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I usually try to post stuff at reasonable hours, but I just have to mention this while it's fresh... with that last pledge, received just minutes ago, this page has now exceeded $100 a month! That's a wonderful milestone, definitely not bad after just four months of operation if I do say so myself! (Technically five, but I consider Valentine's Day 2018 to be the real earnest start of this endeavor...)

I'm of course greatly appreciative to anyone who wants to support me, but to you first 23 adapters, I want to give special thanks. Y'all gave me a shot when I didn't really have much to show, or much in the way of name value. I'm still hardly any sort of 'name' in this scene but that's besides the point~

Something I've been thinking about for a while was posting some polls, just to get consensus on favored kinks and such. I'm thinking I'm going to do those within the next week. One would be centered around what we've seen so far, the other would be asking about kinks that I haven't really written about yet. Thinking one might come before the next story and the other after, sounds right to me. Just to get a better sense of what people are looking for. 

In general, I'm always looking for input, to see how I can make this bigger and better for my fellow pervs~! I've given thought about making more goals, maybe stuff that's closer to where we are, so we can climb to $1000 in more manageable increments... if there's anything you'd like to see from me that could work for that, by all means let me know about it.

Just to drift something out there... how much would it mean to y'all to have paperback editions of certain stories? I can definitely make that happen thanks to Amazon Kindle. And it's certainly within the realm of possibility for me to send them to people for free, atleast I believe so... I'll look into that, but how does it sound on paper?

Once again I really appreciate every last one of you, thank you all for your support. Today will make Day 150 of writing 1000 words a day, and you guys make it entirely worth the effort~


Neostar Productions

You've made some of the best femdom stories I've ever read! I look forward to reading more of your work and making commissions in the future! :D


I didn't read femdom stories until you did UFG - Sierra's Fun and i was hook. Since January the stories on tumber page <a href="https://femdom-fanatics.tumblr.com" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://femdom-fanatics.tumblr.com</a> and here are very nice,not to mention the commissions you did me are pure gold! I would love to get a paperback edition of Warrior of the Female Dominion - Sheena or whatever you do on Amazon. Looking forward to the polls,July's stories and whenever the next Boko877 exclusive story is and take a day to rest because you earn it.