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Hello guys, 

I read all your comments and I don't know if I completely ruined the saga but definitely a majority of people are not happy with the order I decided to follow.

My idea was to watch it in release order but a lot of people said I wasn't understanding the story and suggested this order to help fill up the gaps. The supposed order to watch was: 4,5,2,3,1(or disregard 1 completely),6,7,8,9, rogue one. 

How could I fix it for you guys?


Silmoheru Rosaslie

I know i will not watch untill 6 and 1 have been reacted to

Zach Greenleaf

Considering that the poll is basically split 50/50 I’d say either go to Ep. 1 next or follow what most ppl who want you to return to the release order have said here. The ppl who voted for you to just continue as is clearly don’t care at all what order you watch in and if you follow their desire you’ll continue to upset everyone else. In other words, I vote for a return to the status quo watch order. Love your reactions my dude!


You gotta watch 1. I mean the hacksaw order or whatever is fine if its 45,123,6 for a first time viewer.


Id say watch it however you want, but in reality it was released in a certain order so why change that order, it doesnt really change the story, just at what time you realize certain things. 1-3 is really about understanding how we got to 4-6.


All of us Elder Folks somehow survived watching 4,5,6,1,2,3. I think the original release order was fine. Having questions isn't problematic. In fact having the questions without the backstory is half of the fun.


Watch them in any order you choose. It's like a choose your own adventure book!

Nate Terry

You haven't been listening to master Yoda lol? "Jedi use the force for knowledge and defense, never attack." They are very "monk-ish." You, mrlboyd, would definitely be a SITH using the force to move houses out of your path lol! I recommend you listen to Yoda in further dialogue if you want to understand jedi/SITH ideology.


Episode 1 isn't that bad and it has some amazing music and key world building. You're doing yourself a disservice by not watching it.

Soul Fist

123 happens before 456 but the oriental original trilogy is released first for a reason. You're supposed to have questions. Like who is darth vader? How did he get this way.

Justin Inbegriff

episode one is disliked because old star wars nerds wanted the space opera epic that the old trilogy was and didnt get it. they got something a little more modernized without bastardizing the entire premise that they claim it did, it did a good job of fleshing out the universe and giving backstory that makes everything tie together a little better. episode one was my first star wars and first movie i saw in theaters so im a little biased too, but i collectively love the series. episode 1 had some less strong moments but at the same time it had some hard hitters. also definitely watch rogue one, the first half feels a little slow (kinda like an rpg video game building the scene) but it kicks off real quick

Kevin Murphy

I feel you completely ruined it with this machete thing you did and i was so excitedwhen you said you were going to watch it. I can't even watch these reactions. That was the most ILLOGICAL decision ever made