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Hey guys, look at this, updates three days in a row! Whaddya know.

This is actually a follow-up to a post I made a little while ago, one of the things I mentioned was that I really wanted this feature because some people had been pledging and then cancelling before the month ended to duck paying. It happens to everyone at some point I'm sure, it's just one of the drawbacks to how Patreon normally works, and for some reason the failsafe to that doesn't roll out to everyone from the start, I feel like there's some arbitrary barrier I had to pass.

But just yesterday I noticed it and I naturally am implementing that right away, so that should be a thing of the past. My understanding is that it shouldn't affect those that have already pledged, it strictly applies for new patrons. Seems like something I should give a heads up on all the same. 

Once again thank you all for the support, and I hope you enjoy the stories in the coming weeks~


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