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  • Commissioned by Paterbernhard

Kim Possible, for those not in the know - and this most certainly is on a need-to-know-basis - is a high school student who happens to double as a secret agent. With her fiery auburn hair, intense green eyes, black croptrop and cargo pants, she’s proven to be a lot, and I mean a lot more capable in a fight than her petite figure would suggest. 

I can tell you that with full authority because I was there, watching on the monitor through security cameras as she made her way through our base. I was growing progressively nervous by the room, all I could do was watch as she made short work out of my allies, some of them I’d call friends…

She sprang with tremendous athleticism; apparently she gained that primarily through cheerleader practice… it showed, as she blasted my fellow minions with backflip kicks, splits kicks, handspring assaults... basically she just danced all over them. The headscissor takedown was particularly brutal, she just squeezed poor Gus between her thighs until he passed out. It was sad to see that happen to Gus. Good ‘ol Gus… 

Of course she tended to take her job seriously enough, for her age anyway, but today she was particularly ruthless and unforgiving. Wasn’t hard to figure out why, after all we had her assistant and I wanna say boyfriend, Ron Stoppable bound and gagged, trapped inside a glass case. Well I say ‘we’, but it was our boss alone that went and did that.

Dr. Drakken… an evil genius who she’d foiled plenty of times before, but of course he was certain this plan would succeed, just as he always was. To be fair it made some sense, he intended to indoctrinate Ron and turn him evil in the hopes that she wouldn’t be able to bring herself to hurt him, and therefore her defeat would be inevitable.

Still, it was disheartening to see so many of his other cronies fall effortlessly to her, and terrifying to think I could be next. So I turned to him and said, “Um, boss, we’re losing men at an alarming rate here.”

He didn’t even turn to look at me, focused on his captive, who he constantly sprayed with odd toxins. “Oh, that’s fine, we’ll always have more.”

“Nice...“ I sighed.

Couldn’t believe he’d treat us grunts like mere grunts. To be so callous at our pain, even with Gus! Shame to see that happen to Gus…

I looked back to the screens… and bolted up from my chair when I noticed she’d defeated our guardian mech when I wasn’t paying attention. Wow, she was scary today. “Uh, sir?! She’s going to be in this room in approximately eight seconds!”

“Hah! Good thing I tuned this escape pod to launch in seven!” he boasted, before pulling a lever that encapsulated both himself and his captive in a large glass case. The floor below them lifted up revealing that it was, in fact… well, an escape pod. They launched up into the air and crashed through the glass window in the ceiling. 

Kim rushed through the door just in time to see them flying off, Drakken cackling madly as he made off with his hostage. 

“SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHhhhoot!” she cursed, cupping her hands to yell out, “You’re not getting away from me!”

Drakken called down, his voice trailing off, “What do you call thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiissss?!”

Naturally the various henchman in the room all leaped at the chance to be the ones to take her down, swarming her. Meanwhile, I bravely went to the floor and hid under the security desk, which despite it’s name, felt like it was providing minimal security to me. Maybe that had to do with the screams of my friends and accomplices as they found themselves hurled around the room. A few papers were sent scattering near me after a colleague was sent through a nearby desk. Those papers made it really hard to pretend I was somewhere else. I didn’t like those papers at all.

Before long, the howling and bangings ceased, everything in the room went quiet. It’s true what they say, it isn’t the screams that haunt you... it’s the silence. 

“Where is he?” said the pissed off growling in my ear.

You know what I miss? The silence! The silence was awesome!

I was grabbed by the back of my collar and pulled out from beneath the desk, forced to look our intruder in the eye. That emerald green usually looked so nice and inviting, a lush, forest, full of vibrant peace and adventure in equal measure. Now it was more like the kind of glowing radioactivity that you’d just, yannow, kinda steer clear of when you pass by because you’re but a simple evil henchman and it’s above your pay grade to deal with that.

“I said, where is he?!” Kim shouted, not seeming in the mood for idle chit-chat.

“Wh-where is who? I can direct you to a lot of people around here...” I asked, playing dumb. Not sure why I thought it was an apt time to do that, I guess I wasn’t really playing…

“Your boss and the boy he just stole!” she hollered. “This was the last base we had scoped out… I’m sure he’s got another one somewhere, tell me! Or else...”

Kim glanced around the room and my eyes followed. That place was a mess, shattered, smoking, fizzling equipment and shattered, smoking, fizzling bodies… not a pretty sight. Nervously I turned to her and gave her my most innocent smile. 

“N-Now look, I… I uh, I know you wouldn’t hit a guy with glasses, so-”

She proceeded to hit me… a bunch. Punch after punch after punch after leather gloved punch assaulted my face, though the sneaky one to the gut was what really hurt my feelings. Also my gut, it hurt it a lot. An uppercut to the jaw and she let me fall to the ground. 

Somehow I just knew that was a bad day to wear contacts…

As I lay there groaning, she stepped up and stomped my face to the ground, yelling out, “You’re the last one left conscious here in case you didn’t know! You don’t have any help coming, and I don’t have anyone else to interrogate. So I’d suggest you talk before I have to get mean, mkay?”

“Oh heaven forbid…” I replied, trying to choke back a lung. “But that’s too bad, I’m not talking! I, Justin Yielding, will NOT budge! So you can do whatever you want to me! ...Just please do it gently, I don’t like pain. My tolerance is very low.”

Rolling her eyes at that, she promptly got down on the ground and wrapped her legs around my waist in a body scissor, and I got to feel just how strong those legs actually. “Auuuugggh, huh, all those knockout kicks I just saw make a lot of sense now, aaauuuugugghh!!” I cried out, smacking the floor in my torment. On reflection the floor didn’t deserve my ire at all, but I didn’t care in that moment.

She yelled, “Talk or this gets worse!”

“I can talk! I can talk all day! Just not about that, is all!” I forced out an explanation. “Nggh, please stop crushing my ribs!”

“Stop ribbing my crush!” she replied. “...That made more sense in my head, but TELL ME WHERE HE IS ANYWAY!”

Kim really latched it on, almost to the point where I didn’t feel like making snappy comebacks. Even in those baggy pants of hers I was starting to make out how toned and muscular those legs were… how did she get them like that with the life she leads? Maybe I should say no the next time I’m asked to kidnap a cheerleader.

She pushed herself off the ground, getting more leverage with which to destroy my midsection with. Was never a fan of leverage, always seemed to have one over on me. 

“St-stooop...” I pleaded. “You don’t understand, he’ll… kill me if I talk...”

Kim snapped back, “And what makes you think I won’t?!” before reeling it in. “...Well, no, I probably wouldn’t do that. But I, uh… I’ll make you WISH you were dead! That’s scary, right?”

My eyes wided, I shrieked, “It’s terrifying!”

“Right, that then.”

With that threat perfectly delivered I started to struggle, trying to find any way I could to pry her legs away but they were far too strong for me. She was strong enough to rip apart a mech and I wasn’t even one of those, so it made sense I guess. Still there’s something demoralizing about being so much weaker than a high school girl… can’t put my finger on it, but somehow it made me feel less manly. 

“Still no…?” she asked and I nodded. “Oh so it’s a yes now?”

“Yes, it’s a no...” I meekly replied.

“Dammit, now I’m angry AND confused!” she spat, releasing me and standing. “Maybe the problem is you don’t like your ribs enough. Maybe you care more about your HEAD!”

As she shouted that, she leapt on my face, her crotch straddling my nose. Not that I was thinking much about that or anything, who said I was?! She leaned down on her side and placed my head into a tight scissors, a headscissors as some might call it. Like a bodyscissors, but with the head, y’see… 

I was ensnared in her thighs. For a brief moment there they were relaxed though, and I got to feel how soft they were, it actually felt nice having my head rest against one… until they clamped down on me like a vice and threatening to crush my skull. If that happened it’d just ruin my whole day, so I wasn’t happy, kicking my legs, doing everything I could to get out of there. Which, was mostly just kicking my legs which didn’t do a lot, but I tried my best dammit!

Those thigh earmuffs closed me off to the whole world, all went black, I could barely even hear the loop of “Two Princes” playing on the Zune of one of my fallen friends. That was really the worst thing that was happening to me in that moment, but having my brain smashed between this girl’s legs would definitely be a strong second.

“Come on, I know you value your head… talk before you lose it!” she yelled.

Fumbling around on the floor, I found one of those papers that had been scattered. I felt this was a good time to put my grudge against these documents aside, as I pulled a pen from my chest pocket and swiftly scribbled down some words on the paper before showing it to her. Kim grabbed it and read it.

‘Hard to talk when my mouth is being smothered.’

“Oh… yeah, duh, that was silly. Sorry, let me fix that.” she replied, before releasing me… only to clamp right back down on my throat instead. 

Gagging uncontrollably, I coughed up, “Not much better!”

To that she merely came down harder, those steely legs choking the life right out of me. She even went so far as to cross her legs into the shape of a four, reaching over and grabbing her shin to pull it down even tighter on me. You’d think we were enemies, the way she was treating me. But I had the last laugh… I could’ve just written down where he took him, she didn’t have to adjust herself at all! Hah! Who was helpless on the floor being choked out NOW?!

Wait, I was utterly helpless on the floor being choked out… I had to do something! So I called out, “O-Okay… I’ll tell you! I’ll talk!”

Instantly she let me go and waited with her arms crossed as I rolled around on the floor trying not to die, as you do. After a few moments of this, I pulled myself to my feet and took a step or two back. I scanned the room a bit as I informed her, “Alright… alright, uh, your friend was taken… to… taken to um...”

After a lengthy spot check I happened to notice, in the body of water that was right next to us this whole time was a submarine, conveniently directly behind me. 

I finished my sentence, “Hewastakenfarawayfromthissubyoushouldgotherebye!” and hastily hopped into the open hatch which automatically closed and sealed shut. Before Kim could even react it was off into the water, submerging as a submarine is wont to do. 

“Hey! Are you seriously that wimpy?!” she called out to me. 

“Wimpy like a fox!” I boasted. “Hahahahah, victory for Justin Yielding!”

I gleefully watched her through the periscope, getting a close-up look at her dismayed face. Now that I wasn’t in immediate danger, it was funny seeing her look that pissed! Why she was so mad, she took off her shirt and threw it down in a fit of rage! And then… calmly, patiently took off her shoes, socks and gloves, finally just straight hopping out of her pants.

Now just down to her matching red bra and panties, she proceeded to swandive into the ambiguous body of water my sub was inhabiting. “Hah, ridiculous… you think you can catch up to me by swimming?” I balked.

Undeterred, she performed a perfect breast stroke… mmm… uh, the swimming technique, and picked up an incredible pace as she sunk deeper into the water, not stopping until she was right up on the sub’s tail. Aghast, I blanky muttered, “Oh wow you caught up to me by swimming...”

That next moment, she’d ripped through the bottom hatch of the sub - all good subs have hatches on either side - and the soaking wet Kim came through the floor looking like the most vengeful mermaid of all the seven seas. 

“I-Impossible!” I declared.

“Close enough...” she muttered.

Water swiftly began flooding in along with her as she climbed up to her feet. She… really looked magnificent like that from close up, her toned, taut body just dripping wet.

Dripping with rage…

I yelped as she rushed towards me, “Nonono, please, c-can’t you take a joke?! I was just kidding, really!”

Kim went up right up to me, pressing her body against mine as she pushed me onto the control panel and up against the windshield. Oooh, she felt good like that, but her eyes glaring through my soul felt a little, well, less so. As the water came up to ours knees, her hand slowly reached out, I was certain she was about to drown me…

But then it went down and grabbed the lever that happened to be situated between my legs, thrusting it up until it pushed against my groin. Kim did not break eye contact, as the sub she was riding started to rise. Meanwhile the sub she was riding up against started to falter…

I stuttered. “I-I-I-I’m really sorry, and very scared, and super confused as to how you know how to steer this thing and-” 

“If you’re not telling me where my partner is, I don’t want to hear another word from you.” she growled at me. “Tell me where Ron is. Please. And. Thank you!”

Frightened as I was, I still wasn’t quite ‘Sell out the guy who does things like kidnap people’s love interests and turn them into mind puppets’ frightened, so I simply clammed up. Though, it was a bit hard not to shout out in pain when she started slapping me silly… and then thrust me against the windshield. Er, uh... watershield? The window at the front of the sub. 

I was tearing up from the situation I was in, utterly defeated as I really had no good way out of this, especially now that I was entirely trapped against a corner. Er, uh… window. My head bowed down, I instinctively muttered, “I need a hug...”

Kim wrapped her arms around me, her chest pressing against mine, her chin leaning on my shoulder. I cooed, “Aww! That’s very sweet of yoooOOOUUUUUU!“

Without warning she lifted me up like that and then dropped me into the water, which was currently deep enough to swim in. At about that time, the sub had emerged from the randomly placed lake, basically cutting off how much was getting in. Just as soon as I thrust my head out of the water, Kim jumped onto me, pinning me against the floor of the little mobile pool we’d just accidentally invented.

Huh. Solid invention... 

Anyway I tangled with her and we wrestled around on the floor, which is to say she wrestled me down whilst I flailed weakly against this non-consensual bath. As she had me mounted… mmm… she grabbed me by the hair, pulled me from the not-very-deep, and thrust me right back under. Oh God, now she was drowning me! Atleast I thought so but she just repeated this over and over, to the extent of it being extremely disorienting. 

“Tell me what I need to know or so help me you will drink absurd amounts of water!” she yelled, as she went on dunking me continually.

“I!” dunk, “Can’t!” dunk, “Talk!” dunk, “If!” dunk, “I!” dunk, “drown!” dunk.

Kim pulled me from the water, grabbing me up by the collar, before tossing me against the wall. Slammed backfirst, I ended up sitting on a… like a bench or something, whatever would be there, I wasn’t lucid enough to be sure where I was okay?!

“Nonono, stay back!” I shouted as she came up closer. I thrust my hands and feet out to try and push her back, but she simply smacked my limbs away and grabbed me by the shoulders, pinning me tightly against the wall. She was knelt down enough for me to have a perfect view down her wonderful cleavage and her face was right next to mine and I really wished she wasn’t so damn pretty and, and…

“How many times do you need to be told… just tell me what you know!” she demanded. 

“Leave me be, beautiful demon!!” I shrieked.

She replied to that with a roundhouse kick, her bare foot smacking into my face. Before her leg even landed on the floor, she sent it right back, the kick slamming into my opposite cheek. 

Kim just stood there, slapping me silly with her foot. Finishing with a front kick to my nose, she left her foot where it landed. She proceeded to grind her heel into my face, forcing me to take it… to feel it and… to smell it…

Kim squeezed my nose betwixt her toes as she continued on, “School’s out for the weekend, I can torture you like this all day! I mean I’d rather not because this is actually really urgent I want to save him as quickly as possible, but in theory I can do this all day!”

She actually shook my head back and forth, holding onto my nose like this. And I had to say, her foot felt… really lovely. So soft, dainty yet obviously powerful and furious, they even smelled nice to me. Who the hell had nice smelling feet?!

My attacker let go, only so she could leap up onto the bench or whatever the hell herself, towering over me as her feet lay at either side of my hips. From here, she simply stomped onto my face, again pressing her foot deep into me, this time able to administer a lot more pressure from that position. She leaned into it, gas pedaling me as the kids say. The balls of her feet pressed against my cheeks, and as she twisted it further into me, her heel brushed against my lips. Not much, just enough for me… get the smallest little taste…

And I liked it. I liked it a lot. 

I wasn’t familiar with feelings like this… I mean I’m the lackey of a mad scientist. Love and affection are frowned upon in this establishment. And as for uh, more crass endeavors, well we’ve been on strict orders to stay PG for the longest, for reasons I can’t quite explain. That was getting a bit harder now though, as this really fucking sexy babe was wrecking my shit.

But needless to say I wasn’t sure of what to do with emotions like this, it really just added to my turmoil. As if fate were playing a joke on me, standing on one foot on this really wet surface was proving to be a poor idea as she lost her footing, tripping up and falling on top of me. Simultaneously, her tits landed right in my face just as her knee landed right in my balls.

Were her sweet soft pillowy bosoms not muffling it, my scream would’ve been heard around the world. She leaped off me, aghast. “Oooh, I didn’t mean to do that… s-sorry. Seriously, I wouldn’t do that on purpose… I actually once made a vow never to go low, after an errant kick in kung fu class led to a ruptured-”

Hearing this, I cut her off with another horrified scream.

“Uhhh anyway! Here, let me help you...” she offered. Well, she didn’t really offer me anything at all, she just grabbed me, hoisted me onto her shoulder, opened the top hatch and tossed me clear out of the sub and into the water.

I found myself greatly questioning her definition of the word ‘help’...

Moments later she was swimming right next to me, taking me to shore and sitting me down. She sidled past the death laser to reach into the freezer, pulling out a bag of ice. “Here, have this for your… uh… have this.”

I hid my groin when I saw what she was doing. “Oh, no no, that’s alright, I think I’m good, oh Christ the pain, my existence is pain, I’m fiiiine...”

“Now now, nothing to be ashamed of here.” she remarked, as she pried my hands away and went to put the icebag on my groin… but she stopped when she noticed the huge, and I’m talking like huge, like seriously enormous here, trust me I wouldn’t exaggerate this, staggeringly massive erection that was shown off frustratingly well in those spandex pants of mine. Kim looked up and glared at me. “...You should be ashamed of yourself.”

“Now hold on, I can explain-”

“Please do. What part of you getting beaten up like this did you find hot?” she asked, her arms crossed. “You got a thing for being drowned? ‘Cause I’m not even sure there’s a name for that one...”

“Of course not!” I replied, defensively. “For your information, it happened while you were working your foot into my face! So there!” 

She just stared at me, looking no less upset for some reason.I continued on, “Plus… I mean, well…”

I gestured towards her figure… she looked down to see her scantily-clad, dripping wet body. “Oh… yeah, guess I wasn’t considering that. Ugh, well either way, that really took me out of this. So I’m uh, out of this. See you never.”

Kim turned to walk off towards the door, leaving me perplexed in addition to just straight-up leaving me. 

“Hold on, you’re giving up on finding your friend?” I asked.

“Of course not. But if you’re enjoying this, then it’s not much of an interrogation!” she explained without looking back. “I’d be better off searching for him the old fashioned way. So you win! You didn’t yield...”

Just minutes ago that would’ve been a triumph for me. But seeing her walk off like that… seeing how sad she was, and also how nice her ass looked, and feeling how throbbing my dick was, well… 

I took a deep breath, stood up straight and readied myself for this. I just knew then, the time had come for the ultimate change of heart. Finally, this nogoodnik was going to do good. Finally, I was about to do the right thing. 

Proud welling up inside my chest, I cried out, “Wait! I need to tell you…!”

Kim whirled around in a heartbeat, a smile on her face and a dazzle in her eyes as she looked at me expectantly.

I went down to my knees and desperately shouted, “I need to feel your feet against me again! Please?!”

She slumped, utterly disappointed. I guess she was thinking I’d tell her something else, not sure what, honestly. 

“Dude, really? This is weird. Like, really weird.” she explained. “I mean it’s cool to be into whatever you’re into, I’m flattered you want it, I guess? But I really don’t wanna be part of it, I-”

“You don’t understand! I mean you can’t because I don’t even understand… but the moment sorry touched me, I… I’ve never felt more alive!” I explained. “It’s way beyond a want, I desperately need it, I’d do anything for just one more little taste...”

“Th-that’s great… really. But that’s totally… not… hm...” she trailed off. She proceeded to waltz over, step past the Evil Launcher 3000 and take a seat in the Evil Lawn Chair 3000. Crossing her toned, powerful legs, watching her own cute little feet bob up and down, she repeated, “Anything, huh…?”

I crawled over on my knees in a heartbeat, to try and get closer. “Yes, absolutely! I’d beg and plead and give you whatever you want, just give me a little bit of time with them!”

“Well, you already know what I want, genius.” Kim coolly answered. “Just tell me where that secret base is and they’re yours...”

Somehow this shocked me. I really wasn’t in my right mind back then is all I can tell you, but this entirely took me off-guard. “N-No I… I mean, I’d love to but… but he… it’s just that… nnngh, so lovely...”

My mind was awash. And it got worse when she lifted her foot up and put it right near my face, wriggling her toes before me. I tried to grab for her foot and stick those toes in my mouth but she took it away just in time to deny me that.

“Nuh-uh-uh… give me what I want first.” Kim demanded. 

Time and again I tried to lung for them, but she kept them just out of reach. It was like I was her pet and this was simply her way of playing with me. But I never could catch that damn red dot from her laser pointer, it always ran free of my grasp right at the very last possible second… it confounded me so.

“I… I… I...” I… I… I stuttered… Kim smirked confidently as she just waved that foot in my face. I could alllmost taste it again… 

“...Okay.” I conceded. “Okay! Okay, I-I can’t take this anymore, if it’ll get me those feet… his base is… it’s…!”

She leaned in, listening intently.

“...Actually it’s just across the street from us.” I explained, pointing out the window. On the other side of the road, there was a building that was an exact duplicate of the one we were in. There was an enormous, escape-pod-Drakken-left-in-shaped hole in the roof of it. I contemplatively put my hand to my chin, “Atleast I think that’s where they went...”

Kim stared blankly, her mouth agape for a few moments before conceding, “W-Well… uh, a deal’s a deal. We’re… doing this now, I guess...”

Without more warning than that, she leapt forward from the vile Evil Lawn Chair 3000 and slammed her foot right in my face, taking me flat onto my back as she stomped me into the floor. She grinded the balls of her feet deeply right between my eyes and I sighed in content as finally, all was right in the world. Finally, all was right in the world… who knew my place all along was under a woman’s foot? ...A woman other than Shego, at that! 

As I gazed up the bottom of her arched foot, I couldn’t help myself… I flit my tongue out and gave it a little lick. “Mmm… mmmmm!” I moaned.

Kim gasped. “Whoa! Th-that… felt nicer than I’d care to admit. Uh, considering that, forget you heard that.”

She didn’t have to worry, I was far too lost in my own little world to hear or notice anything. Don’t let the fact that I’m relaying her dialogue to you anyway throw you off, I definitely, definitely wasn’t listening.

I could’ve stayed like that for hours, just enjoying every second of her gentle trample. But as she continually glanced out of the window, it was clear how nervous she was. “Uh… I really, really need to hurry this along. Hope you don’t mind… actually, no, I’m pretty sure there’s no way you’ll mind...”

To speed this process up, she put all her weight down my face, much to my delight, so that she could lift her other bare foot off the ground. Slowly but surely that foot found it’s natural home, right there in my crotch. 

I moaned sharply against her foot as her opposite heel found itself sliding down my solid bulge. She seemed a bit hesitant at first, but seeing my reaction gave her a bit of confidence. So she went further, pressing the bottom of her foot deep against the underside of my thinly-covered cock, pressing it down onto my belly. 

Her big toe and index toe (yes it’s called that) wrapped around my shaft and went steadily up and down it, all the while her other foot washed across nose time and again until I’d forgotten every other scent. Her freakishly sweet-smelling feet, that was the one and only scent I needed…

Growing further impatient, she sped up, her foot’s caress rapidly making it’s way repeatedly across my length, sliding across the very tip, a gentle squeeze to my head. She leaned back, and put just enough weight down to press tightly against my member… Kim was rocking back and forth, her tits swaying slightly in that lovely red bra…

“Come on, come on, come on…” she muttered under her breath, speeding up further, my groans of ecstasy reaching a fever pitch.

Her timing reached this beautiful apex where the friction on my dick caused a groan so deep, my mouth was wipe open, and as her other foot washed over my face again, she found herself slipping. Half of her foot went right down into my mouth, pressing against my tongue. She struggled to stay upright, taking a few seconds to properly plant herself again, in the process lightly stomping my cock over and over… as I gave a powerful suck to her foot, I found myself forced into a massive, overwhelming orgasm. 

It was… really, really obvious, I’ll just say. That spandex did nothing to hide me cumming in my pants. Kim just sheepishly stepped away, thankfully having a bit of trouble getting her foot out of my mouth. I just lay there, utterly spent, an enormous smile on my face. “Th-thank you...”

“No big.” she muttered, blushing madly as she ran off, not even wanting to take the time to get dressed, leaving me there with my afterglow.

Staring up at the ceiling, I knew there would be grave consequences for this. But I didn’t care, it was worth every moment of that. Because that day I learned a valuable lesson. Love, friendship, honor, integrity, honesty, loyalty… money, power, respect, fear, world domination...

None of that was worth a damn compared to a foot in your mouth.

For so long, I’d been taught to crave only the fruits of success. To never, ever swallow the bitter pill of failure. I was always led to think there was nothing worse than the taste of defeat. But on that day, I realized how wrong that was. On that day I knew, that my new favorite flavor, nay, my new addiction was that very taste. Air, water, food, fuck no all I needed was the sweet, delicious taste… of da feet.

And on that… I will now and forever, be just. Un. Yielding.



I like this pure comedy approach it fun to read. I'll have to put in a commission for one.