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  • Commissioned by mountaindewking

“You have… 3… new... messages.”

A loud beep played from the answering machine on the nightstand. The man rolled to the side in bed with a heavy sigh, seemingly dreading what he knew he’d be hearing.

“Karbon? Are you there? If you’re screening me, please stop...” came a voice. He knew it well though he refused to acknowledge it. “I know you haven’t felt like wrestling since… what happened. I get it, you think you’re already ruined, like your reputation is in pieces. But, you gotta understand, Selene is a big deal! She’s been doing that to everyone, ever since you left! It’s really not as bad as you’re making it out to be. It’s not worth throwing away your career over this. You can get back in the thick of it, you’ll see. Call me back, okay?”

Karbon just curled up into bed as the answering machine beeped once more, turning over to the next message. The same voice came over the tape deck. 

“Listen… as your manager, I’m obligated to get your career back on track. And as your friend, I want what’s best for you.” the man tried to reason. “Nobody. Is going. To laugh at you. And even if they do, you’ll shut ‘em up in a hurry! You can’t let this end your dream, man. You need to get back in that ring. Talk to me, I’ll set up something! Something easy, to get your confidence back up. Don’t give up so quickly… come on, Karbon, you’re still the man. You need to prove that.”

He didn’t budge as the machine beeped once more, leading into the next message.

“Haaaahahahaha! Helloooo? Is this Karbon, the ‘wrestler’?” came the cute voice of a girl he’d never heard before. 

There was a symphony of muffled giggles in the background and faintly he could hear another girl say, “Hey, tell him, tell him he’s a pussy! Heheheh!”

As per instruction she complied, “Hey I know you’re supposed to be all big and tough and all but you’re a total pussy! Hahaaa, Selene made you her biiiitch!”

The other girl must’ve gotten closer to the phone as she yelled, “I can’t believe I was your fangirl! I wanted so badly to be your groupie! I’m glad I saw that before I tried to get in bed with you… that’d have been real embarrassing to have slept with a loser like you!”

“Ooh, give it to him! He’d have been so disappointing too, you just know!” the first chick added. “Anyway just wanted to let you know what a pathetic excuse for a man you are… heh, I bet I could kick your ass!”

“Oh I know I could! I take Krav Maga classes twice a week, I’d kill that guy!” the other girl boasted. “Heheh, wimp!”


“Two-pump chump!”

They both paused to giggle, obviously having the time of their lives with this call.

“I don’t care what Selene says about it...” one of them began, “I just KNOW that you have a teeny, tiny, itty bitty little-”

With one fell move, Karbon smashed his fist right through the tape deck, effectively destroying the answering machine, cutting off the message in grand fashion. His face was flushed red, both from shame and from sheer rage. 

Karbon was a talented professional wrestler on top of the world until just a few weeks ago. His career took a nosedive that he worried was permanent after he answered an open challenge from a woman named Selene. Merely a guest to their promotion, she’d made a big show of picking people from the crowd and humiliating them in the ring, easily beating them, seducing them to the point of helplessness, and making them cum all over themselves. 

Disgusted by what he perceived as disrespect towards the company and wrestling itself, Karbon took up the call when she got back on the mic to demand another opponent. He felt confident that she’d be no match for true competition, and that he would humble the cocky newcomer, teaching her not to act like she owned every ring she stood in.

What he got instead, was the most brutal and humiliating beating yet. She mopped the floor with him, her now famous, enormous and beautiful ass smashing his face time and time again. By all rights, her ass alone owned his entire body that night. The match ended with him furiously submitting to it, as her buttcheecks took a tight grip of his member, a display of sexual dominance that was frankly a bit on-the-nose. And she capped it off by making HIM cum in his tights as well, after forcing him to beg for it no less.

At the time, he was whipped in too much of a horny frenzy to care about how humiliating it was by that point. He let himself enjoy it as she finished him off, but when he was limping to the back afterwards, he’d regained his sense of shame, just in time to witness the pointing and laughing from the audience. He was certain he’d be a laughingstock forever and that his only option from there was to retire from the ring and from the spotlight.

However, that heckling phone call just then made him realize that he’d never escape it by simply running away. If he let that be his lasting image, people would never stop mocking him, no matter where he went. Getting back in there and redeeming himself somehow, someway, was the only option. If he wanted to salvage his personal life, he needed a dominant win… and he needed it as soon as possible.

So he grabbed his phone and dialed up the man who’d been so fervently trying to get in touch with him. “Hello? Karbon, is that you?”

“Yeah… I’m taking you up on your offer. And I have an idea.” Karbon replied, a darkness in his voice. “This started from an open challenge. So I’m going to make one of my own.”

“Ooh, yes, this sounds good! Nice and bold, I like it, showing off your bravery!” his manager happily replied. “I’ll get that sorted out right away, and Karbon baby I just know, any man that dares answer the call, you are going to-”

“No. No men.” the disgraced competitor growled. “This is an open challenge that applies strictly to women. It’s an open challenge to any woman out there who thinks I’m easy pickings now.”

“You… want a woman. Just women?” the man over the phone asked.

“That’s right. Put a chick in front of me, and I will tear her apart.” Karbon growled. “We’ll see how funny everyone finds that.”

He slammed the phone down with that, hanging up before his manager could get a reply in. Obviously he was in no mood for a lengthy, in-depth discussion. Karbon laid on his bed, staring up at the ceiling with an intense glare, mentally preparing himself for the mauling he wished so badly to deliver on some hapless girl...

His manager was uncertain of how to feel about what he’d been told, concerned for his charge’s mental state. But he was obedient and did fine work, and by the very next day, there was an ad in the paper for Karbon’s return to the ring and his open challenge to women everywhere. It was on a simple, first come, first serve basis and cast a far wider net than Selene’s.

There was absolutely no telling who might show or what their experience level might be. The odds of someone like Selene answering the call were infinitesimal, to be sure. But all the same, Karbon trained fiercely in the days leading up to his comeback. He wanted to be stronger and faster than ever. Winning wasn’t enough, he needed to make a statement in that ring. 

More heckling calls came after the announcement. He let them play - from his brand new answering machine - as he took to a punching bag.

“Wow, big strong man has to find a little girl to beat up?” a woman asked. “You are a whole new level of wuss… I don’t care who it is, I got a lot of money riding on them kicking your ass! Just thought I’d let you know, little dude.”


“Mmm… hey handsome. I hear you’re looking for another humiliation.” came an over-the-top sultry voice. “That happens to be my job… and I’m very, very good at what I do. If you really want to spend some time under a dominant woman, all you have to do is give me a call. I’m guessing you’ve saved up plenty of money from that lovely career of yours… in case you don’t have caller ID, you can reach me at 1-800-”


“Yo, asshole!” shouted a much more gruff lady’s voice. “You think you can get an easy win off a girl, huh?! I dunno if I’m calling in fast enough but I’d GLADLY accept your challenge! I would absolutely manhandle you! I’d break your fuckin’ balls if you had any!”

Beep. As the messages went on, Karbon listened, and let it get to him as he pounded the bag all the harder with every diatribe. His rage and insecurity was fueling him now rather than holding him back, atleast the way he was looking at it. The last one however, took him off-guard.

“...My, I really did a number on your ego, didn’t I?” came a sensuous voice that crawled seductively into the soul of every man that heard it. Karbon however, froze in his tracks. The one and only Selene taunted, “I’ll let someone else have fun with you this time, it’d be selfish to hog you all to myself. I must admit though… sometimes, I feel this empty space on my ass where your face used to be. It misses you… may we meet again, stud~”


The disgraced wrestler paused… he began to shake with fury, and then unleashed a brutal combo on the punching bag. As he finished, it tore open, it’s contents spilling on the floor.

Finally the day had arrived. He made his entrance, to far less fanfare than before. Like in his nightmares, he came out largely to laughter and heckling. There was only a small portion of the audience that seemed to share the manager’s sentiment that being demolished by Selene was nothing to be ashamed of, to the point of supporting him. 

Karbon paid no mind to any of it though, banking thoroughly on the thought that a strong win here would set everything back to how it was. He displayed no showmanship on his way down the ramp, storming down, laser focused as he rolled into the ring. After pacing nervously around the mat for a bit, he backed up into the corner and leaned against it, trying to force his mind into the deep, dark place he felt it needed to be.

As he stood there waiting for his surprise opponent, a hard rock theme blared. Karbon didn’t react, not even looking up from the mat as she made her way out. He was quite insistent on showing as little concern for his enemy as possible so he decided he wasn’t even going to look at them until the bell rang. 

Before he saw her face or heard her speak… he caught her scent. This, he found impossible to ignore, he’d never been struck by a smell before. Inviting, sweet and alluring… it almost made him feel like he shouldn’t be fighting. Forgetting his idea for a moment, he felt the need to look up and face her.

His first glimpse of her was… enviable, as she was on her knees, sidling her way through the ropes. She was perhaps not familiar with a wrestling ring or how to enter it, she was kneeling down after getting inside, giving him a nice glimpse at her ass as it was lovingly hugged by her tight, short skirt. It was a wonderful backside… to the point of making a shiver go down his spine from the familiar sight.

She whirled around, her breasts swaying, a nice bit of cleavage on display as she sprang to her feet with a bouncy hop. Finally, he looked up at her face! And she was uncomfortably cute… her sweet brown eyes matched with her shoulder-length hair. Her attire consisted of a short white jacket cut-off at the midriff, a white skirt that went from her stomach to her hips, and white boots that went halfway up her shins. Beneath her outer wear, she wore a blue vest, matching athletic shorts that just peeked out from under her skirt, long blue socks that went almost up to her knees. Lastly, she had on some blue and white, elbow-length armbands, as well as a red band around her neck.

Of course, the last thing she wore was an innocent, reserved smile. “Hey there. My name’s Alice. Hope you don’t mind facing me… I’ve never wrestled before, persay. But when I saw that ad, I just couldn’t resist hopping right on it. See...”

The bell rang, when she clearly wasn’t expecting it. Looking to take advantage, Karbon rushed in and went headhunting, aiming a vicious lariat at her pretty face. Despite her surprise, she managed to avoid the attack, ducking out of the way with an uncanny swiftness. He looked down to see her kneeling, gazing up at him with her big eyes, unsure of where to go next. He went down with her, his arms around her neck in a headlock. Without trying to, he got a little whiff of her hair and found himself struck by her sweet scent.

This slightest distraction contributed to her counter, as she wrapped her arms around Karbon’s waist and stood up, forcing him to his feet as well. Alice whirled around, loosening his grip and grappling him, her arm locked around his. With his free hand, he swung a fist at her face, but she caught him by the wrist. Closing the gap between them, she got in close…

...and gave him a gentle kiss on the lips. His eyes went wide, the brazen, angry demeanor melting away, atleast for the moment. Despite the flashbacks it gave him, her smile didn’t seem seductive or deceptive, distinctly different from his last match. “Sorry, I… what I was trying to say, is that I saw your match with Selene and, I know it wasn’t a good experience for you but you just looked so cute.” Alice explained, the proximity making her alluring scent all the more intoxicating. “I really needed to take the chance to meet you, since I...”

Karbon cut her off, shoving her to the mat, leaving her on her ass. Regaining his bearings, and his rage, he howled, “No! This is NOT going to be like that fight! I’m not, about to be tricked again. You WON’T get under my skin, and you’re not going to distract me! No matter what you do, I will stay focused on winning this match! Now… wrestle me!”

She smirked. “Works for me.”

Raising her legs up into the air, his vantage point made it hard not to notice how nice they were, toned and packed with womanly power. Alice proceeded to kip up, launching into the air, and mid-leap, she wrapped her lengthy legs around her opponent’s waist. He wasn’t prepared for that one and hadn’t braced to catch her, so her weight took him to the mat. Mounting his abdomen, she was quick to pin his arms down. 

“1...” a voice rang out over the PA.

He managed to raise his shoulders off the canvas though his hands remained locked in place. In jerkings himself up, his face ended up within centimeters of hers. Alice stared deeply into his eyes… and gave him a playful little eskimo kiss, rubbing her nose against his. Karbon bucked forward, making a furious attempt at shoving her off of him, but she kept a firm control of him, pinning him right back down. 

As she giggled innocently at his plight, so too did the crowd, crashing down hard against his ego as his insecurities came right to the forefront. Just the fact that it was clearly possible his tactic could hideously backfire caused a nervous sweat to cascade down his face. From where he was, it was extremely hard not to peek down her shirt, hanging just enough to really tease him with her lovely, supple breasts. As they drifted closer to his face, they seemed to give off their own primal musk that he’d never experienced before… why was it that every scent coming off of her was so wholeheartedly vivid?

She went down lower, giving him an even closer look and sensation of her cleavage as she gave him a kind kiss on the forehead. Chuckling at his plight, she recounted, “If I can finish… you looked really cute in that match, whenever you were being humiliated. It’s nothing personal, I don’t really like hurting you persay, but that look on your face when Selene took control of your body and made it hers… ah, it was beautiful. I want to see it again~”

His eyes went wide with fright as so quickly everything seemed to be spiraling. The fight was just beginning at that point of course but he was undoubtedly on the losing side of it at that point, under another woman, who seemed to want nothing in this world more than to put him through severe humiliation. A chill ran down his spine, even as her beautiful aroma surrounded him, even as she planted one tender kiss after another on his cheeks and forehead. 

With a gritted teeth grunt, he shot his head up, blasting her with a headbutt. This rocked Alice’s head back a bit, and her expression shifted, her look more serious at that point. “Well, can’t have that happening again now can I…?”

In that next split second, she performed a front roll, her backside landing on Karbon’s face. This brought the crowd alive, all too happy with this blatant reminder of what went down before, and the poor man beneath her found himself flailing his legs helplessly, overwhelmed by it, as all the shame rushed back to him, like a traumatic experience being replayed in earnest.

“You’re certainly not about to headbutt me from there… hmhmhm.” Alice chuckled. “After a few minutes under my ass I think you’ll find yourself appropriately ashamed~”

She wiggled her hips, grinding her bottom against his face. Having fun with the situation, she bounced up and down on his head. To the crowd’s surprise, what looked like little hearts flew out each time her ass made contact with his face. Karbon wasn’t able to see it from where he was, of course. He couldn’t see anything other than her prominent, shapely ass.

He wasn’t in a good spot, but he did prepare somewhat for this situation. It took some doing, but he managed to maneuver himself beneath her until he could bring his legs up, his boots creeping up under her arms… with a powerful yank from his legs, he flipped her onto her back, escaping from her facesitting.

For a moment he had her pinned in a Sunset Flip position, his legs keeping her arms stuck to the canvas, but he couldn’t maintain it long enough for the count to even begin. Alice wasted no time in countering this, grabbing his legs and rolling onto her front, doing the same to Karbon in the process. She followed up by moving onto her side and rolling all the way across Karbon’s prone body, until she was lying in front of him. 

Karbon lifted his head from the canvas to look up at her, only to see her hips as she spun right back towards him. She timed it perfectly so that her ass ended up smacking right into his face with enough force to rock his head back. And as he found himself involuntarily looking up at the lights, he saw what looked like… a cartooney, pink heart flying out from Alice’s butt right after making contact. He had no idea if he was imagining that or not, but it was bizarre either way.

Woozy from the strike, hitting much harder than it had any right to be, the similarities were impossible to ignore and panic was starting to set in. Looking for a breather to get himself back on track, he rolled under the bottom rope to the floor, in an attempt to avoid any further attacks.

As he stood, regaining his bearings, he watched Alice. She knelt down on all fours, wiggling her ass at him and even gave it a little smack, clearly trying to goad him into coming back into the ring. This, and the crowd’s raucous response, obviously got to Karbon, but he was too focused on winning to take the bait. Her defeat would shut them all up, he was betting everything on that. How he got there didn’t matter to him at that point.

Shrugging, she opted to follow him instead, rolling under the bottom rope herself. And that’s when he struck. In an opportunistic move, he rushed forward and struck her with a forearm smash just as she was rolling to the outside, stopping her beneath the rope. He proceeded to yank her roughly to the floor. This attack garnered a chorus of boos, but that was actually comforting to hear at that point, much nicer than mocking laughter, atleast in his mind.

Grabbing her by the hair, he pulled her to her feet, and glanced over at the steel steps at the corner of the ring. Wanting to deal serious damage, he whipped her towards the steel… but she managed to hold onto his arm rather than be sent into the steps, standing firm, looking him in the eye. As they stared off for a moment, the PA rang out.


There was a 20 count rule in place. If a competitor didn’t make it back in by the end of the count, they would lose. Should both fail to do this, that would mean a double count out. But a slow 20 count gave them plenty of room to fight on the outside. 

After being unable to toss Alice to the steps, Karbon attempted to pull her back in instead, for a short-arm clothesline. But she ducked under this and pulled herself away from his grip, ending up behind him. He turned around to find her tits flying right at him. With a mighty chest bump, she sent her breasts smashing right into his face, staggering hm back. Having made a little space between them, Alice dashed forward, wrapping her arms around his waist as she easily forced him several feet backwards. Karbon was helpless to stop the momentum until he crashed backfirst into the barricade.

They’d hit the very corner of the dividing wall that seperated the crowd from the ring. Winded from the impact, Karbon fell to his ass, leaning against the barrier in a daze. Looking down at him, Alice’s head tilted as she seemed to get an idea...

During all this, the count had gradually advanced. “2… 3… 4…”

Wanting a bit more time with him out there, she swiftly whisked back into the ring before rolling right back out and running right towards him. She turned at the last moment, and her ass smashed hard against his head, to a litany of hearts. 

Karbon was trapped now, nowhere to roll away to as his back was literally against a wall. Alice saw no reason to remove her bum from where it landed either, as she leaned back against the barrier, letting her adoring audience pat her on the back as she shook her hips, grinding her backside vigorously against his face. Indeed, the famed stinkface was in full effect.

Despite the name of the move, and despite his extreme discomfort, the disgraced wrestler couldn’t help but notice that even her ass smelled splendidly sweet. Before he thought that scent was some sort of powerful perfume, but he was given enough time with her ass here to realize that wasn’t it. It was more… natural than anything that could be captured in a bottle. The aroma… it gave him this sensation as though he were in a blooming meadow, nothing but flowers and sunlight as far as the eye could see. It was… peaceful, being beneath her ass...

A moment of clarity caused him to reject this idea outright. He couldn’t let himself be swayed again, his career could NOT survive another humiliating loss! So he commenced a desperate struggle, grabbing her by the hips and trying to shove her off. But it was to no avail, she simply giggled at his attempts. “Heheheh, stop that, it tickles~!”

From there, Alice continued her grinding as the count slowly but surely advanced further. “10… 11… 12...” 

Not wanting to be counted out, she gave Karbon one last booty bop to the face, complete with another heart, before rushing into the ring. She celebrated in the ring and to the audience’s joy, actually peeled off her shorts, whirling them around on her finger as she pranced around the canvas. She teased pulling up her skirt to reveal the treasure that hid underneath, but stopped just short, getting the crowd in a tizzy.

Meanwhile the count carried on and despite his daze, Karbon knew he had to hurry back into the ring. “16… 17...” the voice went on as he groggily pulled himself onto his knees and crawled towards the ring. But his encounters with her ass so far had taken their toll on him. He was nearly in tears as he clawed his way forward, desperate to avoid the ultimate humiliation that seemed to lay before him. Was he seriously about to get counted out after a stinkface?!

“18…” the PA went on whilst Karbon stumbled to his feet, staggering backwards, unable to make any more forward progress. By all rights, it appeared he was about to lose in demeaning fashion. But just as the voice called out, “19…!” Alice sprang into action. She ran to the side of the ring opposite her opponent, and bounced off the ropes to gain momentum. Building up a big head of steam, she was a blur as she rushed across the ring, and leaped over the top rope, clearing it with ease as she transitioned into a spectacular mid-air front flip.

Karbon looked up to get the best view in the house as gravity itself pulled up her skirt and it turned out that underneath those shorts she was wearing absolutely nothing at all. Her now fully bared ass was hurtling in closer and closer. Her aim was perfect; she landed right on his head, once again her cheeks smashing into his face, but this time it was pure flesh-on-flesh. She came down hard as well, slamming him headfirst into the floor. 

The crowd was on their feet, thunderous at this flashy maneuver. Alice giggled as she again shook her ass on his face. “Sorry, couldn’t let it end yet! That was way too much fun!”

Indeed due to her leaving the ring again, the count had restarted. As she got up she saw how beaten he clearly was already… and how the shame just poured off his face. “D’aww…! Look at yoouu…! You look like you just want to curl up into a little ball and die… poor little guyyy! Haha, you’re so adorable! And the best part is, you can always sink lowerrr~!”

Looking to prove her point, she went down on the floor with him, scooping up his legs and bending them over his head. Her own head peeked out from between them, she looked him right in the eyes and smiled as she had him in this pinning predicament. Of course, on the outside she couldn’t officially pin him, but the sentiment was clear and the audience counted along. “1! ...2! ...3!”

Karbon didn’t want to give her the satisfaction of this but he didn’t quite have the strength to kick out. He also knew expending what little energy he did have on this would’ve just been detrimental. So he could only lay down and let it happen, as she adjusted to a more regular pinning position, hooking a leg as she laid her sweet body against his. While their chests pressed tightly against each other, she did add a little mockery as she pushed her elbow against his cheek, resting her own cheek against her palm. “1! ...2! ...3!” the crowd chanted, clearly into this display of dominance.

This happened several more times, as Alice transitioned to pressing her breasts into his face for a false pin, then stood up and simply placed a foot on his chest for another. Snickering, she moved her foot to instead press gently against his groin, and the crowd counted yet another three. There was no doubt in anyone’s mind that she could pin him for real whenever she damn well wanted, and she rubbed it in that little bit more by plopping right down, sitting on his face with her legs crossed indian style. She looked at total peace as the loving audience counted one last three. 

Over the PA, an ACTUAL count had been going on, up to “15… 16…” as she decided the bit had run it’s course. Pulling Karbon to his feet she rolled him into the ring and swiftly followed suit. Finally back in the ring and with a touch of distance between himself and his opponent, he pulled himself to his feet and whipped around to face her. 

He saw her fling herself at him in the form of a cartwheel, a barrage of hearts following her legs as the side of her boot smashed into his head. This brought him down to the mat with such force that his body actually bounced off of it, unbelievably sending him several feet into the air. 

The beleaguered man could barely comprehend what was going on as he felt time was moving in slo-motion. He fell back to being on level with Alice who seemed to be glowing with some sort of pink aura. She unleashed a series of strikes, a backhand to his face followed by an immediate open palm slap. A low kick aimed at his legs caused him to start whirling around comically in mid-air. She followed up with a thrust kick, the bottom of her boot smashing into his gut, taking the wind out of him. 

Next she battered him with two hammerfists, sending them smashing into the back of his head one by one. Two elbow shots rocked his face, as Alice spun into the second one, her back to him now. She then unleashed a wicked back kick that actually caught him low, though luckily for her, this was happening much too quickly for any referee to notice. Mind you this entire combination took place in the span of about five seconds!

Still suspended in the air, and in an overwhelming amount of pain that was just starting to set in, poor Karbon still wasn’t at the end of this onslaught! An upward punch slammed into his chest, the force of which sent him a foot or so higher. This set him up perfectly for Alice’s finisher, as she leapt up into the air to follow him, whirling around like a corkscrewer as she laid in a brutal uppercut to his chin. The two were surrounded in a flurry of hearts as she took him even higher, still spinning in front of him as he was in an utter daze. Her back to him once more, she capped off her famed Bunny Love the usual way, with a loving hip thrust, her ass smacking him in the face as the biggest heart yet appeared between them.

He slumped limp to the canvas as he landed, and the crowd was speechless for a few moments… but as she landed and smiled brightly, they all came unglued, roaring at what an incredible sequence they’d just witnessed!

Alice grabbed Karbon by the ankles and dragged him to the middle of the ring before hooking his leg for a cover. The PA voice rang out, “One! ...Two! ...Thr-!”

At the very last second… Alice pulled him up off the canvas, effectively forcing him to kickout. She stared into his woozy eyes, giggling as she noted, “Heh, sorry… I just couldn’t finish you off quite yet. Atleast, not until I could show you… my beastial side…”

She grabbed him by the hair and forced him to his feet again, before backing him up into the ropes. Alice proceeded to tie his arms up betwixt them, leaving him trapped, leaned against them. The beautiful asskicker eyed him up and down like a hungry animal, as though the gears were turning about how she would next attack him. A wide smirk forming, she instead came in and kissed him, her tongue fiercely thrusting down his throat. 

Alice moaned sensually as she got deep into the kiss, and Karbon found it impossible not to get caught in the moment himself from the sudden burst of passion. Their tongues intertwined fiercely, and his eyes shut tightly as he tried to forget the situation he was in… but then he came to notice, the tongue in his mouth suddenly felt… different, as though it’d changed in size and shape. He also heard the crowd reacting in shock for some reason. 

Curious, he opened his eyes… to see a bright red pair of eyes looking back at him. There was no other way to put it; a giant, bipedal rabbit was making out with him now. Fluffy white fur as far as the eye could see, seemingly wearing nothing other than the jacket Alice was in. Slowly her tongue removed itself from his mouth, and he saw her fading back to human form as she licked her lips. “Mmm… you drive me feral~”

“What… the fuck… are you…?” Karbon asked, aghast.

Gradually she moved back in, and transformed once more. The cuddly white rabbit jabbed her tongue into the side of his neck and took her time, savoring every moment as she licked all the way up the side of his face. He gasped from the surge of ecstasy, but struggled as much as he could, freaked out in addition to every other feeling she’d instilled in him at that point.

“Mmm… don’t be afraid.” the rabbit girl commented, her large paw cupping his cheek. “Everyone gets used to it with time… hmhmhm...”

She simply wrapped her arms around his waist, her soft, furry body pressing into his exposed torso, taking a moment to rest her chin on his shoulder. He got an overwhelming sense of her scent from this and could actually see it now rather than just picturing it, the meadow seemed to be forming around them as a steady stream of hearts poured out of her, and seemed to trail into him… her every little twitch causing another surge of aroma.

“St-stop… stop feeling so… comfortable…” Karbon groaned, reluctantly acknowledging how nice it felt. He didn’t WANT to be caught in her allure, but there wasn’t any escaping it.

“Mmm… okay. How about I get comfortable instead…?” she whispered, her tone becoming intensely seductive as her horniness seemed to be mounting. Without any more warning than that, she turned around and hopped up into the air, landing assfirst on his face. 

The back of his neck hung painfully against the top rope as her full weight forced his head down. Though hidden now by a deep layer of fluffy white fur, she was bearing down enough that he could still feel the shape of her ass beneath it… he was internally screaming as it hit him that he was attracted to this bunny girl now. As she adjusted, her little white tail pressed up against his nose. With a playful little twitch, it gently smacked the bridge of it and tickled the tip.

After spending a bit more time rubbing it in so to speak, she hopped down to the canvas and pulled Karbon out from the ropes. Forcing him once more to the center of the ring, she took a step back merely so she could cartwheel her way back to him. For the second time she began her famed Bunny Love combo, but this time he got to experience it with an actual bunny. His battered body was put to new peaks of pain as to his dismay, she was even stronger in this form. Her hip attack finisher was shockingly forceful, as her ass actually knocked him right out, he was unconscious long before he hit the mat.

Alice hopped around the ring a bit in celebration before again sitting on his face. She bounced up and down relentlessly smashing him with her backside. This jarred him awake, and the miserable man now had no hope left to cling onto; he wished that this were merely a nightmare, but he awoke to find yet more rabbit ass atop him.

The increasingly wild woman began to change forms over and over, though Karbon could only tell through how her bare ass felt on his face. When she stood up in human form, he saw that she was actually sopping wet… just in case there was any doubt how much she loved his humiliation. Moaning aggressively, she dragged him over to a corner and leaned his head against the bottom turnbuckle.

Running at full speed, she backed herself into the opposite corner and eyed him like a piece of meat. Well, no… perhaps more like a big, dangling carrot. Either way, she got up a big head of steam as she ran his way, again swapping back and forth over and over during her stride. She pounced ferociously, leaping forward and thrusting her pussy into his face. 

Repeatedly she slammed her crotch into his head, grunting animalistically, her hand/paw pounding the middle turnbuckle as she worked. In traditional wrestling terms this move was known as the Greco-Roman Bronco Buster. No matter what you call it, she was loving it, proceeding on in this fashion for several minutes.

She squeezed her thighs together around Karbon’s head, refusing to let up on the poor guy as her woman/bunnyhood was unrelentingly grinding against his face. Her head whipped back, the lust just pouring off of her, her groaning intensifying. “Ohhhh Karbon… y-you thought… being made to cum… was embarrassing...” she howled. “What do you… think of… of… th-THIIISSS?!”

An enormous heart formed around her entire body, the transformations reaching a rapid pace as she came… all over Karbon’s face. He could feel it and smell it, the unmistakable scent of sex. The carnal aroma of sins of the flesh… and every one of the stunned audience members could definitely tell from her body language what happened as well, she seemed to make certain of that. Alice staggered back to look down at the thoroughly defeated and humiliated man who just muttered, “Please… kill me...”

She giggled at that. “What… and lose my new favorite toy? Hmhm… you’d best to learn to love your shame as much as I love seeing it… I bet I’m the only girl who’ll ever want to touch you now. My sweet, sweet Karbon…❤”



Karbon won't comeback from this humiliation and the bunny transformation i didn't see coming.