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"Bro where is your lightsaber" He lost it at the end of the last movie when he encountered Darth Vader. Dropped it into a gas planet. He built a second lightsaber in between films and how he did that is a bigger question.


Yoda and the Jedi Order represent the extremist light side of the force. The Emperor and the Sith represent the extremist dark side of the force. By the end of this film Luke and Anakin/Vader are on the Grey side of the force.


Stormtroopers aren't clones. The Republic used clones but The Empire didn't even though the clones were created as a tool to create endless civil war by The Emperor then Supreme Chancellor Palpitine.


If you had seen episode 1 you would understand how cool Leia driving the speeder is. Jedi Instincts. NOW THIS IS PODRACING!

Ruben VL

If the numbers are not there it's obviously up to you. There are outright haters of all the new stuff. I'm not in awe of all the movies myself, but i don't hate them either. There is definitely some amazing stuff as well. Things I really liked was some arcs of the clone wars series, the finale is amazing, Andor, Rebels and Mandalorian. Rogue one most people like and the Andor series is really good. (season 1 has recently been done, s2 and last season probably next year). Those 2 go together. If you want to watch Mandalorian it is my opinion you should go the whole way for the full experience. There is a decent amount of lore and returning characters in and from the clone wars series. Ahsoka series will release soon and has tie ins to all of those shows including Rebels (4 season animated series, which I like as well). Personally I would like you to watch it, even if I'm sure you will be critical of some of it. I don't know you enough to say if it will interest you enough. I'm a newer member. An idea that I could throw up to account for the less viewings. is to make it patreon only as a reward for patreon subscribers. Another channel did this and made a lower tier for people who want to watch the edited versions but can't commit the full price.


Idk how Leia has any memories of her mother but she did hear about her when she was ten years old. maybe she is conflating that description with actual memory. Vader cant feel Leia because he doesn't know she exists, he isn't looking for her.




George Lucas himself says that Anakin is the main character of all 6 movies.


I have watched this movie 100 times and never noticed the lightsaber not cutting the railing. As soon as you paused it I was like “hold up”


Also, I am a HUGE Star Wars fan, but I’m also a you fan. I would love to see future Star Wars reactions from you. You bring a whole new perspective on the series, and it’s very interesting to watch it. Either way, I’ll here here watching. Cheers 🤙


They took children from their families because they were force sensitive. ARE YOU KIDDING ME!


you clearly aren't analyzing Star Wars at an academic level.

Soul Fist

episodes 7 8 and 9 takes place a few decades later. i personally enjoy episode 7 and have problems with episode 8. i however thank episode 9 is terrible. however i will say its at least watching to form your own opinion. same with episode 1. seeing anakin's childhood is something you need to add more context to his character.


would love to see you react to more SW movies. There are a few shows that are worth checking out also.


I wish you’d do episode one, you’re missing out on one of the greatest pieces of musical compositions in cinematic history as well as world building and some cool action sequences

Mr. Lamb

If you never reacted to episodes 7 through 9 that's fine with me; I'd like to see it but I wouldn't fault your Star Wars journey ending here. That said, I'd go back and peep Episode 1. It's... not good, but it was the chronological start to this Skywalker tale, and it's a true "Seen it once, never again" film

David Nettles

The celibacy requirement isn’t that surprising really. The Jedi Order is a type of monk (that fact is even in the name “Order”) and vows of celibacy are fairly normal for that… culture? I hesitate on the word but don’t have a better one.