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Ian O’Brien

Why did you skip from episode 5 to episode 2????


lmao and I though the "1,2,3,4,5,6" people were crazy, but 5 to 2, what a madlad. Star Wars series goes 4,5,6, 1,2,3 7,8,9

Scott Asher

Should have continued in release order. The movies are 3 separate trilogies. The machete order was made up by a dude with way too much time on his hands and a hatred for episode 1.

Matt Rumsey

Hmmm, whoever's requested it this way is wrong.

Mike MIchelsen

Dude... What..? Out of order? Return or the Jedi, then episode 1... THEN this. Did you watch them out of order? Can't do this one with you bro, makes my OCD act up. Gives me anxiety and shit. Whomp whomp whomp. Besides with Machete order you miss episode 1... Which has so much silliness, I get it. but also one of the greatest lightsaber fights of the entire series. Star wars is not perfect, and to try and fuzz up the order is the same as redoing the FX. The silliness is part of the fun. I'll be back for GoT


You could maybe convince me that 4,5,1,2,3,6 makes sense, but I don't understand how 2 could possibly work for a new viewer without 1 for context.

Dakotah M

I can understand watching Star Wars by release order instead of 1-6, but this is just a weird experience. Episode 1 also has a lot of back story that is important for episode 2. If I remember correctly, Yoda's master talked like that and out of respect he had decided to speak like his master for the rest of his life. In Episode 5 Darth Vader reveal's to Luke to be his Father, Anakin Skywalker and Vader are the same person. The stormtroopers in 4,5&6 are not clones, they are regular human recruits. The Queen title on her planet is an elected position that is term limited. Yoda is able to use the force to make him self more acrobatic temporarily, when a force user uses the force it is like a recharge battery, it slowly gets weaker as you use it however, you can let it rest and recharge it in order to have it back at full capacity.

D Montano

Dude, now you're just trolling us.


I'll watch this after you react to the original episode 6 or episode 1. No hate, I'm just certain this would frustrate the hell out of me.


Also, please don't post this to YouTube yet. They'll be merciless in the comments, I'm sure


This is madness. Is this really how you're doing this?


this is crazier than that stupid mystery history bullshit they have you watching on youtube.

Kamil Siuda

Out of order? Really? You've done fucked up with this one.

Molly McAllister

"VIOLATING this..." He said he can sense what's going on in the other room, made no mention of telepathy or mind-reading, a form of clairvoyance being implied. As Obi Wan and later Yoda would reiterate, 'The Force' is a universal energy that surrounds and permeates all things and is strengthened by life. There are no limits to what 'The Force' can do, only limitations on the one attempting to wield it. Remember. "DO, or do not. There is no 'Try'."

Dustin Puhalski

Damn. Idk if I wanna watch this 1 yet. Definitely needed episode 1 first. 456,123,789 Was the perfect order to do.

Hugobertram Wasenloge

Who the fuck told you this was a good idea bro? Never ever listen to that guy again!!

Molly McAllister

"Don't understand neurotypical dating." Well here's the thing, that's NOT 'neurotypical dating'. The fandom has kinda calmed down with time but the Prequels got a LOT of flack for stuff like this when they were new. An inevitable result of George Lucas trying to make the Prequel Trilogy completely in-house without outside backers being that he was kinda behind the 8-ball the whole time trying to get the current film out and making money at the box office so he could fund the next film and keep Lucasfilm from going bankrupt. So it was like... "Right, I've got the plot-outline done, now to find the perfect writer." "Dammit, no time, gotta write it myself. Then find the perfect director." "Dammit, no time, gotta direct it myself... oh no, I wrote this with an entirely different director in mind, can't be helped now."

Molly McAllister

The Empire uses Stormtroopers, the Republic uses Clones. If you see a connection, I'm afraid that's spoilers.

Molly McAllister

"This looks super-familiar to where Luke was from." It's Tatooine, Luke is from Tatooine, Anakin is from Tatooine, it's the same planet. (filmed in Tunisia IIRC, the sets are still there)


I blame Andrew Clifton for these shenanigans. He hasn't commented yet and he's the one with a star wars character as his profile pic 🤔

Molly McAllister

Yoda didn't throw that heavy weight on the ground, he moved it enough that he could drop it safely after doing all those front and back flips. Again, The Force has no limits. Force Users have limits, (go back and you can see Yoda is quite drained after saving Obi Wan and Anakin) And I know you were in Spain in the 90's or something, but the Machete Order was designed by someone who took for granted at least some prior knowledge on the audience. When these movies were new EVERYBODY in North America knew the connection between Anakin and Luke. Now I'm not sure if It'd be better to just hold that as a spoiler or not, someone watching the Prequel trilogy without Getting that connection is I think unprecedented and now I'm curious what that'd look like when you figure it out on your own.

Brandon Tracy-Hurst

Whoever told you to skip 6 and 1 hates you lol

Silmoheru Rosaslie

I feel a disturbance in the force.... episode 6 and 1 are missing!!!


The machete order is more for rewatching, not really optimal for the first time watching😅 I'm afraid you have missed out on some context if nothing else🙂 Though I suppose that is a debatable subject🤣

Brandon Tracy-Hurst

The reason Yoda can fight but walks with a cane is he uses the force to channel extra energy and strength

Andrew Clifton

Oh no. I've been away a few days and see this lol. Sorry brother but this is a sin. Episode 6 should have been next. Then episodes 1,2 and 3. If I were you I would watch episode 6 next, then episode 1, then you might need to watch episode 2 again in your own time so the story fits then watch episode 3. It happens I suppose but shame on whoever recommended this order.

Stephen ODaniel

The issue with machete order is that you miss out on the context that (for whatever its faults) is present in Episode 1. Enjoyed this though, as always.

Andrew Clifton

Bro I don't even know what to do lol. Like I can't even watch this bc I already know there's going to be so much unwarranted confusion due to doing it in the wrong order lol. I'm a bit compulsive with this stuff and my brain won't allow me to enjoy this until I've watched him watch episode 6 then episode 1 lol.

Nick Chevalier

I refuse to watch this until the rest of Star Wars is respected correctly.

Jake Martin

I appreciate the change up, honestly. You're a clever guy. You'll piece it together no problem


i have lost interest now that you're watching these out of order... i can't do it i'm out, sorry! Nothing personal. i hope you enjoy the series. i'm really enjoying your GoT reactions and can't wait for the next video!


TAKE THIS COMMENT SERIOUSLY: You don't have to watch Episode 1, just react to the music video, "The Saga Begins" by Weird Al.

Andrew Clifton

I beleive it was a simple mistake made by someone who has never watched star wars. He was following one of those weird watch orders made for folks who have seen all the movies. Give the man a chance.

Andrew Clifton

Yea I think he just made a mistake in the watch order he was following. It's one designed for people who have already seen all the movies. I beleive he will do episode 6 next then go to episode 1. It sucks but it is what it is.


im really sorry you got caught up in the star wars fans arguing about watch order, its really not a big deal whether or not you watch episodes 1-3 or episodes 4-6 first but skipping between the 2 trilogies or starting halfway into a trilogy really kills the narrative momentum. Though I hope you can still enjoy all the films regardless of this.


Padame's ship throughout the film, the J-Type Nubian starship used a T-14 hyperdrive generator which is rated at Class 1.8, almost as fast as a military grade starship. The hyperdrives are powered by sending hypermatter particles through it to power the ship while preserving the vessel's mass and energy profile. In order to achieve lightspeed a hyperdrive motivator is required. I am unable to find out how to get hypermatter particles lol but that's how the ship is powered. Also, you'll find that The Force is the definition of "suspension of disbelief", if you think about the force too much the whole series falls apart. Lucas knew how to write but not so much fill in the plot holes, hah.

Andrew Clifton

Yea I've heard of it and get it for those that are already deep into SW but for 1st time this is insane.


Nxt week??? Screw that watch episode 3 today. Less chance of any spoilers. Seriously do episode 3 nxt. Hope ur having a tremendous day. Enjoy it.... thoroughly

Shawn Leaf

I seen a fan theory that kind of makes Ani and Padme's whirl wind courtship make more sense.. He was in love with her since a cold and when they finally get back around each other, Ani is so strong in the force, he kind of Jedi Mind tricks her without knowing. He desires her so much that instinctively his flirting is placed with mind tricks and suggestions... Not Canon, but deff makes sense


Great reaction. I am a big fan of the prequel trilogy (episodes 1,2,3). I would definitely recommend just watching them in the normal order.


Queen is an elected position on Naboo. They have short term limits. Padme was appointed senator by the new Queen.


woah woah woah woah. while you are correct about the lighsabers lighting the environment around them you are dead wrong about them not caring enough to do it. In the 1977 movie they initially used a spinning rod with reflective tape on it that would reflect colored light back into the camera to make it glow. but that was too complex so they ended up rotoscoping it for most of the original trilogy. in the prequels they used cgi. and in the modern shows they use actual glowing sabers that cast light onto the actors/set. they cared enough to do it but the technology just didn't exist yet. Also keep in mind that the sabers had to be strong enough to actually duel with. Thats why in the prequels they just used metal rods and made them glow with cgi.

john trulock

The best way to watch star wars is the way george lucas wanted us to watch they thats 1 thought 6 it is the best way for first time watchers


Technically, you can watch in whichever order you feel you wish. But, please, please, go back and watch Phantom Menace. You missed so much information that you had questions on. They answer many of your questions there. I always advise people new to any series not to skip any of it, even if later you never want to see specific episodes again. You will at least get the information from it.

Justin Inbegriff

how im showing it to my daughter who is first time watching is 4, 5, 1, 2, 3, rogue one, 6 treating the prequels as a flashback after vader declares that he is lukes father because then the prequels wont spoil that reveal and rogue one gives weight to everything that leads up to 6 vader isnt just some villian he is the one who committed a kind of genocide and was feared by EVERYONE in the galaxy. i'll prob throw in obi wan series after 6 just so she gets the backstory for the duel in ep 4 as well

Matthew Langley

Your immediate disgust is both hilarious and completely appropriate.

Andrew Clifton

Ok I'm giving these a go now lol. As I suspected you were thoroughly confused throughout due to not watching episode 1 first but it's all good. About 90% of things not making sense we're from that. I'm sire there was some confusion in episode 3 as well. I won't explain much since you will be watching episode 1 soon. I will just explain how the force works. The force requires energy that comes from microscopic organisms called midichlorians. They reside in all living things. The more of them you have the stronger you are with the force. The more powerful the move you use the more energy it takes so isn't unlimited use. Anakin, Luke, Yoda and a few others have very high midichlorian counts so they are extremely naturally powerful. Most Jedi are far less powerful and can only use the force here and there. Now I will explain the difference in Jedi and those who use the dark side like the Sith. Jedi are taught to control their emotions and not to use negative ones to increase their power like hate, anger etc. The Sith embrace using those negative feelings to become more powerful faster. They have abilities Jedi don't like the Sith lightning. Jedi can become that powerful but it's rare. Yoda is bc his midichlorian count is so high and he's around 900 years old. He uses the force when he fights to propel his own body like he does. It isn't sustainable though bc as I said using the force requires energy so when he's not using it he needs the cane. I hope this helps bro. I'm watch episode 3 reaction tomorrow.

Mr Kitty

Interesting reaction. I've never seen anyone view the movies in this order. - On a side note, look on youtube for 'real lightsaber' and you'll find some very good attempts.