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  • Commissioned by Aren

I was tentative… basically that whole day, I felt like I was walking on eggshells. But more than ever, as I tied on those boxing gloves and leaned against the corner. The dread in the air was absolutely thick, intoxicating... 

I don’t know how I got into this mess, I just wanted to do right by my people and help ensure their safety. But this whole day I’d been treated like the enemy, and knowing who I was about to be ‘sparring’ against, well… I wasn’t convinced it’d be the friendliest session. 

Well, I should probably back up a bit here. Where I live, there’s this vaguely known about phenomena called the Hollow Night, a strange realm that seeps into our world once a month. It’s supposedly filled with terrifying ghostly figures, I’ve never seen it myself but I’ve been trying to help out this organization designed to protect civilians whom the realm happens to manifest itself upon. 

They’re known as the Licht Kreis, which is German for ‘The Light Circle’. In the name of the aforementioned goal, they train many warriors, the best of which become known as their Executors. The prevailing thought seems to be that the strongest of these is a woman named Erika Wagner, who worryingly has a habit of in-fighting and even supposedly killed one of her own fellow Executors, for reasons unknown.

Something else I should tell you about this organization… they don’t allow men in their fold. I don’t know the full story as you may be gathering is the norm here. I’m very much an outsider, what can you do... but apparently after a man was ejected from their ranks, they decided it needed to be an all-female league. I’ve been told that if I did work my way into being an associate of theirs as I was hoping, I’d be the first in a very long time. 

That’s not to say they’re anti-men, not necessarily, but as I was walking through the halls leading to this ring, the awkward tension was palpable. It was pretty obvious that many of them had never seen a man on their premises before, and were pretty uncomfortable about it. But that wasn’t what worried me, it’s not what made me re-evaluate all my life choices as I stood there in that empty ring, in that empty room…

That’d be my first and only meeting with the aforementioned Erika Wagner. She… seemed unhappier than anyone to see me. After learning of her reputation I was hoping to maybe avoid her for the most part, atleast until I gained the trust of the organization, but no, she was eying me down on my first day here. And when she heard I wanted to help them… she demanded a demonstration of my usefulness. In a boxing match.

Nominally it was a sparring session as I mentioned, but that look in her eye… it bothered me. It wasn’t like how one ally looked at another, or even as an enemy looked at a rival. It was more like… how a child might look at an ant, right before they step on it. She looked at me like I wasn’t even there, like my life couldn’t have been less valuable to her. 

Atleast she didn’t challenge me to a sword fight, then I’d really be in trouble. I laughed at that small relief, trying to take some solace. 

That left me the moment the door swung open, smacking hard against the wall, jerking me up from my little stool. Erika stood there in the doorway, giving me that same look… she wasted little time in striding over to the ring, stepping up the stairs and leaping over the ropes. As she came face to face with me, those blood-red eyes glaring a hole through my very soul… well, I was nervous for a whole new reason.

For all her ferocity, for as cold as she was, and for as fiery as the trail she’s blazed has been… God, was she was beautiful. And I thought she looked stunning enough in her normal attire, but she came to the ring in nothing but an athletic bra and matching biker shorts. She wasn’t trying to accentuate her curves, I could tell that much, but… well that kind of figure just won’t be denied. 

Those long, shapely legs leading up to those thick hips… her perky bosoms poking through her snug bra, and unsurprisingly she was in tip-top fighting shape. Her blonde hair was lengthy and her bangs curled to a spiral past her shoulders. They were cute, really… deceptively so. Any other woman looking like her, I’d be thrilled to see. But I wouldn’t dare make a pass at her, I’d end up beheaded...

Erika eyed me up and down, looking wholly unimpressed. She pressed her knuckle against my abdomen and scoffed, “You look even less like a warrior with your shirt off.”

“H-Hey, I worked hard to get in shape for this...” I quietly muttered. “I didn’t get to go through the kind of training you did.”

“That’s a blessing for you!” she snapped. “You’d never survive what I’ve been through, just the preparation alone would break someone as soft as you.”


“I saw it the moment I laid eyes on you.” she coldly explained. “A weakness like yours will only result in death, for you and for whomever has the misfortune of being under your protection… and I will stamp that weakness out of this entire organization myself if I must. Your pathetic ilk shan’t sully the Licht Kries...”

Before I could respond, she turned around and walked to her corner, where her own black boxing gloves hung. She just made me wait there as she took her time putting them on, her back to me. And during that time, well… I had little else to do but look at her. And her magnificent ass… those shorts fit snugly around it, cradling her supple cheeks…

I knew I shouldn’t be staring like that, but it was actively difficult to rip my eyes away. After several seconds though I managed to will myself to look up… in time to see her head turned back at me. 

That look in her eye was a lot less vacant now… 

A chill ran down my spine in that moment. I should’ve savored it, as it’d be the only sensation other than pain I’d be feeling that day.

She stormed over to the middle of the ring, and gestured for me to stand before her. I knew that was standard procedure, but… well, I guess I was hesitant to get that close. That didn’t bode too well for the fight we were about to have, thinking back on it.

But I stepped over and stood eye-to-eye with her… or I would’ve, but as I noticed then, without her remarkably high heels on, she was several inches shorter than me. The way she carried herself gave me the impression that she was towering over me, that was just the sort of presence she had. 

Curtly she announced, “We begin when I say! Once the fight is on, there shall be no dirty tactics permitted, no eye gouging, hair pulling, blows below the belt, any of the sort. And the fight will not end until there is a forfeit… it will stop only when someone pleads for it. Understood?”

Smiling nervously, I asked, “This… IS supposed to just be a training exercise right, a sp-sparring match? Not a… serious fight…?”

“You wouldn’t survive a serious fight with me.” she quickly answered. It didn’t even sound boastful, it was as though she were merely stating a fact. “But if you want to have anything to do with our organization, you’d best be able to take a real punch. Your submission is inevitable, but it’s an inevitability you’d do well to prolong if you want to impress.”

I could ignore her arrogance to an extent, she’d certainly earned it, but her constant mockery to my face was starting to get under my skin. Willing up some of my patented quiet fury, I replied, “Don’t be so sure this will be a cakewalk...”

Her expression didn’t change, though her stare did seem to linger for a while afterwards… she broke this by putting her gloves up. “We shall begin at the count of five. You are familiar with counting, yes?”

I gave a little angered groan, but just nodded. This taunting was getting old… I realized that worst comes to worst, getting beaten up by someone with her reputation won’t hurt me, and it’s not like she was about to murder me just for wanting to help, right…? She’s killed, sure, but on the battlefield, not in training. And I felt confident in myself to atleast get a few good shots in before I had to call it quits. I was starting to look forward to taking her down a peg.

So I put my dukes up too, making sure to keep a close guard on my face. I replied, “I know how to count just fine, and I’m ready to fight.”

“Hmph. Very well.” Erika sneered. “One! ...Two! ...Thr-”

With remarkable speed she went down to a knee and lashed out her fist. She interrupted her own count… I was waiting for the five so intently, I didn’t see this coming at all. And her assault was merciless, a vicious uppercut directly to my groin. The wide glove engulfed my crotch as she struck with deadly accuracy, a thud resonating from the room when she made contact with my testicles. Her punching power was as evident as her malice, she went so far as to twist her fist back and forth like a knife stuck in my flesh, grinding my nuts against my pelvis. 

If I had more time to prepare for this fight, if I weren’t suddenly pushed into that ring within an hour of arriving at this place, I’d have prepared a cup… but I didn’t have the luxury of that. Nothing but my thin boxing shorts protected me. I groaned pathetically, the wind knocked out of me as I slumped backwards, rolling around on the floor clutching my groin. 

Erika’s fist was still extended in the perfect form of an uppercut for several seconds, as though she was savoring how it felt against my crotch. Finally she stood and looked down on me… from there, she really did look like she towered over me.

Through gritted teeth, I complained, “You said… no… low blows…!”

“Once the fight began, yes.” she corrected, a sly grin on her frustratingly pretty face. “I didn’t say it started yet… thus, no rules to break.”

“St-still, I...” I grumbled, managing to get up to my knees. “Somehow I expected you to… fight with honor...”

Her expression darkened at that. Glaring down at me with contempt, she spat right on my face and declared, “You don’t deserve to be shown honor, you lowly dog!”

“Wh-why would you say something like-”

“And in truth, I did you a favor...” Erika cut me off, before turning her back to me. “From down there, I’m sure you have a much better view of my backside.”

“Oh that… w-well the thing is, that’s not… it isn’t what you think, it’s… I was just, um...” I stuttered and stumbled before mercifully trailing off.

I’m not sure how I was going to end that sentence, but I can’t imagine it would’ve had much credibility, considering I was too enraptured by her glorious ass to finish it. She was right, the view was lovely from down there, my face was just a couple of feet away from it...

Glancing back at me, she abruptly turned, her fist reared back as she yelled, “...AND BEGIN!”

That next split second, her haymaker slammed brutally into my face, taking me all the way onto my back. I think I’ve been hit by trains that packed less of a wallop. And just to make it worse, as I stewed in it, she mocked me further, “My my, the fight literally just started and you’re down already… what a poor showing.”

It’s not that she didn’t like me… but she didn’t respect me, not just as a fighter or a man, but as a person. I was nothing to her, a toy at best. So lowly that she didn’t see the need to show me even the slightest hint of sportsmanship, not an ounce of humanity… fuck being tentative, I was burning with anger now. I needed to make her take me seriously, that was all that was running through my mind at that point.

I pounded the mat with my gloves as I slowly pushed myself up, determined to knock her out. I could ignore the stinging pain in my cheek and the pounding fire in my loins if it meant teaching her a lesson. Erika just stood there, looking disinterested as I took up my stance. I swung a heavy fist, aimed right at her smug face… but before I made contact, it’s as though she were gone. Glancing around, I saw she was suddenly to the right of me.

Her speed was impressive… but that didn’t mean she couldn’t be caught. I swung another uppercut aimed at her head, she juked to my right. A left hook, and she again shot to the right of me. Noting this tendency, I feinted another punch, before instead attacking to the right of her. My plan worked - she skipped to the right, directly in front of my oncoming fist.

 For the briefest of moments I felt the satisfaction of knowing I was about to lay into her, but her own fist came up, too quick for my eyes to even perceive until it smacked my arm away. This not only defused my attack, but left me wide open for her counter. Erika was happy to capitalize, going down to her knees and sending shot after shot into my stomach. 

Her gloves were a blur as they battered my midsection, slowly doubling me over. I was stunned from the pain too much to make any sort of move, I could only take it as she hit me, perhaps a dozen times in the span of a few seconds. Finally she finished with an uppercut to my chin that nearly flipped me over, instead causing me to land painfully with the back of my head bouncing off the solid canvas. 

There wasn’t a hint of mercy in her eyes as I looked up groggily at her. With her perpetual scowl, she demanded, “Rise, dog.”

Weakly I rolled onto my front and crawled over to the ropes. With how long it took for me to use them and pull myself up, I’d have undoubtedly been counted out of a regular boxing match. But sadly our ‘sparring session’ was nowhere near as friendly as that. 

No sooner than I was finally on my feet did she pounce on me, a flurry of shots to my stomach, chest and cheeks. I tried to get my arms up to block, but her next blow directed right at my left wrist was almost just as painful. There was a horrible cracking sound and I found myself uncontrollably howling as she undoubtedly snapped it. 

I fell right to my knees, having to take a few more to the temple on the way down. There was no way I’d be able to continue like that, I was certain of that, as I clutched at my aching wrist as best I could with those gloves on. Erika scoffed, “Conceding already? Surely you’re not so weak as to submit at the first broken bone… you’d never last a day here with that kind of pathetic behavior. What a waste of my precious time you are...”

That little jab reminded me of how much I was growing to hate this woman. My teeth grit, my fists clenched tighter than ever, I thrust a punch right into her stomach, to see how she liked it. I can atleast say I mustered some force going by the loud thud… she didn’t react. The both of us were frozen in place for a moment, my fist planted firmly in her abdomen.

Her absolutely rock solid, washboard abdomen… I slowly eeked out a groan as I took my fist back, trying to shake some feeling in my hand as I felt like might’ve broken a knuckle on her stomach. Erika simply began to laugh.

“Ahh, what a sad specimen you are...” she shook her head. “And you thought you had what it took to be a hero? A pitiful, perverse curr like you? Hmph… here, let me give you another free shot. I won’t move until after your punch… let’s atleast make this somewhat interesting. ”

My anger building all the further, I shot up to my feet and sent a haymaker towards her anyway, smacking solidly off her face. All I seemed to manage to do was turn her head though, she made a big show of slowly turning it back to look me in the eyes. Suddenly the will to fight all but left me… and her follow-up left hook to my ear finished the job, I slumped right to the floor in a miserable heap. 

Crossing her arms, she repeated, “Rise, dog!”

But this time I didn’t move a muscle… I wasn’t knocked out, but I was kinda wishing that I was. Being unconscious sounded really nice right about then. I had injuries on both hands now, my stomach was starting to bruise, my ears were ringing, my nuts still ached… and to top it all off, on the rare occasion when I can catch her with a punch, it does absolutely no damage to her.

In a word, I felt defeated. And I felt stubborn pride wasn’t good for my health at that point. So I conceded, “You know, on second thought… ugh, I uh… think maybe Licht Kreis isn’t right for me. So I think it’s time-”

Erika shot down to the mat, crawling before, her face coming up close enough that I could feel her breath on my lips. It was so sudden, it actually scared me and I held my tongue. Her eyes were burning with fiery red hatred as she hissed, “Remember what I said. Delay the inevitable as long as you can… or else.”

She felt she hadn’t beaten me enough? For what, wanting to help people and catching me looking at her ass? From the way she was looking at me, you’d think I’d killed her mother. My voice shook as I asked, “Y-You… wouldn’t kill me, right…?”

Her eyes widened, her expression turning neutral. After a brief pause, she grabbed me around the head and roughly pulled me up into a headlock. One arm ensnaring me, the side of my face ended up clingling closely to her breast as she reared her free hand back. Brutally, she punched me square between the eyes… and then again, and then again. My vision blurred but she continued, each shot ringing out through the empty training room.

Erika paused to ask, “How many concussions do you think you can withstand before your brain simply shuts down…? Oh, and yes... I will absolutely kill you if you don’t show me something worth my time.”

Showing her usual aptitude for the rules, she judo tripped me to the floor, holding me in that headlock for another few moments, and smothering me further in her tits. After wrenching it in, and grinding me furiously against her chest, she released me and stood over me. Looking up her body, it was as beautiful as it was imposing… how I wished to have somehow gained her favor, to have met her under any other circumstance, to change her mind about men… 

But where did this come from…? Just moments before, I was pining for revenge for what she’d been doing to me, so eager to strike back. But as she put to me the brink of death, my thoughts turned affectionate? No… I should be burning with rage and shame...

“Stand.” she quietly commanded, interrupting my thoughts. I was so out of it, I barely heard her and I didn’t budge… every little movement hurt. Erika growled, “Rise now, or never rise again!”

That threat certainly landed, enough for me to power through the pain and roll onto my front. Slowly I managed to myself off the floor, on my hands and knees at that point. But before I could even get my bearings, she rushed in and punted me square in the stomach, causing me to roll onto my back. 

As I rolled around on the floor clutching my snapped ribs, it occured to me that I was fairly certain kicks weren’t legal in boxing… but sadly, I also wasn’t sure at that moment what kind of match we were even having. My mind was not in a good place.

“If you can’t stand on your own, I will have to help you, worthless dog...” she barked, as she kneeled down and pulled one of my limp arms around her shoulder. Erika slowly stood, supporting me as she aided me to my feet. For a brief moment, it was really quite serene… it felt nice, leaning on her like that, giving her a little one-armed hug…

The uppercut to the gut kinda spoiled that though. She proceeded to whip me into the tightly banded ropes. They stung to ram into but nonetheless had enough give to spring me forward. It seemed like she didn’t expect that, her eyes went wide when she saw me slump onto her. 

Out of instinct, I embraced her, just to keep myself upright as I ended up with my cheek pressed against her taut abs. I still didn’t quite have my balance so I slid somewhat, feeling her glistening, toned stomach brush delicately against my face. My arms slid down as well… and the slow descent ended up with my face pressing firmly in her groin, as my hands rested against her sweet, firm ass.

Damn those gloves, I wish I’d never put them on in that moment. Oh, to have just one squeeze with nothing in the way…

I felt her glove slowly clamp down around the crown of my head. She pushed my head away, and I looked up to see her face… it was by the far the single most pissed-off expression I’d ever seen, her rapidly increasing breathing showing off the righteous fury that was building within her.

Another hook caught me in my good ear this time, instantly enough to not only break my grasp but send me spiraling to land facefirst on the floor. I officially had absolutely no idea where I was, barely even lucid of the fact that she’d grabbed onto my legs and made it a point to spread them. I was in a completely different world as I heard her running to the opposite side of the ring, before rushing back with a speed that sounded like a truly terrifying velocity. 

But her punt right between my legs brought me back to Earth. Her kick to my balls was so utterly powerful that I ended up flipped onto my back from the force. My scream blood-curdling as I clutched my poor, devastated groin, but she wasn’t done. Erika stomped over and stood above me, either foot at my sides. Without a word, she kicked her legs out from under her, sending her perfect ass smashing wickedly into my already bruised stomach. 

I was squealing in sheer anguish, and yet I knew the worst was still to come. She had me mounted now, digging her wondrous backside deeply into my punished abdomen. Erika put up her dukes once more, and I wanted none of where it was going. 

“N-No…! No, please…!” I croaked. “Please no more, I-”

“If you say you submit now, it will be the last thing you ever say.” she coldly warned.

And so instead… I said nothing. I merely silently wept, tears streaming down my cheeks as she started raining down shots. One by one, her rapid blows stung my face. She was alternating rights and lefts and they seemed to get gradually harder. Her gloves bounced painfully off me time and again… I was entirely defenseless, I could only lie back and take the abuse as she clobbered me relentlessly.

When the rush of gloves finally ceased, it was only to move onto a new stage…

“To hell with these, I want to feel your blood on my bare hands...” she grumbled as she bit at the laces of her left glove, yanking with her teeth to loosen it and slip it off. She did the same with the other, before tossing them both aside. Her fists clenched tightly, she commenced once more, viciously bashing my nose, chin and eyes with her solid knuckles.

Her speed and viciousness only increased, as though the gloves were these encumbering weights that she’d now shed. Her pounding blows seemed endless and I felt it all as my jaw was loosened, my nose was permanently altered, and a tooth was sent flying. Before long, I saw blood on her knuckles and I immediately knew it was mine. 

I saw my life flash before my eyes, as I knew she wasn’t kidding. My life meant nothing to her, my death meant nothing to her. I’d be but a single chapter, nay a little footnote in the book of her conquests. And yet, as I saw this, I felt that it’d be an honor for my life to end at the powerful hands of the most gorgeous woman I’d ever known.

...An… honor…? That was such an insane notion and yet, I actually felt a smile cross my lips just as her crimson painted knuckles smacked into them again. I was so enamored by her strength and sexuality, her beauty and brutality, that I felt this compulsion to sacrifice my life and body to her, to become just another victim, a name spoken only to remind and warn other passerbys of the fearsome might of the one and only Erika Wagner.

H-Had I gone mad? How did thoughts like that seep into my head?! She wasn’t said to be any kind of mage and yet I felt like I was falling under her spell. I had to get out of that predicament before I truly lost everything. Even moving my arms was a struggle with how spent I was but I managed to feebly get them up, and when she saw this, her attack ceased.

“Hmph. So there is something left in you...” she mused. “I’ll make sure to rid you of that last bit of will, that very last drop of fight... then and only then, will I allow your submission.”

She grabbed me by the neck and slowly rose off of me, choking me a little as she forced me to my feet. Roughly she pushed me backwards until I was standing, in name only really, nothing but the support of the ropes kept me upright.

My sight was beyond impaired, I was seeing double as I looked at my tormentor standing with her arms folded just a few feet away. “If you have the will to defend yourself, you have the will to keep fighting… atleast, if your life depends on it, you certainly should.”

She still expected me to fight back…? I was just standing there wishing I had the energy to run. Erika casually bent over and picked up her gloves, taking her time putting them back on. Her ass still looked perfect but I dared not look, in fact I shut my eyes completely. But after a moment she spoke up, “Didn’t you hear me…? I just told you to keep fighting.”

I meekly opened my eyes to see her there, her arms outstretched, her gloves unclenched. She looked entirely vulnerable… atleast, she was a in position that’d be vulnerable for anyone else. “I know you must feel powerless. Low down and pathetic like the dog you are, but I’m gracious enough to offer this one last time. A free punch… give me your best shot, I shan’t make a single move to avoid it. I won’t even retaliate...”

Slowly I peeled my arms off the ropes, drunkenly staggering closer to her with my fists vaguely up. I knew how futile this would be, but other than a few more broken bones in my hands, what did I have to lose? And who knows, I could always get extremely lucky and land a knock out shot… stranger things have happened.

Willing up whatever modicum of strength I had remaining in my beaten, battered body I reared my fist back… and promptly got slammed with a double dose of hammerfist, one to each of my ears. I didn’t even see her move… only feel her gloves as she twisted them, grinding against both sides of my head as she silently chuckled.

“You deserve… no… honor.” she grimly repeated, and her laughter slowly rose in volume as she proceeded to send another quick flurry to my broken ribs, a furious one two that rocked my head back and forth, and a vile uppercut that demolished my chin, sending me staggering helplessly backwards.

That only saw me bounce off the ropes, stumbling right into another vicious hook, this one slamming into my left eye. The force of that blow, naturally, sent me flying into the ropes and bouncing right back for a thunderous right hand to my cheek. Her laughter just went on and on, she was tickled at this situation. I was like a pinball, smacked back and forth. I had absolutely no control over where my body was going. All I wanted was to fall, to fall and let it all be over…

To fall, for that one last time, in the name of nothing but furthering the legend of the Crimson Knight. A mere display of the merciless fury of the Flame Tyrant. I wished to fall to my knees and worship her glorious body, as dangerous as it was desirable. Fall to my knees so that she could more comfortably behead me…

That time… I didn’t come back. In that moment, I was gone, a dumb grin plastered on my face as she had her way with me. Just to show off her strength, she blasted me with a full-force uppercut to my stomach that lifted me off the canvas, her glove buried so deeply into my midsection that she was more or less carrying me with her punch. She shoved me directly into the ropes for her next right cross.

She didn’t stop until she had her fill. And I would’ve had it no other way. I saw her winding up her right arm, and I found the gesture fun, eager to feel how effective that shot would be. I was so distracted by it, I didn’t see the left jab coming at all, not until it stabbed into my right eye, giving me a matching set. 

One more bounce later, and her wind-up uppercut turned whatever was left of my jaw into mush, sending me flying once more. The force of that blow was so lovingly intense, when I hit the ropes off of it I was certain they’d tear down the middle. I’d never seen them bend quite that far, I could’ve fallen right out of the ring if they didn’t snap back.

But snap back they did, sending me stumbling rapidly… right into her rising knee, which she timed perfectly to meet my groin right at the apex of my momentum. That greatly amplified the effect, the shot rang out so loudly it might’ve made my ears bleed had my hearing not been so ruined by her shots. My nuts had been utterly crushed against my pelvis with a bone-chilling crunch and only one of them just barely survived that assault. 

With that, I finally got my wish, falling to my knees. I was howling in pain, but only by instinct… I wanted it. I wanted all of the abuse she’d be willing to grace me with. And so I remained there in place, not even bothering to clutch my crotch or cover up anything. I was just eagerly anticipating my beheading. 

And she tried her best to give it to me, a full force haymaker to the back of my head soon followed and that finally knocked me right out cold.

During the brief spot of unconsciousness, I had a little dream… I found myself in my house, as it was set ablaze. I had to rush out in a panic, and then simply stand there in the street with nothing but my boxers on, watching as my every possession burned away before my eyes. 

And there, standing on the roof of the burning building was Erika Wagner, brandishing her sword, adorned in her provocative Executor outfit. That flowing crimson cape billowed in the wind as she glared down at me, giving me that look… that look that let me know I was less than a person.

Deftly she leapt down and landed directly in front of me, the stiletto heels of her kneehigh boots stabbing into the ground. Without a word, she reached down, grabbing at the front of my boxers. Easily she ripped them off, and as I looked down at myself I saw the enormous erection I had achieved. 

That it was a full twelve inches had nothing to do with the fact that I was dreaming, honest…

I looked up to find that suddenly Erika was entirely nude, just as I was. Her slender, yet powerful figure was on full display for me to see, backlit by the flickering flames. My massive cock quivered at the sight, but when my gaze (eventually...) reached her face, I saw that she wasn’t impressed by it’s mighty size. 

She reared back her free hand, and her entire arm became surrounded by an aura of flame as she punched me square in the face. I fell straight to the ground, marveling at her power. Flat on my back, I simply laid there spread-eagled, watching in awe for her next move. Erika whirled her sword around in the air flamboyantly as she howled, “Leave this earth, you worthless scourge!”

Erika swung her blade down, almost in the arc of a golf swing. Her aim was true… in one fell strike, she’d castrated me, my cock tearing off at the base. So powerful was she, that the biggest, most rock solid erection of my life was cut through like butter by her blade.

She picked up my now useless, though somehow still erect member and waggled it tauntingly in front of my face before it suddenly set alite, fizzling into nothingness in her hand. Erika proceeded to grip her sword with both hands and raise it up high. Her next slash went right through my neck, beheading me. 

My head survived for a few seconds, just as I’d heard… I could still see. She picked me up by the hair and turned around, lifting me up in the air. From that angle, I could actually see her, perky breasts pointing right up at me, as she stood over my ruined body. That was the lasting image I had when the vision came to an end.

It was, without question, the single greatest, most beautiful dream I’d ever had in my life…

I awoke to Erika standing over me as I laid on my side. Her arms were folded as she repeatedly kicked me in the ribs, destroying what little remained of my abdominal muscles. She noticed I was awake, and then promptly punted me again, harder than ever. I groaned, but smirked… it was a good pain. No, a wonderful pain…

“You’ve insulted our prestigious organization by even THINKING that you were capable of serving with us. You insult me by even breathing the same air as I, and furthered it by staring at me, lusting over my body. And you’ve made an utter mockery of yourself in this ring, getting thoroughly decimated without leaving a scratch on me.” she hatefully recalled. I was secretly enjoying the verbal abuse. “So tell me, lowly dog. Tell me how it feels to be a waste of egg and sperm. Tell me, after all this… what do you have to say for yourself?”

Even speaking hurt at that point, but I didn’t mind. I gladly spoke up to share the one thing that I had a burning need to say…

“I love you, Erika.”

“...That’s nice.” she coldly mumbled. “Shall I take that as a submission?”

I nodded my aching head. “I happily submit everything that I am to you.”

“Wow, everything you are? What a gift...” she sarcastically snapped. “Hmph. I suppose you’ve lasted long enough that I can spare your life… but for your transgressions, I still feel the need to punish your worthless body.”

“Yes! Yes, please do!” I shouted, grinning ear to ear.

Erika stepped onto my erection, bulging through my boxer shorts, my mighty 4 inch cock was pressed painfully against my stomach by her grinding boot heel. “Don’t you ever even suggest anything to me! I do this because I want to, your request is meaningless! I’d sooner burn you to cinder than do a single thing to please you, is that understood?!”

“YES MA’AM!” I howled in anguish and delight. I was undoubtedly the face of ecstasy, I’d never been happier than in that moment. I was utterly lost, and I hoped to never be found again.

Erika stepped off of me, looking down on me with that same empty disgust she’d shown me from the beginning. She grabbed me by the wrists and dragged me across the ring, to absolutely no resistance of course. 

She positioned me right where she wanted me, which is exactly where I belonged. My right arm ended up strewn across the bottom rope after she tossed my hands away, letting me know vaguely where in the ring I was. To my right, I saw as she stepped out onto the apron. With a lone hop, she leapt all the way to the top rope, showing incredible athleticism as well as balance, considering she stood up there for a good few seconds. 

“For the honor of the Licht Kreis… and just for being such a dirty pervert, I shall strike you down with merciless vengeance!” she triumphantly shouted, before springing up into the air. 

She was already a good few feet above me before her jump, and she got incredible air off that leap. Erika might’ve been a good twenty feet above me. Her form was immaculate as she corkscrewed and whirled through the air, until her lovely body was facing the inside of the ring. But as she outstretched her arms, I was pleased to see her fists were still lined up with me.

Her precision was more perfect than I knew. She came down like a damn meteor, and as she did, her boxing gloves simultaneously crashed brutally into my face and groin. I felt the ring shake beneath me and then, nothing but that sweet, sweet agony.

Erika proceeded to truly rub it in by maintaining this position as she went into a lengthy session of push-ups. Happy to be my beloved mistresses’ exercise equipment, I was thanking my lucky stars as every push put more pressure on my brutalized face and tenderized testicles. 

I can’t tell you how long she did this, as time and again the overwhelming pain became too much for my senses and I passed out from it, only to awaken to find she was still going. Her stamina was unreal, Lord only knows how many reps she had.

Finally the time came where I sadly woke to find that I was alone in that ring. Alone, with an enormous smile and a huge stain in the front of my shorts...


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