw her foot go right into my mouth. Forced to taste her toes, even this didn’t get the slightest reaction out of her stone cold face… she couldn’t have intended for it to happen, but it’s safe to say she ran with it, plunging her foot even deeper as though she’d just discovered some incredible new self-defense technique. 

She didn’t stop until my head was pressed against the arena barrier thanks to this… and then, she began to raise her leg up. She was truly showing off the strength she contained in her legs now as slowly but surely my ass left the dirt, and my body found itself rising in the air… held up by nothing but her foot in my mouth.

It was just about halfway in, and it’s safe to say I wasn’t going to be tasting anything else for a while. And I was helpless to do anything but experience it as my back slid against the wall and I rose higher and higher.

It took some time for her lengthy leg to reach it’s peak height… and naturally, long before that happened, her skirt was pulled up by her mighty thigh and I could see everything once again. Not wanting the same treatement I recieved last time, I had to struggle to keep from gazing at her panties… not because of any dirty reasons of course, but because from that perspective, I frankly had little else to do but look!

Just as she had fully extended her leg, I heard a chirping sound… and she pulled out the same walkie talkie that she’d used earlier to summon her Black Egrets. She turned her head away and firmly stated, “Talk to me.”

To my shock, she had practically taken a phone call whilst in the middle of this already humiliating display. Whilst her foot continued to grind against my tongue, she listened intently. Finally I saw a bit of change in her expression as her eyes wided ever so slightly. “A terrorist attack…? In New Meridian? Which street?”

Suffice to say I was stunned at what I was hearing, but it didn’t do much to quell how shameful this whole thing was for me. My legs dangled pathetically as I kicked and groaned to try and fight my way out of this position. Parasoul just continued listening. “...I see. Yes, okay, I’ll be there ASAP. ETA 15 minutes.”

She glanced towards me as she put her walkie talkie away. “My apologies, I have to cut this short.”

Parasoul pulled her foot from my mouth and let me drop. Somehow I landed on my feet, though on shaky knees. In that next split second, I truly came to wish that I hadn’t…

With power and speed I’d yet to have actually seen from her, she rocketed her leg up between my own, the top of her foot blasting into my balls with enough force to lift me a few inches back up into the air. And before I even landed again, before I could even realize what just happened to me, she alternated legs and delivered another one, snap kicking me in the groin, the balls of her foot blasting me square in the testicles.

I let out a blood curdling howl as I sank to my knees… I’d never been in that much pain before, no doubt about it. I wanted to just curl up into a little ball, but I wasn’t even allowed that luxury. Parasoul went down with me, sliding in front of me. She coiled her legs directly around my head, her thighs squishing my cheeks, her calves digging into my cranium… and my face now buried into her crotch.

It was… um… I can’t describe it in a way that doesn’t sound perverted, but for a moment, it was really nice… soft and warm as my nose buried itself into her panties and… and I swear I could feel her clit start to hug it as well…

That was before the pressure was put on. Her legs squeezed with intensity I never knew possible. It was then that it became crystal clear, that in spite of how easily she’d been beating me senseless, she had been holding back. Hell, the way she fought me, letting me get back up time and again should’ve clued me into that… if she wanted to finish me off in seconds, she absolutely could’ve.

I really was good for nothing but sparring practice. And as low as I’d sunken, I suppose I should’ve felt honored to be that much… that’s the thought that went through my head as my oxygen depleted at a rapid rate. 

Within seconds, I’d passed out in her pussy.

Once again I had to be forcibly awoken backstage, but it wasn’t until a half hour later that I actually got my mental faculties about me. From what I’d understood, in that timeframe, Parasoul had somehow traveled to New Meridian, helped quell the terrorist threat, and made her way back to finish the tournament. Once more, it was blatently apparent that I had zero business fighting these women...

My whole body was officially in dire pain at that point, I could barely even walk. My head was killing me at that point, my ribs hurt from just taking too deep a breath, my balls had swollen… I was a wreck. And somehow, I had two more fights left to go.

Winning this tournament was officially impossible. In fact, finishing 0-5 looked inevitable at that point. Honestly, just escaping with my life seemed like the best case scenario, as I wasn’t certain I’d be able to survive another quote-on-quote fight like that.

Unlike my last two matches, I definitely had never heard of my next opponent before. All I knew was that it was a lady named Valentine. As the bout approached, I found myself just hoping she was the merciful type...


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