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I didn’t want to go back out there. Of course I didn’t. I wanted to just forfeit my spot… I just wanted to go home and try and forget this ever happened. Heal it up and pretend it was all a nightmare, a sick twisted wet dream gone horribly wrong.

But it turns out, that wasn’t allowed. Leaving at this point was not to be tolerated. The attendants grabbed me and pushed me out, very much against my will… at the start of the night, I’d like to think I’d have had the strength to resist, but at that point anyone could’ve overpowered me, so I truly had no choice.

My body had been beaten beyond measure. Everything ached. My balls felt like they were seconds away from exploding, literally and metaphorically. My stupid erection wouldn’t die down in spite of my misery, and I didn’t even have any clothes now to hide it. It’s quite the sign of how low I was forced to stoop that I actually contemplated wearing Valentine’s panties out there, but on balance I decided that was more humiliating than going out there naked.

So there I was, my rock solid dick and extremely swollen, discolored nuts bobbing in the breeze as I walked out there for what would be my fifth and final match, not only in this tournament but in general. Even if I DID somehow survive that match and come out with any piece of myself remaining, I knew I was retiring as a fighter… there was no pretending I was some warrior after a night like this.

As they pushed me out there, we passed by the leaderboards. Every other match in the last round had already taken place. And Valentine was right… my opponent’s victory was already sealed.

The woman who would destroy me in the final round - because let’s just be realists here - was named Eliza. Valentine had lost to her and only her. She beat Filia, Cerebella and Parasoul in addition to myself of course, and that still wasn’t enough to overtake Eliza’s standing when you consider the free win she was about to get.

Parasoul had beaten me, Filia and Cerebella, earning her third place. Cerebella had beaten me and Filia to take fourth. Filia had beaten me and, somehow, only Eliza in what must’ve been a wild upset. But the fact that Eliza’s only loss came to someone so low in the standings was actually to her benefit, since she already had the tiebreaker on the only other one-loss party.

And then of course, at the very bottom, was me. Winless ‘ol me, in sixth place. I suppose Valentine had reason to be angry with me after all. Who knows what the outcome of the tournament would’ve been if someone competent was in my place… 

But why was I thinking about that? What did the result of this round robin even mean to me anymore? I couldn’t have been further removed from relevancy in the field, the prize money was a million miles away from me. All I had left to do was take my last few lumps… 

I knew as I staggered in that I was on death’s door. It was just a matter of whether or not Eliza wanted me there.

Once again, I came in there first, alone in that big empty arena for a bit. But she didn’t make me wait like Valentine did. She just wanted to make a grand entrance for what might as well have been her victory ceremony. That’s certainly what it looked like, frankly, as two bizarre creatures carted her out. 

At this point I’m sure I was hallucinating, which made a lot of the night easier to accept really. They both had the bodies of very burly men, one with a large black dog head, similar to depictions of Anubis. The other had a head like a parakeet’s. I can’t explain what I saw anymore, but all I know is they were carrying out a woman who was lying on a Chaise Lounge Chair, one with purple cushions and golden legs, stylized with dog feet at the bottom. And the woman herself… she was breathtaking.

Even with everything and everyone I’d already seen that night… she was unbelievable. Maybe the uncontrollable hormones that had built up were aiding my perception there, but I swear she was the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen. Perfect from head to toe…

As they sat the chair down and she stood, I slowly approached, just wanting a better look. Eliza… she was incredible…

She was definitely a good few inches taller than me, a statue-esque beauty. She gave off the vibe of an egyptian queen… she had an exotic tan about her, dark hair that went just to her chin… icy blue eyes and a beaded tiara. She wore black stiletto high heels and a matching dress, cut in the front to show off as much of her long, well defined legs as possible, as well as at the top to display a heavenly window of beautiful cleavage.

A giant gold ribbon adorned the front of the dress, tied into the shape of an ancient Egyptian symbol. The lowermost part hung between her legs down to her calves, the sides jut out several feet to the left or right of her, and the top was an oval that went behind her head. She also wielded a mystical looking staff… the bottom was shaped like a crescent moon without the points, and was emblazoned with a large eye design at the center that seemed to mirror one of her own. 

She looked at me… but no, she didn’t, she looked right through me. She smiled brightly… a smile of unending confidence. A smile that meant that she owned you, whether you knew it or not… that you were hers to toy with… to use or discard at her leisure. I had never seen a sexier sight. Never had a more powerful woman graced me with her presence, and that’s truly the only way to describe our encounter.

As I walked up to her, my legs buckled beneath… but that didn’t matter. Even if I was at full health, I’d have fallen to my knees before her anyway.

Eliza gave me the honor of looking down at me, staring at my battered form and my humble, exposed erection. She covered her mouth as she chuckled politely, and spoke with a voice that melted my very soul, “My, my… I’d act surprised, but to be frank, I’m actually used to seeing men present themselves to me in this way.”

“M-M-Mistress...” I shuddered, putting my hands together like a prayer stance. “Please… spare me. I can’t fight anymore.”

Mistress… I had never said that word before. But for some reason, with her, it just… it just slipped out.

She watched my gaze as I did my damnedest to undress her with my eyes. With another chuckle she added, “Yes, it seems fighting is the furthest thing from your mind at the moment… so what would you like to do instead?”

“...I… I…” I stammered.

Fuck it. Fuck pretending, I don’t think I was ever convincing anyone anyway. I’m a pervert, okay? I’m a huge pervert and in that moment I needed Eliza more than I needed to breathe.

“I want to worship you!” I admitted. “I want to… I want to taste your toes… I want to nestle in your breasts and sleep betwixt them. I want my face to become your personal cushion. I want to get caught between your legs and never escape… I want to worship every square inch of you my mistress! I want to do nothing else for the rest of my days...”

Her eyes widened, but she didn’t seem remotely upset. “Well, well… I must say, it’s been too long… finally, a man knows how to properly greet me!” she laughed. “Ahh, what an adorable little thing you are...”

She reached down and pet me… her hand, going through my hair… it was wonderful, my face lit up upon contact! 

Valentine had truly done a number on me in more ways than one. She’d practically left me brainwashed… my horniness had gone beyond anything remotely normal. The night had whittled away at my dignity piece by piece, but after her intense blueballing, I had become a slave to my own dick… or rather, a slave to all the beautiful women out there whose mere existence triggered my urges.

Eliza watched in amusement as my cock twitched… even the slightest touch from her was enough to get a reaction from it. If she pet me long enough, that along might’ve made me cum; that’s just how fargone I was.

“My, how pent-up can one man be…? And… what on Earth happened to your balls?” she asked, sounding genuinely concerned as she got a closer look. “Ohhh, what did those awful women do to you? You poor, poor thing...”

“I-It hurts...” I groaned. “It hurts so badly, mistress.”

“Aww… well, fret not. Your pain ends here.” she assured me, with a hand to my cheek. Her fingers were so soft, so delicate… her skin so smooth. Her touch, so gentle… God, it’s like I forgot what receiving genuine affection from a woman was like. It was incredible…

I saw Eliza put a foot forward, and slowly slip it out of her stiletto, planting it before me. “Show me some of that worship, love… and I shall make you happy again.”

Without a second’s thought or hesitation, I lunged onto that foot, raining down kisses and licking between her toes. She giggled, as if my antics tickled her… I groped and caressed that adorably dainty foot with all my heart. 

I’m not sure how many men have ever had the privilege of an experience like this… I didn’t even generally consider myself a sub, and yet I subbed to her from the moment I laid eyes on her… and she loved it. She welcomed my submission with open arms.

I believe the ‘match’ had already ended, if it was ever even considered underway in the first place. All I know is that I had the time of my life worshipping the ground she walked on, until she relented, “Okay, that’s enough for the moment.”

To that tune, I leaned up and saw her now rather wet foot trail towards my manhood. After what had been done to it thus far I was a little concerned… but I didn’t need to be. She placed her bare foot atop my cock and began pumping it, running it up and down my shaft, the perfect smoothness of her balls of her feet delighting my senses…

Immediately I let out a deep groan… my long frustrated and even longer contained sexual desires spilling from my mouth. After a few pumps, she delicately pinched the head of my cock with her toes… and that was more than enough to bring me to a wild climax. Finally, a release...

Thanks to the state of my balls, it was painful, but it was also wonderful. A powerful, overwhelming orgasm that saw my whole body convulse. I came right on her foot and she didn’t mind at all, in fact she seemed to enjoy it. As the climax overtook me, I ended up sprawling against the ground, earning more charming laughter from her.

“Ohhh, what a delight you are. Might you need a lift?” she remarked, as she held down her staff just ahead of my face. I gazed up at it groggily… it took me a moment to realize I was supposed to grab onto it. No sooner than I had, did she pull me up to my feet with the greatest of ease, a casual display of strength.

“...You’re… amazing...” I uttered.

“Indeed.” she nodded with a proud smirk. “Might you do me a favor…? My feet are weary after pleasing you. I could use some furniture… and my own chair is so many feet away. Could I ask that you fulfill the role yourself...?”

She was asking me… to be her furniture? Well, of course, who would turn that down?! I sprawled out onto my hands and knees on the ground, readily presenting my back to her to use as her bench.

“Ahhh, what a good boy you are.” she commented, and yes indeed, I was a very good boy! “And you look so comfortable as well!”

Eliza turned around… she even had the kindness in her heart to grab the skirt of her dress and hike it up before sitting down, her voluptuous ass, covered only by a razor thin thong, coming down gently yet firmly against the bare flesh of my back. I groaned delightedly as she crossed her shapely legs, putting her weight down on my spine.

My arms shook… I was so weak from the ‘fights’ I’d been forced to endure up to that point, I could barely hold her up. But I sucked it up, for her. I put myself through that strain, for her, because she was my mistress…

Eliza adjusted herself on my back, lounging on her side, her elbow against the back of my head… the side of one of her extremely soft, perfectly perky breasts pushing against my upper back as her hip dug low into my spine. 

“Mmmm, yes, this will do quite nicely.” she remarked. “Now then… allow me to see the sights, if you would.”

“H-Huh…?” I uttered.

“Move.” she added. “Trot around so that I may look upon this arena without moving my tender head… you wouldn’t wish a neck strain upon me, would you?”

“O-Of course not!” I groaned, as I hurriedly began to crawl on my hands and knees, carting her around like an animal. The audience of course turned on me once again, laughing and jeering at my absurd display, and by all rights, they had every reason to. But I didn’t care anymore. Shame didn’t mean anything to me anymore, nor did pride. 

All I needed… was Eliza. If I could please her, than that was all that mattered. Nobodies’ opinion, not even my own, meant anything… nobody but hers.

Much as it was a struggle, I did it, walking around and absorbing all the mockery for my beloved Eliza as she lazily lounged on me. “Mmm, yes, very nice… ah… ah-ha, I see, I see, mmhm...”

I glanced up to see her beauty, and realized she was actually holding a magazine… I don’t know where she got it from, but she seemed quite into reading it. She wasn’t paying any attention at all to anything else.

“M-my mistress…? Mistress Eliza…?” I called out, trying to get her attention without being rude. “”I-I thought… you wanted to see the sights?”

“I’m a multi-tasker, love.” she replied, burying her elbow a little deeper into the back of my head as she stretched out. “Do keep moving for me...”

And I did. For literally no reason other than her telling me to, I continued to crawl around and support her on my back all the while, going round and round in circles as she kept on reading away. I was an absolute joke… and I loved it.

But my body could only hold out for so long. Eventually the trembling became too much and my arms gave way. Despite my best efforts, I fell facefirst into the dirt and I felt Eliza’s ass slide across my back a few inches.

“Ohhh my, what fragile furniture I’ve acquired...” she joked as she stood up off of me. “Next time I’ll spring for the expensive model.”

“I-I’m so sorry, my Mistress!” I sputtered. “I’m not normally… s-so weak, I promise… I can serve you better… going forward...”

“Ohh, so you wish to make this permanent, do you? Interesting...” she smiled devilishly.

“YES!” I shouted. “Oh God yes, I’d love nothing more...”

“Mmmmm, an interesting proposition...” she noted, a finger to her mouth. “It has been some time since I’ve gotten myself a new man-servant… my roster has dwindled so much in these- well… over quite a number of years, hmhm...”

“P-P-Please make me your permanent slave...” I begged, once again stooping to kissing her feet. But she pulled them away, heartbreakingly enough.

“Now, now! That part of this is done.” she informed me. “As for your offer, I’ll have to contemplate it for a moment… while I wait, roll over for me if you could.”

I of course immediately rolled onto my back for her. And to my delight, she proceeded to slowly lie down on top of me, her ass pushing into my crotch, her arm wrapping around my neck, that same delectable side of her breasts pressing up against my bared chest…

My body seized beneath her… I knew right away, that this was my rightful place. I always belonged under Eliza, whether I was aware of it all this time or not.

She held up her magazine, something pertaining to fashion or… or nightclubs, I-I don’t know, I was far too transfixed on her to really be able to tell. But as she did this, she began absentmindedly moving around, adjusting herself time and again… and each time she did it, something else brushed against my tender groin.

Her backside slid delicately off of my dick, and she swiveled her hips to caress against my member as well… she pulled herself up a bit and in the process slowly brought one of her inner thighs up my shaft as well. The sensation was wonderful, an electric burst of pleasure… I was grunting and groaning beneath her as she set my world alight… and all the while, she acted as though she was doing it accidentally, pretending she was completely unaware.

For several minutes she would continue doing this… adjusting her lower body around mine… at one point she flipped her position, putting her ass up close to my face as she delicately brushed my genitals with her fabulous tits. She would lift up her hand to turn a page and accidentally graze the head of my cock with her feminine fingers in the process. She was so exceptionally beguiling, her every move, even her most casual, was wickedly seductive to me.

Eventually, she spun back around and sat up, bringing her legs up just a smidge… my cock nearly pushing up against her glorious crotch. She proceeded to press her legs together, sandwiching my cock betwixt her thighs. As she turned another page, she casually pumped them up and down… my groans flew to the heavens as without even a hint of effort, she had given me another mighty orgasm, the biggest of my life… 

My only shame was the mess I’d made on her beautiful legs. But she seemed to enjoy it, as she glanced down at me with a seductive smile.

“...Me oh my, here I was just stalling for time and yet even that gets you to cum?” she asked, with a wink. “Ahh… you truly do need me, don’t you?”

“Y-Y-Y-Ye-… Y-YES!” I coughed, winded.

“Mmmm… so you would make yourself my slave, then?” she asked, her smile growing all the more wicked. “...What would you do… to get this treatment on a daily basis? Would you... sell your soul…?”

“Of course!” I replied without even thinking about it. She seemed a little surprised at my lack of hesitation so I reaffirmed, “I’d serve you… for all of your days!”

This earned a hearty laugh. “Ohhh you cute little toy you… you have no idea of what you speak.” she teased. “Serving me for the rest of my days… little boy, that means being my slave for a very, very, very long time… are you quite certain you want to sign yourself away to that?”

I had a brief moment of clarity when she asked me that. I thought about the two bizarre beings who had carried her into the arena. Were they… real? And were they once… just regular men? Just what kind of being was Eliza? I’d fallen head over heels for her but the truth is I had no idea what she was about, what kind of person she was, what kind of life she’d led… what crazy powers she might have.

I contemplated that… for about three seconds. “Yes… yes I’m certain, my mistress. I will follow you forever. I’d submit my soul to you.”

“Mmmm… yes, this is the start of a beautiful… agreement~” she teased, with a little wink.

The ‘match’ finished before it ever started, we left that arena together, me as her slave. In the end… I guess I didn’t technically survive. And I sure didn’t make it out with my sanity.

But that’s okay. Because that night, I started a brand new life. One where I’d devoted myself to the most beautiful creature I’d ever met. One where I could be as big a pervert as I wanted and only make Eliza all the happier for it…

The End


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