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Hello guys!

Today a thunderstorm left me several hours without electricity so I couldn't record episode 6. I'll try to do it tonight if not, it'll be up tomorrow the latest. 

My apologies.


Shawn Leaf

Think about all the times Hodoor saved Bran... whether just dragging him away from danger, to when Bran jumped into his mind.... Bran had to of been in that memory, to cause the seizure, that led to Hodoor .... if he didn't have him, he would of died a long time ago. That is the burden of the three eye raven.. to see all, know all, and let bad things happen so that the good can prevail longer down the road... About the little finger bit.. I'm pretty sure Sansa didn't want Jon to know about him bc he would of used him for his army, and she wants nothing to do with him. To have to rely on him is something she refuses to do

Shawn Leaf

Gotta ask, was this the first time you wrote the Hand pin? I haven't noticed it before today. Also, where did you get it?

David Melo

The way I see things with Hodor is like a type of temporal short circuit. In the past while in the vision, Bran connected through past Hodor to present day Hodor. At that moment he created a short circuit linking Hodor's past a future selves. And just like any short circuit, it pretty much fried his brain.


I'm going to write a letter. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!


Yes, it is the first time. My wife gave it to me and she said: I name you hand of the queen.


The Children of the Forest creating the White walkers is similar to how Reese created the Replicators in SG1. Okay its not 1 to 1 but still. I had to find a way to bring up SG1.

Kyle Komperda

Loving the pin my Guy!

Andrew Clifton

RIP gentle giant. Some heros wear capes, others just hold the door. In this world time is basically pre-destined. Everything is connected basically. The past can't be changed so technically neither can the future. I think the children of the Forrest girl was trying to get them to build up in one area while she super charged that thing. Buy I get your point at the same time. Also, that D cut scene is so wrong lol.

Jay Owin

I think the old guy let things happen the way they did because that is the way they always have been and must be. Hodor would not be hodor if things did not end that way and surely bran would have not gotten that far without hodor. As for the others... They have lived a long time and most likely felt the chains of fate as well and were bound by them.

Mike MIchelsen

Bro... That fucking Hand pin. Made me giggle. I'm in a legal state, so that helped. But it's been a rough day, and you know, sometimes it's the small things.

Mike MIchelsen

SIDEBAR: on the whole time bendy thing... Had the old man not kept them as long as he did, Bran would not have been both in the past, and warged into Hodor at the same time. Hodor in the past experienced his own death through bran, and it broke his brain. And all he could say ever after, was the last thing he ever heard... So paradox time, had the old Three-eyed raven not kept them exactly as long as he did. No Hodor. No Hodor, no one to hold the door... Ugh, makes my brain hurt.


11:00 No one knows the truth about Ned Stark. He is the villain. Thousands of small folk heard him say that he betrayed Robert and plotted to take the throne. And then he died. So of course this is how the story is portrayed. The victors tell the story. The sad part is that Arya didn’t know that Sansa married Tyrion. She doesn’t know anything that happened after she left. This is how she is getting her “daily News.” 😬