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I fiddled nervously with the mug they’d given me as I sat there in that small room. I’d never been in a situation like it before, though I had basically seen the scene on TV plenty of times. Nothing in front of me but a table with another chair on the opposite side, a ceiling fan, a locked door and a window I couldn’t see through. But on the other side, I knew they could see me.

It was an interrogation room, and… it felt really wrong to be in there. As though I was the criminal here, when I hadn’t done a thing wrong. Closer to the victim if anything. 

In truth I’d only been waiting there for a few moments but it felt like a long, drawn out process. On my way to my seat, I got a closer look at the walls, and… well, now I was trying not to look at them. Cracks, dents, patched holes… what looked like potential bloodstains long-since wiped away. Perhaps scariest for me was when I noticed a particularly deep break in the wall, that happened to be exactly at crotch-level with me. It didn’t seem like a good omen.

Let me explain what happened. Or atleast what I saw.

Two nights ago, I was witness to… something terrible. A truly horrific crime. I’m a bank teller, and in that line of work I’ve seen a holdup before, but nothing like what happened that day. It was much bigger than a petty thief with a knife, this was a full scale raid.

We were hit by the mob. They wanted every bit of money there. It was a quiet day, I was damn near alone when it happened. Their numbers and weapons were far too much for the security staff we had. They tried their best, but… they paid for it. They were ruthless, happy to slaughter them all.

One of the guards in particular was a woman, Dawn was her name. Only talked to her a few times before that day… just your average, kinda heavyset girl, underprepared and underequipped to handle anything like that. But even with a bullet already in her, she stood unflinching in front of me… she was willing to give her life to protect me. 

But what happened to her was worse than death. They attacked her, knocked her out and dragged her away. Another ‘valuable’ to steal, that’s what they called her. I wanted… I wanted to jump out and stop it, but my body was frozen. I couldn’t act… I was terrified. And they saw that in me… I think my fear was the only thing keeping me alive. 

They willingly left me as a witness, with little more than a threat to not say a word against them. After killing half a dozen people right in front of me, it would only stand to reason they’d get rid of me too, but I think they knew what a coward I was. I think… I think people like them, enjoy that kind of power. So they let me live, content in the knowledge that they’d left me stricken with too much fear to say or do anything. 

And it worked. The police arrived on the scene, but much too late, as the mobsters worked with merciless efficiency, murdering every guard, stealing everything, destroying the cameras in a matter of minutes. When questioned… I told them that they were wearing masks, that I couldn’t identify a single thing.

I lied… they were so brazen they didn’t bother hiding their identities. I’ll never forget their faces… two even went so far as to call each other by name. They really weren’t the least bit concerned about being found out, they were untouchable. Atleast with men like me around they were…

That next morning, Dawn’s body was discovered, ditched in a lake. She’d been not only murdered but… apparently they… they took turns with her. She’d been utterly defiled. The police weren’t sure if it happened before or after her death, or if she’d been conscious for it.

Hearing about this was the most hideous and chilling moment of my life. By all means, they needed to be brought to justice for it. But it only made me all the more frightened about what might happen to me if I said anything. The last thing on Earth I wanted to do was become the mafia’s newest marked man… there was nobody I wanted to piss off less.

Although, the people I’ve had to deal with today are a close second. Earlier today, I’d been visited by this lady who basically dragged me by the arm to this mysterious facility. I was blindfolded on the way there which sure as hell didn’t seem like a good sign to me, so I really couldn’t tell you where I was, specifically. And every question I asked seemed to be expertly dodged.

All I can tell you, is it looks like some depictions of the CIA headquarters I’ve seen, and it’s absolutely filled with women. Beautiful women… some enormous, some tiny, but all of them in incredible shape. And as I was guided through the halls, I saw glimpses of exercise rooms, what looked like an olympic sized pool, an enormous running track… incredibly fit women in each of them, showing off just little samplings of the wild athleticism they were capable of. 

At one point I saw a woman working over a heavy bag with lightning quick strikes, I’d never seen anyone punch so fast. And they were effective too, a little too much as the bag ripped right in half. I happened to overhear her trainer scold her for lack of control before I was pulled out of earshot. Bewildered, I muttered to myself, “Who are these people…?” but of course that question was deflected like everything else.

From those that noticed me, I’d gotten a few dirty looks, a few pensive stares… it was like a dark cloud followed me, a thick gloomy atmosphere that formed in every room I set foot in. I was told very little, but I had a pretty good idea of why I was there. Seeing that interrogation room made it all the more obvious. They wanted me to tell the truth, they wanted info on those mobsters… and I wasn’t sure how well they’d take ‘no’ for an answer.

I… was in some deep shit.

I jumped a bit as the door came open, and there, standing in the doorway was… well, to put it simply, it was the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen. Her hair was a deep dark purple, her eyes similarly dark and enchanting, her lips formed a faint, cute little smile. Unlike everyone else her expression was remarkably calm.

Nonetheless I found myself looking down out of nerves, but her voice raised my chin up. Quiet, yet confident, sweet and delicate as could be. “Hi there. I hope they haven’t been treating you too badly since you got here.”

I couldn’t muster much of a response, but this did get me paying attention enough to notice her… unique outfit. She wore nothing but pure white. Her top had long oversized wizard sleeves, almost to the point of looking like it was too big for her. It was… incredibly tight around the chest though. It was hard to ignore the fact that she had the biggest breasts I’d ever seen up close, and I’d just passed by a number of ample competitors. Her flowing top was seemingly strategically cut to show off her taut tummy and, well, an extensive amount of underboob. It was like looking at a full cleavage upside down. 

In contrast her pants were practically skintight, I could see the contortions of her toned legs with her every step. Her white pumps clacked against the floor as she stepped towards the seat opposite me. Giving a little curtsey, she introduced herself, “I’m the one who’ll be interviewing you for the next little bit. My name is Melina... and you are?”

Taking a small sip of the coffee mug, I mumbled, “You guys sought me out, you know who I am.”

She seemed to be blushing a bit as she looked down. “Yes, well… personal introductions seem a lot more friendly to me. But I suppose you’ve been waiting so long, you want to get down to business. That’s perfectly fine...”

Melina sat and smiled. She reached out as if to touch my hand, but I recoiled. The pang of disappointment on her face bothered me more than I thought it would.


“...I know this must be difficult. I know you didn’t ask for any of this… the others might not be so understanding, but know that I am, okay?” she assured me. “I’m not here to hurt you, and as long as I’m here, nobody will.”

“I just want this to be over.” I sighed. “I know it’s selfish to just move on when there are others that, won’t get that opportunity. But it’s all I can do. Anything else… could get me killed. And maybe… I guess maybe I’m not willing to make that sacrifice. Maybe I’m just not as noble as some people...”

Sneakily as I was looking away, she managed to place her hand atop mine. Rattled as I was, I again jumped in my chair a bit, but I didn’t pull away.

“Hey, I’m not judging you. I think a lot of people would react like that. But the thing is… I’m not sure if you can move past something like that, until you face it.” she explained. “As long as they’re still out there, do you think you’ll really feel safe? ...I think ignoring it, just ensures that it’ll weigh on you your whole life.”

I looked up into her eyes, my own welling up with tears. “...I’m scared, Melina.”

She seemed pained to see me pained. She leaned over the table, placing a hand on my cheek. “It’s okay… you’re in good hands now.”

“Am I…?” I asked. “I don’t even know whose hands they are. Where am I? What is this place, who are all of you? Why can’t anyone tell me...?”

Melina took her hand away and set them both on her lap, contemplating this. Looking up at my puppy dog eyes again, she sighed and declared, “Nothing you hear leaves this room. Because believe me, we have plenty of reasons for keeping this place secret. Are you okay with that?”

That was a touch scary to hear, but she was so gentle about it… on balance I decided to trust her and nodded my agreement. 

“Okay. Everyone here you’ve met, including myself… we are all part of a secret society of sorts. Our description might change a bit depending on who you ask, some might call us a modernized tribe of amazon warriors… other more colorful types like to think they’re in a league of superheroes. I personally liken us to a band of secret agents, working under a government that we ourselves have chosen and helped build.”

Needless to say I was raising an eyebrow at that, but it did actually line up fairly well with the experience thus far. She continued, “We refer to ourselves as the Order of the Female Dominion… it’s technically not an all-female organization, but it tends to work out that way. As you may have noticed, many of our women are, well, quite the specimens… athletically speaking of course, hmhm...”

She was one to talk, this woman had a figure that put many of my fantasies to shame. I was trying desperately not to stare at those breasts or express my disappointment when she pressed her fingers together in a pose that slightly obscured them. 

“Those women… they spend their day to day investigating any reports of major violent or sexual injustice forced upon women. And should they turn up evidence, they will be searching for and destroying the guilty parties.” she said, with such a relaxed tone that I could tell this was the norm. “Of course, we have plenty of others working for us in all sorts of areas. Pilots, mechanics and engineers, some just dedicated detectives using their minds over their brains… and then there’s those of us specifically trained for negotiation and interrogation.”

Suddenly it got a lot easier to look her in the eye. That glint I saw in it as she spoke… there’s no doubt, she’s confident in whatever they taught her. Just what kind of tactics did they use here…?

Melina grabbed the back of the chair she sat in and hoisted it up as she rose to her feet. Carrying it with her as she walked, she made her way closer to me and set the chair down just beside me. As she took her seat once more, she was close enough to me now that I found myself wrapped up in that alluring scent she wore. 

She was slow, deliberate with her movements, making it very clear that she meant no harm as she placed her hand on my shoulder. “I warn you, I’m very persuasive… for as badly as you want out now, you may never want to leave once I’m done with you.”

Her little wink got a giggle out of me. My uptight posture started to relax. But still…

“I’d… really love to help. But the thing is, it’s… it’s the mob. There’s way more of them out there than I saw, way more than they’ll be able to catch.” I muttered, bowing my head.

“For the police, perhaps.” she nodded. She placed her finger to my chin, gently pushing my head up to look at her straight-on. “We’re a little bit more effective than them, if I may say so myself. I promise you, if our women come down on that gang, they’ll have every last one of them incapacitated… one way or another.”

I fought back tears as I asked, “And what if you can’t?! I know how this works… th-they’ll never forget my name, they’ll hunt me down! They’ll make an example out of me… I’ll be, I-I’ll be at the bottom of a river in a week…! They’ll kill me, Melina, I know they’ll-”

Her finger moved to cover my mouth. Her skin felt so soft against my lips…

“We WILL get them all. And if there are stragglers out there hunting you… we will protect you from them.” she promised. “We have the space and resources, we can keep you here under our watch for as long as you need to feel comfortable. And don’t worry, we’ll make sure you have plenty of company as well… hmhmhm...”

That gentle hand moved to my cheek, caressing gently… her finger slid down my temple and back to my chin. As she gazed at me with those gorgeous eyes, suddenly I found my mind was somewhere else. I’d been trying to ignore her allure, but it was outright impossible when she was that close. Her every move was elegant and graceful, like her whole life was a ballet recital. Her honeysweet voice seeped deeper into my heart with every word, and her curvaceous figure became the only thing my eyes could focus on, as though the room around was disappearing. No… no, it was there, it just didn’t matter anymore. Nothing mattered but her big, beautiful-

Suddenly I realized I’d been blatantly staring straight at her tits for several seconds. I looked away, blushing a bit as I stuttered, “S-Sorry about that...”

With all I’d heard and seen today, the last thing I’d want to do was offend any of these people. Melina’s soft giggle assuaged my concern though. “Oh by all means, I don’t mind! You can look all you want, it’s perfectly fine.”

Sheepishly I turned back, gazing at her pretty face, my eyes occasionally flicking down to her womanly chest. “I-It is…? Are you sure?”

She adjusted her chair to where she was now facing me directly, her legs crossed. She giggled a bit when I followed suit, pulling my chair out and adjusted it so that now we were face-to-face. And when she leaned back in her chair, her shoulders against the head of it, her top actually slipped up by just an inch or so… exposing that little bit more of her flesh, getting that little bit closer to revealing her nipples. My eyes went wide as she explained, “I didn’t exactly design this to hide them, darling. I’d be more insulted if you didn’t stare every now and again, frankly~”

My face was fully flushed red as I smiled like an idiot, gazing lustily at her breasts. “They’re… they’re incredible, Melina. Honestly. I’ve never seen anything like them...”

“D’aww, you’re a sweet one, aren’t you?” she cooed. To my shock, she unfurled one of her legs, her shin brushing gently against mine. As her leg slid up and down my own, it became obvious this was intentional. “To be honest, it makes me want to be a little sweet on you in return...”

Never in my life had I been treated like this by a woman like her. Hell, I’d never even heard of women like her to begin with. I openly gasped, squirming a bit in my chair as I asked, “Wh-what are you doing, Melina…?”

“Nothing you don’t want me to do...” was her breathy response as she slowly lowered her leg. “I’m not… making you uncomfortable, am I?”

Maybe it was my imagination, but I could’ve swore I saw her subtly lick her lips as she finished that sentence. I’d been taken quite off-guard by this, but… did I, want her to stop acting that way? It didn’t take long for me to reply, “No… no, not at all.”

“Somehow,  I thought not...” she chuckled. I was definitely being teased, but I didn’t mind that at all. I comfortably allowed her to place her leg right back where it was, gently pressing against the inside of my shin. Melina continued to tease, “You know, if you were in here with most of our operatives, this would be the most fearsome position imaginable. But with me… it’s quite different. To have my foot against your manhood… well from what everyone tells me, it’s a wonderful experience.” 

“My… manhood?” I quietly asked, barely able to eek the words out. I don’t know if you can tell, but I was beginning to lose my composure with all this. She was doing this to a fairly sexually frustrated man…

And this befuddlement continued when I noticed her seamlessly slide her foot out of her pumps, covered by nothing but her pure white pantyhose. Her big toe ran up my leg… and just kept going, until she was pressing her foot into my inner thigh.

“Uh… uh, Melina, aren’t you… here to interrogate me?” I asked, instinctively pulling back in my chair. “Not that, I mind this but I… ehehe, I mean, what are we even doing here…?”

“Don’t worry about any of that for now, okay? This is just about us, getting a little closer.” she informed me. “Would you like that? Would you like us getting closer...?‘

She looked at me expectantly, as she gradually moved her stockinged foot within inches of my groin. I could actually feel the heat of her body touch my loins… and that alone had me fighting off a shudder. “I-I guess so… I mean, I don’t know, I...”

“I don’t mean to pry but, well, when you’re doing extensive background checks it’s hard not to. I couldn’t help but notice that you, didn’t seem to have a woman in your life.” she commented, as I could see her toes wriggling next to the bulge that was forming in my pants. “You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to, but, I’m just curious… do you consider yourself a lonely man…?”

“...Desperately.” I blurted out. Immediately I shut my eyes, seething in regret. How could I say something like that in front of a woman like this?! To have me admitting stuff like that so effortlessly, she must’ve really had me rattled.

The hand on my shoulder got me to look at her again though, Melina had knelt over to gaze at me with those doe eyes of hers. “It’s okay, sweetie, we all feel that way sometimes. You shouldn’t be embarrassed… in fact, I think it’s the most brave thing you can do, to open up about your feelings. It’s very manly, actually...”

Another wink, led to her delicately pressing her foot that little bit further, and now it was finally buried in my crotch, coming in snugly against my balls and twitching member. I openly gasped, much to her playful little snicker, and she simply kept her foot right where it was as she leaned back in her chair, again pulling back that top. Her enormous breasts were so beautiful, which became more obvious the more of them I saw… 

I was breathing heavy, nervously fidgeting in my chair, which didn’t help much as my every minute movement seemed to result in my bulge brushing up against her foot. My nerves were getting to me, I was actually beginning to sweat as I gazed at her immaculate body.

Melina’s gaze lowered to my groin as she gave my concealed erection the slightest little bump with her big toe. “Mmm… nice~” she cooed. “I don’t know if the girls around you have just passed you up or if you’re too shy to speak to them, but I feel bad for them… they have no idea what they’re missing~”

“Are… are you saying I…?” I trailed off, a dumb smile forming on my face. “Heh, th-there’s nothing special about it, you’re just saying that...”

“Oh I wouldn’t be too sure about that. Those of us here in the Order, we’re known for being pretty brutally honest about these things.” she mused. “I recall a unique scenario not long ago, where a woman was sent out on a mission to defeat her ex. She didn’t lay a hand on him, she had him whimpering a tearful surrender from nothing but a twenty minute diatribe about all of his er, shortcomings. Spent quite a while writing that speech...”

“Would hate to be that guy, I guess...” I mumbled, trying not to focus on the soft, petite little foot that was teasing the hell out of my genitals. “Um… this Order, they… they don’t like men very much, do they?”

“...Some don’t. I’ll be honest about that, some here absolutely despise anyone with a cock.” Melina answered and as she said ‘cock’, the balls of her foot slipped down my shaft, a little wave of pleasure rushing up and down my spine. “But most of us are atleast neutral. And then there’s girls like me, who just can’t get enough… hmhm, it’s like one of our oldest veterans always says. ‘A hard man is good to beat~’, that was her motto. Such sage words… mmm, so believe you me, when I tell you that you’ve got a desirable manhood, I know what I’m talking about… and I mean every word.”

There was no doubt that my penis had never felt bigger than in that moment, I had begun to entirely forget why I was even there. I just let myself get lost in the moment, as more and more her rapidly her foot worked up and down the bulge of my dick. It was mesmerizing… I could only imagine how it might’ve felt without all that fabric between us. But even with it, it was as though a bolt of sexual lightning was striking my member and I loved it…

A little too much, actually, and that hit me with mere seconds to spare. Suddenly, I slid back in my chair and jumped to my feet. Melina seemed surprised as I walked around my chair to the other side of it, and hunched over, hands on my knees, panting. I could still feel my rock hard cock quivering, I was only moments away from cumming in my pants. I wasn’t exactly thrilled about that, even if she did seem to be attempting it. After all, it hardly made a good impression to cum in less than thirty seconds of stimulation… if she saw that, she might never want to-

It hit me then how much I needed her to have a high opinion of me, how badly I wanted to make sure that our first meeting wasn’t our last. Her delicate hand on my back took me out of that line of thought, as she asked, “Are you okay? Was that, a bit too much?”

“No! No, it was… I mean, well, maybe...” I admitted. “It’s just, this is all happening so fast, I’ve never had an experience like this. And I just don’t wanna embarrass myself anymore than I already have. I’m sure that outburst was already pathetic enough, b-but-”

“Shh, shh, shhh…” she shushed, as her toned arms wrapped around my waist. I could feel her soft, curvaceous body press into my back, as she rested her chin against my shoulder. “Honey, you don’t have to try so hard. Get out of your own head for a moment, we’re just having fun here. But I’ll take it nice and slow if that works better for you…”

Her delicate hands ran up my torso and I couldn’t help but shudder with delight. They went up to my chest and, perhaps I was imagining it but it seemed like her fingers were playing with one of my nipples for a moment. Speaking of nipples, she leaned in, very intentionally letting me feel her breasts press against my back. And that’s about when my heavy breathing came back…

“You wanna sit back down for me, sweetie?” she whispered in my ear, her breathy voice stirring my heart. How could she be so angelic and yet, so sinfully sexy all at once? “Such a tense man, I can feel it… these past couple of days have been so stressful, haven’t they? Mmm, you really should relax for a while, don’t you think?”

With her every word, I could feel her breath on my neck. Gently she pulled on me, and I went along with her without a sound. As though I were lost on a slow current, and where it led I wasn’t quite sure. But I, think I wanted to see… I wanted to know what was on the other side. So I allowed her to guide me to the chair. For some reason I didn’t want to sit until she pushed me to, so I just stood and waited… and was quite surprised when I saw that she was peeling off my suit jacket.

“I’ll take that if you don’t mind… just to get you a little more comfortable.” she cooed, and though I couldn’t see it, I could almost sense her wink. Once she had it entirely off, she grabbed me by the shoulders and pushed down. Not forcefully, more like, a physical suggestion… and I followed it happily.

I expected her to sit next to me but she stayed where she was, stood right behind me, her hands still on my shoulders. Her tender squeeze and caress surprised me, but it quickly loosened my uptight body. “Ohh my, you’re wound up more tight than I realized. You really are in need of a woman’s touch, aren’t you? Poor thing...” she sighed. It was embarrassing being talked to like that, but… not, bad per say. “I’ll have to go a little deeper for you, I think.”

Her soft hands indeed worked a bit more intently into my shoulders. I got a little chill when they went down to my back, and as she did this, she bent over… just enough to brush the uncovered bottoms of her marvelous breasts against the top of my head. I gasped, and heard a little giggle.

“Melina?!” I exclaimed, trying to look back at her.

“Am I doing anything you don’t want me to…?” she asked, her voice as calm and soothing as could be. 

“N-No… not at all.” I grinned.

With her movements it just happened naturally, her titties giving me a sweet kiss and then moving back away. Despite this, I certainly wouldn’t call it an accident… especially after the fourth time it happened. And then, her hands sunk a bit further down… as her loving digits stroked my lower back, that unbelievable underboob rested firmly against the top of my head. They were so enormous I could actually see a hint of them draped above my forehead, and I could feel the barely existent divide between them… 

“How does that feel…?” she asked in a hushed whisper. 

“W-Wonderful...” I gasped, feeling a little faint. Didn’t exactly have much blood rushing to my head at that point, you understand…

“Hmhm, I thought you’d feel a little better after a massage. You’d be amazed the things my hands can do.” she teased. “I might even be able to do something about the tightness in your pants if you’d like...”

“Um… uh, I-I don’t know, Melina...” I stuttered. It was strange, every part of me - well, one in particular - was begging me to go for this. But my mind just couldn’t accept how easily this was all just coming to me, it wasn’t how life worked for me. Besides, I hardly knew this woman. “Yeah, that’s it...” I said, as though she heard my thoughts. “Um, we’ve only just met, and… and...”

“And…?” she interrupted, her hands once again running up my stomach, to my chest. “You don’t have to take this so seriously, love. Sometimes fun is just fun. Take it from me~”

Her hands came up and clasped around my chin, holding my head in place as she went out of her way to push her breasts deeper against me. I’d never blushed harder in my life than in that moment, as she playfully asked, “Would you say that you’re having fun?”

“Y-Yes, ma’am...” I answered with a silly smile. It was so hard not to get enchanted by her wiles, and frankly I was becoming less certain by the minute as to why I’d even want to resist. It was as though the hesitant man that’d walked into that room was slowly leaving me.

I shuddered again as she stepped to the side, letting her breasts run slowly off of my head as she went over to the chair she was sitting. With a single finger, she very, very deliberately pushed it over. “Woopsie, there goes my chair. Silly Melina, such a clumsy girl… I’d best assess the damage.”

My eyes were glued to her as she bent over, making damn sure I had a great view of her ass, just a couple of feet away from my face. Those skintight pants seemed all the more snug around her bodacious backside, letting me see just how big and shapely it was, almost like there was nothing there at all. Just to drive me a little more wild she gave her ass a little shake… my cock lurched in reaction, crying out for a taste.

“Mmm, nope. There’s no hope for this one I’m afraid.” she ever-so-glumly confirmed, a pitiable finger running along the rim of her chair. “I suppose I need a new seat now. But, where ever could I find one…?”

Like a trained lap dog, I leaped up and presented mine to her. “You can h-have my seat, Melina! I don’t mind standing!”

She whipped her head around, looking a bit surprised. “Oh… oh, honey, you’re so sweet. Hmhm, little gentleman, but I couldn’t possibly take your seat.”

Melina turned to me, and adjusted my chair to face the table again. Then, her hands tenderly clasped around my cheeks as she gently guided me to sit back down. “That said… I certainly wouldn’t mind sharing it with you, darling.”

My jaw just about hit the floor when she turned around, giving me another wonderful view, moments before sitting in my lap, her incredible ass gently, very deliberately coming down on my bulge. “O-Ohhhh...” I uttered, my heart pounding as I soaked up the remarkable friction. And Melina just leaned back, really using me as her chair, as she kicked her feet up onto the table. This lounging position just sent her deeper into my crotch. I was short of breath as I found myself unwittingly resting my head on her shoulder. In kind, she tilted her head to press her beautiful face up against mine.

“Comfy~?” she asked as her cheek rubbed up on my own. “This is a much better seat, if you ask me...❤”

“It’s… w-wow...” I gasped. This whole thing felt like a dream, I was so used to women not giving me the time of day. Or atleast, I always assumed they wouldn’t... any sort of intimate time with a woman was few and far between for me, and this…? This was just unheard of. “Sorry if I, don’t know what to do here. I’ve just never been treated like this before...”

“Stop worrying so much, love. Nothing’s expected of you here, I’m just focused on making sure you’re okay right now.” she commented. “And remember, if ever you’re uncomfortable with where things are going, just say so, alright?”

I nodded. Which she couldn’t see, but she did feel my face against hers, which got a giggle out of her. But then, a put-on sigh. “I have to say, though, as cozy as this seat is, it’s a bit impersonal. I’d like us to be face-to-face, so I can look you in those sweet little eyes of yours… maybe I can adjust this a bit.”

At that point I was so enraptured by how wonderful our position felt, so mystified by her captivating scent and so lost in her dulcet voice, her meaning didn’t even occur to me. So it took me for a loop, to put it mildly, when she kicked her legs up and started to carefully, gradually spin around. Her ass was grinding furiously into my groin the whole time, eliciting quite the embarrassing, elongated moan from me.

When she finally came around to face me, her legs ended up splayed on my shoulders, wrapping at the knees. I was just about hyperventilating, and yet, in spite of just being reminded, I didn’t have it in me to tell her to stop. I… I really didn’t want her to, even thought I felt I was about to faint. I’d actually prefer to keep feeling this shame and eventually even pass out, to letting this ever cease… and to ever disappointing her. 

Melina’s innocent, sweet smile buried itself into my soul as she made a big show of slowly sliding her legs down my body and eventually wrapped around my waste. Now, her face was inches away from me, her titanic tits pressingly gently into my chest, those gorgeous doe eyes staring into my heart, and of course that unbelievable ass sitting firmly on my erection. I was shaking, finding myself on the verge again.

Cumming in my pants was still not something I was ready to be subjected to. I had, a history with it, let’s say. That was in my earlier days and I was past it. Atleast I thought so, but Melina simply wasn’t playing fair. Not enough to look like she does but she was going out of her way to titillate me. And yet, I had no resentment… in fact, I really, really liked her. In that scenario I’d have to push her way and I couldn’t possibly do that. I imagined that sad look on her face and I just couldn’t do that to her... 

Nor could I admit this shortcoming, and reveal that weakness. So I said nothing and did nothing, but stare back and smile. It did feel wonderful, maybe it wasn’t so bad to just let it happen. 

“Your touch is… it’s marvelous…” I remarked in awe.

“Well thank you hon. But if I’m being honest… this feels a little one-sided.” she pouted. She lowered her head for a moment and when she brought it back… my, those puppy dog eyes struck quite the chord. “It’s just, you’re not touching me at all. Not that you have to, but, well… it’s been a long day of work, I’ve had to handle so many horrific cases… I could sure use a hug.”

“Oh, oh I… o-okay...” I stuttered. My hands shook and my arms were slow, but I was as quick to react as I could as I nervously embraced her, wrapping my arms around her taut torso. Melina tenderly returned the embrace, sighing contentedly as she buried her pretty face in the side of my neck. Our chests were pressed together so tightly, I found myself wishing I’d gone shirtless that day.

“Mmmm, I love a good hug~” she chirped.

“Me too...” I replied, trying not to melt. 

“And you know what I think a good hug calls for…?” she asked, playfully wiggling her ass against my cock.

I was absolutely petrified on the spot, my mind going entirely blank for an answer. Thankfully, she gave it to me very quickly, in the form of a sweet little kiss on the neck. One that sent sensual shivers all across my body.

“How’d that feel?” she beamed at me, pleased to have snuck that one on me. “I happen to have a very… sensitive neck myself, a hand or a pair of lips to it just, mmmm… ahah, it really gets to me, you might say.”

I stared into her eyes, my heart threatening to explode out of my chest as I saw her tilt her head, exposing her neck. She gestured to it, as if that wasn’t clear enough. Taking a deep breath, I leaned down and gave her neck the most tentative kiss of my life.

Her soft moan alone was enough to drive me wild. “Mhm, isn’t life nicer when you just… let yourself go, honey?” she asked, before giving me a kiss on the cheek, with a deep lingering, “Mmmmmuah~ ❤”

“Ohhh, I love you Melina...” I uttered out, a mere whisper. Immediately I regretted it, what a thing to say to someone you’d just met minutes ago! But, that was just the power she had over me, I was certainly deeply in lust… and my heart was certainly burning for her as well, maybe I was in love already as well.

Either way, I was thankful she didn’t seem to hear it. “Mmm, what was that, sweetie?”

“Er… I said, you probably want me to pay you back for that one too, huh?” I scrambled, a nervous smile. 

“Getting a little bolder I see.” she winked. “But of course, I’d love nothing more.”

She turned her head, and tapped her cheek, smiling from ear to ear. God what a beautiful woman… my heart was going wild as my lips slowly neared her pretty face. The moment I puckered up though, my lips opening ever-so-slightly, she struck with startling quickness, coming in first and plunging her tongue into my mouth for a passionate kiss. 

I was taken entirely off-guard and instantly moaning as her skilled tongue wrapped around my own and explored me, her breathtaking body pressing tighter against my torso than ever, her hips wiggling against my crotch. 

For the faintest of moments, really just by instinct, I struggled to try and escape from her grasp, though despite her gentle nature and harmless appearance she was definitely too strong for that. But after a moment’s thought, I realized there wasn’t a single reason to deny this going through my head. I wanted nothing more than to answer in kind… so I did, holding her tight and kissing right back. 

Her every groan was impassioned, sending her vibrations down my throat as she bounced and wiggled directly onto the bulge produced by my twitching, longing member. Enraptured by the feeling of her ass pounding my cock, and her breasts running up and down my chest whilst her tongue owned my mouth, it occured to me that this might be the closest I'd ever come to making love to this fantasy woman. And I knew then that there was nothing I could do to keep myself from going through the very thing I dreaded so much moments earlier. 

And yet... I was okay. In that moment, I was okay with it all, happily letting myself go... guiltlessly cumming right in my pants at the height of the friction she was laying on me. My hips found themselves involuntarily jerking up, spasming greatly at what may have been the greatest orgasm of my life, without even feeling her bare flesh on my dick... 

From the way my groans into her mouth intensified, and the way she took particular care to hold my head and gradually slowed her wiggling, I was fully aware that she knew.  The shame only came back to me when her tongue left my mouth and her beautiful eyes locked with my own. Melina gave me one last sweet kiss on the lips before teasing, "Safe to say you've been loosened up quite a bit now, hm~?"

All I could do was nod. "Y-Yeah... oof, that... that felt wonderful, Melina."

She pressed her forehead into mine, her eyes sparkling with intrigue. "Oh honey, you've felt nothing yet. That was just the warm-up..."

Sweat dripped down my temple as I sputtered, "I-I'm honestly not sure I can handle everything you've got for me..."

"Oh heavens no, I'd imagine not." she answered with a playful wink, which was the only thing keeping my heart from sinking. "But if I do say so myself, I think you'll have a whole lot of fun trying, hmhm."

As her finger caressed around my cheek and to my chin, I sighed in relief that apparently she wasn’t near as disgusted as I expected. Still, as my horniness dissipated a bit, some sense returned to me. “...I almost forgot where we were for a moment. I can’t, I can’t believe I’m doing any of this.”

“Life takes us to strange places sometimes, hon. Take it from me.” she explained as she looked away, a bit listlessly. “I certainly didn’t grow up thinking I’d be interrogating people with my boobies. Although, I guess I always rather hoped I would...”

“Wh-wha…?” I asked, a dumbfounded chuckle.

“Kidding, of course~” she teased, her finger tapping my nose. “What about you? Where would you like your life to go, sweetie?”

I didn’t expect that. I was… okay with where my life was, I guess. Before all this started of course. My job was fine, paid well enough. But to be honest I’m not sure if I was ever, happy that way. There was a bit of an emptiness to how I went about my life. I got by, but I did unfulfilled. I really wouldn’t mind a change, but… to what?

Melina patiently waited for me to come up with an answer, but I couldn’t say it. Because the only thing that was on my mind was her… I could only imagine her face, her touch, her voice…

Something about the way she looked at me, made me think she could read my thoughts. Gently she rested her head against my shoulder and whispered into my ear, “Don’t be afraid to want something… and don’t ever be sorry about your feelings.”

Regardless of what her job is or what her intentions were, I knew that she didn’t have to say things like that. If she were simply someone who teased people’s cocks until they said what she wanted, she could just do that and it’d probably work, but she really wanted me to feel safe and secure in myself. I was touched.

And… a bit melancholy. I sighed, “Melina, I really wish I could help you, honestly. I’d love to tell you everything.” I began, somberly. “But I’m just not brave enough… they, they hold too much power over me. I don’t think that fear will ever go away...”

“Oh, sweetie, back to that now, are we? If you ask me, I think you’re a lot manlier than you give yourself credit for.” she cooed, as she mindlessly unbuttoned my button-up, and began rubbing the point of her finger gently against my bared chest. I’d certainly never felt more masculine than I had in her hands, in spite of the mess in my pants that hinted heavily at my lack of sexual prowess. Her beautiful voice continued, “Trust me… I can handle anyone they send. I’m not as delicate as I look.”

I looked her up and down… every square inch of her voluptuous body just looked like it was made for loving, rather than fighting. I didn’t doubt her, per say, but…

“Can you… prove it?” I asked. “I, I’ve seen a lot of women here that look like they could take on any mobster but I don’t know that they would care enough to protect me. It would go a ways if I could, see what you can do...”

“Mmm… you’re not looking to become a punching bag, are you dearie?” Melina quipped, with a quick, almost predatory lick of her lips. “If you liked it THAT rough, you should’ve said so from the beginning~”

In the blink of an eye she slid back, enough to expose my groin. She then knelt over and hiked her fist up, shouting out a loud “KYAI!” before letting loose with a devastating punch that sailed right towards my nethers. 

“NONONONONONO!” I rapidly sputtered out. 

Melina stopped short, just inches away from my crotch. Her finger gently flicked my testes. “Boop~” she uttered. “Hmhm… sorry about that. I was just teasing you sweetie, I could never hurt a cutie like you.”

My very short sex life flashed before my eyes in that moment. I have to admit, just seeing the speed and control she showed in doing that impressed on me some level of skill, and she did overpower me with her kiss earlier…

She interrupted my thoughts, “Still, I think you don’t want to let this, situation sit for too long.” she winked as her finger dutifully found my cock and began running up and down the shaft, slowly bringing it back to life. “Let’s take a little break… go and get cleaned up, best you can. Make sure you’re nice and presentable down there for me~ ❤ And when you get back, I can demonstrate just what I can do in a fight. Does that sound good?”

“A-As long as I’m not the testing dummy...” I uttered with a nervous grin.

“Of course not. Not unless it’s by request~” she giggled. Just what kind of men did she get in here that wanted that kind of treatment…? Although having said that, the thought of seeing her prove her might in some way was oddly exciting for me. I’d never knew it before but, perhaps I had a little of that spirit in me as well...

Either way, she slid off of me and helped me out of the chair. I didn’t realize how much that climax had took out of me until I tried to stand, even with her clasping my hands I found myself stumbling… I doubled over a bit, and by complete accident, my face ended up between her tits, pressing right into the generous amount of underboob she was showing off. 

The bare flesh of her immaculate breasts against my face sent a wave of sexuality rushing through me. It was only for a few seconds really, but for a moment, I was undoubtedly frozen, my entire body instinctively locking up, as though there wasn’t a fiber of my being that truly wanted me to escape from the confines of her bosom.

Once that moment ended though, I whipped my head right out, and I couldn’t apologize fast enough. “Sorry! Sorry sorry sorry, complete accident, th-that was, I-”

Her finger on my lips quieted me, and immediately reminded me of who I was in the room with. “Honey, please. A lot of men have tried the fake stumble with me, I can tell the difference between that and the real thing. I’m just glad they broke your fall. What good are airbags for, really? Don’t worry your pretty little head about it. Speaking of which, I was happy to have them caressing all over your head before, wasn’t I~?” she asked with the brightest smile yet. ”Honestly, once you get back, I don’t mind if you spend a little more time with them… it tends to act as quite the stress-relief.”

“...Honestly, I… I’d think you were straight out of a dream, but my dreams never treat me this well.” I sheepishly replied, scratching the back of my head. I was continually blown away at how… generous she was with her incredible body. 

“Just do me a favor and don’t wake up too soon darling.” she replied with another swift kiss to my cheek that just about knocked me down. “Now go on~”

Obediently I went to leave. As I made my way to the door, I noted that Melina gave some kind of waving off gesture towards the blurry window. Upon opening the door, I saw why, as just across from it, sat the most incredibly muscular up specimen I’d ever seen. Her skin tanned to an almost orange hue, she wore nothing but a single strap of leather that covered her nipples and a similarly minimalist thong, showing off her breathtaking musculature in all it’s glory. This, combined with her brimming red eyes and flowing white hair, made her look very much like a fighting game character. Never learned her name, she just sat there, stonefaced as her gaze followed me out of the room.

Suffice to say I didn’t want to cross that one. It was also quite embarrassing to be reminded that I was being watched that whole time… but I got that out of my mind quickly, following the signs on the walls to the bathroom. It was hard not to notice that there were two women’s bathrooms right next to each other, but only one men’s. A compelling sign of the slanted ratio if ever there was one.

I rushed in and dropped trou to find that my cock was at full mast. No doubt the result of that little stumble, but surprising to me all the same… I’d never gotten to 100% again after an orgasm that quickly before. A nice little symbol of the power she held over my body… er, not that little exactly but, nevermind.

As per her wishes I began to wash myself, trying to come to grips with the fact that the most gorgeous woman I’d ever seen now had proof that I wasn’t man enough for a night with her. She didn’t seem to judge, and sadly she didn’t seem surprised either… of course, in her line of work, I’m sure she came to see that kind of scenario all the time. That was what I told myself anyway and it made me feel a little better.

But whilst I was drying myself, I noticed something very peculiar; a little box at the base of the sink, that happened to have my name on it. Naturally curious, I peeked inside and… to my surprise, saw a pair of pants and underwear. I recalled being searched earlier, with some measurements taken… sure enough, I tried them on and they fit me.

She was expecting this so much that she’d prepared a clean change of clothes for me after I’d cum in my pants. That, was humbling. Melina really had done this many a time before… and while I appreciated being able to feel fresh again, it began to occur to me just how much I’d been played with since I arrived. She was being sweet as could be on me to gain my trust so that I’d cooperate… surely it was just my horny state convincing me there was more to what was going on. Genuine as she seemed, as much as it appeared she went the extra mile for me, I couldn’t be sure she didn’t treat everyone the same way.

I was a bit sullen as I made my way out of that bathroom, feeling silly for developing the feelings I had. Ironic, considering her earlier advice…either way, I went down the hall, stepped past the behemoth guard and into the room.

Inside, well… I don’t know what I was expecting when she agreed to give me a demonstration of her prowess. In hindsight the possibility of her finding another ‘training dummy’ should’ve occured to me, but I was quite surprised to find she had a man lying on the table, his hands bound tightly behind his back. He was struggling mightily, cursing up a storm, as Melina just laid there beside him in a demure pose. 

“Wh-what on Earth-” I stuttered.

“Who do you think you are you little bitch?! You think you scare me?! Huh?!” the man raved, cutting me off. “So some girl took me in, the whole lot of you think you can do it now, is that it?! You aren’t half her size little girl! I can take you! I can take you just like this!”

Comically he rolled on the table, trying to slam his body into hers with minimal impact. Melina giggled as her attention turned to me. “Oh hey there, honey. Took you a while, I’ve just been listening to our little friend give his stand-up routine.” she explained. “Although I guess it’s a bit oxymoronic, he hasn’t managed to stand up in hours...”

“That’s ‘cause you had my legs bound too!” he howled, kicking his feet at nothing. “But look at that, I got ‘em free! Nyeheheh!”

Melina rolled off the table and grabbed the man by the hair, forcing him to his feet. Like some animal he tried to bite at her hand as she calmly informed me, “As you can tell, this man lives on over-compensation, using aggression to fill up the void of everything he lacks… and to that end, he’s recently taken to sneaking up on, and brutally assaulting helpless women, much smaller than he.”

Her grip noticeably tightened on his hair as she spoke, and the man winced. Melina went on, “This brave, brave boy has on occasion found himself going too far, and a couple of his victims died from their wounds… so I could see no better example than him to prove what I’m capable of.”

“Untie me you little slut, and I’ll show you exactly what I’M capable of!” he growled.

“That’s the idea, yes.” she replied, as with one fell karate chop she sliced through the rope that bound his arms to his back. “Consider yourself a free man, provided you can take me to the floor.”

He stumbled away from her, then turned to face her, bewildered. “Are you serious…? You kidding me?! All I have to do is beat your pretty little ass and I walk?!”

“Yes… that’s all.” she smiled.

“Well hell, that’s practically my day job…” he cackled, putting up his fists. “Heh, you’re making a big mistake, little missy.”

While undoubtedly pathetic in nature, the man was physically much larger than me, so I’d certainly be afraid to take him on. You understand, I was a little worried about Melina’s chances. “I… are you sure, you can handle this on your own? The woman outside is-”

“Not to interfere. Nor are you, sweetie.” Melina explained, gentle but firm. I guess you could say her body was the same way, but I digress.

The man swung for her beautiful face and a chill went up my spine, horrified at the prospect of seeing something so perfect be ruined. But she thankfully ducked out of the way with ease, and returned fire with an uppercut to his jaw that sent him stumbling back. Melina yelled out, “KYAI!”, in a more fierce tone than I was used to hearing from her, before following up with a leaping kick to his chest that sent him barreling into the wall. 

Before he could even get his bearings about him, she rushed in, picking up a lot of speed in a short distance, and expertly utilizing her momentum by sending her knee crashing into his stomach with a loud crunch. The man howled in misery as he doubled over, and Melina hooked her arm around his neck. With one fluid spin of her hips, she flipped him over onto his back.

”Aggh, shit!” he hissed.

“What’s the matter, little one? You seem to have lost your balance...” Melina remarked.

The man scrambled onto his front and darted forward, looking to tackle her to the ground, but she easily blocked this, bending over and wrapping her arms around his waist to hold him in place. She proceeded to hoist him into the air, showing off her strength, as she flipped him onto her shoulders in Powerbomb position. For those unfamiliar, that basically meant he was forced to straddle her shoulders, his groin right up in her face.

Noticing that, the man sputtered, “Y-Yeah that’s right, you get it… you should suck my diiiiIIIIIII-” he howled as she turned and slammed him backfirst into the floor with a wicked thud. I couldn’t help but cringe at the impact… and she wasn’t done, her grip still firm, she actually pulled him up as dead weight back onto her shoulders. Again Melina twirled and this time slammed him right into the wall, adding another new dent, as the man screamed in agony, presumably regretting his machismo. 

But he was about to regret it much more because she kept him on his shoulders, and twirled a full 180°. Melina drove him down full force this time, going down with him as she put him straight through the table. It looked so sturdy, so reinforced, and yet she shattered it entirely, using his body to destroy it down the middle. 

My mouth was agape, staring wide-eyed at this display. I never would’ve guessed that such an angelic woman could cause such devastation. And as she rose from the wreckage she created, she did it with a seductive hair whip, her form remaining as elegant and gorgeous as ever. She turned her head towards me, and a bolt of fear struck me… and yet, also one of intrigue. As wonderful as she was to me, coming face-to-face with how thoroughly she’d be able to decimate me added yet another wrinkle to the surrealism of all of this.

“Does that suffice, love? Are you convinced…?” she asked me, a beckoning hand coming my way. Immediately I was tempted to reach out for it, and bring her back to the gentle touch she seemed to be hanging in front of me. 

“...What did you say that man did again?” I hesitantly muttered. “He… killed defenseless women, right?”

She nodded. “He killed two, and assaulted so many others. He took such delight in tormenting them, knowing they’d be too afraid to say a word… he preyed on their fear.”

I found myself twitching a bit. Melina knew what she was doing saying that, and I was well aware, but it hit me just as hard anyway. Clenching my fists, I replied, “...No, I think I need a little more.”

That smile returned. That was exactly what she wanted to hear. She looked down on the broken body of the man who, by all means, was definitively defeated. “Such a wild, aggressive man… I think I know a good way to curb that primal rage.”

Melina reached down and grabbed his ankles, raising his legs up into the shape of a V, and I found my heart pounding at how much I strangely wanted to see what happened next. She hopped up high, catching some wonderful air, before bringing her stunning, lengthy legs down between each of his. Her thick thighs crashed heavily onto his crotch, and the seemingly unconscious man shot alive with a blood-curdling scream, the force of the impact jerking his body up to a sitting position. 

With frightening speed, the moment he sat up, Melina’s legs coiled around him, pressing into his devastated back. And now she was practically sitting on his damaged testicles, watching callously as the man screamed, “AAUUUGH, fuck, n-no, fuck, not my balls…!” 

Cruelly, she wiggled her hips, grinding her ass into his pained balls. That would’ve felt wonderful for most men but seemed agonizing for him. She proceeded to lay into him with a vicious haymaker to the face, and the force was unreal, it seemed like it would’ve sent him flying if not for the snug grip her legs held on his torso, and of course her shapely bottom planted firmly in his groin.

Because of that, he stayed in roughly that same position, much to his misfortune, as she didn’t let up, sending punch after sweeping punch into his face. I don’t know if I’m a good enough judge to tell if most men are handsome or not, but I can tell you he certainly wasn’t by the time she was done with her, those soft, tiny hands inflicted a shocking amount of carnage on the helpless, if entirely deserving man’s face. Her power was stunning, I was certain his head would come flying off his body eventually.

To close, she uncoiled her legs and blasted him in the face with a double palm strike that laid him out. She stood, then turned to look at me again, surprised to see me sweating, and… smiling, at the scene before me. I shook my head, “I-I think you can still do more… more to convince me, I mean...”

“My my, I didn’t know about this side of you.” Melina remarked with a raised eyebrow. Funny, her statement seemed to mirror my thoughts on her. “Hmhm… I like it. I like it quite a bit~”

What was happening to me? Why was I lusting after not just this woman, but this moment? Why was I so happy to see her grab him by the throat and hoist his limp body up into the air? And overjoyed to see her run with him, rushing him into the wall with a fierce amount of momentum, to the sound of an echoing thud and a pitiful scream?

She released him and let him slide painfully down the wall, but only for a moment, before rushing in again, slamming her gigantic breasts into his face. Smothering him aggressively, this is how she held him pinned against the wall as she laid into his stomach with a lengthy series of knees.

My arousal hadn’t waned, not even when doubt about Melina’s intentions brought me down, and seeing this… seeing her display her feminine might over a man that truly deserved every ounce of pain and humiliation she dealt to him, it just made my cock ache for her all the more. I had no idea what was coming over me, I’d never had feelings like that before. But it was such a joy watching her wail on him… 

With his face enviably smothered by her perfect bosoms, it let me imagine that he was one of the men who struck terror in me, the men who killed and defiled the woman who gave up everything to protect me. A soft groan escaped my lips as I saw her obliterate him with that same sweet smile, and I could feel my own grin growing. It was more than schadenfreude, it was my first taste of something I never knew I needed.

Something I might only see dealing with this bizarre order… 

Melina’s knee bashed harder and harder into his weakening midsection with every blow, as the man’s wails of anguish were muffled by her enormous breasts. “D’aww, what’s the matter, little boy?” she asked, carefree as could be as she brutalized the bastard. “You couldn’t stop staring at them when I first met you, I thought you’d have loved some time with them...”

Without warning she ceased the assault and took a step back, just long enough to reveal that the man who, probably less than two minutes prior, was full of fire and aggression, was now in tears, thoroughly aware of how helpless he was. He wanted nothing more than to fall to the floor, but she wouldn’t allow it, shooting forward once again, thrusting her tits right back into his face. The momentum she built up with nary an inch to utilize was mind-blowing, her breasts might as well have been large, supple cannonballs crushing his skull. I never would’ve imagined a woman smacking a man with her tits could make such a loud noise…

Finally with this she backed up and let him slide down to a seated position. She stood, spread-legged, and his lower body ended up between her lengthy legs which was convenient, as her next move was practically doing a full splits as she went down to the ground, sitting in his lap, before scooting away just enough to have a clear shot at his crotch, and eerily familiar position.

Her gentle, yet dangerous hands were a blur as they flew into his pants and immediately found his testicles, giving them a vile clench that had him screaming until his voice was hoarse. It seemed as though she had a ball gripped in each hand, and she looked him right in the eye as she did it. 

She eased up to a mere uncomfortable squeeze as the man grabbed at her wrists, desperately trying to pry her off to no avail. “Arrrgrgh no, please…! You won, okay?! You’ve all won...” he weeped. “I keep trying to fight but you girls have been kicking my ass nonstop… I-I just wanted to be a real man. I just wanted to be, ugh, powerful… but I know I’m not. I always knew. Do whatever you want, but please… a-anything but my balls, they’re all I have...”

“Yes, I could see that. You’ll never experience the pleasure of a woman’s touch ever again of course, only the agony… but as long as they work, atleast you can pleasure yourself.” she assured him in a tone that sounded far too sincerely uplifting, all things considered. “And with all the women you’re surrounded by now, you have plenty of material, right? And when you’re wrapped up in that, in your imagination, you can dominate any of us, yes? You can be as powerful and viril a man as you want… I bet your dick is a foot long in your daydreaming, hrm?”

“I-I...” he stuttered, his face displaying pure bewilderment. He didn’t need to reply, his expression made it clear that she’d read him like a book. 

“Well, don’t worry your pretty... little head...” she cooed, putting quite a bit of emphasis on ‘little’ there. “Because I promise you this… I would absolutely never break a man’s balls.”

As she said this, she released his nuts and the man breathed a deep sigh of relief. So much so, that after a few moments of cradling his groin his hands drifted to his far more devastated stomach. Melina’s smile deepened… and remained as she reared her fist back high, and sent a furious punch right to his crotch. I could actually see the very slight bulge in his pants just crumble to a deafening crunching sound, and the man’s face was frozen in terror, as a short high pitched squeal was all that managed to eek from his mouth.

Her knuckles still buried deep in whatever remained of his genitals, she stared deeply into his petrified eyes as she grimly remarked, “Sadly, you were never truly a man to begin with...”

Coldly she stood, letting him slump over to his side and clutch himself in a pathetic fetal position. He silently wept, having utterly lost his voice, and most likely his manhood. Melina made a brief nodding gesture to the window, and in came the Amazonian behemoth from outside, who calmly reached down and grabbed the man by the collar, before dragging him across the floor out of the room, to wherever he was being kept.

Slowly, his destroyer turned to me, her hair flowing out of her beautiful eyes as they locked onto me. That was the last straw, the libido that seemed to be sleeping for most of my life was now wholeheartedly awoken. I stormed over to her, breathing a bit heavy as I shuddered out, “That was the greatest thing I’ve ever seen… and I… need you so much right now.”

Biting her bottom lip for a moment, she breathily replied, “After breaking that boy I could use some time with a man myself...”

I was always such a hesitant, meek man… but in that moment, I had a confidence beyond anything I’d ever felt before, and my hands went right to her hips, just as hers clasped forcefully onto my shoulders. We went in for another kiss, much more aggressive than before. I tried my best to match her passion as her tongue once again took ownership of my mouth, and her voluptuous body pressed snugly against my own.

With her tight grip, she pulled me backwards, slowly leading me around the destroyed table, to the chair where this whole thing started. As her hands ran through my hair, and shivers of delight ran up and down my spine, I heard her moan something, a certain three words… it sounded a little like… no, it couldn’t have been, ‘I love you’, could it…?

When this occurred to me, I paused, just to look her in the eye for a moment. But before I could notice anything, she shoved me down onto the chair… I was so caught up in the moment, I didn’t even realize she’d turned me around at some point. Melina began to slowly wiggle like a belly dancer before me, almost absent-mindedly, yet still as graceful as ever. Her lithe body filled my every sense with yearning.

Those golden fingers ran down her remarkable curves and all I could do was stare in awe of her figure. Finally those hands came to my knees, and gently began to push them apart. Obediently I spread my legs, even after what I’d just seen her do to that man before. I should’ve been afraid, or atleast could’ve been, and yet… I was fearless. I had faith in her, a trust that had been earned in a relatively short amount of time, that at the very least, she would never try to harm me. 

“You don’t mind if I… see what you’re packing, do you sweetie?” she smiled, her fingers on the button of my pants. 

“A-Absolutely not, please do.” I grinned. Never had I been that comfortable with my own body.

She looked genuinely excited as she unsnapped the buttons and slid my pants off. They were thankfully baggy enough to go right over my shoes. Melina eyed my bulge with a hungry look as she finished the job, slowly pulling my boxers away to expose my erection.

“OOoooooh my...” she gasped. “Now this, this is a set that I’d never want to bring any harm to. Mmm, now that I’ve seen this, I’m not sure I can live without atleast getting a taste...”

“PLEASE.” I groaned, desperately longing for what she was hinting at. 

She didn’t disappoint, she really never did. The purple haired beauty put her tongue to the base of my cock and slowly licked up my shaft, inch by inch until she had it curled tightly around the head of my dick. This was a whole new level already, I was squealing with an intense, shocking delight.

“Mmm… poor thing, you’ve never gotten a blowjob before have you?” she asked with the poutiest lips possible. “Well, the good news is, that’s about to change. The bad news is, I’m about to ruin every other woman for you, because nobody can compare to what I bring.”

Just her words alone caused another lurch of my dick. Summoning up as much of my newfound boldness as I could, “P-Prove it...”

“Oh my… heheh, you’re gonna get it now~” she smirked deviously. 

And get it I did, she came down in one fell motion, my cock plunging to the hilt between her luscious lips, her tongue graciously taking my member in. Immediately it felt like more than I could handle, and that’s before she even got started… her head bobbed back and forth along with her technique as she rapidly, fiercely sucked my dick.

“OHHH YES!” I howled, spasming in my chair a bit as she took full control of my penis. If not for cumming earlier, I’m not convinced I would’ve lasted three seconds in her mouth. In hindsight, cumming in my pants was actually a blessing for once.

Without thinking, I began to thrust, trying to time it along with her movements so I stuck my dick in further the moment her mouth came towards me. From the mischievous little look she gave me, she was clearly aware, but simply accepted, happy to let me fuck her mouth. 

This was unreal on every level, and far, far more than I was ready for. Within minutes, I was at the peak, ready to explode into her waiting mouth. “I-I’m gonna… g-gonna-”

Suddenly, she stopped sucking, and grabbed me by the hips, putting a cease to my thrusts. The head of my pulsating member stayed in her mouth, leaving me at the very, very verge…

“No… not yet, you’re not.” she stated, muffled, obviously knowing where I was going with that. Her lips tickled my cock as she spoke. “Sorry to say, but I can’t allow you to finish, doll...”

How she did this I don’t know, but she kept me veering in and out of the cusp of climax with frightening skill. “Ngh, n-no… don’t tease me, please, I can’t… I-I need this more than I’ve ever needed anything...”

“I know, darling, but the more you have to wait, the sweeter it will be.” she explained, giving the tip of my dick a sweet kiss. It touched my heart as much as it sent another wave of pleasure through my cock, but still barely not enough to give me that orgasm. 

“Ohhh, Melina...” I groaned. “I-I’m begging you, this, nnggh, it’s too much...”

“Poor baby. Well, if it’s really too agonizing for you, there is… one way to speed the process up.” she ominously declared, as her fingers ran up my shaft, just once…

My eyes went wide as I immediately knew what she meant. “Y-You’re not serious...”

She didn’t say anything, merely stared at me with those beautiful eyes as her tongue gradually came out to meet my pecker once more, pressing delicately against my erection. My legs were twitching almost as much as my dick was against her soft lips… my hands shook a bit, my head was rocking back and forth as all I could do was moan about the torturous teasing I was going through. Melina’s mouth took absolute control of my entire body.

“Nngh, y-you can’t just… this is...” I stammered, my mind already starting to go. “P-Pleeeaaase...”

“Sweetie, I’m sorry but it’s what must be done. It’s an important job and I’m going to finish it.” she replied, having given me just a few seconds pause, before coming in for another quick suck that just about had my eyes rolling into the back of my head. “It’s simple give and take, love. Give me the info I need, and I’ll take your sweet cock into my mouth again.”

My mind raced, never in my life had I been in that kind of state, physically or mentally. I would never have even managed I could be rendered that desperate for release, but as she pelted my cock with loving kisses, slowly but surely, reaching that mountaintop started seeming like the only important thing in my life.

“I can give it to you so good, honey, and believe me, there’s nothing I want more.” she expressed. I thought she sounded heartfelt but I couldn’t trust my instincts at that stage. “Believe me, I hate making such a wonderful set of balls feel so blue...”

Her soft, gentle hands came around my testicles, playfully cupping them, just to emphasize her point. Taking it a step further, she fondled them delicately, and I couldn’t get enough of her caring caress. This gorgeous woman intently fondled my nuts for what felt like hours of turmoil, though it may not have even been a full minute. 

“Do the right thing, darling, and help us. Help us, and reap the rewards...” she whispered, licking her lips as she stared up at me with the most enticing come hither eyes I’d ever seen. The very idea of putting my entire life at risk for a single blowjob seemed so insane, but I was getting closer by the second. I just, needed to cum at all costs, it appeared.

I decided if she wouldn’t finish me, I would finish myself, like always, so I reached down for my rock solid pecker. Just before I laid my fingers on them though, she grabbed me by the wrists and pinned my hands against my stomach, just as she leaned in for another deep, long lick up my quivering, begging shaft.

“M-Melinaaaaa...” I groaned, feeling absolutely ensnared. Through my manhood, she definitively owned me. “I... I can’t… take it...”

“Then stop resisting, sweetie. It’d be better that way for everyone.” she remarked, calm as could be. “Talk, and I’d be all too happy to finish you like nothing you’ve ever seen before. Please, put an end to this game, before I have to bring in the big guns...”

“...B-Big guns…?” I asked. With Melina’s sensuality coursing through my very soul, I was endlessly curious about what that meant. “Rrrrgh, what uh, guns…?”

She sighed, and promptly scooped up her breasts, leaning in to let them hang precariously over the head of my penis. The beautiful seductress looked me in the eye, seemingly remorseful about where this would put me, but I couldn’t think about how bad my blueballing was getting when I saw that was about to get another taste of her titties. 

“I… I need to know what this feels like...” I murmured. I was certain she couldn’t tease my cock with her breasts without actually giving me an enormous orgasm, and I would die to fuck those tits. Er, figuratively, if that thought genuinely went through my head I’d have definitely talked. After all, signing my life away was exactly how I looked at this.

“I knew you’d say that… poor guy, you deserve better.” she lamented. “I’m truly sorry about this… I hope there’s something left of you on the other side.”

I never thought a titfucking could have such an ominous lead-in. But with that, she begrudgingly dropped her breasts, and thanks to how heavily exposed the underside of them was, her bare flesh wholly engulfed my member as my cock found itself plunged in her immensely deep cleavage. Her breasts were so huge and clinging so tightly together, that they embraced my penis like a long-lost lover. 

Something flashed before my eyes, and I realized that her breasts coming down on my dick was such an overwhelming sensation that I was actually seeing stars because of it. I heard a scream and realized milliseconds later that it was mine, the result of her quickly sliding her tits up my shaft and off of my member. 

There was no margin of error for her, the most infinitesimal delay and I’d have cum so hard, it may well have shot a hole through the ceiling. But no… I was just there, teetering on the very edge, my cock pulsing, starving for that slightest extra nudge. 

This one was so powerful I could barely move, I was… I was really somewhere else entirely at that point. I could vaugely tell that Melina looked up at me with a concerned look in her eye. “Honey? Honey, speak to me! I’m sorry, please, say som-”

“Andre...” I sputtered. “One of them, was called… ugh, Andre and the other, was, Romano… a-and they both… ohhh GODICANDESCRIBETHEMALLYOUWANTPLEASEFINISHME!”

Urgently, she went in and took my tormented pecker into the embrace of her lips, once again engulfing it to the hilt. Just to take it that extra step, she deep-throated the head of my dick and that was much, much more than I could deal with. Mercifully, finally, I came right down her waiting throat. She stayed right where she was, accepting my seed with a smile…

And that, happened to be the last thing I saw before passing out to an orgasm that was far and away beyond my comprehension.

Minutes later, I came to. My genitals were no longer exposed but my clothes had been taken off, I was only in my boxers. I wasn’t sure where I was, but I felt incredibly comfortable… a pair of soft lips were repeatedly kissing the top of my head, an attempt to wake me gently. As I stirred awake, and turned my head, I realized that I was resting my head on a pair of enormous breasts, covered only in a tiny string bra. I couldn’t mistake them, they were Melina’s, and I was actually lying on top of her body. Looking up, I could see her beautiful smile, albeit upside down.

While I was out, they’d replaced the destroyed table and brought in a new one, we were lying on it at that point. Melina’s tender hands ran up and down my face as she said, “Good morning, sleepyhead. Are you okay?”

I was still fading into consciousness and a bit too stunned by this to say anything anyway. Giggling at what I’m sure was a bewildered expression, she explained, “I just, wanted to make sure you were comfortable during your nap. And we er, didn’t have any spare pillows handy, so… just making use of what I’ve got~”

I couldn’t take my eyes off of her immaculate breasts which, even from that close-up, looked utterly flawless. And they were so enormous, so soft… they were just heavenly. 

“How are you feeling, love?” she asked, her dulcet voice kissing my ears…

“Amazing...” I eeked out. I’m not certain how long I was out after that orgasm, but delicate waves of pleasure were still rushing through me in that moment. “I’ve never felt better in my life… or more, cozy...”

Truly, I was mesmerized by her body, and still drained from the climax, I quietly found myself snuggling a little further into her bosoms with a weak but genuine smile and a weary yawn, ready to drift right back to sleep. But with a gentle tap on my cheek, she said, “Sorry my sweet, you can go back to bed in a moment, but I need you to do one thing for me first.”

I looked up at her again, wiping my eyes. “Hmmm…?” 

Sheepishly, she stated, “You uh, said you could give me a description of the men you saw. We’d really like to begin our manhunt as soon as possible… don’t want to risk them skipping town.”

That brought me out of my intoxication, my mind was entirely off my situation until then. “Oh… oh, right...”

She reached to her left and slid a paper closer to us, a pen resting atop it. “You can just write down what you recall about them here, or perhaps draw a picture if you’d like.”

I was a little bit glum, and not just because this required me to raise up from her breasts. Awkwardly enough we just laid there on the table beside each other as I took my time, giving as good a description AND depiction of them as I could. Since I already spat out the names, it seemed like I might as well. I felt I’d already done enough to get them coming after me. Besides… she gave me that release, in good faith that I would. And that’s, mostly why I was a bit melancholy, even as her hands ran across my chest whilst I worked.

The images of them were so vividly burned into my mind, I had plenty to tell them. After a few minutes I had finished and handed them to Melina. 

She beamed, “Thank you, darling~”

“I, um… guess you don’t need me here anymore.” I mumbled.

“Well, you’re free to leave whenever you want.” she explained as she read through what I’d put. “But as I said, we’ll keep you as long as you need to feel safe. You’ll be protected by our very best.”

“Yeah, I’ll… I’ll do that. I have faith in your strength.” I answered, trying to hide my sigh. 

I failed, however, as she glanced away from the page. “Sweetie, what’s the matter?”

“I just… now that I’ve, come down and all, and I realize this is over, I… well, I guess I feel silly about some things that I said. And, things that I… thought I heard.” I told her, trying to avoid eye contact. “All this happened so suddenly, this whole experience was so surreal, I guess I just got caught up in it all. Deluded me a little…”

After a few seconds, I looked up to her beautiful face. Behind her eyes I could tell some gears were turning. She sat straight up, and I followed suit. “Honey, listen. What happened in here, it was… well...”

“A job. I know.” I answered for her. “It’s okay, you don’t have to explain yourself, I really don’t begrudge it. It’s an important job, do what you have to do… or, who you have to do...”

A hand on my shoulder, she sullenly replied, “That’s, erm… look, I won’t lie. It’s true that I employ similar methods on whomever I must, and sometimes that includes men I don’t much care for. Even men I despise. And with them, I’m quite disconnected from it, but, the thing is...”

She was cut off by the door opening. The powerhouse from before walked in. “Melina. Got the intel we need?”

Melina nodded. The big woman seemed to gesture for her to follow outside, but Melina shook her head and handed her the paper. “You go on ahead and show our investigators this. I’ll… meet you there.”

The Amazonian accepted it and left without asking any questions, closing the door behind her. Melina turned to me, but I spoke up first. “It’s okay. You don’t have to massage my ego, honestly. Regardless of whether it meant anything, I’ve had an unforgettable experience with you. I don’t want to sully it by getting all needy...”

I started to roll away, but she held onto my shoulder and kept me where I was. After a pause, she hiked her leg up over mine and adjusted herself to sit directly in front of me, our crotches inches apart as she stared into my eyes. 

“You’re not just a source of information to me, okay? You’re so much more than that, and I’m sorry if I made you feel otherwise.” she explained. “I might’ve misled you a little at the end, but I can assure you this, I didn’t tell you a single lie.”

She again adjusted, and pressed her knees tenderly into my groin as she said this, reminding me of her earlier praise for my genitals. Blushing madly, I stuttered, “M-Melina…?”

“Maybe what I did before was for the cause.” she explained, reaching back to her bra strap. “But this… is just for us.”

With that, she unsnapped her bra and let her perfect breasts loose. 


She took me, right there on the table. It was absolutely wild, an impassioned sex session that I could only dream about up until that day. I came in moments of entering her but she didn’t mind, she just kept rocking me. Her tight wet pussy and remarkable body kept me rock hard, no matter how many mind-bending orgasms she gave me. Her skill was out of this world, and if there’s a better lover out there than Melina, they couldn’t possibly be a mortal human.

When she was finally ready to finish, she got more aggressive than ever, the friction so intense I nearly had a heart attack. She came down on me so hard, the table split in two, as she loudly howled out to the tune of her climax.

By the time we were cleaned up and out of there, they’d already found the men I helped identify, as well as the rest of those that stole from the bank, and several others who they found to have participated in the depraved things they did to poor Dawn. As a bit of therapy, that next day, Melina let me watch as she took her time beating them senseless, ending with the slow, systematic destruction of their genitals. 

Then, to rub it in, we made love right in front of them, forcing us to watch as we went through a pleasure they’d never feel again. Melina got me off in every single way she could think of, I didn’t think it was possible for me to cum so many times in a day…

Extended members of their ‘family’ did eventually track me down and attempt an attack on the Order’s HQ… but after they were utterly brutalized and sent back to the mob’s doorstep as broken men, they never tried again.

I’ve stayed in the place ever since, slowly gaining the favor of those who aren’t partial to men and letting my newfound relationship with Melina blossom. Suffice to say, I’m feeling pretty damn safe these days, secure in the knowledge that the mafia wouldn’t dare mess with me now. But I can’t say I’m eager to leave the Order of the Female Dominion’s protection anytime soon~


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