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Andrew Clifton

This should be interesting. RIP Zed.


bruh i stopped the video at "mayonnaise flavored ice cream" lmao


100% real. Sardines flavored ice cream, lentils casserole, cow and goat milk... They've crazy stuff in some stores. Rum/sweet wine and raisin flavored gelato is a good one though.

Guy from the 80's

Mayonnaise on fries sounds bad but it’s actually delicious if it’s real mayonnaise. Anyhow, pulp fiction is my favourite Quentin movie followed by Jackie Brown, Hateful Eight and Reservoir Dogs. Django and inglorious basterds are great too but suffers from some lazy writing at times.

Jake Martin

I remember reading a theory once that said Marsellus Wallace has a bandaid on the back of his neck because he struck a Faustian bargain with the devil to become wealthy, powerful, and feared as the biggest crime boss in LA. According to archaic demonology texts, one who sells their soul to devil would bear a mark on the back of the neck where the soul was supposedly extracted. In the movie, the audience may infer that the briefcase recovered by Jules and Vincent is most likely full of gold or other undisclosed shiny valuables. We never get to hear the details of exactly what's inside, but we observe that whatever it contains is mesmerizing and remarkably valuable. According to the theory, the case actually contains Marsellus' soul, stolen away from the devil himself by Brett and company who are supposedly the "devil's advocates". As further "proof," the combination to unlock the case is "666"; the so-called number of the beast. I think it's a cool theory, but that's all it is, unfortunately. And it certainly doesn't stand alone because theories surrounding the case are too numerous to list them all here. For instance, another theory states that the briefcase actually contains the diamonds from the heist that took place in Resevoir Dogs. The truth is that an innocent decision by the prop master to place an orange lightbulb inside the case for an added visual effect has led to endless speculation as to the contents of the case.


let the scenes marinate brotha with Quentin Tarantino movies. Also i think the time you save skipping opening music is probably added back to overall time savings when you pause and interject during movie. Sometime opening score and credits sets tone for movie like Terminator and this movie. Very proper reaction and cheers and regards to your healthy recovery

Guy from the 80's

Pulp Fiction was reallycontroversial when it came out. The racial slurs are a type of social commentary. Especially in the 90’s.

D Montano

In this one Travolta is the brother to Vic Vega from reservoir dogs.

Robert 'Jemimus' Kloosterhuis

I love how all over the foot massage debate you where, until I realized you where obsessing over the hygiene aspect of it.. I had to stop the vid cause I was laughing so hard. :D No its true, feet are discusting. But so can many other body parts you might want to interact with sexually. I don't give a foot massage or do many other things without a good shower beforehand. Your aversion to feet puts you quite at odds with Tarantino, hahaha. ;)

Robert 'Jemimus' Kloosterhuis

On the taxi ride, I don't even think it was greenscreen. I have never seen a behind the scenes of this, but I very much doubt Tarantino would have used green screen at all if he could. This was probably very classic 50's rear-projection. Just a screen behind the stationary taxy, with the footage projected onto it from the rear. Cheap, low quality, black and white, fake as hell. Very deliberate. Typical Tarantino style.

Robert 'Jemimus' Kloosterhuis

Drowning your fries in mayonnaise and hot peanut-butter sauce is the only way to eat fries. Sprinkle some onion bits on top.. hmm.. :) Dutch fries, best fries ;)


Mia said she was getting ready/out of the shower, but when she walks in her feet are super dirty (director loves feet), so clearly she was just doing drugs, or has the dirtiest floors ever lmao

Nick Chevalier

You should start selling a "bro, check your rectum" t-shirt.

David Melo

You and Tarantino have completely opposite opinions on feet.

Stephen ODaniel

Django is definitely a must watch. I also love The Hateful Eight.

Skyler Thomas

Really think you should continue in order and not jump to Django. Jackie Brown is wonderful and considered by many critics to be his best.

John Carrera

I'm sure you've inferred this by now, but Tarantino famously (or infamously) has a foot fetish. Hopefully Uma Thurman's feet don't ruin too many of his films for you, lol.


I've seen enough videos on the internet to know if you try to rob a restaurant there is very possibly going to be someone with a concealed carry and will shoot you 8 times in the back and once in the head.


I hate to break it to you but Quinten Tarantino and Feet go hand in foot or something. Either way homie likes feet. By the end of your Tarantino journey you will have seen more close ups of feet than you ever wanted to which I'm assuming is ZERO.


The racial vulgarity of Tarantino movies is a topic of discussion and controversy. He writes scripts where white guys say the n word a lot. but also... you have Django and Inglorious Basterds. I cant say its right or wrong but also its art so how can you measure it?


but he is arguably one of the greatest filmmakers of all time.


I always wanted to own a Suzuki Samurai but never have had the pleasure, I also love the Honda Civic Butch drives. Its a 1980, mine is a 1987 four wheel drive model and I just love it. Its as old as I am but it gets me to work no matter what the road conditions are.

Andrew Clifton

Excellent. Crazy ass movie forsure. Most of it speaks for itself. The only thing I will say is I share your disdain for feet lol. They make me sick to my stomach and so do foot fettush people lol. I hope you get to Django Unchained soon.

Guy from the 80's

He portrays certain environments where that type of talk is common. Quentin is holding up a mirror, and some people don’t like what they see.

Robert 'Jemimus' Kloosterhuis

I think this is the point indeed. Almost all his characters, in all his movies, are deplorable human beings. Even the anti-heroes or the ones we are made to feel some sympathy with. Of the top of my head, I can't actually think of any of his characters that are truly 'innocent' or 'pure' and of course that is the entire point. He likes exploring that gray, dark morality area. Anyway.. the kinds of characters he writes, seem to me to typically be the kinds of people that would indeed take the n-word into a sentence rather casually. Or be casually racist as just a matter of course. There are loads of people like that, that use that kind of language, without ever really having thought through what it is they are saying. Are those people all actually racist then? And if so.. to what degree?

Robert 'Jemimus' Kloosterhuis

Also, people sometimes confuse the characters, with the creator/writer of those characters. As if his character's values, are -his- values. Seeing interviews with Samuel L Jackson or Jamie Foxx , on working with Tarantino, are illuminating in this regard.

Mr. Lamb

Oof, if this is your reaction to feet off of just the first 15 minutes, you're gonna have a rough time with Tarantino flicks. Feet are his whole thing, ESPECIALLY Uma Thurmans.


Great reaction. Tarantino is my favorite director. Almost all his movies are amazing.

Super Powertrip

This is from march, so I don't even know if you'll see this message. In regards to why the divine would reach down for this sinner? That's up and down through the bible. Dude next to Jesus was a thief and was forgiven. Even one of the disciples was a roman tax collector, which might as well be the equivalent of a modern yakuza debt collector. The basic seed of the idea is that both men were offered a freak occurrence. One took it as a miracle, changed his ways and set upon a righteous path of redemption. We don't know how that turned out. Vincent Vega took that shit as a fluke, disregarded any introspection, and died on a toilet. Now in the real world that would be correlation and not causation. But this was written with an express flow and purpose. I'm certainly not saying Tarantino is a bible thumper, but he wanted this scene and the briefcase scene to be the major gears of the movie. Some have even speculated that the golden glow in the the briefcase was Marcellus' soul. The idea is out there he sold it to the devil and then somehow got it back, hence the lock number being 666.

Harold Ashworth

Don't know if you'll see this but here's some explanations. So the MC at the restaurant is supposed to be an Ed Sullivan impersonator. The reason that she snorted the substance is that in the drug culture of the time coke was transported in baggies and heroin was in balloons. So here being a coke fiend and seeing a baggy of powder she assumes it her old friend. And since on your music reviews you gone down the Neil Diamond rabbit hole. The song playing when she OD's was originally done by Neil Diamond you should check it out. That cover was done by the band Urge Overkill.