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  • Commissioned by Joey

I took a deep breath as I leaned against the wall, taking a peek into the dark night sky. It was a relatively warm night, but that did nothing to thaw the ice that ran in my veins. I glanced to the window a few feet away from me, the last of them that had emitted any light. Couldn’t help but smile as the light was blown out. The three beautiful women I’d tailed to that cabin had made me wait out there for a while… but they were finally going to bed. 

An image naturally flashed in my mind of the three of them in bed together. I pushed it out of my mind, because I’m a professional. After giving it a few more cursory moments, I stealthily stepped over towards the window and glanced inside. To my delight, there was nothing in there but a large, lavish chest. An image naturally flashed in my mind of one of the women’s large, lavish chests… but again, professional, so it wasn’t there for long.

Retrieving from my vest a crowbar, I stepped closer and gently placed it on the bottom of the window. You may think it impossible to pry it open that way without making noise. But you don’t know me, and I don’t want to know you. 

With delicate might, soft strength, tender toughness, I wrenched it back quietly, but found it stubbornly refusing to open. Actually upon further inspection, it did open a smidge, but found itself blocked off by the little hook lock in the center. I perhaps didn’t notice at first that it was a double window that opened through the middle. Cunningly, I slid my finger between the window panes, unhooking the hook, allowing it to open without making a peep.

I proceeded to combat roll my way in with incredible elegance… unfortunately because of how supremely buff my arms are, they didn’t quite make the trek with me and I ended up being snagged by my armpits on the windowsill. Fortunately my athleticism was such that I was able to slowly pull them away so as to fall on my ass with nary a thud. 

I’m like a ghost, an oily shadow, striking with ferocity and leaving without a trace.

Having expertly made my intrusion, I went on all fours and crawled across the floor. Not in a meek way though. More like a tiger, approaching it’s prey… wasn’t long before I neared the chest in question. 

I happened to know these women were a band of adventurers, you know the type. I tried that once, but I’ve since decided that... I work alone… ever since they kicked me out anyway.

 Jealous of my skills, no doubt. 

Nonetheless, they must’ve acquired much in their travels. In that chest had to be plenty of gold, expensive armor and weaponry, sentimental tokens of friendship that meant nothing to me but everything to them and would make me feel like a real asshole for stealing them, perhaps even some priceless artifacts. 

I’ve found that strangely, things that are priceless can go for a very high price…

I kept going until I got a good view of it, even in the darkness of that room. I took in the moment, gazing at the beautifully crafted wood, the thick iron padlock, the sleek golden lining, the-

Wait, a padlock...? Well. Damn, foiled again... I had no means of getting past that. Of course if I left now, I’d just look silly. Not that anyone saw me to know it, but I’d know, and I’m a very judgemental sort. I was never gonna let myself live it down.

So to make the best of it, I glanced around to see what else I could find. There really wasn’t much else in that room that I could see in those shadows, except for the dresser close by to me. Some people keep valuables in dressers, right? I opted to go for it, opening up the nearest drawer and rifling through it’s contents. 

I pulled out the first thing I got my hands on, which just so happened to be a golden, lacey bra. An enormous one at that… I stared in awe at those cups. I knew that purple haired woman had huge ones, but damn. I think that armor she had on might’ve actually pressed them back, judging by her bra they were even larger than I realized.

Suddenly, in that very moment, the candle next to the door found itself flickering on. I was aware candles didn’t generally do that on their own, so I turned to investigate, only to find all three women were standing right there in the room with me.

Screaming, but in a tough manly way like a viking, I hopped to my feet and asked, “How did you sneak up on me like that?! What’s your secret…?”

I’d go on to find out their names later, maybe they mention them a little further down, I don’t know, I’m recalling this as I go. But one was a little shorter than the other two. Her lengthy, dark green hair - which happened to perfectly match her eyes - was fashioned in a ponytail that went right down to her ass. Not that I was looking, it just, happened to go there. She wore a light blue nightie that actually looked a little like what she had on in the field before, coming down to a lengthy skirt cut at the sides to show off her bare hips and long, luscious legs. I’m not certain she was wearing anything else under there… 

Cordelia was the redhead, by which I mean scarlet red, and it flowed down even further, to where it likely tickled her hips. Her eyes similarly matched her hair. She had on a grey undershirt, and crimson red panties. From my earlier scouting and recon mission, I had a hypothesis that she likely possessed an ample backside hidden beneath her skirt, but I couldn’t get it verified. That nothing would hide it now was, intriguing. Relevant to my interests… 

The other was of course the lavender haired lady I just mentioned, and… my heart skipped a beat when I saw her in damn near nothing but her matching black bra and panties. As though to match the set, her eyes were purple and sweet as could be, but I sadly couldn’t look at them for long, it was hard not to be distracted by her gorgeous hourglass figure, especially that titanic cleavage. She was also the only one that wasn’t barefoot, instead wearing these lengthy lingerie stockings that went up to her thighs.

When I actually saw her wearing one, I realized those bras in that drawer were actually slightly undersized if anything, her breasts seemed so tightly packed in the one she was wearing, as though they might burst out at anytime. That image… well, I’ll admit, professional as I may be, I had some trouble getting that one out of my head.

“What in the world are you doing here?!” Lyn asked.

“I think I can hazard a guess.” Cordelia responded, pointing at the bra that I didn’t realize I was still holding onto.

Camilla shook her head, looking quite contemptibly at me, like a disappointed mother. “Tsk, tsk… naughty, naughty little boy.”

“Wait, no! It’s not what you think at all!” I hollered, my arms outstretched their way. That’s when I finally noticed the bra was still in my hand, and so I expertly hid it behind my back, out of sight and out of mind. That bra was like a breeze, flowing subtly through the air and trees, invisible to the nearly naked women. Er, naked eye…

“Truly now?” Cordelia asked, crossing her arms. “What else could you possibly be doing, other than rifling through our delicates?”

“It’s a misunderstanding, you see. I actually came here to break into that chest!” I yelled, pointing at the room’s very centerpiece. “It’s the contents of THAT I came to steal… glad I could clear that up.”

I exhaled a sigh of relief, that silly mix up resolved. But to my shock, the women glanced at the chest only to direct their gazes back at me with even more vitriolic scorn than ever. Bewildered, I uttered, “Wh-what now?!”

“Are you some kind of idiot?” Cordelia hissed, as the three of them approached me, forcing me to bravely back up.

“We don’t care WHAT you’re taking, the fact is you broke into our house and want to steal from us!” Lyn explained.

“Sorry dearie, but you’re not getting away with this. Playing dumb won’t get you anywhere right now.” Camilla scolded.

But the joke was on them…

I don’t play.

Launching into a deft, death-defying special maneuver, I held up the previously hidden bra, my thumb on the inside of one of the cups, my opposite hand holding back the strap. Like a slingshot, I righteously fired it into Cordelia’s face, where it bounced mercilessly off her forehead.

With them all adequately distracted, I summoned up my courage and made a heroic yelping sound as I turned to run, heading back towards the opened window, praying that the hook hadn’t fallen back into place.

But amazingly my blinding speed was outmatched, as Lyn managed to rush up and whirl around to my front in record time. I didn’t even have the time to cease my blazing dash, my momentum sent me barreling into her as she hopped up into the air to intercept me. Her legs wrapped around my waist as her arms cradled my head. I ended up on the ground, mounting her, though not in a fun way. 

Her bared legs coiled powerfully into my back, her crotch pressing firmly against my stomach. My every valiant attempt to wrestle free from her grasp was in vain, as she held me in place with surprising strength, even managing to force my head to stay level with her own. I was stuck there, laying on top of her, between her legs, as I had to stare deeply into her eyes… it, was uh, terrible? Yes, let’s say that.

“Release me, foul mistress! I won’t be trapped here by your luscious limbs, no matter how much you make that cute pouty face at me…” I growled, as she rolled her eyes, seeming a little disgusted with me for some reason.

“What do we do with this guy…?” Lyn asked, looking to her friends as they gathered around us, looking down on me like I was some sort of perverted, petty thief. 

“He reminds me of someone I dealt with not long ago…” Cordelia noted, still holding onto the enormous bra that I’d accidentally nabbed. “Or rather, the position you placed him in does. Me and the other girls, we punished a man for his misdeeds with, well an assortment of humiliating acts and holds… particularly, we used a lot of headscissors, and bodyscissors like the one you’re doing now.”

“Wait, humiliating… acts? Like what?” Lyn asked as her thighs pressed tighter into my lovehandles. The Lovehandles of Shadow, I call them.

“Well, uh… very, sexual acts actually.” Cordelia explained, looking away. “I recall he got his face sat on a couple of times… he was actually smothered by two pairs of breasts, aaaand there was also a footjob at one point.”

“Excuse me?!” Lyn called out, shocked.

“That sounds amazing...” I muttered. 

In response, Lyn squeezed a lot tighter, her arms coming closer to a bear hug than a snug embrace.

“It wasn’t, exactly my idea!” Cordelia snapped back. “Although I didn’t really… argue. I guess I got swept up into the moment a little.”

“I just, would never have guessed… that you’d have done something so lewd with a complete stranger, an enemy no less...” Lyn remarked.

“Ohhoho, that’s nothing darling.” Camilla replied with a smile. “Why, I own a private dungeon where I keep all the prisoners we take from battle and smother and torture them whenever I have free time.”

Both of the girls whipped their heads towards her in shock. I’d have done the same if Lyn weren’t so frustratingly adept at controlling my head. Camilla’s eyes went wide, as if she somehow didn’t expect that.

Bowing her head, she sullenly explained, “I just… rather like it when they call me ‘mommy’, is all...”

“Okay, we’re… gonna have to have a talk about that at some point!” Cordelia exclaimed. “But for now, let’s focus on this guy.”

I was in the middle of failing miserably at my desperate attempt to pry her hands apart when I was rudely interrupted by Cordelia grabbing me by the wrist. “Lyn, hold up his other hand for me, could you?”

She indeed could, having no trouble keeping my head pulled down as she forced my other arm up, now I had them both extended behind my back. Calmly, I shrieked, “What are you doing to me?!”

“What? You DID want this thing, didn’t you?” Cordelia asked as she took the bra and wrapped it around me. The massive cups pressed into my torso as she used the straps to bind my arms together. After several tight knots, she decided to clasp them together just for good measure. It was...mildly humiliating.

“There, that should keep him restrained.” Cordelia declared.

Lyn rolled to her side, thereby forcing me to my side as well. After one last parting squeeze, she released me from her powerful thighs and stood up next to her friends, as they all eyed me warily.

“Well, if we’re gonna put him through that same kind of treatment, then… then that’s really weird, but uh. I guess I have the legs for it, judging by how well that worked.” Lyn sheepishly remarked, bending and flexing her toned legs so as to examine them. They were beautiful… I missed their clutch already.

“Suppose we’ve no doubt who has the breasts for it...” Cordelia remarked with just a hint of bitterness as she glanced at the mesmerizingly busty Camilla, whose breasts seemed to be still be jiggling from her walk over.

“And you most definitely have the ass for it, darling!” Camilla spoke up as she surprised Cordelia with a hearty smack on the ass that I was imagining made it shake and wobble a fair bit in it’s own right.

“B-But who gives the footjob?! That’s happening, right?!” I cried out, my eyes darting back and forth between the three.

Angered, Cordelia ran up and punted me in the chest, making me cry out in misery, but in a cool way. 

“Quiet, you! Don’t even begin to act like we owe you anything!” she shouted. “And stop with that ridiculous voice already!”

“I’m not doing a voice! This is how I actually sound!” I replied, gruff and mysterious as the night sky during a thunderstorm. “I am the essence of darkness itself, an unknowable void of mystique and intrigue. The exotic, enticing abyss of danger and allure… I am the specter in the moonlight. I! AM! THE NIGH-”

Cordelia promptly sat on my face with as much force as she could muster, effectively cutting off my monologue with her ass. That was a rude thing, done in the most rude way possible, but I was finally able to confirm that indeed, her ass was large, round, soft and supple. Downright cushiony as it pressed deeply against my face. I took a deep inhale, enjoying the results of my scientific experiment.

The proud knight wriggled her hips, grinding her thinly covered ass further against me and all was grand until I realized how little oxygen there was underneath her. In fact, upon reflection, there was none! That was a problem… I was being entirely smothered under her ass, and all my struggling amounted to nothing!

“So uh… why did this get so sexual again?” Lyn questioned.

“Just to make sure that the beatdown was as humiliating as possible.” Cordelia replied as she started bouncing her ass up and down, lightly smacking my face time and time again. It was as degrading as it was lovely… though slowly but surely, it was starting to set in how helpless I was with these women. She finished, “Weird as it may seem, it probably is the most effective way to humble a man, to dominate him not only physically, but sexually. To his types, that’s a big blow to the ego.”

My type?! What in the world did that mean?! I wasn’t a type at all, I was wholly unique! An incredible mastadon of a man equipped with a 36 ¾-inch cock that was constantly fully erect, and unparalleled thieving skills, as well as an unflinching humility and everlasting grasp on reality!

“Hm, I see what you mean…” Lyn nodded. “This guy does seem like he needs to be knocked down a peg.”

The very nerve of these women…

In another effort to escape, I summoned up all my ingenuity and tried scratching and scraping at the ground with my feet to crawl out from under her. I made some progress, but only some, a mere readjustment got her voluptuous ass right back on my face, not getting free enough to even take a breath.

“Face it, you’re not leaving until we decide to let you go.” Cordelia demanded. “Just accept your punishment...”

Unwilling to accept my punishment, I tried to do anything I could to get rid of her. With nothing but escape on my mind, and admittedly suspiciously little hesitation, I bit her juicy asscheeks to try and get her off of me.

This failed to get anywhere, besides making her yelp. “No! You do NOT indulge in my body, you sick man!”

For a brief moment she actually lifted her ass off of me, but that was only to adjust herself again. I saw her lengthy bare legs coil up around my head, before coming together in a tight vice. Her lovingly thick thighs came down hard around my cheeks, putting me in a painful scissor and simultaneously pulling me forward so I ended up buried even further in her asscheeks. I moaned, in ecstasy for a moment, but afterwards largely in pain as her legs were surprisingly powerful.

Cordelia had a lot more control of my head in that position, and put it to good use, shaking it back and forth, forcing my face to grind and scrape against her sweet backside with all the more vigor. All the while she still had my hands pinned down, all I could do was uselessly kick my legs in the hope to create powerful shockwaves that could potentially bounce back and knock her off of me. Sadly, that wasn’t to be...

“Ooh, that’s a really nice style of headscissor…” Lyn remarked. “Now you’re REALLY dominating him, heh. Do you… mind if I try?”

“Oh sure!” Cordelia chirped, going back to her sitting position long enough to get a few more bounces in before rising up off of me. 

Finally I got to take a breath, but not much else more. My head was spinning, my vision a little blurry after that experience. Looking up, all I saw was Cordelia’s sweet ass before she moved away. And then, Lyn’s sweet ass took it’s place as she stood over me, sadly covered in that nightie. 

But wait… while hesitant, she actually grabbed the back of it… and hiked it up, revealing she indeed had nothing on under there. Her ass was bared before me, plain to see, conveniently right as my vision returned to 100%. Were I not still out of breath, I would’ve politely requested she bring it closer.

And then she brought it closer, by of course kicking her legs out from under her and landing assfirst on my face. It seem to soar towards me in slow motion, gradually growing bigger and bigger until it slammed vigorously. She proceeded to take Cordelia’s place entirely, thrusting her legs back so as to curl them around my head, squeezing my head tightly and forcing me into her bare ass.

Her nightie came down as my head ended up trapped within it. Her powerful thighs pushed me nosefirst betwixt her asscheeks. It was the loveliest ass I’d ever sniffed… not that, I’ve sniffed a lot of asses or anything. I didn’t mean to imply that. Obviously, sneaking beneath girls... that’s beneath me.

“Wow, didn’t expect that out of you, Lyn.” Cordelia noted. “Guess you had to escalate somehow...”

“I just… wasn’t sure if it was humiliating enough with all the fabric in the way.” she replied sheepishly. 

Lyn commenced to wriggling my head against her ass much in the same way Cordelia had. After a few moments though she lamented, “Hm, this is fun but it seems unoriginal to just copy you… lemme see if I can shake this up.”

I felt the lengthy skirt of her nightie rise off of me, as she presumably hiked it up and rested it across her back. I wasn’t sure why, until I felt her coiling legs pulling my head back, away from her ass long enough to catch a breath.

She crawled forward to create just a bit more space, and as she adjusted, now it was her ankles squeezing into my cheeks, the tops of her feet pressing into the back of my head. Her hands to the floor, she lifted herself slightly above the ground. For my part, I was just staring down her gorgeous legs to that firm ass, so I was a little too distracted to really even question why she was doing this.

Finally it became clear when her scissoring legs pulled me in, swiftly smashing my face into her ass and pushing me right back. She repeated this, again and again again, gradually increasing in speed until my face was being utterly devastated by her ass. Soft as it was, at that speed it felt like a rock solid blow. If not for the knowledge that I was making contact with that awesome behind of hers, I’d maybe prefer being battered with punches to the effects of this brutal treatment. 

Adding to the ridiculous shamefulness of this situation, I heard Cordelia and Camilla applauding her on this move. “Well done, well done! Very creative!” Camilla spoke up. “Softening the little boy up nicely for my bosoms to overtake him...”

Lyn stopped mid-slam, letting my face rest against her ass as she remarked, “Oh! I’m sorry, I got a little too into this I guess, I forgot you hadn’t gotten a turn yet. Would you like to go now, Camilla? I don’t mind...”

“Ah, well, only if you’ve had your fill, darling~” she responded sweetly, before her face went deathly serious. “But if you have… then please, get him to his feet for me, if you would. I’m eager to get him back for his pilfering of my drawers...”

Lyn was quick to follow suit, and Cordelia helped, each grabbing me by the shoulder and yanking me aggressively to my feet. Slowly they released me, clear that I could still stand on my own, though my balance was lacking after the long leg lashing and bodacious booty beatdown I’d been through.

Out on my feet, and my arms still bound by Camilla’s enormous bra, I could only stand there as she approached me, her arms folded, propping up her gigantic breasts. She was mere inches from me when she stopped. She put her arms to her sides, letting her huge titties bounce with a tantalizing jiggle, even contained in that bra… hell, there was no containing them. And I couldn’t look away…

“Hmph… you truly adore them, don’t you?” Camilla asked. Her voice slowly turned more breathy as she went on, “You want nothing more than to feel them… you long so achingly, desperately to see them, isn’t that right, little boy?”

“Oh absolutely… they’re fantastic, the greatest set I’ve ever seen. I’ve wanted to see your breasts bared from the moment I laid eyes on you.” I sauvely, romantically replied, before correcting, “But I’m not a little boy. I’m a man, a big strong man… a big strong mysterious man of the night, with an unwavering pride and integrity. A man of great, undying dignity, who will forever-”

“Admit to being a little boy and I’ll unsnap my bra.” she interrupted, reaching towards the back of the lacey underwear in question.

“I’malittleboy!” I quickly lied. 

She giggled, as did the other two, at my sheer swiftness. The embarrassing nature of this sunk in quickly, but if it meant I could see her naked tits with my own eyes, it was absolutely worth it. But she delayed.

“I’m sorry… can you say that again, it was a little too quick for me, I didn’t catch it.” Camilla smirked, placing a hand to her ear as she turned her head my way. She was eating this up, enjoying the power she held so close to her chest.

Deciding that shame is for weaklings, I went down to my knees, raving on, “I’m a tiny, weak little boy… I’m so small, Camilla, I’m so incredibly small. The only thing that matters is seeing your breasts, I don’t care what I have to say...”

“Awww… how sweet.” she cooed.

My eyes lit up when I heard that bra unsnap, and saw it pop forward. As was obvious, it was a little too tight to begin with, and her breasts damn near exploded from them as she relieved the incredible tension. But coyly she was quick to move her hands, keeping the cups covering her supple flesh and the nipples I could only assume were specially designed for sucking. Her smile was as wide as it was mischievous, her eyes glinting as she looked down at my pathetic begging.

“One more time… tell me one more time how badly you need them, dearie.” she whispered to me.

“This little boy needs them more than life itself!” I shrieked, in this extremely high pitched voice that definitely wasn’t my real voice or anything close to the sort. “I’m sooooo pathetically meek and small, especially compared to those incredible, beautiful, enormous titties… pleeaaase, I need them...”

She performed this as slowly as she could, running her hands back to the straps of her bra. Gradually, glacially she pulled them forward, and the cups started to come off. I rushed up to my feet so I could get as good a view as possible, whilst slowly but surely she revealed a little more flesh. My mouth was agape as she savored every second, until finally, I could see just that little hint of areola…

Then, with a shocking swiftness, she slid her hands back, and I heard that bra re-snap itself. “...Too bad.” she coldly muttered.

Cordelia and Lyn’s laughter were thankfully drowned out by my moaning, “Whaaat?! B-B-B-But you said-”

She didn’t let me finish that sentence, rushing forward and leaping onto me. Those humongous breasts smashed my face as she tackled me right to the ground. That was actually quite painful landing on my binded arms, but it was impossible to notice that… or anything really, her titanic cleavage enveloped my face and my entire world. My vision and hearing seemed to disappear in her endowment, my whole existence became the softness of her overwhelming tits that I longed so dearly to see.

Eventually I came to realize her legs were coiled around my waist, the third pair of strong, bare legs to threaten to shatter my bones on that night. It wasn’t even necessary really, she had me under her power entirely, I was helpless. Unlike the other two, Camilla barely moved. She didn't need to, she already had me right where she wanted me. My air was depleting rapidly, and shameful as it was, it dawned on me how easily I could be killed by those titties, should Camilla so will it to be the case. 

In that moment I began to wonder if perhaps I wasn’t truly the big, strong, mysterious, unfathomably well-endowed lord of shadow I always told myself that I was. Maybe I really was just… a little boy, playing pretend…

And these girls weren’t interested in helping my self-pity any. I felt some adjustment as Camilla moved her weight off my stomach… and then I felt the crunch of another powerful pair of legs bearing down on my ribs. From that particular definition, I think it was Cordelia, meaning all three had put me into bodyscissors at that point, her and Camilla’s legs just inches apart as they both worked to snap me in half.

I was screaming furiously, but my howls of pain were muffled by the intoxicating titties that made up my entire world in that moment. And a spark of dread hit me when Camilla wrapped her arms around the back of my head, so that she may lift my head a little ways off the floor whilst my face stayed ensnared in her cleavage.

That dread was correct, as she then laid me back down into the waiting crotch of Lyn I believe, who crossed her legs around the narrow space that existed around my neck, her powerful thighs choking the life out of me. As if breathing wasn’t hard enough, now all three of them had teamed up to make it impossible.

It seemed wholly unnecessary for them to do this, when any of them could so effortlessly destroy me on their own. And that, cruelly enough, was the last thought on my mind before I finally passed out…

My unconsciousness didn’t last long, however. I awoke when a big splash of water hit me in the face, much to my shock. Getting my bearings took a moment, but I eventually realized that I was already standing up, thanks to Cordelia and Lyn holding my still bound arms. I was also entirely naked… and that water was quite cold… so all in all, this was about as embarrassing as could be.

I saw Camilla standing before me, setting down the dripping bucket, still grinning mischievously. “Sorry about that, darling. But it seems all that womanhood was a bit too much for you, poor little boy… and that’s a shame, because I still had a bit more I wanted to do to you.”

“Wh-wh-why am I naked?!” I asked, shaking, shivering both from fear and the stinging chill water that just struck me.

“That was my idea.” Lyn, of all people, spoke up. “Heh, just seemed like the best way to complete your humiliation.”

“And emphasize how small a man you really are.” Cordelia wryly joked.

“I’m very cold, okay?!” I shouted.

“Well maybe these will warm you up.” Camilla commented, grasping her behemoth breasts, lifting them up a little as she suddenly took off running towards me. 

With that big head of steam, she proceeded to thrust her right tit directly into my cheek with astounding force, like I’d just been roundhouse kicked in the face. Her breast rocked my head over towards Lyn. Camilla, standing right before me, starting twirling around in front of me, just to gain more momentum ahead of launching her left this time, slamming into me with yet more power. I’d have fallen right onto Cordelia if not for her firm stance.

Camilla ducked down low, her eyes on my chin. She didn’t seem to notice that her breasts smacked my rising pecker as she leapt up, uppercutting me with the top of her enormous bosoms. If not for the girls’ tight grip on me, that mighta flipped me right onto my face. I couldn’t believe how effectively she was beating the hell out of me with her tits.

She went down again, this time just low enough to thrust her breasts painfully into my bruised ribs, doubling me over as much as Lyn and Cordelia allowed. Camilla stood up straight, then lifted her breasts as high up as she could. My tormentor proceeded to simply drop them, her heavy twin mounds landing devastatingly into the back of my head.

I was fully erect now, still obsessed with her titties even as they pummeled me relentlessly. Per her gesture, Lyn and Cordelia grabbed me by the hair and forced me to stand straight up, in time for me to see Camilla calmly striding away until she hit the opposite side of the room. Turning briskly from the wall, she charged forward at an impressive clip, before launching herself at me. She again tackled me, titsfirst, and this time slamming into my face with so much force, she pried me out of the hands of her friends.

We landed in a heap with her overwhelming breasts crushing my head. I was beyond groggy as she took her time getting off of me, standing proudly above my beaten form, only my penis stubbornly refusing to go down.

Looking at it, okay… perhaps 36 ¾-inches is a bit of an overestimation. It was probably closer to, say, 13 ¼-inches, but it certainly seemed to be standing mightily from my perspective. However Camilla ignored it as she walked off, and the other three turned to leave as well. Lyn called out, “See you tomorrow, whoever you are. We’ll be turning you in bright and early.”

“Wait…” I called out, miserably. “You said, the other man… got a… footjob...”

They turned to look scornfully at me, as well as towards my erection. The three of them began to whisper quietly amongst themselves, before coming to an agreement. They were all smiles as they approached me. 

“You’re right, it’s only fair.” Cordelia conceded.

I was stunned when all three of them stuck out a foot, each of them gently running their toes up my mighty shaft. The sensation was intense, I knew immediately that a few seconds, er, hours of that, and I’d have been finished for sure. 

The three of them shared devious smiles as their feet rose up to the head of my cock… and then, simultaneously, they all stomped down onto my testicles. 

I didn’t see it coming at all, and each shot was delivered with all their might. Lyn’s bare foot slammed down on my left nut, Cordelia’s onto my right, and Camilla’s stockinged foot smashed right in the middle, catching both. This triple stomp crushed them against the hardwood floor beneath me.

My scream was immediate and horrid, shrill and outrageously loud. Never in my life had I felt this kind of pain, and I kept howling even as they moved their feet away and walked off, laughing at my plight as I curled up in the fetal position, wishing my hands were free so that I could cradle my poor, innocent testicles. The light was blown out in the room, leaving me in the dark, squealing until my voice was hoarse. After several minutes of this, and realizing that tears had been streaming down my cheek the whole time, I came to understand I really was a weak, tiny man who’d just been lying to himself all his life.

For what may have been just ten minutes but felt like hours, I was by myself in there, trying and failing to fall asleep on the floor. They truly just left me there, content with the knowledge that their bindings and the pain I was in would keep me from being able to escape. And I truly believe they were right.

But… to my shock, the light of the candle came back up. And to my horror, I saw Camilla approach me once more. My eyes went wide as I tried to crawl away. With my diminished voice, I groaned, “Nooo… stay awayyy...”

She went down to her knees and put her finger to my mouth, her demeanor much more gentle now. With her sweet eyes glinting, she cooed, “Do you still want my body…? Do you still want that footjob?”


“Shh… listen. You heard of my dungeon, yes…?” she asked. “Just a few days ago, I titfucked one of my boys so vigorously, his cock basically exploded, and won’t heal for some time… in other words, there’s an opening.”


“It’s this kind of prison, or regular prison.” she declared.

I gulped, stared at her breasts, and made my decision. “...Take me away, mommy...”

“Good choice, darling.” she smiled. “Now… let me get you out of here. And, just to make sure you don’t make a single peep on the way out...”

She reached back, unsnapped her bra, and to my delight, this time she let her titanic tits entirely free, just before coiling her legs around me and pulling my face into her breasts one more time, smothering me to sleep once more...


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