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On the plus side, I had plenty of time to recover before my next match, as I sat there alone in my own personal locker room. I couldn’t watch the fights from there but I did hear them… they were loud and absurd, full of screaming and explosions… it got me truly wondering what the hell I was in for.

Still, it seemed like my opponents were having much longer and more draining matches than I’d just had. So everyone would go into round 2 a little more worn down than me… except for Filia, of course, who I had to send into the next round practically untouched. Oh well…

My nuts were still a little sore as I got up to head out into the arena into the next match, but all in all, I guess I was lucky that it didn’t last too long. Apparently my next opponent went by the name Cerebella. Definitely some curious names in this tournament, although… I couldn’t help but think that one sounded a little familiar...

You can imagine my shock when I saw her there, and it all came back to me. I’d like to tell you I recognized her by her face, but well…

Cerebella was a girl with a unique look to say the least. She had on an orange minidress with black triangle patterns, matching leggings that went up to her luscious hips, and… a similarly matching hat, that was absolutely enormous. It looked like it was made up of two exaggeratedly huge, muscular arms. And even more surreal, they moved as if they were real!

But even that’s not what caught my eye. Her bright blue hair with two bangs that nicely framed her cute face, itself adorned with a little purple diamond tattoo on her cheek, matching eyeshadow and bright blue lipstick… also isn’t what I first saw as she walked in. No… my eyes immediately locked onto her enormous bouncing breasts, only halfway covered by her outfit. They were the biggest I’d ever seen… and I’d actually seen them before. 

Cerebella was the huge star of the nearby circus, Cirque des Cartes. What she actually did, I couldn’t tell you, because I was staring at her tits the whole time, having a wonderful view from high up in the cheap seats. They were sadly the only thing I really recognized, I was focused on them and their unstoppable jiggle so much that I missed her actual act. 

I guess I sound like a real lech saying that, but it’s not the case at all, honest… I just, have a weakness for big tits, is all. 

And man did she have them… just like I was back at that circus, I was there slackjawed gazing at that immense cleavage. I barely registered that she was waving her hand around. “Uh… hello? Are you there?” she asked, to no response.

She glanced down to follow my line of suit. “What is it? Is there something on my tits…?” she asked, taking a moment to caress them, as if wiping them off. This damn near forced a moan of ecstasy out of me. She seemed to notice this and then snickered as she gave herself a slap on the forehead. “Pfft… oh wow, that was a little dumb of me to ask. Sorry, sometimes I forget how much people like ‘em.”

Why she would apologize for something like that I couldn’t tell you, though I’m glad she was so casual about it. At the time I couldn’t even process that much, though… they really had me in a bit of a trance. 

“Heh, I shouldn’t forget, really. I mean, I call ‘em the Crowdpleasers, ‘cause uh… well, just watch.” she began to explain, before simply turning around and taking a bow with a showman’s flourish. The adoring audience on that half of the arena were absolutely elated, a rousing response as they no doubt received a great glimpse down her blouse. I myself got a pretty nice look at how fine her ass was but… my heart sank to know she was giving that view to them and not me.

I must’ve shown that disappointment on my face too. When she turned around she gave me a knowing smirk, shaking her head before thankfully giving another bow, facing me this time. Of course, the crowd behind me went wild and I might’ve started cheering too if I weren’t so slack-jawed, stunned at the beautiful view of her incredible cleavage. 

Cerebella stood straight up quickly, and that was enough to have them swing upwards and bounce heavily. The sight of it damn near brought me to my knees. 

“Soo… are you ready to get going?” she asked. “Because uh, dunno if you’re aware, but this is supposed to be a fight.”

She donned her fighting stance, which thankfully involved her hunching over in something of a wrestling pose. She bobbed slightly from side to side with her hands at the ready, and her tightly constrained, barely contained tits found themselves swinging along with this. Even as she approached, clearly looking to get the fight going, I was just staring, hypnotized, entirely motionless…

I didn’t really see what her opening move was due to this, and frankly even if I did, I doubt I would’ve been able to process it. Before I knew it, I felt a tight grip all around my torso, like I was being held by the hand of a giant. I was stunned to feel my feet rise off the ground… I looked down to again to see Cerebella’s smiling face as one of the comically huge arms on her hat had me in her grasp.

Naturally I could also see right down her immensely deep cleavage from that position but for once I wasn’t too distracted by them… almost. The circus star gave me a wink before tossing me, sending me flying through the air. I was helpless, my body nothing more than a ragdoll as I flipped and spun, before colliding solidly against the arena wall.

As you can imagine, this was wickedly painful as I bounced right off the marble and landed roughly, facefirst in the dirt. 

“Nnggh, what the hell…?” I groaned, as I began to pick myself up. 

“Nyeheheheh, wasn’t expecting that, huh?” she asked as she sauntered over to me. I looked up to see her in her apparent natural state of bending down. “Hope you’re ready for more where that came from!”

One hand again reached down and pinched my midsection, picking me up effortlessly off the ground. I couldn’t react in the slightest as she tossed me upwards, my limp body flailing in mid-air. As I was descending, she got me with a ruthless uppercut, a huge fist smashing into my entire chest and stomach, hitting me with enough force that I was again sent flying, overwhelmed by her surreal offense. 

Terror took over my senses as I was at the mercy of gravity. As I spun and looked down, I was shaken by how small the arena and it’s audience looked. But that didn’t last long, as I swiftly found myself in a free fall. 

From the corner of my eye, I could see Cerebella watching me as I flew all across the arena, from one side all the way to the center, before beginning to plummet. Obviously I couldn’t make out her expression, but a bit of urgency seemed to arise from her movements as she dashed over towards my landing zone.

My life flashed before my eyes, until I saw the giant hands of her hat reach up to me. I landed on the flat palms, finding them surprisingly soft when they weren’t trying to hurt me. It took me a while to understand what had happened, as I rolled over to my front. To my surprise I’d been caught relatively harmlessly. 

“Sorry… I guess I assumed you would uh, have some response to that attack.” Cerebella uttered, clueing me into just how out of my depth I was; having a means of surviving that on my own was actually expected of me. “I’ll just uh, let you down and tone down the offense… probably don’t need to use Vice Versa on you.”

She proceeded to separate the giant hands, letting me plummet downwards… at which point I saw that she was actually holding me straight above her head. She took a step back to try and avoid me on the way down, but she miscalculated a bit… I ended up landing facefirst into her cleavage. 

Her breasts were like massive airbags as my face crash landed into them, bouncing off the soft, cushiony mounds. This saw me actually flip in mid-air, and I landed on my back on the ground. I just stared up at my opponent, struggling to comprehend any of what had just happened. Meanwhile, the entire audience lit up, clearly enjoying the sight of that. 

“Heheh, enjoy the landing there?” she asked with a giggle. And… yes, I did. I only felt them against my face for the briefest of seconds but it was… cozy. As the crowd continued to cheer, she scanned around, an intrigued look on her face. “Huh… guess they really like the high flying stuff. Well, what am I saying? I already knew that, heh!” 

“D-Does that mean… you’re gonna do it again…?!” I wheezed.

Before I could say anything else, she put up a finger. “Just a second!”

She turned towards the crowd, once again taking the time to play to them, showing off a series of triumphant poses. My dick might’ve been trying to urge me forth so I could see what they looked like from the front, but my back was screaming in agony much louder at that point in time. And it sounded like she was gonna be tossing me around more… I wanted absolutely no part of that.

Sure, I’m a fighter but… I was severely outmatched, that thing on her head was far beyond what I could handle. It just wasn’t fair. I’d complain, but I knew it was no DQ, I expected to encounter some form of weaponry. But I never could’ve seen something like that coming! I’m just a simple martial artist over here! 

Looking to flee, I picked myself up as fast as I could so I could turn tail and run. But just before I managed this, as I was still trying to stand straight up, Cerebella whipped around to me, quickly enough that her tits swung… and collided with my cheek. They were so huge and moved so fast that they mustered a surprising amount of force… enough so that I ended up right back on the ground.

Now that I’m saying this outloud and all, it’s actually a really embarrassing thing to share but yeah… she smacked in the face with her tits. And they hit hard enough to knock me onto my ass…

As she looked down at me, perplexed, the crowd went wild yet again. It seemed like she didn’t even have to try to egg them on, truly… turns out, she was a natural at getting thunderous responses. 

“...Ohhhh.” she uttered, before giving herself a small smack on the forehead. “Right, okay, duh! Hitting you with my tits, that’s the part they loved! Huhhh, interesting… never thought about a routine like this before...”

“Uhh, l-listen I think I wanna just go ahead and surrender...” I muttered as I scrambled back to my feet. “It’s pretty obvious I can’t fight you and I really don’t wanna get grabbed by those crazy hands again, so-”

“Oh no! No, I already apologized for that, I’m not gonna be using Vice Versa again!” she explained. As she said that, her hat crossed it’s arms, as if it had a mind of it’s own and wasn’t too pleased with this information. “Trust me, this will be a totally standard fight from here on out… just, one with a kinda unique style, maybe...”

I sighed with resignation as I heard the audience, still buzzing from seeing that humiliating slap, and the shame was starting to set in. Between that, her overpowering me with that weapon so quickly that she opted to stop using it out of fairness, and the fact that they’d already seen me easily defeated by one cute girl tonight… it was fair to say my ego had taken a pretty substantial hit. 

The way I saw it, to still submit, even when she was allowing me this mercy, would be an even bigger embarrassment. I had to try and save face… besides, who was to say I couldn’t take her in a more typical fight? I didn’t even know what she was like without the hat, maybe she couldn’t even fight at all…

“...Okay. If you promise not to use it, we can still fight.” I replied quietly. 

“Awesome!” she replied with a clap, before gesturing for me to bring it. “Then let’s get to it! Go on, take a swing at me, buddy!”

She was brimming with positive energy, such a sweet smile on her face. It seemed odd to even consider punching it, but it’s what she wanted, and it’s what I was there to do in the first place, so to hell with it. I reared back and launched my fist forward with all my might… but obviously I telegraphed it way too much, because she ducked it with ease, going down so low that she escaped my line of sight.

I glanced down to see her hunched over, grinning and giggling, waving at me… but then I stopped seeing all that, because once against her breasts demanded my full attention, coming into my vision at a wondrous angle. 

That next moment, she leaped up into a counter attack, launching herself chest-first towards me. She moved much too quickly for me to react before her tits smashed right into my face, allowing me to enjoy the soft elegance pressing into my cheeks for another split second before the impact sank in.

It truly boggles the mind how much bizarre strength seemed to lie within those immaculate bosoms. As they both crashed in my face again, taking me wholly off-guard, I was taken down, flat on my back. And of course this was met by a huge ovation, much to Cerebella’s delight and my dismay.

“Hoohoo, yes!” she cheered right back, hopping up and down with her hands raised in victory. The reaction only increased to another deafening decibel as those breasts could not stop bouncing for anything. They honestly looked like they were about to come flying out of that minidress at a moment’s notice…

Suffice to say, I was stunned… physically and mentally, to be bashed by a big pair of boobies like that. So out of it, that I thought nothing of her reaching down and offering me a hand. She smirked and chirped, “You’re doing great, partner! You’re a natural at this! C’mon, lemme help you up!”

Dumbly I accepted this, taking her hand and allowing her to pull me to my feet… so she could yank me towards her and bump me with her breasts yet again, thrusting them directly into my face and knocking me right back down. Each time, an instant of bliss followed by several lengthy seconds of embarrassment and ridicule.

Cerebella was all too excited to hear the roar of the crowd, beaming with a huge smile as she hopped up and down, giddy with excitement. Her tits continued to bounce and jiggle as though they were about to fling themselves out of her top, which only excited the audience all the more. And it was a fine sight to be sure, so it should be telling when I say that I was genuinely getting fed up with it. 

“Haha, this is awesome! Sorry about the trick there though...” she remarked, before offering me her hand again. “No fooling this time. For real, come on up, okay?”

I certainly wasn’t about to fall for that twice in a row. I smacked her hand away and rolled onto my front, pushing myself up to my feet so I could shoot her a glare. “Don’t ever do that again. If I see you try it, I’m walking from this, I don’t care, it’s not worth it!”

“Whaaaat? Aw but dude, can’t you hear them out there?! This bit is KILLING!” she urged.

“Yeah, I can hear them mocking me!” I shouted back. “Jeering me, calling me names… I’m being made to look like a total wuss out here!”

“Man, don’t take it so seriously…” Cerebella sighed, casually spinning her cap on her finger. “I mean with how ridiculous we’re making this fight look, I don’t think anyone’s gonna be tricked into thinking it’s legit. They know it’s all just for show, they’re just playing along!”

“Wh-what do you mean they ‘know’ it’s a show?!” I asked, a little bewildered at her word choice. 

“Well I mean… you’re like the Washington Generals to my Harlem Globetrotters, yannow?” she explained, after pausing for a moment to think up a good analogy. “Just, in this case, ‘globe’ means something else, heh… but yeah, no one’s gonna actually come out of this thinking you’re bad at what you do, they’ll know you lost on purpose.”

“But I’m actually trying to win!” I growled through grit teeth.

To this, she adopted a dumbstruck look of confusion. “Y-You are…? Huh. I really didn’t get that vibe at all.”

“Damn you!” I yelled, overcome with anger as I aimed an uppercut towards her chin. But with incredible grace she managed to backflip out of the way of the blow… and as my momentum carried me forward and she sprang up to her feet, her tits ended up slamming into my jaw, an immediate tit-based counterattack.

This just took me off-guard, is all. Enough to take me off balance… so that when she dashed forward and began gently boop bumping me in the chest, I simply remained off-balance. I staggered and stumbled backwards as she continue to advance, giving me little lovetaps with her womanly chest, before finishing with a deeper, jiggly thrust that saw me once again put on my backside by her lovely lady lumps.

I slammed the ground with my fist, every bit as frustrated as the crowd was elated. Storming to my feet, I yelled out to Cerebella, cutting off yet another celebration. “Hey! HEY! That’s enough! You’re gonna stop this right now!”

“Heh, hey, this is a fight, yannow? And as far as I know, there’s no rule against using these babies on the battlefield!” she pointed out, grasping her tits and pushing them my way. The cheers only got louder and I must admit to eeking out a small groan at the sight of them pushing even tighter against each other. She had the kind of cleavage that I wanted to be buried in when I died.

My train of thought was rudely interrupted by her snapping her fingers in front of her tits. “Hey! You listening to me?” she asked, when it couldn’t have been more obvious that I wasn’t. 

“Wassat…?” I asked, putting all my mental faculties into that response.

“I said… using my boobies is just my fighting style!” she declared. “Well… for this match it is, anyway! Nyeheh...”

“B-But it’s not a fighting style at all!” I argued, as soon as I remembered that I was meant to be arguing with her about this. “I mean it… it doesn’t even hurt! All it does is embarass me, it’s not like they’re doing any damage!”

She raised an eyebrow at that one, her smile turning a little more mischievous as she again grasped a tit, raising it slightly as if she were holding a weapon. “Do you… want ‘em to do damage?”

“Oh please… they’d never be able to actually hurt anybody.” I replied, rolling my eyes and waving the notion off. “I mean, they’re just so soft and… squishy and… and smooth and supple and round and beautiful...”

I trailed off, lost in my voluptuous thoughts until her giggling brought me back. “Heh, you suuuure you’re not enjoying the booby beatdown~?” she asked with a wink and a knowing smile. 

“J-Just shut up!” I yelled before charging headlong towards her. But before I could rear back a fist, she had cartwheeled out of my line of sight. It took me a few steps to bring a stop to my momentum, and I found myself darting my head back and forth to try and find her. 

Of course, in typical cartoon fashion, she was right behind me, giving me a little tap on the shoulder. Angry, I whirled around, right in time to see that she still held her left tit up in her hand, bouncing it in her palm like she was planning on throwing it. And then… she practically did just that, thrusting her breast right in my face, this time with stunning force. 

There was no denying it this time… there was no happenstance or silly luck to this, she had actually hit me with her tit so very hard that it knocked me right onto my back, laying me out flat, and damn near knocking me out cold.

“Wh-what… the hell…?” I croaked, staring up at the night sky from the open air stadium. 

Cerebella cartwheeled into my line of sight, standing just beside my fallen body. She gave me a friendly little wave, before performing a front flip, that saw her lithe body plummet onto mine… her titanic tits driving into my torso, blasting me in the chest and abdomen with enough power as to knock the wind out of me. 

It was a marvel to me, how those luscious orbs turned into wrecking balls as they sunk into my flesh at a rapid speed.

I was writhing on the ground, gasping for breath as my opponent sprang to her feet and gave the crowd a very chesty bow, much to their undying love and excitement. I was bewildered beyond belief… I’d taken beatings, but never anything like this. To get my ass handed to me by a big pair of tits… it’s not something I ever could’ve been prepared for.

How on Earth did they actually hurt so much…? And why… did it still feel so good to me? In a purely cushiony kind of way, of course. Unrelated, I turned over on my stomach, hoping to hide my erection… which again, came about because of the adrenaline of the fight and definitely not for any perverted reason. Nonetheless, it’d have been embarrassing if people saw it and got the wrong idea, and I’d been humiliated enough by the match as it was.

She stood there waiting for me, intent on continuing this booby barrage as soon as possible, swinging her chest in her seductive fighting pose. I kept my fists up in front of my face as I slowly approached, hoping that I didn’t end up looking like an even bigger idiot by the end of the next flurry.

Sensing that I wasn’t about to make the first move this time, she approached instead. I seized up, focusing purely on protecting my head, having taken more than enough titslaps to the cheeks at that point.

So instead she went low, shooting down to her knees, a tit still firmly in hand… she was already giggling as she thrust it right between my legs, blasting me square in the genitals.

This wasn’t delivered with near the malice that Filia came at me with, but my nuts were tender and those breasts still delivered a solid amount of heft, enough to bring me to my knees from the severe ache. This time the response was nothing but pure laughter as the crowd joined in with Cerebella’s hooting it up. 

“Aaaahaahahah!” she chuckled, her chest heaving with her laughter as she pointed at me. “Hooohoo, sorry little guy, just couldn’t resist! Nyeheheh… nice boner by the way.”

Damn… she’d felt it. And what was that ‘little guy’ remark about?! I grit my teeth and bowed my head, trying to shake off the pain in my loins… 

It took me quite a while this time but I eventually pulled myself up, having all the time in the world as Cerebella saw fight to continue posing rather than make any effort to finish me off while I was still down. The continuous disrespect caused blow after savage blow to my ego and I was more than fed up with it, I was furious. I saw her with her back turned to me and I knew I had to take the chance at taking her head off.

But so far me running at her had only ever ended in disaster. So instead of a blind charge, this time I snuck up on her, tiptoeing until I was in groping range… er, grappling range. And I reached forward with both hands, looking to wrap her up in a bear hug. 

Sadly she appeared to have eyes in the back of her hat, as she managed to duck away from this and actually slid forward a bit. I looked down to see her looking up at me, her body at an angle as the enormous arms on her hat came into play again, keeping her propped up like that. She gave me a little wink, before springing up towards me. The overpowering hands thrust her upwards, and her breasts once again caught me right in the face… and this time as she did it, she wrapped her arms around my head, pulling me in deep into her cleavage as she continued to rise.

The odd angle and the height that the lengthy arms reached meant that by the time they were fully extended, I’d been lifted up off the ground, my head firmly entrenched into those incredible soft mounds, her huge jiggling breasts pressing tightly against my cheeks whilst my body was ragdolling through the air.

I can only describe it as an out-of-body experience, it felt like I’d been plucked out of my reality and into a new, strictly voluptuous one. Cerebella backflipped through the air a few times, still keeping me clutched to her bosom, before pulling herself back down and hard, squishing me beneath her curvy body.

Only after she rose off of me, her tits slowly releasing my head, did I hear the audience. Their roar had been muffled by the thick flesh… but they adored that move, and clearly so did she, laughing wildly at my expense. “Yeah-heh, how’d you like that Titty Suplex?! Pretty awesome, if I do say so myself!”

I was in a fog at that point, laid out on the ground, wondering what the hell had just happened to me. The sensation of them… it left such an impression that I almost though I still felt them, bearing down on me even after she had stood up. I found myself rubbing my cheeks deliriously… imagining that they were still there.

“Thank you, thank you! You’ve been a beautiful audience!” she declared to her fans. “Buuut I think this guy’s had about all he can take… so I do believe it’s about time for the grand finale! Heeeere we go!”

I could barely process the words, or the meaning. I was in my own little world, one that her tits were about to come crashlanding into. With the enormous arms of that Vice-Versa monstrosity, she once again pushed off the ground, at full strength this time, sending her petite yet thicc form hurdling though the air.

She backflipped, twisting and turning with a perfect, graceful arc. And she picked up a hellacious amount of momentum in the process, coming down onto me at an extreme velocity. 

Naturally, she landed titfirst, right on my face. Those humongous orbs coming down like twin meteors with my head as the impact zone. My whole body buckled from the shockwaves of this, actually coming off the ground a bit, aside from my head of course. This time, she got my entire head too, her breasts were like a mask… one I couldn’t shed, even if I wanted to.

And… and obviously, I wanted to. Of course, why would I ever want to have them covering every square inch of me from the neck up? That cushiony, jiggling titflesh pulling me deep into it’s surprisingly powerful, snug embrace. It was… it was awful, truly…

But I had no choice. I did put forth a mighty struggle… it might not have looked like it, but I was certainly trying my best to get them off of me, I had just been so winded by the fight up until that point. No matter what, my struggle was in vain… I might as well have been motorboating her.

She stifled a giggle at my muffled yelling. “Pfft, poor guy… you had no idea what you were getting into here, huh? Sorry I had to do this to you.” she offered. “But hey, just relax. In fact, go limp if you want, make ‘em think you passed out. I mean, I know your whole body can’t really go limp right now but, you get what I’m sayin’, heh.”

I still didn’t want to give in. It was pretty clear I wasn’t winning but I wanted to do SOMETHING against her, even if it was as small a victory as cutting that tit smother short. That beautiful, beautiful tit smother… s-so I kept going, pushing with all my might.

“Heheh, no, seriously.” Cerebella noted, casual as could be, as if she barely even felt my resistance. “Like, just lay out, okay? You’ll only make it take longer, and be all the more uncomfortable by struggling. Don’t make actually suffocate you with my tits, okay? I mean I’d try to let off as soon as you pass out and let you hopefully get back to breathing in your sleep, but… lot easier to just avoid that scenario altogether, yannow?”

...Well how on Earth could I argue with that logic? I mean I couldn’t argue anything, I couldn’t say a legible word. But you know what I mean…

Resigned, I relented, hoping to be paired against an easier opponent in the next round. At this rate, winning the tournament already seemed like a pipe dream but I hoped I could atleast manage a respectable win or two before it ended. For the moment, I just laid back like she said and accepted the tit smother… not to say I laid there enjoying it or anything, but I had no other choice…

“There we go.” she remarked, as my body went still underneath her. She didn’t really have to whisper, content that she was out of earshot from the entire crowd as long as she didn’t yell. “Just gimme a little bit to ‘check and make sure’ aaaand...”

She delicately swayed her shoulders back and forth, tenderly massaging my face with her soft, cushiony titties. I moaned and she heard it enough to giggle at it and I knew I’d want to hide my face if it wasn’t already hidden…

However just as she was wrapping up, the audience started to come alive with a loud, rousing chant. One that was atleast booming enough to reach my ears, despite the enormous breasts that covered them. One that I wasn’t particularly thrilled about hearing…

“Encore! Encore! Encore! Encore!”

I could feel Cerebella adjusting atop me. I know she was scanning the audience… and by that point I had a good enough grasp of her to know what might’ve been on her mind.  

“...No...” I muttered, muffled.

“I-I know… I know, but… ngh, every other fight’s gonna be so seriously, I doubt I’ll have this particular crowd in the palm of my hand like this again.” she noted, gritting her teeth. “Mmm… nnnggh, sorry! I gotta! Showgirl in me! Err, showman!”

She rose up from me to her feet in one swift motion, leaving me gasping for breath as she posed before the crowd. “You want an encore?!”

The thunderous ovation she received was deafening, and filled me with dread. She turned and gave me an apologetic, yet casual shrug. The star circus performer proceeded to kneel onto me once again, crawling up my body until once again my face was even with those damned perfect breasts. 

“I think I’m due for a workout, don’t you guys?!” she hollered out to the audience. Just then, the humongous arms of her cap planted it’s hands down onto the ground on either side of me, and elevated her with ease several feet up into the air. “So how’s about a nice set of push-ups, huh?!”

I wasn’t sure what she was going on about, but when she showed off some acrobatic skill and core strength by straightening out in mid-air, I started to get the idea. She was perfectly straight as a board and naturally facing downward. The audience’s excitement reached a fever pitch, as one half of the arena got to see down her cleavage and the other up her skirt. Of course both sides were huge fans…

“Leeet’s DO THIS!” she shouted, before bringing herself down onto me at a rapid velocity. Her entire body was a blur and all I saw were her big boobs getting bigger and bigger in my vision as they neared. They smashed into me with mesmerizing force, and once more I felt my body from the neck down bolt upwards from the impact as my head was crushed by those titties.

And before I could even process this, she’d raised up into that same position… and was already coming right back down. 

When she said a set, she meant a set. I have no idea how many times she did this, I was finally knocked out after a couple dozen titslaps. I’m certain she kept going for a while afterwards, likely unaware that I was unconscious. 

It was by far the most unique beating of my life… I awoke later, some smelling salts from the attendants bringing me back to Earth backstage. I stood up, woozy, and my face was on fire. Not just a cheek, an eye or a busted lip like what a regular fight might entail, my entire face was burning, not to mention the deep ache within my head.

Eventually I got myself to a bathroom and looked in the mirror. I was stunned to think all those bruises came from a pair of breasts…

I don’t think she broke anything. She was careful enough for that, I suppose… still, I was hurting all over. Two matches in and I was already wishing I could bow out of that round robin. 

Signed a deal to do it, though, already got paid for participation and everything, so I really had no choice. Still, I found myself wondering if I had time to nap…

That’s when I heard an attendant’s voice, “Hey your match is on next! Report to the arena.”

My jaw dropped. Had I been out that long? We were supposed to have an hour between every match! Man those titties did a number on me…

I sighed and shook my face, as if to shake off my worries. All that dread and strife wasn’t going to help me, it’d just help me get my ass kicked all the worst. I couldn’t even assume my next opponent would be as cooperative as Cerebella was, or atleast tried to be. I was facing someone that called themselves Parasoul, borrowing the name of the princess of the Canopy Kingdom... kinda funny, that.

But I wasn’t going to be a joke this time. In this next fight, I would truly show everyone what I’m made of! 

...Atleast, I sure hoped I would...


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