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*(This message will be free in case people of the ultimate level cannot see the patreon posts dedicated to patrons)

The ultimate level of the account has already been withdrawn, according to what I checked in the patreon options, the contributions of the patrons of a withdrawn level are placed at the cost of the previous level, even if they are not at that level.... so it seems that On February 1st, Patreon will charge you the champion level fee without being champion.

I ask you to let me know if this is different (that they charge you the cost of the ultimate level without being active), in addition to denying the payment if possible, or if you want to continue supporting, pass your contribution to the next level (champion).

Likewise, if it is your decision, you can withdraw your donation contribution for the time that the ultimate level will be active, I just ask you to keep in touch here on patreon (if possible) or on Deviantart for any announcement, and for receive your pending benefits.

Any comment, doubt or advice can send me a message and I will answer it as soon as possible.




*(este mensaje estara de forma libre por si las personas del nivel ultimate no pueden ver los post de patreon dedicado a los mecenas)

ya se ha retirado el nivel ultimate de la cuenta, segun revise en las opciones de patreon las apotaciones de los mecenas de un nivel retirado son puestos bajo el costo del nivel anterior, aunque no esten en dicho nivel.... siendo asi parece que el dia primero de febrero patreon les cobrara la cuota del nivel champion sin serlo.

Les pido que me avisen si esto es distinto (que les cobren el costo del nivel ultimate sin estar activo), ademas de negar el pago si es posible o o si desean seguir apoyando, pasen su aportacion al nivel siguiente (champion).

asi mismo, si es su desicion, pueden retirar el aporte de su donacion por el tiempo que el nivel ultimate estara activo, solo les pido que se mantengan en contacto aqui en patreon (si es posible) o por Deviantart por cualquier anuncio, y para recibir sus beneficios pendientes.

Cualquier comentario, duda o consejo pueden mandarme un mensaje y lo respondere lo mas pronto posible.




I can confirm it charges $10 even though the tier is gone.


Thanks for the warning... but could the payment be refused? because I see that it already appears that I collect contributions for the same amount... I will check the collection, but could you tell me how to request payments, or are they charged automatically?