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Greetings my dear patreons.... nwn

As I had already commented before, I will pause the ultimate level of my patreon for one or two months, to have time to deliver the pending benefits. Since I don't know the function or the mechanics of pausing on patreon, if it somehow affects communication with people on patreon (which I've seen doesn't happen), you can contact me through deviantart where I will respond as soon as possible.

Likewise, if you want to continue supporting and watching the exclusive content of patreon, you can reduce your contribution to the lower levels, and later when I resume the ultimate level I will try to do everything possible so that they recover their place within the level (so I ask you to be aware of the messages on patreon).

Any questions or comments can be left in the comments of this post.

I hope this goes well, because although I've been on the platform for a while, I really don't know much about how it works... if anyone has more experience with it and can give me some advice, I would also appreciate it.

Anyway... that would be everything for now... the dynamic sketches will be published in the following days... nwn b



Saludos mis estimados patreons.... nwn

Como ya habia comentado con anterioridad, pausare el nivel ultimate de mi patreon por uno o dos meses, para tener tiempo de entregar los beneficios pendientes. Ya que desconzco la funcion o la mecanica de la pausa en patreon, si de alguna forma afecta la comunicacion con la gente en patreon (que segun he visto no pasa), pueden comunicarse conmigo a traves de deviantart donde respondere tan pronto me sea posible.

Asi mismo, si desean seguir apoyando y mirando el contenido exclusivo de patreon, puden reducir su aportacion a los niveles inferiores, y ya posteriormente al reanudar el nivel ultimate tratare de hacer lo posible para que recuperen su lugar dentro del nivel (por lo que les pido esten al pendientes los mensajes en patreon).

cualquier duda o comentario puden dejarlo en los comentarios de este post.

Espero esto salga bien, ya que aunque ya llevo tiempo en la plataforma, realmente desconozco mucho de su funcionamiento... si alguien tiene mas experiencia con ello y puede aportarme algun consejo, tambien lo agradeceria.

en fin... por ahora seria todo.... los sketches de la dinamica se estaran publicando en los siguientes dias... nwn b




Fine with me. Better to finish what you have, then keep adding more to your work load. That's only going to stress you out.

