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Lonna Neil

So excited to watch, this is one of my son and I go to movie at least every six months❤❤❤. Can't wait to see how you like it, but its almost 12:00 and I need some shut eyes. Will watch in morning...enjoy. Love all of your reactions.

Jake Martin

I've always felt the same way about those old timey powdered wigs! Even now, barristers wear them in England. Probably wear them other places, too. Cause it's so dignified or symbolic of authority maybe? I don't know, but they sure as hell don't inspire confidence in my book 😆 also- I fell asleep, but now that I'm awake, I think that pool-like game Mozart is playing is called Snooker.

David Melo

Great movie, great reaction. The events with Salieri were not historically accurate but made for great dramatization.

Slimsycentaur37 (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-20 19:08:57 Lmao Are you trying to say women that out typically fashion models/supermodels are less well-endowed? I think that's what you're referencing since they seem to be hired more on purely facial beauty
2023-04-23 18:36:50


I love how the man's laugh at the end was the same as Mozart's


Yes and no. Super models need extreme symmetry to work. Proportionate bodies and faces using the golden ratio is the standard rule. Of course there are exceptions.