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  • Commissioned by superblue

It was a miserable trek as I made my way to her door. There were catcalls and snickering aplenty from the infuriatingly beautiful women of this empire, many of them pointing and laughing openly at me. 

To think, less than an hour prior, I believed that I had defeated their queen…

Queen Eiruferu was ruler of the Empire of Luciana, and a beloved, respected figure at that. She’d done much to change the image of women, not just in her region of the world but slowly but surely in all reaches of the globe. Men began respecting females more, and for some, it was more than that. Some men started to view and treat their female counterparts with a mythic awe or fear. Women in the surrounding continents tended to be outright worshipped by those fervently seeking their favor or desperate to avoid their wrath.

Of course here, in the country Eiruferu presided over, men were practically non-existent. Those allowed to visit were few and far between and absolutely no one with a cock was permitted to live here. That is of course excluding those they keep in their dungeons, but that’s another story.

I arrived here in the hopes of finding my sister, and convince her to leave the vaunted army she’d joined. And, well… though it shockingly took a few tries I was eventually able to defeat her when she challenged me. Needless to say by then her point had been proven but I managed to recover a little shred of dignity, after losing a fair bit of it under her ass.

Truth be told I’d had many similar battles in this castle, they seemed to really enjoy challenging my masculinity. I’d lost my fair share, taken my lumps and my groin had been assaulted roughly as many times as it’d been teased, but I always kept trying until I toppled them. After a while I’d actually bested all of the toughest they had to offer it seemed, and that’s when the Queen herself called me in to her chambers.

She applauded my efforts and decreed me the title of Strongest Man Alive, which certainly seemed like a wonderful honor at the time. However our conversation soon turned sour when she revealed that my greatest achievement was a huge detriment to her. You see some time ago, I challenged and vanquished Satan himself. 

Yes, I’m serious. 

This sent shockwaves through both the demon and human world, and for better or worse, changed a lot about how our plane of existence worked. In Eiruferu’s case, she was happy to see him slain, but aggravated about one simple thing; that it wasn’t a woman who did it. 

According to her, my sin of slaying the devil whilst owning a dick had once again given people the impression that men were superior, as everyone assumed that whoever achieved this feat must be the strongest person alive. And since this was a man, apparently that served to shift people away from how they’d begun to regard women. 

And so she challenged me, wanting to use me to prove once and for all which sex was truly the strongest. At this point I was used to fighting every girl who said more than a couple of sentences worth to me, so I accepted.

Our battle was fierce. Her attacks were swift and pelted my entire body. And I spent a truly inordinate amount of time stuck in her tits and squeezed between her legs. At one point she used my face as her personal throne and whilst her ass smothered my face her high heel expertly worked over my genitals until I was yearning for release, but she refused to give it to me unless I admitted defeat and begged for it. 

It was more tempting than I’d like to admit, but I didn’t give in. I had my pride at stake and really, with the way she’d framed it, the pride of all men at stake. I managed to shove her off of me and keep fighting. It took a long while but finally her stamina ran out and she collapsed before many a stunned onlooker, as practically everyone in the castle rushed over to watch when they heard about this battle.

I couldn’t stand tall however as I collapsed along with her, utterly exhausted. Looking across from my enemy I exclaimed that while it seemed I had won, in truth, the two of us were equal, brought to our limits simultaneously. Genuinely I was impressed, and I wanted to show respect to my opponent. But instead she laughed.

She claimed I had just proven that she was in fact superior. According to her, she’d been holding back massively the whole time, so for me to say I was equal to that was an indirect confession that I was much, much weaker than she. I balked at this of course, surely it couldn’t be true that in such a fierce battle, she wasn’t even trying. I challenged her to prove it.

She did.

Eiruferu hopped up with ease, revealing that the damage I’d inflicted was minimal. Dread filled my soul as I picked myself up sluggishly and rightfully so. In a flash she unleashed a flurry of kicks, each monumentally stronger than before. I wanted very badly to fall to the ground but her speed was such I couldn’t even begin to approach the floor before her next strike.

A single full force kick to my groin finished me off. It may have been the only attack all day she put her whole might into and the pain was indescribable, it was a wonder they didn’t both rupture on contact. For a moment I thought I might go into shock, that’s how overwhelming it was. Finally she let me fall with this and before I even hit the floor I was yelling my desperate submission, admitting her superiority. 

But even then, she wasn’t done making an example out of me and my accursed manhood. Getting her guards to hoist me up and hold my hands behind me, she started caressing my crotch with her knee, and despite my intense pain the pleasure was beyond imagination, far exceeding the footjob. Yet once again she somehow managed to deny my climax without ever taking her knee away, demanding that I beg for it. 

After what seemed like an eternity of this, finally my sexual frustration got to me and I howled out my greatest shame, pleading for her to finish me. But this only got her to cease altogether, as the crowd uproariously cackled at my shame and misery. 

The guards dropped me and she simply stepped back to her throne, leaving me with a level of blue balls I’d never have thought possible. Shameful as it is to say I started staggering around begging for any of the girls to finish what she’d started and naturally this only got disgusted looks, giggles, slaps to my face and a ‘playful’ knee to my nuts that felt like torture with how sensitive my balls had become. But I didn’t care about that or how pathetic this display was, I was aching for release so badly for a while the shame of it all hadn’t hit me.

That was until I asked the maid on the top floor and she responded by kicking me right off the balcony, sending me falling right in front of the queen and to the loudest ovation of laughter yet. Finally it sunk in just what a pathetic representation of mankind I’d become.

As I made my way out, Millis came to me, a hand on my shoulder. “Uh.. th-there there big brother, it’s okay...” she unconvincingly assured me, staring at me. Judging by her expression I can only assume my own face was one of sheer despair at that point.

“I’ll… be fine...” I blatantly lied. Hearing the weakness in my voice seemed to only make her all the more concerned. 

“Oh Alf… please, let me take you to the medical staff.” she demanded, gently grabbing my wrist. “I promise they’re professional and they won’t make fun of you.”

For a moment I figured I’d just let her, I definitely had a lot that needed looked at after this long, long day. But when she turned to pull me, I saw her skirt whip up, and the brief flash of her enormous, shapely ass forced an involuntary groan out of me. My balls were so blue, my cock so thoroughly teased, they didn’t care if she was my sister anymore… but I certainly did, so I yanked my hand back and just looked away.

“I… I know someone else here who can treat me.” I explained. “I just, need to see them, in private. It’s, just not something you want people looking at or overhearing, you understand.”

“Oh. Well, okay, as long as you trust them, I guess...” she answered. “Get better soon, Alf.”

As I limped away I knew that while I was hurting, those wounds would heal with time. My biggest issues right now were my sheer, uncontrollable horniness and the fact that no woman here was even considering helping me with it anymore. But there was one I met who seemed to take to me a lot more than the others, and might even help massage my decimated ego.

Like I said, just making my way to her room wasn’t easy, I got heckling aplenty. One of the soldiers even attacked me at random with a flurry of her sword, just to scoff at me and question why the queen even wanted to face such a weak man. Picking myself up off the ground once more, my self-esteem had fallen so far I didn’t even bother responding to her as I continued forth. Finally, I got to her door and gave it a weary knock.

“S-Sefina...” I called out. “I need you...”

Swiftly she opened the door and my, was she ever a sight for sore eyes. 

Her long lavender hair and deep purple eyes embodied her sweetness. Aside from the red gauntlets on her forearms and matching shoulder pads there were barely any signs of her being a part of the army, her attire was very casual all things considered. She wore a sky blue plaid skirt, white sleek gloves, black boots adorned with red ribbons and lengthy white stockings that went all the way up to her hips… 

But it was hard to see anything else when her huge, welcoming breasts were so lovingly framed by her wide open shirt. It might as well have been lingerie she was wearing, it managed to not only show off her expansive cleavage but a fair bit of the underside of her tits as well.

She’d been… very sweet on me earlier, and I needed sweet right now more than ever. Well that, and her enormous bosoms… I could just dive right into them and live there forever, hiding from all the world’s pain and judgment as I snuggled deeper and deeper into her sweet soft flesh…

“Ohhh Alf...” she remarked, shocked. “What happened to you?”

For some reason I always seemed to stop being a functioning adult in her presence and this was no exception. As a tear ran down my cheek I just said, “They were… really mean to me...”

“Oh honey, honeyyy…” she pouted as she wrapped her arms around me and held me close. I gasped at the feeling of her immaculate body pressing tightly against mine. In that moment I truly hoped the sensation would never cease. 

Sefina pulled me into her room and closed the door. Leading me to her bed, she sat down and patted the space next to her, goading me to sit with her which I immediately went along with. She put a gentle hand to my cheek and guided me down until my head was resting in her lap. Delicately she caressed my face and ran her fingers through my hair, as her beautiful voice asked, “Tell me Alfy, what they do to you…?”

“It’s… embarrassing.” I muttered. “I don’t want to talk about it right now, I just, really need your comfort.”

As she looked deeply into my eyes she said, “I’ll be able to help more if I know what’s wrong. They didn’t… mock the size of your penis, did they?”

My head jolted up a bit at that. “Wh-what? No… why would you think that?”

“No reason, dear! Absolutely no reason!” she quickly answered, patting me on the forehead. “It’s very, very adequate, hon. Don’t forget that.”

To punctuate that, she reached down to give a playful tap to my crotch. Embarrassingly even this got me howling in pain, as they were that sensitive after Eiruferu’s lone kick took me past the pain threshold. Sefina jerked her hand back in shock at this.

“Oh no, they went after your balls?” she asked, horrified. 

“Th-the queen did...” I finally explained. “She challenged me to prove to the world that women were superior, and won. Her attack was… devastating.”

She grabbed me by the cheeks and forced me to make eye contact with her. “Say that again? You took a full force shot, from our queen? To the genitals…?”

Sadly I nodded. Her gasp was sharp. “Ohh my, you poor, poor thing… this needs immediate attention. Hold still, I’ll help you…”

Slowly, piece by piece, she started taking off my armor as I remained there, comfortably resting against her crotch. I didn’t resist at all. After today, I was far past the point of being embarrassed by being babied a little Finally I was just down to my underclothes. She grabbed my waistband and slid it down enough to expose my genitals.

My eyes went wide as I saw the state they were in, my balls were swollen and bruised. Meanwhile my penis, which appeared to be stuck in a permanent erection from what happened, quivered and twitched every few seconds. It was as though it was stuck perpetually at the brink of climax but physically incapable of reaching it… it was agony.

Sefina looked quite concerned as she carefully studied my manhood. Amazingly I really didn’t think anything of it. In record time I’d just become so... comfortable with her, I couldn’t explain it.

Raising my head up a bit I asked, “How does it look…?”

Suddenly she whipped her head back to me and put an assuring hand on my chest. “It’s adequate!” she echoed. “It’s absolutely a fine cock that would satisfy anyone!”

Immediately I was blushing, for… a few reasons. “Erm… I meant, from the damage...”

“Oh! Yes, of course… well, I think they should recover just fine. Obviously they’re not in a good shape right now but they still look to be in one piece… well, apiece.” she explained, getting a sigh of my relief from me. “That said… hrm...”

My caretaker took a moment to tap my nuts, as delicately as she could no doubt but nonetheless enough to get a loud grunt of pain from me. The sensitivity of my tender testes was beyond belief. 

“Hm, yeah… I’d say they should stay out of commission for atleast a few days.” she commented. “After that I believe most of the pain will have subsided and they should be in full working order. In the meantime… would you like an icepack, my sweet?”

Anything that could dull that pain would be most welcome. However just before I said ‘yes’, an image flashed in my mind of her pressing the ice against my nuts, causing my erection to fade and shrivel up right before her eyes. I really didn’t want her seeing that, so instead I said, “No, that’s okay… I just, need to keep them from being touched for a bit, I’d say.”

“Hm, alright then… well, is there anything else I can do for you?” she asked, sweetly caressing me just under my chin.

As I looked up at her, learning an immense appreciation for underboob in the process as I stared intently at her womanly chest, I meekly replied, “Uh… there is one thing. See not only did she attack them but she… teased them, relentlessly. I’m… just… my lust is at an all-time high right now, Sefina.”

She nodded. “Yes, I can tell by how desperately your cock quivers. When I was running my hand against your balls it seemed to be shuddering with yearning… if it could speak I have no doubt it’d be begging me for a release.”

“Instead I have to do it for it...” I chuckled. “I, need to get off right now in the worst way and… I really need a woman’s touch to fix it, I’m so horny I think I’d be at it for hours if I was at it myself. So, will you… h-help me…?”

Sefina seemed a bit surprised. “Alfy… I’d love to, but didn’t you hear what I just said? Your testicles need their rest, you absolutely musn’t engage in sexual activity right now.”

“Wha…? B-But-”

She put a finger to my mouth to shush me. “Listen honey, I know how you must feel. But understand, coming to an orgasm with wounded balls just amplifies that pain. And in your case… I fear it’d take you past the limit. With what they’ve done to your balls, I doubt they’d survive it. Perhaps even you wouldn’t. That’s the kind of anguish that can put you into shock...”

I stared agape at her for a few moments as the ramifications of this slowly dawned on me. For the last half hour or so at this point, it’d taken all the willpower I had to keep my raging erection from taking control of me. If I wasn’t holding myself back I’d have went feral by now and attacked someone, but I was able to hold it off because I thought for sure Sefina would help me.

Stunned, my gaze turned to my member, pulsating like it had it’s own heart, crying out for any measure of sexual friction. From what sounded like miles away I heard her ask, “Alf…? Are you alright? I’m sorry about this, but you understand where I’m coming from, yes...?”

I couldn’t even consider a response. I was gone. In that next instant I shot my hands forward, ready to grip my cock and go to town on myself. I doubted I could satisfy that much lust myself but my need for any release was simply overwhelming.

Sadly Sefina saw this and put a stop to it. Swift reflexes kicked in and she managed to grab my wrists immediately before my hands made it to my dick, my fingertips painfully close to touching the head. She yelled, “Alf! I mean it! If you get off right now it might actually kill you in the most painful way possible! And it will definitely cause your nuts to implode at the absolute minimum! Please, be reasonable!”

But reason was far beyond me as I futilely struggled against her grasp. After a few moments of this, she yanked my arms back, and pinned my hands past my head against the bed. Just to fully control me, she maneuvered herself until she was able to sit down on my abdomen, pressing down on me. Thanks to how her skirt landed her nearly bare ass dug into my stomach, itself only covered in a thin undershirt, earning a shudder.

“Alf! Your life isn’t worth a single climax!” she insisted. “You know I’d love nothing more than to give it to you myself but I just can’t let you have it today. Try to understand...”

I did all I could to try and shove her away and force her arms back, but I just didn’t have the strength. I’d been utterly drained by today’s events and frankly overcoming any of these girls in terms of raw power was always difficult. Suffice to say though I was losing my composure. It didn’t help that as Sefina spoke to me, her breasts hung down, dangling just a few inches in front of my face.

Between whimpers, I asked, “Can… can you atleast smother me, like before? That might m-make me feel better...”

Her expression looked pained. “Mmm, I don’t think so honey… in the state your member is in, I’m afraid any kind of sexually charged activity might make it go off. I don’t think I can risk it...”

I’m not exactly proud of this but I was an utter wreck by that point. It was just too much, I began to weep. Actually sobbing openly beneath her as I wailed, “I… need… seeexxxx...”

Indeed it was not a shining moment for this brave hero.

Sefina seemed quite sad as she peered down at me. “I know, sweetie, I know. Poor thing… just a slave to your overflowing testerone…” she pointed out. Just then, a spark of realization flashed in her eyes. “Say now… what if we simply got that testosterone out some other way?”

She got up off of me and stepped off the bed, gesturing for me to stand. Gradually I sat up… then tried my best to thrust my hands onto my wildly erect member. Frustratingly she again caught me by the wrists. ”NO! That’s very bad, Alf! No masturbating! No!” she scolded.

Forcibly she shoved my hands beneath my back, and then placed a firm hand on my stomach to keep me pinned down on my own limbs. As she did this, she reached under her bed and pulled out from what I can gather was a shoestring. “I didn’t want to have to go to this length, but I think I have no other choice...”

With one hand, she tied the string around the head of my penis and with a tight pull, forced into in a painful knot squeezing the tip. As I grunted in pain, she explained, “As long as this is on you, you won’t possibly be able to climax. Trust me, we’re trained in this. I’ll take it off when you’re ready… and that’s only if you be a good boy, understand?”

Tears freely rolling down I nodded, “Yes ma’am…”

“Good. Now as I was saying, another way you can burn some testosterone is by taking out some aggressions...” she continued. “I realize fighting women is how this started but, you haven’t swung a blade or thrown a punch since you entered this state, yes? Releasing some of that primal, masculine energy that way might just give you some relief...”

As she lifted her hand from my abdomen and let me sit back up, I asked, “Are you… challenging me to a fight?”

“A little sparring match!” she corrected. “Just enough to let off some steam. What do you say?”

Looking down briefly at my yearning, yet seemingly useless genitals, I answered, “Anything that might help I’ll try.”

She nodded at this and took up a stance as she waited for me to slowly get off the bed. I was still aching all over, so much so that even rising from there was a bit painful. Evidently noticing this, Sefina added, “And don’t worry sweetie, I’ll be gentle~”

As I got to my feet I noticed my pants falling to my ankles… I just stepped out of them. Pulling them up and covering my groin at this point would be searingly painful so I just allowed it all to hang out as I put up my fists. I went for a punch as fast as I could manage in that state, and she casually backed up to avoid it. A few more times I attempted this but my fists were flailing uselessly, my strength had been utterly depleted already.

“This will only truly work if your adrenaline starts pumping, so much that you forget your pain.” Sefina seductively whispered. “So go on, get mad, tap into that wild, animalistic passion I just know is deep down inside you...”

Her voice massaged my very ears, seeped into my heart… and just kept going progressively lower. Something I couldn’t quite identify drove me on, letting me rush forward and put more force behind my next uppercut attempt. This one almost looked like it would hit for a moment, until she ducked back out of the way.

“That’s the spirit big boy...” she commented, licking her lips. What the hell was she trying to do to me? As if to answer my thought she said, “I’m the cockteasing little bitch that denied your huge dick the climax it deserves… what are you going to do about that?”

My eye twitched as this rang extremely true, even though on some level I was aware that wasn’t quite a fair assessment. That level wasn’t the conscious one though, and I actually heard a violent growl escape my lips. As though all my pain was but imaginary I bolted forward, trying to wrap my arms around her in a tackle. 

With elegant ease she front flipped over me as I ducked down to try and clip through her. Scrambling to my feet I turned to see her from behind, as to my surprised she’d reached down and pulled up her skirt, revealing her gorgeous ass. With a loud gasp, I slowly reached towards it, my head tilted and mouth agape like some kind of caveman seeing a woman’s backside for the first time. 

“You want this ass, Alfy…?” Sefina asked, giving it a wiggle that I swear I could almost feel grinding against my genitals, despite being a few feet away. “Mmm, but that’s too bad, you can’t have it right now… how does that make you feel?”

In an instant I was seeing red and charged her at full speed, looking to dive right onto these cheeks. Instead those cheeks came right for me, as she hopped backwards and thrust them out in a gentle, almost patronizing hip attack, her soft, supple flesh bouncing right off my face and taking me off-balance.

That contact was like a lightning bolt striking down my center, my cock dancing with lust for my caretaker. With impressive speed she closed the gap between us and her skillful hands began going up and down my torso like only Sefina’s could. An involuntary chuckle escaped my lips and my cheeks reddened as there seemed to be something magical about her soft touch…

As this got me distracted like it always seemed to, she slowly worked one of her hands down to my testicles and glanced at them just before she made her move… but even in my stupor I saw the shock dawning on her face.

“It… it’s bigger…?” she stammered in awe, gazing at my genitals. A glance down confirmed this. My penis, which I could’ve sworn had been fully erect for nearly an hour straight at this point had actually grown in size somehow during the opening moments of this fight, maybe by an inch or so. My balls seemed to have swollen further as well despite the fact that she hadn’t really gone after them…

After pausing for a moment she proceeded with her planned tickling, running her fingers gently against my battered manhood. As her fingertips delicately, yet painfully brushed against my testes, the sensation got to me all the same, aided by me staring right down her top as she did it. I grunted and groaned in not just pleasure but frustration, as I knew I’d be in the midst of a truly wild climax if not for what she’d done to my penis.

But instead of cumming it continued to grow, becoming a bit thicker as well as longer. I can’t be sure but I believe it was hardening further as well, leaving Sefina mesmerized. 

“I… was just teasing you to get your masculinity in enough of a fervor that you’d think nothing of unleashing it in battle.” she explained. “But this… it’s unlike anything I’ve ever seen before. The more riled up and controlled by your testosterone you are, the larger your genitals become. It’s as though some kind of enchantment has been placed on them… have you perhaps encountered a witch before?”

As it turns out I have, though that’s another story. Sadly I was no shape to answer as I hollered, “Neeeeeeeed… yoooouuu...”

Looking to test how much it’d grow, she hesitantly placed a hand directly on my penis and began working it up and down my remarkably solid shaft. The ecstasy was mind-boggling as I was on the very cusp of orgasm for what seemed the entire time she was making contact. As mad as it may sound in that moment I’d have very willingly died just to reach that peak. But as my cock became even larger in her more and more rapidly working palm, I knew that wasn’t what she was giving me. 

Frothing with masculinity, I grabbed her by the hair and tried to get her with a headbutt. She ducked this, forced the back of her own head against my growing balls and flipped me over by my groin, sending back onto the bed where all my armor was laid.

Among it, was my sheathed sword… I grabbed for it, pulled it out and stood. As if instinctively, I held it close to my crotch where it seemed to be jutting out powerfully alongside my throbbing member. As I readied for my next attack, Sefina uncomfortably stuttered, “R-Right, this is what we were doing, I forgot for a moment… go ahead and, er, thrust...”

Rushing forward, I kept sword right where it was, bluntly symbolizing what I wanted to do as I attempted to impale her with my blade. In a display of strength, she stopped my charged by actually grabbing the steel and ceasing it’s momentum. The sword stayed in place but I continued forward, resulting in the hilt going straight into my crotch.

I groaned in pain and sunk to my knees, dropping the sword and instinctively clutching my nuts, only to pull my hands away when I realized they only caused more pain. Sefina took a moment to giggle, before her eyes widened once again. To her astonishment, my manhood was still growing, the head of my cock becoming quite uncomfortable in that knot. 

“My, Alf, do you… fancy being hit in the balls by any chance?” she asked.

My response was a roar more than anything else. I had truly lost all control. 

Nodding her head, she replied, “Right, silly to ask much right now. I think it’s safe to say you’re riled up enough. So here… you can get out your aggressions all you want. To start with… how about 7 free hits?”

She put her hands behind her back, and swore, “I will NOT defend myself at all until you’re done, and then we’ll see how much you have left in you. Don’t hold back!”

I can’t say for sure how well I understood that at the time but I indeed attacked, jabbing my sword forward, attempting to stab through her abdomen. Incredibly it bounced right off with a ‘tink’, her soft yet hard body being apparently impenetrable. How fitting…

Having closed her eyes to brace for impact, she opened one. “Did… you hear me? I said don’t hold back.”

Angrily I swung it sideways trying to slice into her ribs, but this blow bounced back as well. Attempting the other side achieved the same result. Growing yet more frustrated in another way now, I aimed higher, stabbing right between her eyes and the recoil from this nearly sent my sword flying from out of my hands.

Sefina snickered. “My, my, for all the manhood you have between your legs now, you seem to have none whatsoever in those arms. Well, you’ve got three more chances to… accomplish something.”

On some level I think I recalled what parts of her were the softest… I had gotten pretty familiar with them in the past after all. So with my next attack, I unleashed a rather mean sideswipe that smacked right into her left breast. This knocked it into her right one and caused the both of them to sway as well as earning a quiet yelp from her. Finally ‘accomplishing something’ I did the same to the opposite side, and her grunt was a bit more subdued as she saw it coming. Watching them swing was fun though…

With my seventh and last allowed strike, I reared back and stabbed my blade betwixt her tits. She winced as the point of it went along her bosom before landing against her chest. But after the blow, I found I couldn’t get it out from there. The steel was stuck, sandwiched between her massive mammaries.

I tried to pull it out to no avail. Sefina’s giggling only intensified my primal rage as I tugged furiously, but all I managed to do was pull her tits up and down a little. After letting me struggle for a moment, she jerked backwards and in the process pulled my sword right out of my hands and sent it flying backwards.

As the frustration mounted even further and a blood curdling howl emitted from my throat, my cock became even more engorged. My caretaker bit her bottom lip as she gazed at it. “It’s… much more than just adequate now...” she muttered. “I’ve seen very, very big ones before but this… mmm… it’s up there~”

At this stage I was far beyond listening, I blindly charged for her. In response she leapt forward, her tits colliding with my face as she tackled me to the ground, her ass landing perilously close to my dick. I tried my best to close that gap, thrusting my pelvis forward, hoping to make any contact with those soft cheeks once more. 

But she kept me pinned down much too effectively and this only escalated as she bore down on me, her breasts engulfing my head. Their loving caress brushing up and down my entire face was more than I could take, I knew it alone would achieve a geyser of man essence if not for the state of my cock. Meanwhile her golden fingers continued to work their magic, lightly sliding along my torso. She had an innate knack for finding every sweet spot on my body...

“Mmm, how helpless you must feel smothered by my tits, a slave to my hands, unable to get your way...” she taunted. “That must really make you want to fiiiiiii-uuUUUUCCK!”

She was cut off by my growing member stabbing against her supple ass. Her own aggression increasing, she groaned, “Ohh it’s so big. Dear Lord it feels magnificent… nggh...”

With her bosoms continuing to press firmly against my face, she began to slide her beautiful ass up and down my quivering shaft, her moans gradually increasing in volume. “Ohhh, I’m sorry I, know it’s only hurting you at this point but I… I need this...” she groaned. Lust was seemingly overtaking her senses as well at this point, so atleast we were finally on the same wavelength again I suppose. 

For a senselessly long time this persisted, she took her sweet time getting off of me. By the time she stood up I was more endowed than I ever thought possible, yet for all that size it couldn’t achieve satisfaction… I was breathing heavy, paralyzed by her maneuver, and could only watch as she walked to her dresser.

Opening it up, she pulled out a ballgag. On her way back to me, she picked up my own belt from the bed. I was helpless to her whims as she tied my arms behind my back with the belt and forced the gag into my mouth, muffling my wild hollering. Sitting in front of me and forcing my legs apart, she did me the small courtesy of loosening the shoestring on my cock, enough to where it wasn’t so painful but certainly not enough to allow me release. As she took off her boots, she declared, “That still isn’t the biggest penis I’ve ever seen. I’m going to fix that.”

Thinking back on it really makes me realize just how dwarved my regular dick size must’ve been by whatever giant penises she’s seen before, but thankfully my mind was swimming in a sea of Sefina’s titties in that moment, far too much so to feel emasculated by that.

Leaning back, she brought her dainty little feet to my lengthening member, and simultaneously their smooth undersides ran generously up and down it, expertly stimulating my cock. Her toes danced and lightly tapped my erection as her feet worked. My pecker extended and thickened to just silly proportions between her feet. 

“Almost… allllmost…” she pensively remarked as she switched to an alternating pattern, one foot going down while the other went up, reversing and repeating. After a few moments though, it seemed my penis, still tantalizingly, torturously tender to her touch as ever, stopped growing. Unable to accept this, she squeezed her together until they were nearly together, and aggressively pumped my dick. Her feet were a blur as her pace reached a wicked velocity, and I was starting to see stars. Yet still no release and still no growth…

“Urrgh, can’t you satisfy a woman just once?!” she growled, her sweet demeanor finally diminishing entirely. Changing tactics, she leapt onto me again, and bore her ass down firmly against my crotch. With a furious shake of her hips, the friction nearly gave me a heart attack. Even in that state I realized how entirely unprepared I was for what she could truly bring in the bedroom. Lust was slowly but surely consuming her in the same way it had me, and her efforts to get my dick to a new level were continually frustrated.

She gazed into my eyes and where there was once affection was now an animalistic fury. Hopping up to her feet, she angrily grabbed me by the throat and pulled me upright. “I’m going to make this happen no matter what it takes! You like this, right?!”

With that she reared her leg back and lashed out viciously, her shin cracking against my battered, enormously swollen testicles. If not for the gag my scream would’ve echoed throughout the entire castle. And before I could even finish, she followed up, her opposite leg smashing brutally against my balls. Mercilessly, she squeezed my throat like a vice and repeated this, each leg getting in another brutal shot. My balls were searing but my gargantuan penis - which now that I was standing was actually very heavy -  would not budge, my enchantment-fueled ‘power’ taken to it’s apparent limit. 

Not willing to accept this, she brought up a chair and sat me down onto it, forcing my bound arms behind it’s back. Taking a moment to step back she cried out, “Is this what you want?!” before ripping open her top, exposing her humongous breasts with a triumphant bounce. They jiggled endlessly as she sat down and measured her next move, slowly moving her bare foot out until her toes painfully tapped my balls. This drew attention to the fact that they’d become so pendulous they were dangling helplessly off the chair. 

“It’s a good I know how to cause pain rather than a rupture. I’m not going to stop making use of that until you give me what I want.” she coldly stated. “I suggest you tell your manhood to stop being useless for the first time in your life.”

With that she uncoiled a truly heinous snap kick, the top of her foot blasting into my balls, crushing them against the underside of the solid wooden chair. And as I flung my head back, screaming horrifically at this unyielding agony, she continued, her right foot zipping out in a tan blur towards my nuts time and time again.

I really couldn’t tell you how long it went for. At the time it certainly felt like an eternity and as wild rage, unbridled lust and soul destroying anguish overwhelmed my every sense, I found myself unable to hear, smell, taste or see anything, my entire world was my genitals, begging to be finished but instead being kicked relentlessly. Although, while my sight was basically gone the image of her enormous titties jiggling with her every kick burned itself into my brain enough for it to be all I could picture.

After a time it finally stopped… but while muffled by the fog of my mind, I could hear her say, “My, I’ve been kicking long enough for my leg to get worn out… good thing I have a spare...”

True to that, her other leg continued from there, the snap kicks seemingly endless. Somewhere in there the thought hit me that night had begun to fall during this assault and still there she was, demolishing my balls.

Finally, by some miracle, this worked… my uncontrollably shaking erection grew forward another inch. Obviously I couldn’t know for sure just how big it was at that moment, but I’d wager it was beyond the 20 inch mark. How I had the heart to pump enough blood into that beast I don’t know, perhaps that was covered by the magic as well. But undeniably it was still as unrelentingly aroused as ever, powerfully sticking straight up. 

Sefina’s eyes were alight with glee. “Ahh at last… NOW it’s the biggest I’ve ever seen. Ohhh this is going to be wonderful… you’re mine.” she moaned.

She stood up and beastially tore off her skirt and proceeded to do the same to her panties. Her almost entirely naked body stood before me, her chest heaving as she had been out of breath for a while already, her skin glistening with sweat after spending God knows how long trying to flatten my testicles. Her entire figure was heavenly, everything I ever wanted… I only wished I could enjoy it.

In that next instant, she leaped forward, spreading her legs mid-air and fantastically landed on my dick, her beautiful womanhood taking it in. Sefina’s moan was long and deep as she slowly slid down to the hilt of my member, it’s size taking some adjusting, but she seemed more than comfortable with it. The ecstasy alone nearly knocked me out as her sopping wet pussy squeezed my solid but tender member, it couldn’t have possibly been a more tight fit. 

Those absolutely gigantic bosoms bounced rapidly as she commenced thrusting up and down my considerable length. Squeezing her hips together to intensify it for us both, between breaths, she informed me, “Just so you understand… I would never.. E-EVER… have sex with you. Even with… this big cock, you… are nowhere near man enough, you made that… very clear, out there. I’d be the, nnnggh laughingstock of the empire if I made love to you.”

Tragically enough of this got through to me in my stupor that it added to my misery, and her hurtful tirade continued, “But… using your cock to pleasure myself… when you can’t even get off… oh that’s, that’s entirely d-different… hope you, ngh, get that...”

Her thrusting went on for a ridiculously long time, and she amped up her power, putting her feet to the chair legs, using them to push off and pull herself back down, giving my dick more than I ever bargained for. She spoke up once more, “You could never, ugghh last long enough for me anyway… you couldn’t possibly, handle all this with a functioning penis… when you think about it, this… oh, this is merciful of me… it’s the only you’ll ever… get insiiiide of a woman of our empire! Ohhhh YES!”

After damn near an hour of this, finally she threw her head back and screamed to the heavens, cumming thunderously. The sight of it alone would’ve brought me to the peak if only I were allowed, but all it gave me now was envy of what she was feeling. She was smiling ear to ear as she unabashedly yelled her passion into my face. 

Sefina took a few moments to savor this, before sliding herself off of my incredibly humongous penis, and then she grabbed me by the back of the head and shoved my face into her bare, at this point sopping wet titties. “Ahh… sorry if I got a bit mean there, darling. I don’t even remember what all I said now… heh, I got into quite a fit there.” she sheepishly chuckled. “But my, what a penis you have now. It’s an incredible toy… a dildo that gets bigger the more you play with it! What a wonderful discovery… you know I think I’m going to tell all the other women about this. Heh, you’ll get your dream soon, Alfy, every lady in our army will be riding your dick! What do you think about that~?”

I moaned meekly, muffled by her mammoth mammaries. I was already out of breath and had very little air to speak of when she cut off my oxygen. She answered, “I know, it doesn’t help your problem but we’ll get to fixing that… after making sure everyone that wants a turn gets one. Hmhm… think of it this way, they’ll like you a lot more after you’ve serviced them like this. It’s really the only way to make up for what a fool you’ve made of yourself… so sit back, relax, and let us all rule your cock~”

Her beautiful voice demanding my submission was the last thing I heard before I passed out in her perfect tits.


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