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Its funny he used that boat as a trailer for at least 4 years. Why didn't he ever just take one from home depot or some place that might likely have one?


I think the Strawberries is how Joel got his revolver. just my theory.

Convulsion Gaming

Yes finally back on the last of us such a great show this episode was amazing. Can't wait to see ur reaction to the rest of the season. They kinda go into detail as to why they chose to do this episode like this in the behind the episode at the end of the episode. They wanted to expand on bill amd Frank's story bcause in the game u only find letters and clues about frank and they wanted a way to show the timespan over the 20 years after the outbreak and since they didn't really get a ton of backstory on bill and frank they chose to follow them to show another side of the pandemic. For yhe most part they lived in peace didn't have to deal with a ton of raiders or infected being isolated like they were so they were able to grow old together as opposed to what we seen at the qz in the first episode where people r being hung in the streets and starving. And them going out together and him leaving the note saying frank was his purpose is what Joel needs to hear at that moment that he has a job to do and that he has a purpose and he hast to keep goin.

John Carrera

The reaction to this episode was mixed. There were people who were offput by the digression from the game. But I think the majority reaction was that this was one of the strongest episodes of television, of any show, in a long time. I've never played the game (always had Xbox instead of PS), so I watched this from a different perspective than you. For me, this is what adaptations are all about. Taking pieces of the source material, and expanding upon them in interesting/beautiful ways. I thought the acting in this episode was all time great. The short story of Bill and Frank was mesmerizing. I loved every moment of it. But I'm also a sucker for a great love story.

Guy from the 80's

This could have been a standalone movie. I don’t remember Bill from the game as I played it years ago. But this episode was really something. Proper television.

D Montano

This isn't GoT.

Stephen ODaniel

Sundays sound good to me! Thanks as always for the great reaction.

Lonna Neil

Great reaction, as a non player of this game, its just fun learning the story everyone enjoyed so much.

Michael Sweeten

I sobbed for Bill, I never thought that would've happened. I loved this episodes btw expanding Bills character in a way that wasn't possible in an video game format. best episode so far imo as a game fan.

Susan B

Non-gamer here. Coming into this series without expectations, this episode is deeply moving. A perfectly written novella about loneliness, purpose and loss. On a separate note, I loved someone who died last year in pain and afraid after a months -long ugly illness, and the end for Frank and Bill seems like the end he should have had; the gift I couldn’t give him. Fly free, my dear friend.

Nick Kessler

I played the full game starting day 1. Long time fine. This episode is one of the worst episodes of television I have ever seen. Not because gay. Go ahead and call me whatever horrible things you want. It's horrible because it has a $30 budget removes lots of great interactions that are important in the game and replaces them with an alternate timeline that is a love story and not even a good version of one in my opinion. Linda rondstrandt!? really?? who's choice was that!? tea parties and strawberries. That's not the last of us. Thats The meh of us . Also get to see more of the retconned Ellie to fit the phsyche they want her to have in the last of us 2.